Water-Quality Trends for Streams and Reservoirs in the Research Triangle Area of North Carolina, 1983-95

Table 2.--Summary of trend analysis data for lakes in the Research Triangle area of North Carolina
(Dates indicate the period of trend analysis; white, insufficient data or data below detection limits;
red, increasing trend; green, decreasing trend; gray, no trend; *, step trend)

                                                                          Total  Total         Total
                                                                   Or-    phos-  phos-  Chlo-  sus-
                                                     Total         ganic  phorus phorus ro-    pended        Total
 Station    Site                                     nitro- Ni-    nitro- 1983-  1989-  phyll  sol-   Total  man-
   no.       no.         Station name                gen    trate  gen    95*    95     a      ids    iron   ganese

                                                 NEUSE RIVER BASIN

02087182      2    Falls Lake near the dam           83-95  90-95  90-95  83-95  88-95  89-95  83-95  83-92  90-95
0208708905    3    Falls Lake at NC 98               83-95  90-95  90-95  83-95  88-95  89-95  83-95  83-95  90-95
0208703650    4    Falls Lake at NC 50               89-95  90-95  90-95         89-95  89-95  83-95  83-95  90-95
02086920      5    Falls Lake at I-85                83-95  90-95  90-95  83-95  88-95  89-95  83-95  83-95  90-95
0208524845   13    Little River Reservoir            89-95  89-95  89-95         89-95  89-95  89-95  89-95  89-95
02086490     16    Lake Michie                       89-95  89-95  89-95         89-95  89-95  89-95  89-95  89-95
02087701     34    Lake Benson                       89-95  90-95  90-95         90-95  90-95  90-95  90-95  90-95

                                             CAPE FEAR RIVER BASIN

0209684980   28    Cane Creek Reservoir              89-95  89-95  89-95         89-95  89-95  89-95  89-95  89-95
0209749990   30    University Lake                   89-95  89-95  89-95         89-95  89-95  89-95  89-95  89-95
0209771550   20    Jordan Lake at buoy 9             83-92                83-92  88-92         83-92  83-92
0209799150   21A   Jordan Lake at Cary/Apex intake   91-95  91-95  91-95         91-95  91-95  91-95  91-95
0209801100   22    Jordan Lake at Bell's Landing     91-95  91-95  91-95         91-95  91-95  91-95  91-95  91-95
0209719700   23    Jordan Lake, Haw River arm        91-95  91-95  91-95         91-95  89-95  89-95  91-95  91-95

ArrowReturn to Water-Quality Trends for Streams and Reservoirs in the Research Triangle Area of North Carolina, 1983-95

Last modified: Wed Jun 10 11:18:59 1998