Environmental Setting and Water-Quality Issues in the Lower Tennessee River Basin

Table 4. Estimated total nitrogen and phosphorus inputs from nonpoint sources by subunit in the lower Tennessee River Basin, 1992

[Values in tons per year. Inputs for livestock are based on 1992 Census of Agriculture (U.S. Department of Commerce, 1994)]
                                                       Nitrogen                                             Phosphorus           
   Subunit                  in          Atmos-                                         Total                            Total
                          square        pheric    Fertilizer   Livestock Nitrogen     nitrogen  Fertilizer Livestock  phosphorus
                           miles      deposition                 waste   fixation      input                 waste      input

Coastal Plain              2,395	3,800	   12,000	 6,200	   4,200       26,200	  2,800	    2,200	5,000

Transition	           1,709	2,900	    3,900	 4,000	   1,300       12,100	    600	    1,200	1,800

Western Highland Rim	   5,154	8,900	   12,000	10,000	   1,600       32,500	  2,700	    3,300	6,000

Outer Nashville Basin	   2,093	3,800	    4,900	12,000	   1,000       21,700	  1,200	    3,600	4,800

Inner Nashville Basin	     569	1,000	    2,900	 4,200	     500        8,600	    700	    1,200	1,900

Eastern Highland Rim	   3,423	6,200	   25,000	16,000	   5,100       52,300	  4,700	    4,900	9,600

Plateau Escarpment and 	   1,892	3,900	    3,200	 5,700	   1,200       14,000	    600	    1,800	2,400

Cumberland Plateau	   2,173	3,300	    5,900	16,000	   1,300       26,500	  1,000	    5,000	6,000

Valley and Ridge	     160          300	      400	   900	      40	1,640	    100	      300	  400

Lower Tennessee River 	  19,568       34,100      70,200       75,000    16,240      195,540	 14,400    23,500      37,900
   Basin (total)

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