Environmental Setting and Water-Quality Issues in the Lower Tennessee River Basin

Table 2. Summary of land use and population by subunit in the lower Tennessee River Basin, 1992

[Data from Tennessee Valley Authority (Frank Sagona, Tennessee Valley Authority, written commun., 1998). Land cover 
data were derived spectrally from satellite imagery (from the period 1989-92), and ground truthed using infrared aerial 
photography. Boundaries for certain land-use classifications (urban and wetland areas) were digitized from topographic maps. 
Population data from U.S. Department of Commerce, 1997; <, less than]

                                                                Percentage of subunit in major land use category
                               Area, in   Percent      in   
   Subunit                      square   of study   thousands,            Culti-                   Open
                                miles    unit area    1995     Forest     vated   Pasture  Urban   water   Other 

Coastal Plain	                2,395	     12	      220        44	    5       41       1       1       8

Transition                      1,709	      7	       36        65	    2       24	    <1       3       6

Western Highland Rim	        5,154	     27	      207        64         3       25	     1       5	     2

Outer Nashville Basin	        2,093	     11	      102        41	    3       53	     1       1	     1

Inner Nashville Basin	          569	      3	       93        34         6       57 	     1       1	     1

Eastern Highland Rim	        3,423	     18	      584        27	   16       41	     3       3	    10

Plateau Escarpment and Valleys 	1,892	     11	      123        68	    3       22	    <1       6	     1

Cumberland Plateau	        2,173	     10	      119        57	    6       36 	    <1       1      <1

Valley and Ridge	          160	      1	       33        51	    1       34 	    11       2	     1
Lower Tennessee River Basin    19,568	    100	    1,517        51	    6       34	     1       3       5

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