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Open-File Report 01–104: Readme file

Vernadsky State Geological Museum

     Russian Standard Classification for FSU Coals
     Russian Coal Quality Database
     ArcView Project
     Cited References

     Table 1: Coal rank relationships between GOSSTANDART and ASTM
    Table 2: Coal-bearing rocks of the Kuznetsky basin
    Table 3: Detection limits of analytical methods for selected elements

      Appendix A:  References
     Appendix B:  Tables and characteristic of the coal sample database


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The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the Committee on Geology of the Use of Subsurface Resources of the Russian Federation (ROSKOMNEDRA), and the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Cooperation in Geoscience.   The USGS, the Vernadsky State Geologic Museum (VSGM) representing the ROSKOMNEDRA, and the RAS collaborated to produce a Geographic Information System (GIS) product that contains information on geology, resources, and quality of coal from the Former Soviet Union (FSU). The FSU includes the Russian Federation (RF), the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), and the countries of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania (fig. 1)

The purpose of the GIS project is to integrate views of the geology, coal basins and deposits by coal rank, coal reserves and resource categories, rail lines, rivers, and roads of the FSU utilizing Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI) ArcInfo and ArcView software.  The Russian coauthors supplied ArcInfo files that were modified by the USGS and combined with USGS data files to create an ArcView project.  Coal deposit data contained in this project were selected from monographs, reference books, and unpublished sources of data that were reviewed and deemed reliable by the authors.  Information on the deposit name, location, age, and rank were included in the database and obtained from Russian geologic maps and publications.  The database includes more than 265 coal deposit data points with information on the deposit name, location, age, and rank; coal reserve and resource reliability categories are listed for 671 coal-bearing areas in the FSU.

According to several studies, within the boundaries of the FSU there are hundreds of coal deposits (fig 2 and fig3) that contain as much as 40 to 50 percent of the Earth’s total coal resources.  Russia is the sixth largest coal producer in the world with a total coal production of 163 million metric tons (World Coal Institute, 2000) and coal exports of less than 27 million metric tons in 1999 (Knapp, 2000).  Coal deposits in the FSU formed under diverse geochemical and climatic conditions and have undergone various structural histories, and are found in 8 geological periods: Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Paleogene and Neogene.  Because of this diversity the coal quality shows wide ranges in composition.

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Figure 1.  Map showing countries included in the Former Soviet Union (FSU).
Coal samples included in the coal sample point database were selected from the most reliable sources of data critically reviewed by the Russian coauthors.    Coal quality and chemical analyses are included for 180 coal samples with information on deposit name, location, age, rank, mine name and operator, lithology of coal-bearing rocks, proximate and ultimate analyses, mineral composition, and major-, minor-, and trace-element content.  This is the most comprehensive study compiled by the USGS to date of the coal in the FSU.
Figure 2.  Chernogorsky strip mine, located in the high volatile bituminous (coal mark D) Permian  Chernogorskoye coal deposit, Krasnoyarsky district, Khakassiya region, Minusinsky coal basin, Russia. Photo by Mikhail Povarennykh, Vernadsky State Geological Museum.
Russian Standard Classification for FSU Coals
Because of differing classification schemes, it is sometimes difficult to compare Russian coals with the same coal rank (equivalent to Russian coal mark) from different basins and deposits, as well as to compare Russian coals with coals from other countries (USA, Australia, Southern Africa, Great Britain) that have developed their own coal classifications.  The Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology, and Certification (GOSSTANDART or GOST) and its FSU predecessor approved several classification systems in an attempt to standardize the coal classification (Babkin (1981), GOST 21489-76; Yeriomin (1988), GOST 25543-88; Fiodorova (1995), GOST 30313-95).
Figure 3.  Neriungrinsky strip mine, located in the bituminous (coal mark SS) Jurassic Neriungrinskoye coal deposit, Yakutiya region, Yuzhno-Yakutsky coal basin, Russia. Photo by Mikhail Povarennykh, Vernadsky State Geological Museum.
The GOSSTANDART (GOST 25543-88) standard classification of coals for the Former Soviet Union coals describes brown and hard coals and anthracites (Yeriomin, 1988).  The Russian classification suggests that all physical, mechanical, chemical, and technological characteristics of organic fraction of coal could be derived from the mutual influence of the following three factors: (1) the coal metamorphism grade, (2) the petrographic composition, and (3) the degree of reductibility (Eriomin and Bronovetz, 1994).  The coal metamorphism grade is characterized by the vitrinite reflectance index (column VR, Standard Characteristics table, Appendix B) in immersion oil (Rr, in percent) while the petrographic composition is characterized by the fusinized micro components content (SOK, in percent, i.e. inertinite, column Inertinite, Standard Characteristics table, Appendix B), and the degree of reductibility is differentiated by a variety of characteristics for different ranks.  For coals of low rank, the degree of reductibility is characterized by the semi-coking resin yield (column Resin, Standard Characteristics table, Appendix B) on a dry ash free basis (Tskdaf, in weight percent).  For coals of medium rank, this parameter is characterized by the volatile matter yield (column Volmat, Standard Characteristics table, Appendix B) on a dry ash free basis (Vdaf, in weight percent) and the coal caking ability that can be evaluated by the thickness of the Sapozhnikov plastic layer index (Y, in mm, Sapozhnikov and Bazilevich, 1935; Eriomin and Bronovetz, 1987, column Plasticthk, Standard Characteristics table, Appendix B).  For coals of high rank (anthracites), the degree of reductibility can be determined by the anisotropy of the vitrinite reflectance index (AR, in percent, column Anistotropy, Standard Characteristics table, Appendix B).

According to the above parameters, coal marks were developed and subdivided into groups and subgroups.  Within the coals of low rank (brown), one coal mark (B) and three groups (1B, 2B, 3B) are classified. Within coals of medium rank, 15 coal marks (D, DG, G, GZhO, GZh, Zh, KZh, K, KO, KSN, KS, OS, TS, SS, T) and 21 coal groups (1G, 2G, 1GZhO, 2GZhO, 1GZh, 2GZh, 1Zh, 2Zh, 1K, 2K, 1KO, 2KO, 1KS, 2KS, 1OS, 2OS, 1SS, 2SS, 3SS, 1T, 2T) are classified.  Within the coals of high rank, one coal mark (A) and three groups (1A, 2A, and 3A) are classified.  The comparison between the Russian coal marks classified according to the GOST 25543-88 standards and the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard coal classification ASTM D388-98a (American Society for Testing and Materials, 1999; table 1, p.188) was approximated by the Russian coauthors as follows:

1. Coal in the 1B group corresponds to lignite A and B;
2. coal in the 2B group corresponds to subbituminous C coal;
3. coal in the 3B group corresponds to subbituminous B coal;
4. coal in coal mark D corresponds to subbituminous A coal;
5. coals of the marks DG, G, GZhO, GZh, and part of the mark Zh correspond
to high volatile bituminous coals;
6. coals in coal marks KZh, K, KO, KSN, KS, and the remaining part of the
mark Zh correspond to medium volatile bituminous coals;
7. coals in coal marks OS, TS correspond to low volatile bituminous coals;
8. coal in coal mark T mainly corresponds to semi-anthracite;
9. coal in the groups PA, 1A, and 2A corresponds to semi-anthracites and 
anthracites; and

10. coal in the group 3A corresponds mainly to meta-anthracite.
The Russian coal mark SS classified within the GOST standard can not be compared with the ASTM D388-98a standard due to the fact that regardless of the different values of the volatile matter, mainly due to high, more than 60 percent, inertinite content they cannot be caked or agglomerated.

The USGS has modified the above comparisons in table 1 to include the missing coal ranks listed in the ASTM standard classification.

There can be significant variation in the composition and characteristics of vitrinite, inertinite and liptinite for coal with equal reflectance indexes.  This variation was described as the “degree of reductibility” by the Russian investigators Eriomin and Bronovetz (1994).  As a result of these variations, they developed their own coal classification and applied it to all the main coal producing basins of Russia, such as the Kuznetsky, Pechorsky, Donetsky, and Kansko-Achinsky basins.

Table 1. Approximate coal rank relationships between the Former Soviet Union (GOSSTANDART) and United States (ASTM) coal classifications. Exact equivalence of a particular sample is difficult because the conditions of sample handling, chemical analyses and variation in usage of terms by the coal industry in the Former Soviet Union is often unclear.

FSU, GOST 25543-88

USA, ASTM 380-98a




Brown (B)

















Hard Coals

Long-Flame (D)

sub A




Long-Flame-Gas (DG), Gas(G), Gas-Fat (GZh), Gas-Fat-Mearge (GZhO), and part Fat (Zh)



Fat (Zh), Coking-Fat (KZh), Coking (K), Coking-Mearge (KO), Coking-Caking (KSN and KS)



Mearge-Caking (OS) and  Lean-Caking (TS)

Lean (T)


Semi-anthracite (PA)



Anthracites (A)






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Russian Coal Quality and Resource ArcView Project and Associated Databases

The purpose of this ArcView project is to integrate ArcInfo files of the geology, coal basins and deposits by coal rank, coal reserves and resource categories, with rail lines, rivers, and roads of the FSU as supplied by the Russian coauthors.  The USGS compiled a coal quality database from data reviewed and deemed reliable by the Russian coauthors.  The Russian coauthors supplied ArcInfo files and associated databases that were modified by the USGS and combined with USGS data files to create an ArcView project.

Coal deposit data points with information on the deposit name, location, age, and rank were included in the database, while coal quality and chemical analyses were included for selected data points (see Appendix B)The project includes 267 coal deposit data points (coal deposit theme) containing information on the deposit name, location, age, and rank, while coal quality and chemical analyses were included for 180 commodity and composite coal samples (coal sample point theme).  The commodity sample is a composite run-of-mine sample consisting of 15 to 30 primary samples obtained during 3 to 4 month period of coal mining.  The composite sample represents a 100 or more primary trench samples collected from a coal bed in a coalfield or coal basin.  The coal resources theme contains 671 data entries listing coal reserve, coal resource, and potential coal resource reliability categories subdivided by Russian coal mark, territory name and age, deposit name and age.

To begin characterizing the Russian coals, information was first compiled from the large coal basins and deposits in the FSU.  Among the first 90 coal samples included in the database, the largest number of samples (30) is from the Kuznetsky coal basin, which is the largest coal producing basin in the FSU.  The Kuznetsky basin produces about 50 percent of all exploited coal, including almost all of the hard coal produced in the Russian Federation.  This situation is expected to continue for many years.  Data from the Donetsky, Kansko-Achinsky, and Pechorsky large coal basins and well as other smaller producing basins were also included in the database.

All coal characteristics (excluding those mentioned below) were obtained according to analytical methods corresponding with the standards of either the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) or Russian GOST standards (Appendix B).

According to the GOST standards, liptinite content (column Liptinite, Standard Characteristics table Appendix B), total moisture (column Moisture, Standard Characteristics table Appendix B), humic acids content (column Hum_Acid, Standard Characteristics table Appendix B), and yield of semi-coking resin (column Resin, Standard Characteristics table Appendix B) were specified for brown coals.  For hard coals, Roga index (column Roga, Standard Characteristics table Appendix B) and free crucible swelling number (column Freeswell, Standard Characteristics table Appendix B) were specified.  For anthracites, anisotropy of reflectance (column Anisotropy, Standard Characteristics table Appendix B) was specified.

The coal sample point theme database presented in the ArcView project contains the following files:

general.dbf is described in Appendix B, table 1
std_char.dbf is described in Appendix B, table 2
mineral.dbf is described in Appendix B, table 3
elemcomp.dbf is described in Appendix B, table 4
washdata.dbf is described in Appendix B, table 5

Database fields in the above dbf files are described in Appendix B and data dictionary files are located within the directories fsucoal/doc and fsucoal/html.  All files are situated within the directory fsucoal/tables/ on the CD-ROM in 3 file formats: (1) comma delineated (csv), (2) Dbase (dbf0, and (3) Microsoft Excel (xls).

If a Russian coal deposit contained only one bed, the value 1 was assigned in the DEPTYPE column in the coal sample point data base (Appendix B, General characteristics, table 1); in case of a multi-bed deposit (2 to 4 beds) the value 2 was assigned; and in case of more than 4 beds in the deposit the value 3 was assigned.

The subdivisions of coal bed dip are based on the following Russian dip angle classes: horizontal is less than 10o, slope ranges from 10 to 20o, inclined ranges from 20 to 45o, and steep is greater than 45o.  These class values were combined and listed in the Dip column of the coal sample point database (Appendix B, General characteristics, Column DIP).

GOST 25543-88 coal marks are specified by Cyrillic characters (Yeriomin, 1988), but are here designated by the transliterated Roman character equivalents (shown in parentheses) in the databases (column Gostmark, General Characteristics table, Appendix B) and the map legends in the ArcView project as follows:

Brown (B);
Long-flame (D);
Gas (G);
Gas and fat (GZh);
Gas, fat, and mearge (GzhO);
Fat (Zh);
Coking and fat (KZh);
Coking (K);
Coking and mearge (KO);
Coking and caking, low-metamorphosed (KSN);
Coking and caking (KS);
Mearge and caking (OS);
Lean and caking (TS);
Weakly to non-caking (SS);
Lean (T);
Anthracite (A);
Semi-anthracite (PA);
Meta-anthracite (MA).

For brown coals only, the group name (B) of coal will not be listed, instead the subgroup(1B, 2B and 3B) in the column Gostmark of the database table will be listed.

Paleogene age of coals and coal-bearing strata are represented on the maps, in legends, and in the coal quality database (coal sample point theme) as "Pg" (General Characteristics table, Appendix B, column AGE).

Because of the low degree of coalification of brown coals and the fact that the coal-associated rocks are very often weakly cemented, the lithological composition of brown coals in the coal data point theme database will be listed as follows: in the column name SANDSTONE, weight percent sands are presented; in column SILTSTONE, weight percent silt is listed; in column ARGILLITE, weight percent clays is listed; and in column CARBARGIL, weight percent coaly clays is listed.

The letter notations are used for rock unit ages and Russian suites, subseries and series in the Coal Resources of the Former Soviet Union and Surface Geology of the Former Soviet Union views and in their associated databases.  An example of this letter notation is listed in table 2.
Table 2. Coal-bearing rocks of the Kuznetsky basin include the following series, subseries and suites (from the younger to the older ones):
Konglomeratovaya J1-3 kg
Upper-Mal`tsevskaya T1 m2
Lower-Mal`tsevskaya T1 m1
 Erunakovskaya P2 er
Tailuganskaya P2tg
Gramoteinskaya P2 gr

Leninskaya P2 ln

 Il`yinskaya P2 il
Uskatskaya P2 usk
Kazankovo-Markinskaya P2 km

Kuznetskaya P2 ks

 Upper-Balakhonskaya P1 bl2
Usiatskaya P1us
Kemerovskaya P1 km

Ishanovskaya P1 i

Mineral matter content (column min_mat, Standard Characteristics table, Appendix B) on a dry basis (Md) in coals of the Kuznetsky basin was evaluated according to the following relationships from ash content (column Ash, Standard Characteristics table, Appendix B) on a dry basis (Ad) where carbon (column Carbon, Standard Characteristics table, Appendix B) on a dry, ash free basis (Cdaf) was obtained by the authors from statistical analysis of experimental data:


Md = 1.11Ad (Cdaf less than or equal to 80 percent);

Md = 1.08Ad (Cdaf more than 80% and less than 90 percent); and

Md = 1.05Ad (Cdaf more than or equal to 90 percent).

Most of the data included in the project databases are from literature devoted to trace-element studies of Russian coals conducted during the past 50 years.  The trace-element data through 1985 was summarized in a monograph by Yudovitch and others (1985), and in the newer published data (Kler and others, 1987; Kler and others, 1988; Shpirt and others, 1990; Cherepovsky and others, 1996).  The coal sample database also contains data from Ulianov (1975) and unpublished analytical data obtained by the Russian coauthors for some samples.  Much of the data was hard to compare due to different analytical methods that vary in their accuracy and sensitivity so care should be taken will using the data.  Chemical data for the commodity and composite coal samples are given as average values.

The following analytical methods were used to obtain major-, minor-, and trace-element data listed in the coal sample point database (Appendix B, table 4, Major-, minor-, and trace-element contents in coal, elemcomp.dbf) and are listed in the element method column:

1 - Quantitative Spectral Analysis; 
2 - Semiquantitative Spectral Analysis; 
3 - Flame Spectroscopy; 
4 - Instrumental Neutron Activation Spectroscopy (INAA); 
5 - Photometric Analysis; 
6 - Photocolorimetric Analysis; 
7 - Colorimetric Analysis; 
8 - Fluorescent Analysis; 
9 - Atomic Absorption Analysis (AAA); 
10 - Chemical Spectral Analysis; 
11 - Spectral Radiometric Analysis; 
12 - Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy (ICP-MS).
The elements Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na, Si, and Ti were determined by “wet” silicate chemical analysis with detection limits ranging from 0.01-0.05 percent.  They are expressed as oxides in the coal sample point database (Appendix B, table 4, Major-, minor-, and trace-element contents) and not repeated as individual elements in the database.  Titanium was also determined by photocolourimetric methods (column Ti_ppm, Appendix B, table 4, Major-, minor-, and trace-element contents).

Detection limits and sensitivity of these analytical methods for specific elements are reported in Shpirt and others (1990) and Cherepovsky and others (1996).  Table 3 shows the analytical method used for selected elements with the detection limit listed in percent by whole coal or coal ash basis.  The analytical method document number is listed where it has been approved by GOSSTANDART or the Scientific Council on Analytical Methods (NSAM).  Where the listed method has not been approved, the institute proposing the standard method is listed.

Coefficients of concentration (Ki, table 4, Major-, minor-, and trace-element contents, Appendix B) were calculated by the following method: dividing the average element content in a sample by its background content or average element content in analyzed coals of the Former Soviet Union reported in Yudovitch and others (1985), Kler and others, (1987), and Shpirt and others (1990).  The average background-element values (in ppm) are, in parentheses:  

Ag (0.1); 
As (25); 
Au (0.002); 
B (80); 
Ba (150); 
Be (2.5); 
Bi (0.2); 
Br (10); 
Cd (0.3 and 0.6, lignite and hard coal, respectively); 
Ce (3); 
Cl (110); 
Co (5); 
Cr (18); 
Cs (1.5); 
Cu (10); 
Dy (1.9); 
Er (0.9); 
Eu (0.5); 
F (80 and 110, lignite and hard coal, respectively); 
Ga (10); 
Gd (0.8); 
Ge (1.5); 
Hg (0.05); 
Hf (0.2); 
Ho (0.2); 
I (15); 
In (0.02); 
La (1.5); 
Li (6); 
Lu (0.4); 
Mn (150); 
Mo (2); 
Nb (1.2); 
Ni (10); 
P (130 and 200, lignite and hard coal, respectively); 
Pb (15); 
Rb (17); 
Sb (1.2); 
Sc (1.8); 
Se (3); 
Sm (2.4); 
Sn (1); 
Sr (80); 
Ta (0.20); 
Tb (0.6); 
Te (0.1); 
Th (6.3 and 6.5, lignite and hard coal, respectively); 
Ti (1600); 
Tl (0.1); 
Tm (0.1); 
U (2); 
V (30); 
W (1.50); 
Y (10); 
Yb (0.9); 
Zn (35); 
Zr (50).
The geochemical specialization of the coal (KSi) column in the coal sample point database (Appendix B, table 4, elemcomp.dbf) lists elements which may have bi-product utilization potential.  Elements listed must have contents greater than two times the average backgrounds listed above.

Coals having contents of uranium and thorium above the detection limit (table 3) are listed in the Toxics column (Appendix B, table 4, Major-, minor-, trace-element contents), as well as coals containing elevated contents of As (greater than 300 ppm),  Be (greater than 50 ppm), and  F (greater than 500 ppm).  Coals containing elevated contents of potentially toxic elements such as Co (greater than 100 ppm), Cr (greater than 100 ppm), Hg (greater than 0.5 ppm), Mn (greater than 1000 ppm), Ni (greater than 100 ppm), Pb (greater than 50 ppm), and V (greater than 100 ppm) are also listed in the Toxics column. 

Washability of coal (Appendix B, table 5), corresponds to size fractions and density fractions with the following densities values: less than 1,300  kg/m3 (column Den_lt13), from  1,300  to  1,400  kg/m3 (column den_13_14), from 1,400 to 1,500 kg/m3 (column den_14_15), from 1,500 to 1,600 kg/m3 (column den_15_16), from 1,600 to 1,800 kg/m3 (column den_16_18), from 1,800 to 2,000 kg/m3 (column den_18_20), and greater than 2,000 kg/m3 (column den_gt20). Column Den_sum corresponds to the sum of the different density fractions.  Columns corresponding to ash yields of the density fractions are also listed. Column Ash_ave corresponds to the average value ash yield.

The washability data of the mines and open-strips of the Kuznetsky and Pechorsky Basins can be displayed from the Coal Resources of the Former Soviet Union, Coal Basins of the Former Soviet Union, Surface Geology of the Former Soviet Union, and the Kuznetsky Basin views with the help of the special hot button (lightning) in the ArcView Project.  This feature will only work if the project is placed on the computer hard drive.  In order to close the washability data table, one should touch the button or close the table.

Washability data for the brown coals are not included in the database.  The washability and density distribution information for brown coals (lignites) is not reliable because of the unstable character of brown coals during washing in water and long term exposure to air.

If the value for any parameter in the database tables 1-5 (Appendix B) was not determined, the number -9999 is listed. For values that were determined below the detection limit of analytical method, the number -9988 is listed (see Appendix B, table 3). In the columns listing lithological composition of coal bearing strata, inertinite content, liptinite content, and mineral composition of coal in the database (Appendix B, tables 1 and 2) the number ¯8888 is listed where the values were determined below the one percent limit.

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Table 3. Detection limits of quantitative analytical methods and standard method references used for the trace-element evaluation of commercial and composite whole coal and ashed coal samples. 

[Table 1.2, pp. 12-13, Cherepovsky and others (1996)]

Analytical method
 Detection limit, in % (on whole coal or coal ash basis)
Reference document or Russian Institute proposing standard method
0.0005 (ash)
GOST1 10478-75
Chemical spectral
0.0000004 (ash)
0.003 (ash)
NSAM3 218-X
0.005 (ash)
0.00005 (ash)
Mercurimetric titrating
0.01 (whole coal)
GOST 9326-77
Neutron activation
0.001 (whole coal)
0.0005 (ash)
NSAM 106-C
0.001 (ash)
Flame spectrophotometric
0.001 (ash)
Emission spectral
0.01 (whole coal)
GGP “Yuzhgeologiya”5
0.02 (whole coal)
0.0001 (ash)
GOST 12711-77
0.0001 (ash)
GOST 10175-75
0.000001 (ash)
0.00001 (whole coal)
0.00002 (ash)
NSAM 229-X
Flame spectrophotometric
0.001 (ash)
0.0005 (ash)
NSAM 103-X
Emission spectral
0.0003 (ash)
GOST 24766-81
Emission spectral
0.0005 (ash)
NSAM 246-C
Chemical spectral
0.0000005 (ash)
Chemical spectral
0.000005 (ash)
Chemical spectral
0.000004 (ash)
TsL GGP “Kamchatgeologiya”7
Flame spectrophotometric
0.01 (ash)
0.0000002 (ash)
NSAM 179-X
0.00005 (ash)
NSAM 110-C
0.0005 (ash)
NSAM 228-X
0.0001 (ash)
NSAM 190-X
0.00005 (whole coal)
0.0005 (whole coal)
0.0005 (ash)
NSAM 123-X
0.003 (ash)
Chemical spectral
0.0003 (ash)
Spectral radiometric
0.0005 (ash)
0.02 (ash)
GOST 10538-87
0.00002 (ash)
NSAM 226-X
Spectral radiometric
0.0005 (ash)
Emission spectral
0.0001 (ash)
Emission spectral
0.0001 (ash)
NSAM 246-C
Atomic absorption
0.0005 (ash)
Spectral photometric
0.001 (ash)
NSAM 176-X

1GOST (GOSSTANDART)-Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology, and Certification, Moscow, Russia

2IMGRE-Institute of Mineralogy, Geochemistry, and Crystal Chemistry of Rare Elements, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia

3NSAM 218-X-Scientific (Nauchny) Council (Soviet) on Analytical Methods for the Former Soviet Union and Russia, Moscow, Russia

4LAR OIYal-Laboratory of Nuclear Reactor of the Combined Institute of Nuclear Investigations, Russian Academy of Sciences, Dubna, Russia

5GGP “Yuzhgeologiya”-Geological-Geophysical Party “Yuzhgeology”, Kazakhstan Ministry of Geology, Almaty, Kazakhstan

6IMR-Institution of Mineral Resources, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Simpheropol’, Ukraine

7TsL GGP “Kamchatgeologiya”-Central Laboratory of the Geological-Geophysical Party, Kamchatgeology, Russian Federation Ministry of Geology, Petropavlovsky, Kamchatka

8SAIGIMS (Sredne-Asiatsky)-Middle Asian State Institute of Mineral Resources, Ministry of Geology of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

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ArcView project for the Former Soviet Union

This ArcView project was produced by the U. S. Geological Survey in Denver, Colorado, from data files provided by the Russian coauthors and modified by the USGS.

In order to assure complete cross-platform access and to make the project as simple to use as possible, there are two versions of the ArcView project presented on this CD-ROM.  The directory fsucoal/views contains the version (fsucoal.apr) designed for any computer platform supporting ArcView v3.0 or later, along with data and ancillary files. The directory is configured to be self-contained and can be copied to the user's hard drive. The directory fsucoal/views also contains the version (fsu_win.apr) that is designed specifically for Windows 95/98/NT/2000 operating systems and requires no action by the user in order to view.   For more information on accessing the ArcView project go to Getting Started.

For fastest performance, and to enable the coal washability hotlink tool, it is suggested that the user copy the directory views to a local hard drive in a directory named fsucoal.

The spatial data are presented in the ArcView project as shape files in "Geographic" latitude and longitude coordinates. They are found in the directory shapes. The views are projected to Lambert Equal Area Azimuthal projection. The views depicting more detailed maps of specific basins or deposits are presented here as graphic images with point shapefiles to allow the user to query the data base for information on specific data points. These point shapefiles are found in the directory fsucoal/views/sketch, and are not georeferenced. Shape files used to present the cross-sections in the ArcView project are also not georeferenced and are found in the directory x-section.

The presentations of the coal quality and geologic data are organized in the ArcView project in three categories: Views, Legends and X-section, seen in the project window. The user can click on the category icon to see the list of available presentations. There are also pull-down menus, where they can be accessed. The category Views includes georeferenced views of coal quality and geologic data, and basin-scale views that are not georeferenced. The category Legends includes map legends for the basin-scale views and the cross-sections. The category X-section includes cross-section presentations.

ArcView version 3.0 was used to develop the project in order to ensure that any ArcView license version 3.0 or later can read the project.

It is necessary to have ArcView version 3.0 or later installed in order to view the project.

This ArcView project was developed in ArcView 3.0.  When opened in ArcView 3.1 or ArcView 3.2 there may be a message asking whether to upgrade to v 3.1 or  v3.2  tools.  It is suggested that the user respond no.  There will still be tools and buttons not intended in the original project, but they have no impact on the functionality of the project.

The interface has been simplified to make viewing easier.  Users wishing more functionality can create a new project with the shapefiles provided.  Legend files containing geologic age colors and other cartographic representations are also provided in the fsucoal/views/misc directory..

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Cited References

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), 1999, Standard classification of coals by rank, D388-98a: in 1999 Annual Book of ASTM Standards: Petroleum products, lubricants, and fossil fuels, sect. 5, v.05.05: Gaseous fuels, coal, and coke: Philadelphia, Pa., ASTM, 522 p.

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