Public Water-Supply Systems and Associated Water Use in Tennessee, 1995


1. Map showing major physiographic divisions, principal aquifers, and generalized geologic section in Tennessee

2. Map showing major rivers and reservoirs in Tennessee

3. Map showing major hydrologic regions and subregions and major river basins in Tennessee

4. Diagram depicting the grouping of the 530 public water-supply systems in Tennessee by source of supply

5. Maps showing the geographic distribution of withdrawal points by public water-supply systems in Tennessee in 1995

6. Graph showing ground-water withdrawals by public water-supply systems during 1995 by aquifer


1. Surface-water characteristics of hydrologic subregions and major river basins in Tennessee

2. Aquifer and well characteristics in Tennessee

3. Public water-supply systems by relative size of system and by population served in Tennessee in 1995

4. Public water-supply withdrawals by source, number of systems, and population served by hydrologic region

5. Public water-supply systems withdrawing 1 million gallons per day or more of ground water by hydrologic region in Tennessee in 1995


Supplement A. Public water-supply systems and associated water use in the Tennessee hydrologic region

Supplement B. Public water-supply systems and associated water use in the Ohio hydrologic region

Supplement C. Public water-supply systems and associated water use in the Lower Mississippi hydrologic region
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