This section describes the data collected for this project, the location of the data, and how to access the data.
Data Format and Projection
All vector data are delivered as ESRI shapefiles in the geographic coordinate system (WGS84). The raster data are GeoTIFF and ESRI grid format in Universal Transverse Mercator, Zone 19N, WGS84 projection with the exception of the color-shaded relief image, which is in geographic coordinate system (WGS84).
All spatial data are distributed with Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) compliant metadata in extensible markup language (*.XML) format. Metadata are also provided for all spatial data in text (*.TXT) and FGDC Classic and FAQ [in hypertext markup language(*.HTML)] formats. ESRI ArcCatalog can also be used to examine the metadata in a variety of additional formats.
Data Access
The complete datasets from this project can be accessed in the following ways, depending on available software:
With ArcGIS 9.2 or later, all shapefile and raster data may be viewed and manipulated, although the Spatial Analyst extension will be required to fully examine and work with the ESRI grids. Copy the GIS_catalog folder or download the file (585 megabytes) to a computer and open the ArcMap document 2011_1184.mxd. This map document has all the data layers loaded in the table of contents and uses relative links.
Without any GIS software, view the data through ArcReader, a free mapping application distributed by ESRI for Windows, Linux, and Unix operating systems. Download ArcReader from the ESRI Web site ( and follow the directions for downloading and installing the free software. Once ArcReader is installed, all the data can be viewed by opening the published map file (PFM) named 2011_1184.pmf, which was created in ArcMap version 9.3.
Data Organization
The data are organized in folders on the DVD and the Publications Warehouse Web site. The file structure is the same for both media and is described below. Data layers can be downloaded individually using the table below or collectively from the file.
The following is a listing of selected contents of the file:
- ei_2hm_fill – Grid: Bathymetry at 2.5-m resolution. Data gaps have been filled with interpolated values.
- ei_2hm_nofill – Grid: Bathymetry at 2.5-m resolution. Data gaps are left as no data values.
- ei_2hm_fillhs.tif– Image: Hillshade relief image at 2.5-m resolution.
- ei_contours_1m_dd.shp – Shapefile: Bathymetric contours at 1-m interval.
- ei_2hm_shdrlf_image_dd.tif– Image: Color shaded-relief image of bathymetry at 2.5-m resolution.
- 2010-003-FA_SSmosaic_BuzzardsBay.tif – Image: Sidescan-sonar mosaic at 0.5-m resolution for Buzzards Bay region.
- 2010-003-FA_SSmosaic_MVsound.tif –Image: Sidescan-sonar mosaic at 0.5-m resolution for the Vineyard Sound region.
- 2010-003-FA_SSmosaic_Nashawena.tif –Image: Sidescan-sonar mosaic at 0.5-m resolution for an area north of Nashawena.
- 2010-003-FA_SSmosaic_Penikese.tif –Image: Sidescan-sonar mosaic at 0.5-m resolution for the area surrounding Penikese Island.
This folder contains PNG images of seismic-reflection profiles. These images are hyperlinked to the seismic trackline file within the ArcMap™ 9.2 map document 2011-1184.mxd. To hyperlink to the seismic images, the seismic tracklines must be selected within the Table of Contents. The hotlink feature (lightning bolt ) within the tools menu can then be used to display the seismic images associated with an individual trackline.
** Within 2011-1184.mxd: Seismic-reflection tracklines are hotlinked to PNGs stored within the“seisimage” directory. **
- 2010-003-FA_Swath_tracklines.shp – Shapefile: Swath bathymetric tracklines.
- 2010-003-FA_Chirp424_500shot.shp – Shapefile: Shot points at 500-shot interval for chirp data.
- 2010-003-FA_Chirp424_tracklines.shp – Shapefile: chirp 424 tracklines.
- 2010-003-FA_Klein3k_tracklines.shp – Shapefile: Sidescan-sonar tracklines.
Raw HYPACK navigation in text format.
Sound velocity profiles in csv and png format
2010-003_svp_locations.shp – Shapefile: sound velocity profile locations.
OUTLINE25K_POLY_dd.shp– Outline of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (1:25,000)
Map document:
2011-1184.mxd – ArcMap™ 9.2 map document containing selected data layers described above.
Data Preview
To download raster and vector data, right click on the link within the 'transfer file' column in the table below. 'Save Target As...' to save a compressed ZIP file to the local hard drive.