Sources, Instream Transport, and Trends of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Sediment in the Lower Tennessee River Basin, 1980-96

Appendix D. Variation in nutrient concentrations with streamflow, and model estimate of streamflow variation in concentration, at selected sites in the lower Tennessee River Basin, 1980-1996

Figure D1. Variation in total nitrite plus nitrate concentrations with streamflow and model estimate of streamflow variation in concentration at selected sites in the lower Tennessee River Basin, 1980-96

Figure D2. Variation in total ammonia concentrations with streamflow and model estimate of streamflow variation in concentration at selected sites in the lower Tennessee River Basin, 1980-96

Figure D3. Variation in total phosphorus concentrations with streamflow and model estimate of streamflow variation in concentration at selected sites in the lower Tennessee River Basin, 1980-96

Figure D4. Variation in dissolved orthophosphorus concentrations with streamflow and model estimate of streamflow variation in concentration at selected sites in the lower Tennessee River Basin, 1980-96

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