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World Conventional Gas Resources, by Basin,
in Trillions (1012) of Cubic Feet

Gas Resource Tables of other Regions:
Africa | Asia/Oceania | Australia/New Zeland | Europe | Former Soviet Union
Middle East | North America | Central America | South America | Contents

as of 1/1/93

  Annual Production Cumulative Production Identified Reserves Undiscovered Resources Futures
95% Mode 5% Mean
Middle East (Total) 4.1 49.8 1683.3 547.2 852.5 1673.3 1013.7  
6001 Antalya         Ng     0.01
6002 Tuz Golu         Ng     0.01
6003 Adana         Ng     0.01
6004 Isken-Durum         Ng     0.01
6005 Erzurum-Aras         Ng     0.01
6006 Araks         Ng     0.01
6007 Musvan         Ng     0.01
Iran (Total) 0.9 14.8 864.7 225.9 369.2 820.3 464.9  
6008 Tuzlu-Gol         Ng     0.01
6009 Grank Kavir         Ng     0.01
6010 Qum Ardekan         Ng     0.01
6011 Gavkhjaneh         Ng     0.01
6012 Sirjan         Ng     0.01
6013 Arabian Iranian (Total)   49.8 1683.3 547.2 852.5 1673.3 1013.7 2535.8
Jordan         NA      
Saudi Arabia 1.2 12.2 176.5 188.5 275.9 640 343  
Kuwait 0.1 4.6 56.9 2.9 4.6 9.2 5.5  
Neutral Zone Min Min 11.7 1.2 2 5 2.7  
Syria 0.1 0.6 5.1   NA      
Iraq 0.1 1.8 76.6 63.7 100 200 120  
Iran 0.9 14.8 864.7 225.9 369.2 820.3 464.9  
UAE 1 8.3 200.1 31.2 48.9 97.8 58.6  
Qatar 0.4 3.4 250   NA      
Oman 0.1 1.1 15.5 3.7 6 13.6 7.6  
Bahrain         Ng   Ng  
6020 Marib-Shabwa     3   NA     3
6021 Jeza         NA     0
6022 Sayhut         NA     0
***  Basins joined for assessment presentation
( )  Indicates basin also listed under another country - no further calculations
Ng  Negligible
NA  Not assessed
Numbers with no following data are unused (e.g. 1009-12)

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