USGS small water banner

Description of Study Area

Topographic Setting
Geologic Setting
Ground-Water Level Fluctuations
Water Use


Flow-Duration Analysis
Streamflow-Gaging Stations
Low-Flow Partial-Record and Discontinued Streamflow-Gaging Stations
Factors Affecting Streamflow
Differences in Surface-Water and Ground-Water Drainage Boundaries
Surficial Deposits
Wetlands and Water Bodies
Ground-Water Withdrawals
Ground-Water Underflow

Ground-Water Recharge and Discharge


Characteristics of Surficial Deposits
References Cited

Appendix A
Table A1. Discharge measurements made and measurements used in analyses at low-flow
partial-record stations and discontinued streamflow-gaging stations in and near
Buzzards Bay Basin, southeastern Massachusetts, water years 1965-93 43

Appendix B
Table B1. Descriptions of locations for seismic-refraction survey lines conducted by the
U.S. Geological Survey in Buzzards Bay Basin, southeastern Massachusetts 49
Figure B1. Geohydrologic sections based on seismic-refraction surveys in
Buzzards Bay Basin, southeastern Massachusetts 50

Appendix C
Table C1. Descriptions of locations and water levels in test wells drilled by the U.S. Geological
Survey in Buzzards Bay Basin, southeastern Massachusetts, water year 1992
Table C2. Descriptions of lithology in test wells drilled by the U.S. Geological Survey in Buzzards
Bay Basin, southeastern Massachusetts

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