Environmental Setting and Water-Quality Issues in the Lower Tennessee River Basin

Table 3. Estimated crop production and livestock population by subunit in the lower Tennessee River Basin, 1992

[Crops in acres harvested; livestock in number of animals. Estimates based on 1992 Census of Agriculture 
(U.S. Department of Commerce, 1994)]
   Subunit                       Corn       Soybeans     Cotton     Wheat    Chickens     Cattle     Hogs 
Coastal Plain                   93,900       80,000       4,900    29,500    1,210,000    78,400    89,100

Transition                      11,400       24,600      14,500     4,400    2,750,000    46,500    12,100

Western Highland Rim            61,300       30,600      26,800    13,600      811,000   175,000    69,900

Outer Nashville Basin           19,600       18,200       4,000     8,000    1,840,000   219,000    36,600

Inner Nashville Basin           12,300        9,700          10     6,500    1,740,000    63,200     9,700

Eastern Highland Rim            73,400       96,600     164,000    34,200   10,900,000   193,000    48,300

Plateau Escarpment and Valleys  19,200       22,400         540     3,400    4,990,000    55,000    17,700

Cumberland Plateau              27,700       22,600       4,500     2,900   17,300,000    99,000    40,400

Valley and Ridge                   980          670          20       260      865,000     7,000     2,400

Lower Tennessee River Basin    319,780      305,370     219,270   102,760   42,406,000   936,100   326,200

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