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1,2. Maps showing:

  1. Location of study area, and stratified-drift and till and bedrock deposits in Buzzards Bay Basin, southeastern Massachusetts
  2. Location of streamflow-gaging stations and observation wells in and near Buzzards Bay Basin, southeastern Massachusetts
  3. Hydrographs showing water-level fluctuations for selected observation wells in and near Buzzards Bay Basin, southeastern Massachusetts, 1957-92
  4. Map showing location of ground-water and surface-water sources used for public-water supplies in Buzzards Bay Basin, southeastern Massachusetts, 1992
  5. Graph showing flow-duration curves of daily mean discharge per square mile at six streamflow-gaging stations in southeastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island,water years 1967-91
  6. Map showing location of low-flow partial-record stations and discontinued streamflow-gaging stations in Buzzards Bay Basin, southeastern Massachusetts
  7. Graphs showing stream discharge per square mile equaled or exceeded 50, 70, 90, and 99 percent of the time in relation to percentage of basin underlain by stratified drift in southeastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island, water years 1967-91
  8. Map showing location of low-flow partial-record stations and public-supply wells along the Paskamanset River and selected tributaries, southeastern Massachusetts
  9. Graphs showing Paskamanset River streamflow by drainage area from stations 01105930 to 01105933 on September 18, 1991, and on July 28 and September 16, 1992
  10. Graphs showing flow-duration curves for stream discharge and ground-water discharge at six streamflow-gaging stations in southeastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island, water years 1967-91
  11. Map showing locations of areas of changes in saturated thickness of the stratified-drift deposits in Buzzards Bay Basin, southeastern Massachusetts


  1. Water use for municipalities in Buzzards Bay Basin, southeastern Massachusetts, 1986, 1991,and 1992
  2. Descriptions of streamflow-gaging stations in southeastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island used in flow-duration and ground-water recharge and discharge analysis
  3. Descriptions of low-flow partial-record stations and discontinued streamflow-gaging stations in Buzzards Bay Basin, southeastern Massachusetts for which stream discharge estimates are provided
  4. Summary of flow-duration analysis for low-flow partial-record stations and discontinued streamflow-gaging stations in Buzzards Bay Basin, southeastern Massachusetts, water years 1967-91
  5. Estimated stream discharge at selected flow durations for low-flow partial-record stations and discontinued streamflow-gaging stations in Buzzards Bay Basin, southeastern Massachusetts, water years 1967-91
  6. Estimated stream discharge per square mile at selected flow durations for low-flow partial-record stations and discontinued streamflow-gaging stations in Buzzards Bay Basin, southeastern Massachusetts, water years 1967-91
  7. Streamflow and well pumpage on the Paskamanset River, southeastern Massachusetts, and on selected tributaries to the Paskamanset River on September 18, 1991, and on July 28 and September 16, 1992
  8. Estimates of minimum, maximum, and mean ground-water recharge and discharge rates during water years 1967-91 at six streamflow-gaging stations in southeastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island derived from the computer programs RORA and HYSEP
  9. Streamflow, ground-water discharge, and ratio of ground-water discharge to streamflow at selected flow durations at six streamflow-gaging stations in southeastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island, water years 1967-91
  10. Estimated ground-water discharges at selected flow durations for low-flow partial-record stations and discontinued streamflow-gaging stations in Buzzards Bay Basin, southeastern Massachusetts, water years 1967-91
  11. Descriptions of locations for areas of changes in characteristics of surficial deposits in Buzzards Bay Basin, southeastern Massachusetts

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