by J. G. Ferris, D. B. Knowles, R. H. Brown, and R. W. Stallman
Aquifer tests the problem
Darcy's law
Coefficients of permeability and transmissibility
Coefficient of storage
The artesian case
The water-table case
Elasticity of artesian aquifers
Internal forces
Transmission of forces between aquifers
Effects of changes in loading
Moving railroad trains
Changes in atmospheric pressure
Tidal fluctuations
Ocean, lake, or stream tides
Earth tides
Coefficient of storage and its relation to elasticity
Aquifer tests--basic theory
Well methods point sink or point source
Constant discharge or recharge without vertical leakage
Equilibrium formula
Nonequilibrium formula
Modified nonequilibrium formula
Theis recovery formula
Applicability of methods to artesian and water table aquifers
Instantaneous discharge or recharge
"Bailer" method
"Slug" method
Constant head without vertical leakage
Constant discharge with vertical leakage
Leaky aquifer formula
Variable discharge without vertical leakage, by R. W. Stallman
Continuously varying discharge
Intermittent or cyclic discharge
Channel methods line sink or line source
Constant discharge
Nonsteady state, no recharge
Constant head
Nonsteadystate, norecharge, by R. W. Stallman
Steady state, uniform recharge
Sinusoidal head fluctuations :
Areal methods
Numerical analysis, by R. W. Stallman
Flow net analysis, by R. R. Bennett
Theory of images and hydrologic boundary analysis
Perennial stream line source at constant head
Impermeable barrier
Two impermeable barriers intersecting at right angles
Impermeable barrier and perennial stream intersecting at right angles
Two impermeable barriers intersecting at an angle of 45 degrees
Impermeable barrier parallel to a perennial stream
Two parallel impermeable barriers intersected at right angles by a third impermeable barrier
Rectangular aquifer bounded by two intersecting impermeable barriers parallel to perennial streams
Applicability of image theory involving infinite systems of image wells
Corollary equations for application of image theory
Applicability of analytical equations
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