U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-2090-C
![]() Data SourcesAll contours, geographic outlines, and political boundaries shown on this map of the bottom topography, or bathymetry, of the Pacific continental margin between 34° and 41° N. latitudes were plotted from digital data bases in the library of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)–National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Joint Office for Mapping and Research (JOMAR). These digital data were obtained and compiled from many sources; consequently, data quality varies within particular data bases as well as from one data base to another. Bathymetric contours were digitized from a map compiled by Chase and others (1981) and from the unpublished large scale versions of that map (T.E. Chase, unpub. maps, 1981). Data for the area seaward of the continental slope (~2000 m depth) were obtained primarily from the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey (C&GS) 1955 Pacific Exploratory Survey, a systematic and detailed (~8 -nmi trackline spacing) survey between Mexico and Canada. The USGS provided data from cruises S3-78-NC, S15-79-NC, L2-77-NC, Ll0-76-NC, and Bartlett 72. Data were also obtained from Scripps Institution of Oceanography cruises Merazine, Blue Flash, Kayak B, Scan I, and Seven Tow (Chase and Menard, 1971; Chase and others, 1975; Wilde and others, 1976; Wilde and others, 1978). The 200-m contour was derived from the National Ocean Survey charts 1306N-20 (1975), 1307N-l1B (1974a), 1307N-18B (1974b), and C&GS chart 1308N-12 (1969). Sea-floor depths were corrected for sound velocity in sea water using Matthew's (1939) tables. Onshore topographic contours were generated by computer from a modified version of 3-arc-second elevation data provided by the Defense Mapping Agency. The United States digital shoreline was obtained from the NOAA, NOS, Nautical Charting Division, National Atlas files. The coastline of Canada was digitized from Canadian Hydrographic Service bathymetric maps. The primary source of names of the sea floor features was the "Gazetteer of Undersea Features" (Defense Mapping Agency, 1990). AcknowledgmentsChristopher Hines assisted in the construction and verification of the digital data bases. Reviews and suggestions by Edward C. Escowitz and Florence Wong and advice provided by Will Stettner regarding the cartographic design substantially improved the quality of this map. References CitedChase, T.E., and Menard, H.W., 1971, Bathymetric atlas of the northeastern Pacific Ocean: U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office Publication 1303, scale 1:2,000,000 at 33° latitude, 48 p. Chase, T.E., Wilde, Pat, and Normark, W.R., 1975, Oceanographic data of the Monterey Deep Sea Fan: San Diego, University of California, Institute of Marine Resources Publication TR 58, scale 1:898,524 at 35° latitude. Chase, T.E., Wilde, Pat, Normark, W.R., Miller, C.P., Seekins, B.A., and Young, J.D., 1981, Offshore topography of the Western United States between 32° and 49° North latitudes: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 81-443, scale 1:864,518 at 38° latitude, 2 sheets. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1969, Point St. George to Point Delgada: Coast and Geodetic Survey Bathymetric Map 1308N-12, scale 1:250,000. Defense Mapping Agency, 1990, Gazetteer of undersea features (4th ed.): Washington, D.C., Defense Mapping Agency. Matthews, D.J., 1939, Tables of the velocity of sound in pure water and sea water (2d ed.): London, Admiralty, Hydrographic Department, H.D. 282, 52 p. National Ocean Survey, 1974a, Vicinity Pt. Sur to Pt. Reyes: National Ocean Survey Bathymetric Map 1307N-11B, scale 1:250,000. National Ocean Survey, 1974b, Pt. Reyes to Tolo Bank: National Ocean Survey Bathymetric Map 1307N-18B, scale 1:250,000. National Ocean Survey, 1975, Cape San Martin to Point Conception: National Ocean Survey Bathymetric Map 1306N-20, scale 1:250,000. Wilde, Pat, Normark, W.R., and Chase, T.E., 1976, Oceanographic data off central California 37° to 40° North including the Delgada Deep Sea Fan: Berkeley, University of California, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Publication 92, scale 1 :864,581 at 38° latitude. Wilde, Pat, Chase, T.E., Holmes, M.L., Normark, W.R., Thomas, J.A., McCulloch, D.S., and Kulm, L.D., 1978, Oceanographic data off northern California-southern Oregon 40° to 43° North including the Gorda Deep Sea Fan: Berkeley, University of California, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Publication 251, scale 1:815,482 at 42° latitude. |
Map Collection
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Chase, T.E., Wilde, Pat, Normark, W.R., Evenden, G.I., Miller, C.P., Seekins, B.A., Young, J.O., Grim, M.S., and Lief, C.J., 1992, Map showing bottom topography in the deep-sea basins of the Pacific continental margin, Cape Mendocino to Point Conception: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-2090-C, 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000.