Geohydrology of Monitoring Wells Drilled in Oasis Valley near Beatty, Nye County, Nevada, 1997

Water-Resources Investigations Report 98-4184
Version 1.1
November 2008

 By Armando R. Robledo, Philip L. Ryder, Joseph M. Fenelon, and Frederick L. Paillet


Boreholes in Oasis Valley were geophysically logged to define the lithology, stratigraphy, and geohydrologic characteristics of the rock units penetrated during drilling. Geophysical logs were run in an open-hole filled with drilling fluid if the hole was mud-rotary drilled or water if the hole was partly or totally drilled with an air hammer. The boreholes were allowed to equilibrate for at least 3 hours after drilling completion before logging started; deep boreholes (greater than 200 ft) were allowed to set for at least 12 hours. The types of geophysical logs collected and their applications are listed in table 3. A typical suite of logs for each borehole consisted of a caliper log, natural-gamma log, conductivity log, resistivity log, resistance log, and spontaneous-potential log. Additionally, some of the boreholes have the following logs: short- and long-normal resistivity, lateral resistivity, acoustic velocity, fluid temperature, fluid resistivity, fluid specific conductance, acoustic televiewer, and heat-pulse flowmeter. A borehole video log was run in well ER-OV-06a. The set of logs obtained from each borehole is presented in figures 6-16 in the supplementary data section. Logs of spontaneous potential in wells ER-OV-02, -03a, -06a, and -06a2 recorded interference from a poorly grounded generator and, therefore, are not shown.

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