Sources, Instream Transport, and Trends of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Sediment in the Lower Tennessee River Basin, 1980-96

Table 10. Pearson correlation coefficients among 1992 export, inputs, and other factors

[n, number of observations in the correlation data set; --, not estimated; **, correlation significant (p-value < 0.05); sites with known natural source of phosphorus (excluded from n = 5 data set) are sites 5, 6, and 10 (Duck River at Williamsport, Duck River above Hurricane Mills, and Elk River near Prospect, respectively)]

                                                            Correlation coefficient (r)
Input, land use, or other factor    Total nitrogen export (n = 11)               Total phosphorus export

                                                                                           Excluding sites with
                                                                   All sites (n = 8)   known natural source (n = 5)

Wastewater discharge                             0.06                     -0.24                     0.97**

Atmospheric deposition                            .29                     --                       --

Fertilizer application                            .17                      -.27                      .94**

Livestock waste                                   .57                       .40                     -.06

Balance of agricultural land-phase inputa         .65**                    -.14                      .70

Percent forest land                              -.41                      -.06                     -.80

Percent cultivated land                           .14                      -.42                      .82

Percent pasture land                              .67**                     .46                      .85

Percent urban land                                .18                      -.04                      .90**

Site type (riverine = 1, flow-regulated = 2)     -.58                      -.52                     -.53

a Calculated for nitrogen as the sum of inputs from fertilizer application and nitrogen fixation and
livestock waste, minus removal as crop harvest; calculated for phosphorus as the sum of inputs from fertilizer
application and livestock waste, minus removal as crop harvest.

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