Errata Sheet

U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 99–4190

February 22, 2002

Subsequent to publication of U.S. Water-Resources Investigations Report 99–4190, "Analysis of the Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in Colorado," errors were found in table 1 (p. 9), and table 3 (p. 39). Also, a summary of selected basin characteristics by region has been included in these errata.

· Table 1, page 9, the average standard errors of prediction were incorrect. They have been corrected.

· Table 3, page 31, the basin slope for station 09302450 has been revised to 0.197.

· Summary of selected basin characteristics: Drainage area and basin slope (maximum and minimum) for Mountain region, Plains region, Rio Grande region, Northwest region, and Southwest region.

We apologize for the inconvenience of these errata sheets.

A pdf of the errata sheet is available (114KB)

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