Nutrient and Chlorophyll Relations in Selected Streams of the New England Coastal Basins in Massachusetts and New Hampshire, June-September 2001

U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigation 03-4191

By Melissa L. Riskin1, Jeffrey R. Deacon1, Matthew L. Liebman2, and Keith W. Robinson1

1 U.S. Geological Survey

2 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency


Cover (232 KB pdf)




Purpose and Scope

Description of Study Area


Data-collection and Analysis

Sample Collection

Quality Assurance

Statistical Methods

Characterization of Nutrients and Chlorophyll



Application of Nutrient and Chlorophyll a Data to In-Stream Criteria Development by Water-Resources Managers

Summary and Conclusions

References Cited


Figure 1. Map showing sampling sites, site-identification numbers, and site types in the New England Coastal Basins study area in Massachusetts and New Hampshire

Figure 2. Graph showing total nitrogen concentrations among site types in the New England Coastal Basins study area

Figure 3. Graph showing total phosphorus concentrations among site types in the New England Coastal Basins study area

Figure 4. Graph showing chlorophyll a from periphyton samples among site types at the open-canopy locations in the New England Coastal Basins study area

Figure 5. Graph showing chlorophyll a from periphyton samples among site types at the closed-canopy locations in the New England Coastal Basins study area

Figure 6. Graph showing chlorophyll a from periphyton samples among site types at the six sites with open- and closed-canopy sampling locations in the New England Coastal Basins study area

Figure 7. Graph showing relation between total nitrogen and periphyton chlorophyll a concentrations for the six open-canopy sites sampled five times from June through September 2001 in the New England Coastal Basins study area in Massachusetts and New Hampshire

Figure 8. Graph showing relation between total phosphorus and periphyton chlorophyll a concentrations for the six open-canopy sites sampled five times from June through September 2001 in the New England Coastal Basins study area in Massachusetts and New Hampshire


Table 1. Selected characteristics for the study sites in the New England Coastal Basins study area in Massachusetts and New Hampshire

Table 2. Summary of selected nutrient and chlorophyll a concentrations (open- and closed-canopy sites) for the study site types in the New England Coastal Basins study area in Massachusetts and New Hampshire

Table 3. Percentile statistics of total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and periphyton chlorophyll a concentrations for the study sites in the New England Coastal Basins study area in Massachusetts and New Hampshire

Table 4. Summary of total nitrogen and total phosphorus concentrations for potential methods of nutrient criteria development in the Northeastern Coastal Zone in Massachusetts and New Hampshire

Complete text of report (784 KB PDF)


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