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Estimated Ground-Water Withdrawals from the Death Valley Regional Flow System, Nevada and California, 1913-98

By Michael T. Moreo, Keith J. Halford, Richard J. La Camera, and Randell J. Laczniak

Report availability: Portable Document Format (PDF).


Purpose and Scope
Description of Study Area
Hydrographic Areas
Public Land Survey System
Water-Use Groupings and General Characteristics
Methods for Determining Well Location and Open-Interval Depth
Well Location
  • Global Positioning System and Topographic Maps
  • NDWR Well-Log Database
  • NDWR Pumpage Inventories
  • Previous Ground-Water Model
Depths of Withdrawals
Estimates of Annual Ground-Water Withdrawals
Mining, Public Supply, and Commercial
  • Irrigated Acreage
  • Application Rates
Ground-Water Development from 1913 through 1998
Uncertainty of Ground-Water Withdrawal Estimates
References Cited


  1. Map showing extent of Death Valley regional flow system and hydrographic areas
  2. Grid showing Public Land Survey System in Nevada and California

3-6. Graphs showing:

    1. Distribution of bottom of open-interval depth by water-use class
    2. Total withdrawal from the Death Valley regional flow system by water-use class
    3. Comparison between reported and estimated annual ground-water withdrawals at Nevada Test Site, 1962-71 and 1983-98
    4. Number of domestic wells drilled, Death Valley regional flow system, 1960-98
  1. Map showing hydrographic areas with more than 200 irrigated acres and extents of irrigated fields, 1998
  2. Graph showing years when pumpage inventories were conducted in Pahrump Valley, Penoyer Valley, Pahranagat Valley, and Amargosa Desert
  3. Images showing sources used to delineate irrigated fields and identify years of active irrigation
  4. Graph showing differences between acreage estimates from pumpage inventories and remote sensing in Penoyer Valley
  5. Schematic showing active fields identified by remote sensing and pumpage inventories, Penoyer Valley, 1991

12-14. Maps showing locations of ground-water withdrawal sites in the Death Valley regional flow system:

    1. 1958
    2. 1978
    3. 1998
  1. Graph showing range of estimated ground-water withdrawals and assigned uncertainty, Death Valley regional flow system, 1913-98
  2. Graphs showing example of extrapolated and interpolated annual withdrawal for a single withdrawal point in Amargosa Desert, 1958-98


  1. Numbers and names of hydrographic areas in the study area
  2. Range of application rates for alfalfa by hydrographic area
  3. Range of application rates by crop type group and hydrographic area
  4. Description of Microsoft® Access database

Return to WRIR 03-4245 or the Abstract.

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