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Data Series 850

Sediment Data Collected in 2012 from the Northern Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana

Data Products and Downloads

Data Download Table

The sediment data described in this report, including descriptive core logs, core photographs and x-radiographs, processed grain-size data, sample location maps, and Geographic Information System (GIS) data files with accompanying formal Federal Geographic Data Committee (FDGC) metadata, can be downloaded from the table below. Additionally, the core logs for the cores along each transect can be viewed by clicking on the transect identifier on the sample location map (fig. 7); the core logs are arranged by geographic location along the transect from west (Chandeleur Sound) to east (Gulf of Mexico shoreface). Error bars on the grain-size plots represent 2 standard deviations from the mean.

Core logs are provided in Portable Document Format (PDF) format and can be viewed using the free software Adobe Reader. The core photographs and x-radiographs are provided as high-resolution Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) and Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) formats, respectively, and can be viewed using standard image viewing software. The sample location tables and grain-size spreadsheets were created in Microsoft Excel 2010 and can be opened using Microsoft Excel 2007 or higher; these data may also be viewed using the free Microsoft Excel Viewer. The GIS map documents and shapefiles provided in the data table were created using Esri ArcGIS version 10.1 and can be opened using Esri ArcGIS version 10.0 or higher; these data may also be viewed using the free GIS viewer ArcGIS Explorer. All sample locations and GIS data files presented this report use the projected coordinate system North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83), Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 16 North (16N), and all elevations are North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) orthometric heights, derived using the GEOID09 geoid model.

  Map showing location of sediment samples from the northern Chandeleur Islands Transect T1 core logs Transect T3 core logs Transect T4 core logs Transect T5 core logs Transect T6 core logs Transect T7 core logs Transect T8 core logs Transect T9 core logs Transect T10 core logs Transect T2 core logs

Figure 7. Locations of sediment samples collected from the northern Chandeleur Islands in March and September 2012 that are described in this report. Island extent is derived from USGS lidar data collected in February 2012 (Guy and others, in press b). Click on a transect ("T") identifier to view the core logs for the cores along that transect.

Data Download Table

Preview File Description and Format Download File Metadata
Thumbnail image showing example of sample locations spreadsheet Sample locations (.xlsx) (30 KB) (13 KB)



Thumbnail image showing example core log

Core logs (.pdf)

High-resolution core photographs (.jpg)

High-resolution core x-radiographs (.tiff) (17.5 MB) (84.4 MB) (150.2 MB)

Not applicable
Thumbnail image showing example summary grain-size spreadsheet Grain-size summary statistics (.xlsx) (248 KB) grainsize_sumstats-met
Thumbnail image showing preview of GIS map document Esri ArcGIS project (2.0 MB)



Supplemental Information

Preview File Description Download File Metadata
Thumbnail image showing example of unedited GRADISTAT output spreadsheet Grain-size GRADISTAT output (.xlsx) (3.2 MB) Not applicable

Note: Any use of trade names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

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