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WRIR 99-4079: Estimates of Ground-Water Discharge as Determined from Measurements of Evapotranspiration, Ash Meadows Area, Nye County, Nevada

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Table 13. Existing wells measured during study, Ash Meadows area, Nevada

Well name: Names listed in alphabetical order.

U.S. Geological Survey site identification number: A unique 15-digit number based on a latitude-longitude grid. The first six digits denote degrees, minutes, and seconds of latitude, the next seven digits denote degrees, minutes, and seconds of longitude, and the last two digits denote a unique sequence number within a 1-second grid of latitude and longitude.

Local site number: Alphanumeric identifier based on location of site within hydrographic areas and rectangular subdivisions of public lands.

Land-surface altitude: Datum is sea level. Altitudes are reported to nearest foot and were estimated from U.S. Geological Survey 1:24,000 topographic maps. Altitudes reported to nearest tenth of a foot obtained from leveling surveys.

Well depth: Datum is land surface. Well depths sounded by U.S. Geological Survey personnel or as reported in drilling logs provided to Nevada Division of Water Resources.

Top of open interval: Depth below land surface of uppermost well opening.

Bottom of open interval: Depth below land surface of lowermost well opening.

Type of open interval: P, perforated or slotted casing; X, open hole.

ET (evapotranspiration) unit: DGV, dense grassland vegetation; DMV, dense meadow vegetation; DWV, dense wetland vegetation; MBS moist bare soil; OWB, open-water body; SAV, submerged aquatic vegetation; SGV, sparse grassland vegetation; nd UCL, unclassified. See table 3 for more detailed description of ET units.

Contributing lithologic unit: Lithologic unit(s) present at interval yielding water to the well. Carb. rx., carbonate rock.

[Data sources for construction and location information include Dudley and Larson (1976), La Camera and Westenburg (1994), Hale and Westenburg (1995), La Camera and others (1996), Westenburg and La Camera (1996), La Camera and Locke (1997), and the Nevada Division of Water Resources drilling logs. Dash indicates no information or acts as placeholder.]

Well name U.S. Geological survey
site identification number
Latitude (degree, minutes, seconds) Longitude
(degrees, minutes, seconds)
Local site number Land- surface altitude
Well depth
Depth to open interval Type of open interval ET unit Contributing lithologic
Amargosa Flat Corral Well 362736116123201 362744 1161243 230 S17 E51 23BCB 1 2,328.3 25 -- -- -- UCL Valley fill
Buck Mining Hand Dug Well 362738116104701 362738 1161047 230 S17 E51 24ADDC2 2,365 19.4 0 19.4 X UCL Valley fill
Buck Mining Windmill Well 362740116112601 362738 1161049 230 S17 E51 24ADDC1 2,365 22 0 22 X UCL Valley fill
Devils Hole Well1 362529116171100 362530 1161715 230 S17 E50 36DDC 1 2,404.1 200 48 248 P UCL Valley fill
Five Springs Well 362755116190401 362755 1161904 230 S17 E50 23BBCA1 2,367.4 123 0
DGV Carb. rx.
Five Springs Shallow Well 362755116190402 362755 1161904 230 S17 E50 23BBCA2 2,367 90 0 90 P DGV Carb. rx.
Garners Well 362555116205301 362555 1162053 230 S17 E50 33CAAB1 2,157.0 202 140 180 P SGV Valley fill
GS-1 Well 362014116133901 362021 1161330 230 S18 E51 34CBD 1 2,430.3 1,580 1,549 1,559 S UCL Valley fill
GS-02 Deep 362113116160101 362103 1161600 230 S18 E51 30DDD 1 2,295 1,197 1,166 1,176 P UCL Valley fill
GS-02 Shallow 362113116160102 362103 1161600 230 S18 E51 30DDD 2 2,295 120 117 120 P UCL Valley fill
IMV Bentonite Mine Well 363157116221201 363153 1162216 230 S16 E50 29ACD 1 2,374 100 -- -- -- UCL Valley fill
IMV Borehole 362303116174502 362303 1161745 230 S18 E50 13CAC 2 2,220 15 0 15 X UCL Valley fill
Mercury Farms Well 362554116204001 362536 1162022 230 S17 E50 33DDD 1 2,178 100 60 120 P SGV Valley fill
Mine Shaft 362755116202001 362755 1162020 230 S17 E50 21AAD 1 2,257 57 0 57 X UCL Valley fill
MSH-C Deep Well 363008116161201 363008 1161612 230 S17 E51 06ADD 1 2,330 1,669.41 1,519.10 1,636.38 P UCL Valley fill
MSH-C Shallow Well 363008116161202 363008 1161612 230 S17 E51 06ADD 2 2,330 347 281 314 P UCL Valley fill
Peterson Well 362648116201401 362648 1162014 230 S17 E50 28DAA 1 2,215 450 90 450 P UCL Valley fill
Point of Rocks North Well 362432116165701 362432 1161657 230 S18 E51 07BBBB1 2,318.8 500 139 500 P UCL Valley fill
Point of Rocks South Well1 362417116163600 362420 1161637 230 S18 E51 07BDB 1 2,333.5 586 132
UCL Valley fill
Carb. rx.
Rogers Spring Well 362858116195301 362855 1161950 230 S17 E50 10CDD 1 2,265.9 202 100 240 P DGV Valley fill
Rogers Spring Well 2 362858116195302 362857 1161947 230 S17 E50 10DCC 1 2,267 332 40 332 P UCL Valley fill
Spring Meadows 1 362410116160901 362405 1161552 230 S18 E51 08CBB 1 2,321 395 155 395 P SGV Valley fill
Spring Meadows 2 362409116155601 362357 1161605 230 S18 E51 07DAC 1 2,308 415 0 415 P SGV Valley fill
Spring Meadows 3 362358116160101 362352 1161552 230 S18 E51 08CCB 1 2,308 780 10 780 P SGV Valley fill
Spring Meadows 4 362358116163301 362404 1161630 230 S18 E51 07CAA 1 2,304 500 100 500 P DGV Valley fill
Spring Meadows 6 362514116192001 362518 1161913 230 S18 E50 03AAD 1 2,205 516 -- -- -- DMV Valley fill
Spring Meadows 9 362425116181001 362434 1161811 230 S18 E50 11AAA 1 2,248 280 82 280 P UCL Valley fill
Spring Meadows 11 362521116160801 362521 1161608 230 S18 E51 06AAC 1 2,442 215 -- -- -- UCL Valley fill
Spring Meadows 12 362529116160501 362527 1161608 230 S18 E51 06AAB 1 2,433 265 -- -- -- UCL Valley fill
Spring Meadows 16 362408116154001 362405 1161545 230 S18 E51 08CBA 2 2,328 642 0 642 P SGV Valley fill
Spring Meadows 17 362406116154001 362405 1161539 230 S18 E51 08CBA 1 2,325 500 100 500 P SGV Valley fill
Trenary Well 362505116223001 362802 1162239 230 S17 E50 19AAB 1 2,185 100 15 100 P UCL Valley fill
White Well 363030116104501 363031 1161047 230 S17 E51 01AAAB1 2,403 135 60
UCL Valley fill

1 Well instrumented for continual data collection.