Table 2. Nomenclature for hydrogeologic units of Nevada Test Site and vicinity

Equivalent previous units
(Winograd and Thordarson, 1975)
Valley-fill aquifer  Valley-fill aquifer1 Valley-fill aquifer 
Volcanic-rock aquifer Welded-tuff aquifer1  Welded-tuff aquifer 
Bedded-tuff aquifer
Lava-flow aquifer1 Lava-flow aquifer 
Volcanic confining unit Tuff confining unit1 Tuff aquitard 
Lava-flow aquitard 
N/R2 Granite1 Minor aquitard
N/R2 Upper carbonate-rock aquifer1 Upper carbonate-rock aquifer
Eleana confining unit  Eleana confining unit  Upper clastic aquitard
Carbonate-rock aquifer Lower carbonate-rock aquifer  Lower carbonate-rock aquifer
Basement confining unit Quartzite confining unit Lower clastic aquitard
1 Due to original lenticular or interlayed form of constituent rock bodies, or due to geometric modifications caused by faulting or folding, or both, these hydrogeologic units generally consist of more than one disconnected or partially connected aquifer or confining unit.
 2 N/R, no regional hydrogeologic unit is recognized because corresponding subregional units have limited areal extent and do not substantially effect regional ground-water flow.

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