Coastal and Marine Geology Program / Woods Hole Science Center
Contaminated Sediments Database for Long Island Sound and the New York BightU.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-241Ellen L. Mecray, Jamey M. Reid, Mary E. Hastings, and Marilyn R. Buchholtz ten BrinkOnline Only | ||
Abstract: The Contaminated Sediments Database for Long Island Sound and the New York Bight provides a compilation of published and unpublished sediment texture and contaminant data. This report provides maps of several of the contaminants in the database as well as references and a section on using the data to assess the environmental status of these coastal areas. The database contains information collected between 1956-1997; providing an historical foundation for future contaminant studies in the region. Citation:
Mecray, E.L., Reid, J.M., Hastings, M.E., and Buchholtz ten Brink, M.R., 2003, Contaminated Sediments Database for Long Island Sound and the New York Bight, U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report No. 03-241, Online at
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