USGS - science for a changing world

Publications - Data Series 367

Data Series 367

Catalog of Earthquake Hypocenters at Alaskan Volcanoes:
January 1 through December 31, 2007

By James P. Dixon, U.S. Geological Survey, Scott D. Stihler, University of Alaska, and John A. Power, U.S. Geological Survey


Between January 1 and December 31, 2007, AVO located 6,664 earthquakes of which 5,660 occurred within 20 kilometers of the 33 volcanoes monitored by the Alaska Volcano Observatory. Monitoring highlights in 2007 include: the eruption of Pavlof Volcano, volcanic-tectonic earthquake swarms at the Augustine, Illiamna, and Little Sitkin volcanic centers, and the cessation of episodes of unrest at Fourpeaked Mountain, Mount Veniaminof and the northern Atka Island volcanoes (Mount Kliuchef and Korovin Volcano). This catalog includes descriptions of : (1) locations of seismic instrumentation deployed during 2007; (2) earthquake detection, recording, analysis, and data archival systems; (3) seismic velocity models used for earthquake locations; (4) a summary of earthquakes located in 2007; and (5) an accompanying UNIX tar-file with a summary of earthquake origin times, hypocenters, magnitudes, phase arrival times, location quality statistics, daily station usage statistics, and all files used to determine the earthquake locations in 2007.


Data Acquisition and Processing
Seismic Velocity Models
Seismicity Highlights
References Cited
Appendix A. Locations of the Earthquake Hypocenters Calculated for Monitoried Volcanoes in 2007
Appendix B. Parameters for AVO Seismograph Stations in 2007
Appendix C. Locations of the AVO Seismograph Stations in 2007
Appendix D. Operations Status for AVO Stations in 2007
Appendix E. Seismic Velocity Models Used in Locating the Earthquakes Described in this Report
Appendix F. Location of Volcanic Zones Modeled Using Multiple Cylinders
Appendix G. Previous AVO Earthquake Catalogs
Appendix H. Selected AVO Papers Published in 2007

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Send questions or comments about this report to the author, James P. Dixon, (907) 474-7099.

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