Environmental Setting and Water-Quality Issues in the Lower Tennessee River Basin

Table 1. Streamflow and baseflow estimates for selected streams in the lower Tennessee River Basin

[ID, identification number; mi2, square miles; ft3/s, cubic feet per second; in/yr, inches per year; C, Cretaceous sand aquifer; 
P, Pennsylvanian sandstone aquifer; M, Mississippian carbonate aquifer; O, Ordovician carbonate aquifer]

   Station name                  Princi-  Station    Drainage    Period of    Recession    Mean             Baseflow,          Ground-water
                                  pal        ID       area,       record        index   streamflow     range of estimatesa      dischargeb,
                                aquifer                mi2                             ft3/s   in/yr      in/yr  Percentage of     in/yr

Clarks River at Almo, Ky.          C     03610200       134       1983-95	 30	 180	 18.2	  3.7-4.8      20-26      --

Crow Creek at Bass, Ala.           P     03572110	131       1976-95	 21	 281	 29.2	 13.4-19.2     46-66      --

Town Creek near Geraldine, Ala.    P     03572900       141       1992-94	 33 	 336     32.4 	 13.3-17.8     41-55      --

Flint Creek near Falkville, Ala. M & P   03576500	 84       1993-96	 22	 142	 23.1    11.0-14.7     48-64      --

Sequatchie River near            M & P   03571000	402       1921-93        35 	 752	 25.4	 15.1-18.4     59-72       8.7
    Whitwell, Tenn.

Paint Rock River near            M & P   03574500	320       1936-96	 28	 689	 29.2	 12.1-15.2     41-52
    Woodville, Ala.

Shoal Creek at Iron City, Tenn.    M     03588500	348       1926-94	 63  	 653	 25.5	 14.9-16.8     58-66       9.2

Buffalo River near                 M     03604000	447       1921-97	 54	 768	 23.3	 14.2-16.2     61-70       8.7
    Flatwoods, Tenn.

Buffalo River below                M     03604400       702       1928-93	 55	 202	 23.3	 14.9-17.0     64-73       7.3
    Lobelville, Tenn.

Indian Creek near Madison, Ala.    M     03575830 	 49       1976-96   	 34	  70	 19.3	 10.9-12.8     56-66      --

Flint River near Chase, Ala.       M     03575000	342       1931-80	 48	 558	 22.2	 11.5-13.2     52-59      --

Big Nance Creek at Courtland, Ala. M     03586500	166       1989-97	 26 	 350	 28.7 	 10.9-13.9     38-48      --

Piney River at Vernon, Tenn.       M     03602500	193       1926-93	 55	 315 	 22.2	 14.8-17.2     67-77       5.0

West Flint Creek near              M     03577000	 88       1993-96	 20	 168	 26.1	 12.0-15.9     46-61      --
    Oakville, Ala.

Elk River at Prospect, Tenn.     M & O   03584600     1,805       1920-93	 40    3,090	 23.3	 11.5-14.5     49-62       4.1

Duck River above                 M & O   03603000     2,557       1926-93	 48    4,106	 21.8	 11.1-13.5     51-62       6.2
    Hurricane Mills, Tenn.

Carters Creek at Butler            O     03600088	 20       1987-97        30.1	  34	 22.6	 11.6-15.7     51-69      --
    Road at Carters Creek, Tenn.

Garrison Fork above L&N            O     03597210 	 86       1990-97	 21.5	 169	 26.9	 10.8-15.3     40-57      --
    Railroad at Wartrace, Tenn.

E. Fork Mulberry Creek below Jack  O     03580995	 23       1988-93	 45.5	  48 	 28.1	 14.2-18.0     51-64      --
    Daniels Distillery at
    Lynchburg, Tenn.

Wartrace Creek below County Road   O     03597590	 36       1990-97	 16.7	  72	 27.3	  7.4-11.3     27-41      --
    at Wartrace, Tenn.

aThe lower value of the ranges was estimated using streamflow partitioning (PART computer program, Rutledge, 1998); the higher
value of the ranges was estimated by using recession-curve displacement (RORA computer program, Rutledge, 1998).
bFrom Hoos, 1990, table 2, average net annual recharge.

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