Water-Quality Trends for Streams and Reservoirs in the Research Triangle Area of North Carolina, 1983-95

Table 1.--Summary of trend analysis data for streams in the Research Triangle area of North Carolina (Dates indicate the period of
trend analysis; white, insufficient data or data below detection limits; red, increasing trend; green, decreasing trend;
gray, no trend; *, step trend; **, uncorrected for discharge)

                                                                      Total  Total                       Total  Total
                                                               Or-    phos-  phos-                       sus-   sus-
                                                 Total         ganic  phorus phorus                      pended pended               Total
Station     Site                                 nitro- Ni-    nitro- 1983-  1988-  Phos-  Sodi-  Chlo-  sedi-  sol-   Total  Total  man-
  no.        no.          Station name           gen    trate  gen    95*    95     phate  um     ride   ment   ids    zinc   iron   ganese

                                                               NEUSE RIVER BASIN

02085000     26   Eno River at Hillsborough      90-95  90-95  90-95         90-95  90-95  89-95  89-95  90-95                90-95  90-95
02085070      9   Eno River near Durham          83-95  83-95  83-95  83-95  89-95                              82-95
02085079      8   Eno River near Weaver          83-95  83-95  83-95  83-95  89-95  89-95  89-95  89-95  83-95  89-95  83-95  89-95  89-95
0208521324   12   Little River nr Orange Factory 88-95  89-95  89-95         88-95  89-94  89-93  89-93  88-93  89-95                89-95
02085500     15   Flat River at Bahama           88-95  89-95  89-95         88-95  89-95  89-94  89-95  89-95                89-95  89-95
02086500     14   Flat River near Bahama         83-91  83-91  83-91  83-91  88-92  89-91                83-93                       89-95
02086624     10   Knap of Reeds Cr. nr Butner    83-95  83-95  83-95  83-95  89-95  90-95                       82-95  83-95
0208700780    6   Little Lick Cr. nr Oak Grove   83-95  83-95  83-95  83-95  89-95  90-95                       89-95  83-95
02086849      7   Ellerbe Creek nr Gorman        83-95  83-93  83-95  83-95  89-95                              82-89  83-95
02087183      1   Neuse River near Falls         83-95  83-95  83-95  83-95  89-95                              83-92
02087580     33   Swift Creek near Apex**        90-95  90-95  90-95         90-95         90-95  90-95  90-95                90-95  90-95
02087500     32A  Neuse River nr Clayton         81-95  81-95  81-95  81-95  89-95                              82-95
02087570     32   Neuse River at Smithfield      83-95  83-95  83-95  83-95  88-94  89-95  89-95  89-95  89-95  82-95         89-95  89-95

                                                                 CAPE FEAR RIVER BASIN

02096846     27   Cane Creek nr Orange Grove     89-95  89-95  89-95         89-95  89-95  89-95  89-95  89-95                89-95  89-95
02097464     29   Morgan Creek nr White Cross    89-95  89-95  89-95         89-95  89-95  89-95  89-95  89-95                89-95  89-95
02097521     17   Morgan Creek nr Farrington     83-95  83-94  83-94  83-94  89-94  90-94                       82-92
02097314     18   New Hope Creek nr Blands       83-95  83-95  83-95  83-95  88-95                              82-92  83-95
0209741955   19   Northeast Creek nr Genlee      83-95  83-95  83-95  83-95  89-95                                     83-95
02096960     24   Haw River nr Bynum             83-95  83-95  83-95  83-95  89-95  90-95                83-94  82-95  83-95  92-95
02098198     25   Haw River nr Moncure           83-95  83-95  83-95  83-95  88-94                              83-95
0210215985   31   Cape Fear River nr Brickhaven  89-95  89-95  89-95         89-95  89-95  89-95  89-95  89-95                89-95  89-95

ArrowReturn to Water-Quality Trends for Streams and Reservoirs in the Research Triangle Area of North Carolina, 1983-95

Last modified: Wed Jun 10 13:58:28 1998