U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009-1151
Continuous Resistivity Profiling and Seismic-Reflection Data Collected in 2006 from the Potomac River Estuary, Virginia and Maryland
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This report contains Geographic Information System (GIS) data in vector and raster format. The vector data are available in Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) shapefile format. Shapefiles generally include *.shp, *.shx, and *.dbf files at a minimum. All of these data files also include the *.prj files, which contain the dataset projection information. The raster data are available in ESRI binary grid format and GeoTIFF format. For the sake of brevity, only the filename prefix has been included in the column 'Filename' listed below; extensions have been excluded. Clicking on the listings in the 'Filename' column of GIS-compatible data will display a thumbnail image of the dataset. The files necessary to load each dataset into a compatible GIS have been compressed into a single WinZip® file, along with FGDC-compliant metadata in text, FAQ, and HTML formats. The XML metadata format generated and viewable by ArcCatalog is also included in the WinZip® file. In addition, the text, FAQ, and HTML versions of the metadata for each data set have links provided below. These data files can be downloaded directly from the DVD or from the table below. In addition to the GIS data, this report also contains continuous resistivity profile (CRP) and seismic-reflection data. The CRP data are available in both raw and processed formats. Each line of data acquisition comprises multiple files as described in the Methods section of this report. For this reason, these data are organized by day of collection and are available as WinZip® files for each day of data. The seismic-reflection data are available as JPEG images of the profiles, and in the SEG-Y data format. All of the JPEG images of the seismic profiles are available for download in a single WinZip® file. The SEG-Y format files are available from the link to the directory in which these files reside (data/seismics/segy/). The CRP tracklines, as well as the seismic-reflection profile tracklines can be hyperlinked to images associated with the corresponding tracklines within ArcGIS. Within the CRP tracklines shapefile, two text attributes, "hotlink" and "hlink2", can be utilized to hyperlink to the JPEG images of the resistivity profiles. The "hotlink" attribute points to the MATLAB JPEG image, while the "hlink2" attribute points to the long version of the EarthImager 2D JPEG image. Within the seismic-reflection tracklines shapefile, the attribute "hotlink" points to the JPEG image of the seismic-reflection profile. The metadata for each polyline give further instruction on using the hyperlink feature. Several data acquisition logs were maintained during the survey. These logs were combined into a single Portable Document Format (PDF) file, and that file is available from the table below. To download the data from the table below, right mouse click on the link in the 'Download' column. Select 'Save Target As...' to save a compressed WinZip® file to the local hard drive. The download file size is indicated under the file name. Microsoft Windows, since the Millennium Edition, supports extracting zip files natively without any additional third party software. Simply double-click on the file to begin the extraction wizard. In cases where WinZip® is needed and not currently installed on the local system, go to WinZip® (www.winzip.com) to download the latest version of the utility. Additionally, In the case of the SEG-Y files, the link simply takes the user to the folder containing all the SEG-Y formatted data files. When this report is accessed from the DVD, the top level of the report contains an ArcView 3.3 project file (ofr2009_1151.apr) and an ESRI ArcMap 9.2 map document (ofr2009_1151.mxd). These files contain the GIS-compatible data layers presented within this report. A free viewer, ArcExplorer, is available from ESRI (www.esri.com) if access to ESRI software or a compatible GIS data browser is unavailable. |
basemap (data/basemap/)
Filename | Description | Metadata | Download |
noaacoast_clip | Polygon shapefile from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration which displays the coastline for a part of the northeastern United States in the Chesapeake Bay area. | noaacoast_clip.zip 6.1 MB |
va_md_rivers | Polyline shapefile of streams and rivers that fall within Virginia and Maryland. Based on the National Atlas Streams and Waterbodies of the United States Dataset. | va_md_rivers.zip 0.21 MB |
statesp020 | Polygon shapefile from the National Atlas of the United States providing the state boundaries. | statesp020.zip 2.4 MB |
poto_area | ESRI binary grid of the combined elevation and bathymetric data in the Potomac River Estuary area (UTM, Zone 18, NAD83) | poto_area.zip 60.7 MB |
poto_hshd | ESRI binary grid of the hillshade relief created from the elevation grid of the Potomac River Estuary area (UTM, Zone 18, NAD83). | poto_hshd.zip 7.8 MB |
clrhshd_poto | Color-hillshade relief GeoTIFF created from the combined elevation and bathymetric data in the Potomac River Estuary area (UTM, Zone 18, NAD83). | clrhshd_poto.zip 48.1 MB |
clrhshd_poto_geo | Color-hillshade relief GeoTIFF created from the combined elevation and bathymetric data in the Potomac River Estuary area (Geographic, NAD83). | clrhshd_poto_geo.zip 47.3 MB |
navigation (data/navigation/)
These data are organized into four subdirectories based on the navigation acquisition system.
hypack - this folder contains the navigation recorded by the HYPACK navigation system (data/navigation/hypack/). |
ship - this folder contains the navigation recorded by the ship GPS system (data/navigation/ship/). |
resistivity - this folder contains the navigation recorded by the Lowrance GPS that is part of the CRP acquisition system (data/navigation/resistivity/). |
seismics - this folder contains the navigation used with the seismic-reflection profiles (data/navigation/seismics/). |
Filename | Description | Metadata | Download |
HYPACK navigation | WinZip® file contains three folders of data. Each folder contains the ASCII raw HYPACK navigation files from that survey day. | hypack.zip 7.3 MB |
R/V Kerhin navigation | WinZip® file contains three folders of data. Each folder contains the ASCII navigation recorded by the ship's GPS system from that survey day. | ||
resgpspnts_jd249 | Point shapefile of all the navigation fixes acquired with the CRP data on Julian day 249. Only the processed lines are represented. (Geographic, NAD83) | resgpspnts_jd249.zip 0.2 MB |
resgpslns_jd249 | Polyline shapefile showing the tracklines of processed CRP profiles from Julian day 249. (Geographic, NAD83) | resgpslns_jd249.zip 0.08 MB |
resgpspnts_jd250 | Point shapefile of all the navigation fixes acquired with the CRP data on Julian day 250. Only the processed lines are represented. (Geographic, NAD83) | resgpspnts_jd250.zip 0.212 MB |
resgpslns_jd250 | Polyline shapefile showing the tracklines of processed CRP profiles from Julian day 250. (Geographic, NAD83) | resgpslns_jd250.zip 0.077 MB |
resgpspnts_jd251 | Point shapefile of all the navigation fixes acquired with the CRP data on Julian day 251. Only the processed lines are represented. (Geographic, NAD83) | resgpspnts_jd251.zip 0.168 MB |
resgpslns_jd251 | Polyline shapefile showing the tracklines of processed CRP profiles from Julian day 251. (Geographic, NAD83) | resgpslns_jd251.zip 0.072 MB |
allshots_geog | Point shapefile of all the unique seismic shot point navigation collected during the cruise. (Geographic, NAD83) | allshots_geog.zip 2.13 MB |
shot100sort_geog | Point shapefile of all the 100 shot interval seismic navigation. (Geographic, NAD83) | shot100sort_geog.zip 0.16 MB |
shot500sort_geog | Point shapefile of all the 500 shot interval seismic navigation. (Geographic, NAD83) | shot500sort_geog.zip 0.068 MB |
track_route_Calib_geog | Polyline-M shapefile of all the seismic navigation - calibrated to the shot point navigation. (Geographic, NAD83) | track_route_Calib_geog.zip 1.02 MB |
CRP data (data/resistivity)
Raw CRP data (data/resistivity/raw_resis/): WinZip® file contains the raw resistivity data collected by the AGI SuperSting system. |
Processed CRP data (data/resistivity/proc_resis/): WinZip® file includes the linearized STG file and accompanying DEP file, EarthImager processed files that used the measured water resistivity value, and the MATLAB-generated profile images. |
RES2DINV format CRP data (data/resistivity/res2dinv_format/): WinZip® file includes the RES2DINV format files based on the linearized STG and DEP files. |
See the metadata for more details on the individual file types and how they were generated.
Filename | Description | Metadata | Download |
sept6_raw | WinZip® file containing the raw CRP data from September 6, 2006. | sept6_raw.zip 1.00 MB |
sept7_raw | WinZip® file containing the raw CRP data from September 7, 2006. | sept7_raw.zip 1.32 MB |
sept8_raw | WinZip® file containing the raw CRP data from September 8, 2006. | sept8_raw.zip 0.79 MB |
sept6_proc | WinZip® file containing the processed CRP data from September 6, 2006. | ||
sept7_proc | WinZip® file containing the processed CRP data from September 7, 2006. | sept7_proc.zip 22.3 MB |
sept8_proc | WinZip® file containing the processed CRP data from September 8, 2006. | sept8_proc.zip 20.9 MB |
mrg2006_allxyz | Point shapefile of all the processed resistivity data with data points in the water column removed. | mrg2006_allxyz.zip 25.6 MB |
sept6_res2dinv | WinZip® file containing the RES2DINV formatted CRP data from September 6, 2006. | sept6_res2dinv.zip 0.5 MB |
sept7_res2dinv | WinZip® file containing the RES2DINV formatted CRP data from September 7, 2006. | sept7_res2dinv.zip 0.52 MB |
sept8_res2dinv | WinZip® file containing the RES2DINV formatted CRP data from September 8, 2006. | sept8_res2dinv.zip 0.42 MB |
Chirp seismic-reflection profile (data/seismics/)
Filename | Description | Metadata | Download |
JPEG | WinZip® file of all the seismic-reflection profiles in the JPEG image format. | seismic_jpegs.zip 44.6 MB |
SEG-Y | SEG-Y format of the Chirp seismic-reflection data. The top link is to the folder containing the data. The second link is to a WinZip® file of the metadata. | data/seismics/segy/ segy_meta.zip |
PDF logs (data/survey_logs)
Filename | Description | Metadata | Download |
cruise06018_aquisitionlogs | WinZip® file of the combined PDF of the data acquisition logs. | cruise06018logs.zip 3.33 MB |