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Evaluation of OTT PLUVIO Precipitation Gage versus Belfort Universal Precipitation Gage 5-780 for the National Atmospheric Deposition Program

By Mary L. Tumbusch

Report availability: Portable Document Format (PDF).


Purpose and Scope
Belfort Universal Precipitation Gage 5-780
OTT PLUVIO Precipitation Gage
NovaLynx Model 260-2510 Standard Rain and Snow Gage
Phase III Testing
Comparison of Data from Belfort Universal Precipitation Gage 5-780 and OTT PLUVIO Precipitation Gage
  • Site AL99
  • Site IL11
  • Site MN16
  • Site NV03
  • Site PA15
  • Site WY95
Comparison of Data from NovaLynx Model 260-2510 Standard Rain and Snow Gage, with Data from Belfort Universal Precipitation Gage 5-780 and OTT PLUVIO Precipitation Gage
  • Site IL11
  • Site PA15
References Cited


  1. Map showing location of NADP/NTN sites across the conterminous United States
  2. Photograph showing Belfort 5-780 precipitation gage, at site NV03, showing Belfort rotating chart
  3. Photographs showing (A) OTT PLUVIO precipitation gage with stainless steel housing, at site NV03. (B) OTT PLUVIO precipitation gage with stainless steel housing removed showing collection bucket and data logger
  4. (A) Sketch map showing placement of OTT PLUVIO and Belfort 5-780 precipitation gages and Aerochem sample collector at site NV03. (B) Photograph of site NV03 looking north
  5. Boxplots showing differences, in inches, between the daily precipitation measured by the Belfort 5-780 and OTT PLUVIO precipitation gages

6-12. Graphs showing (A) Cumulative precipitation. (B) Frequency analysis of the difference between precipitation measurements by Belfort 5-780 gage minus OTT PLUVIO precipitation gage:

    1. Site AL99
    2. Site IL11 East
    3. Site IL11 West
    4. Site MN16
    5. Site NV03
    6. Site PA15
    7. Site WY95
  1. Graph showing cumulative precipitation from the Belfort 5-780 and OTT PLUVIO precipitation gages, and NovaLynx Model 260-2510 Standard Rain and Snow Gage at site IL11
  2. Graph showing differences, in inches, of precipitation measurements between the Belfort 5-780 and OTT PLUVIO precipitation gages, and the NovaLynx Model 260-2510 Standard Rain and Snow Gage at site IL11
  3. Graph showing cumulative precipitation from the Belfort 5-780 and OTT PLUVIO precipitation gages, and NovaLynx Model 260-2510 Standard Rain and Snow Gage at site PA15
  4. Graph showing differences, in inches, of precipitation measurements between the Belfort 5-780 and OTT PLUVIO precipitation gages, and the NovaLynx Model 260-2510 Standard Rain and Snow Gage at site PA15


  1. Differences of precipitation measurements, between the OTT PLUVIO and Belfort 5-780 precipitation gages, collected at the National Trends Network sites during Phase III evaluation
  2. Differences of measurements at the National Trends Network sites using the paired t-test and the Wilcoxon signed-rank test during Phase III evaluation
  3. Differences of precipitation measurements, between the OTT PLUVIOand Belfort 5-780 precipitation gages, and the NovaLynx Model 260-2510 Standard Rain and Snow Gage, for 144 precipitation events, using the paired t-test and Wilcoxon signed-rank test during Phase III evaluation
  4. Differences of precipitation measurements, between the OTT PLUVIO and Belfort 5-780 precipitation gages, and the NovaLynx Model 260-2510 Standard Rain and Snow Gage, for 150 precipitation events, at site PA15

Return to WRIR 03-4167 or the Abstract.

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