Georgia Water Science Center
This report is available online in pdf format (1.0 MB): USGS WRIR 93-4161 (
Melinda J. Chapman, Barbara J. Milby, and Michael F. Peck
U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 93-4161, 27 pages (Published 1993)
The current (1991) surface-water source of drinking-water supply for the city of Zebulon, Pike County, Georgia, no longer provides an adequate water supply and periodically does not meet water-quality standards. The hydrogeology of crystalline rocks in the Zebulon area was evaluated to assess the potential of ground-water resources as a supplement or alternative source of water to present surface-water supplies. As part of the ground-water resource evaluation, well location and construction data were compiled, a geologic map was constructed, and ground water was sampled and analyzed.
Three mappable geologic units delineated during this study provide a basic understanding of hydrogeologic settings in the Zebulon area. Rock types include a variety of aluminosilicate schists, granitic rocks, amphibolites/hornblende gneisses, and gondites. Several geologic features that may enhance ground-water availability were identified in the study area. These features include contacts between contrasting rock types, where a high degree of differential weathering has occurred, and well-developed structural features, such as foliation and jointing, are present. High-yielding wells (greater than 25 gallons per minute) and low-yielding wells (less than one gallon per minute) were located in all three geologic units in a variety of topographic settings. Well yields range from less than one gallon per minute to 250 gallons per minute. The variable total depths and wide ranges of casing depths of the high-yielding wells are indicative of variations in depths to water-bearing zones and regolith thicknesses, respectively. The depth of water-bearing zones is highly variable, even on alocal scale.
Analyses of ground-water samples indicate that the distribution of iron concentration is as variable as well yield in the study area and does not seem to be related to a particular rock type. Iron concentrations in ground-water samples range from 0.02 to 5.3 milligrams per liter. Both iron concentration and well yield varies substantially over a relatively small area.
Purpose and scope
Description of study area
Methods of investigation
Previous studies
Ground-water availability
Ground-water quality
Well and spring numbering system
Regional geology
Local geology
Unit A
Unit B
Unit C
Ground-water resources
Relation of geology to occurrence and availability of ground water
Unit A
Unit B
Unit C
Well yield
Ground-water sampling results
Factors affecting ground-water quality
Sources of potential contamination
Summary and conclusions
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