1995 National Oil and Gas
Assessment and Onshore Federal Lands
Donald L. Gautier, Gordon L. Dolton and Emil D. Attanasi
U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report
January 1998
This Report is preliminary and has not
been reviewed for conformity to U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards and
stratigraphic nomenclature. Any use of trade, product, or firm names in this
publication is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S.
- Summary
- Introduction
- Resources Assessed
- Methods of Assessment
- Geologic
assessment methods
- Economic
assessment methods
- Data
- Data sources for assessment of
onshore Federal Lands
- Distribution of Federal
- Federal Onshore Oil and Gas
- Technically
recoverable oil and gas resources
- Economically
recoverable oil and gas resources
- Conclusions
- Regional and Province
- References
- Appendix A. Tables of province
names and regions, estimates of technially recoverable and economic resources in
undiscovered conventional fields, continuous-type accumulations, and coalbed gas
- Appendix B. Tables showing
play names, codes, and percentages of play resources allocated to onshore Federal Lands
- Appendix C. Economic
assumptions for preparing incremental cost functions
- Figure 1A and B. Incremental costs of finding, developing, and
- A. Crude oil from undiscovered conventional oil fields and
continuous-type oil accumulations
- B. Gas from undiscovered conventional oils and gas fields,
continuous-type oil and gas accumulations, and coalbed gas
- Figure 2A and B. Petroleum regions and provinces, onshore and State
offshore areas:
- A. Conterminous United States
- B. Alaska
- Figure 3. Technically
recoverable and economic oil by region
- Figure 4. Technically
recoverable and economic gas by region
- Table 1. Summary table of estimated technically recoverable
and economic oil, gas, and natural gas liquids from undiscovered conventional fields, from
continuous-type accumulations, and from coalbed gas for anshore Federal Lands
- Table 2. Comparison of Federal surface ownership, by State
- Table 3. Estimated volumes by Region of technically
recoverable oil, gas, and natural gas liquids from undiscovered conventional,
continuous-type, and coalbed gas accumulations for onshore Federal Lands
- Table 4. Estimated volumes by Region for two cost levels of
economic oil, gas, and natural gas liquids from undiscovered conventional continuous-type,
and coalbed gas accumulations for onshore Federal Lands
- Table A-1. List of onshore and State offshore petroleum
provinces of the United States
- Table A-2. Estimated volumes by province of technically
recoverable conventional oil, gas, and natural gas liquids as of January 1994 for onshore
and State offshore areas of the United States
- Table A-3. Estimated volumes by province of technically
recoverable conventional oil, gas, and natural gas liquids as of January 1994 for onshore
Federal Lands of the United States
- Table A-4. Technically recoverable oil, gas, and natural gas
liquids from conitnuous-type oil and gas accumulations by province as of January 1994 for
onshore Federal Lands
- Table A-5. Technically recoverable gas in coalbed gas
accumulations by province as of January 1994 for onshore Federal Lands
- Table A-6. Oil, gas, and natural gas liquids in undiscovered
conventional fields, continuous-type accumulations, and coalbed gas on onshore Federal
Lands with incremental cost of $18 per barrel oil and $2 per thousand cubic feet gas as of
January 1994
- Table A-7. Oil, gas, and natural gas liquids in undiscovered
conventional fields, continuous-type accumulations, and coalbed gas on onshore Federal
Lands with incremental cost of $30 per barrel oil and $3.34 per thousand cubic feet gas as
of January 1994
- Table B-1. List of onshore and State offshore petroleum
plays of the United States
- Table B-2. Percent of undiscovered conventional oil and gas
resources allocated to Federal onshore areas by each play and for small fields by province
- Table B-3. Percent of oil and gas resources allocated to
Federal onshore areas for each continuous-type oil and gas play
- Table B-4. Percent of gas allocated to Federal onshore areas
for each coalbed gas play
[For this assessment, 6,000 cubic feet of
gas equals 1 barrel of oil equivalent (BOE)]
multiply unit |
by |
to obtain metric unit |
barrel |
0.159 |
cubic meter |
cubic foot |
0.02832 |
cubic meter |
foot |
0.3048 |
meter |
Billions of barrels of oil |
Billions cubic feet gas |
Billions of barrels |
Trillions cubic feet gas |
Millions of Barrels of oil |
mcf |
Thousands of cubic feet |
Millions of barrels of oil equivalent |
bbl |
Barrels |
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