Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Linking vocal behaviours to habitat structure to create behavioural landscapes, 2023, Animal Behaviour (201) -
- Within-group relatedness and patterns of reproductive sharing and cooperation in the tropical chestnut-crested yuhina, 2019, Animal Behaviour (158) -
- Black-tailed prairie dog, Cynomys ludovicianus (Sciuridae), metapopulation response to novel sourced conspecific signals, 2019, Animal Behaviour (150) -
- Migratory hummingbirds make their own rules: The decision to resume migration along a barrier, 2018, Animal Behaviour (137) -
- Birds choose long-term partners years before breeding, 2017, Animal Behaviour (134) -
- Changes in vocal repertoire of the Hawaiian crow, Corvus hawaiiensis,from past wild to current captive populations, 2017, Animal Behaviour (123) -
- Weather as a proximate explanation for fission–fusion dynamics in female northern long-eared bats, 2016, Animal Behaviour (122) -
- A semelparous fish continues upstream migration when exposed to alarm cue, but adjusts movement speed and timing, 2016, Animal Behaviour (121) -
- Hemispheric-scale wind selection facilitates bar-tailed godwit circum-migration of the Pacific, 2014, Animal Behaviour (90) -
- Behavioural cues surpass habitat factors in explaining prebreeding resource selection by a migratory diving duck, 2014, Animal Behaviour (90) -
- Predator evasion by white-tailed deer fawns, 2012, Animal Behaviour (84) - 1
- Sustained increase in food supplies reduces broodmate aggression in black-legged kittiwakes, 2010, Animal Behaviour (79) - 5
- Impacts of experimentally increased foraging effort on the family: offspring sex matters, 2009, Animal Behaviour (78) - 2
- Cooperation and competition: nepotistic tolerance and intrasexual aggression in western bluebird winter groups, 2009, Animal Behaviour (77) - 4
- Experimental evidence of vocal recognition in young and adult black-legged kittiwakes, 2008, Animal Behaviour (76) - 6
- Optimal use of resources structures home ranges and spatial distribution of black bears, 2007, Animal Behaviour (74) - 2
- Sexual selection in the squirrel treefrog Hyla squirella: the role of multimodal cue assessment in female choice, 2007, Animal Behaviour (74) - 6
- Use of mammal manure by nesting burrowing owls: a test of four functional hypotheses, 2007, Animal Behaviour (73) - 1
- Latitudinal variation in avian incubation attentiveness and a test of the food limitation hypothesis, 2007, Animal Behaviour (73) - 4
- Are migrating raptors guided by a geomagnetic compass?, 2006, Animal Behaviour (72) - 4
- Do migratory flight paths of raptors follow constant geographical or geomagnetic courses?, 2006, Animal Behaviour (72) - 4
- Disentangling association patterns in fission-fusion societies using African buffalo as an example, 2005, Animal Behaviour (69) - 2
- The estimation of size and change in composition of avian song repertoires, 2002, Animal Behaviour (63) - 3
- Ontogenetic improvement of visual function in the medaka Oryzias latipes based on an optomotor testing system for larval and adult fish, 2002, Animal Behaviour (64) - 1
- Mate fidelity and breeding site tenacity in a monogamous sandpiper, the black turnstone, 2000, Animal Behaviour (60) - 4
- [Book review] Cowbirds and Other Brood Parasites by Catherine Ortega. Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona Press (1998). The Avian Brood Parasites: Deception at the Nest by Paul A. Johnsgard. New York: Oxford University Press (1997) Parasitic Birds and their Hosts: Studies in Coevolution edited by S.I. Rothstein & S.K. Robinson. New York: Oxford University Press (1998), 1999, Animal Behaviour (58) - 5
- Forced copulation results in few extrapair fertilizations in Ross's and lesser snow geese, 1999, Animal Behaviour (57) - 5
- Certainty of paternity and paternal investment in eastern bluebirds and tree swallows, 1998, Animal Behaviour (55) - 4
- Male traits, mating tactics and reproductive success in the buff-breasted sandpiper, Tryngites subruficollis, 1998, Animal Behaviour (56) - 2
- Fractal structure of sequential behaviour patterns: an indicator of stress, 1996, Animal Behaviour (51) - 2
- DNA fingerprint similarity between female and juvenile brown-headed cowbirds trapped together, 1995, Animal Behaviour (49) - 6
- Offspring growth in the California gull: Reproductive effort and parental experience hypotheses, 1995, Animal Behaviour (49) - 3
- [Book review] Antarctic Seals: Research Methods and Techniques, edited by R. M. Laws, 1995, Animal Behaviour (49) - 5
- Phenotypic divergence of secondary sexual traits among sage grouse, Centrocercus urophasianus, populations, 1994, Animal Behaviour (37) - 6
- Group foraging by a stream minnow: shoals or aggregations?, 1992, Animal Behaviour (44) - 3
- Non-random pairing in American kestrels: mate choice versus intra-sexual competition, 1992, Animal Behaviour (44) - 5
- Behavioural interaction between fish predators and their prey: effects of plant density, 1989, Animal Behaviour (37) - 2
- Mate desertion in the snail kite, 1988, Animal Behaviour (35) - 2
- The use of urine, faeces, and anal-gland secretions in scent-marking by a captive wolf (Canis lupus) pack, 1985, Animal Behaviour (33) - 3
- Scent-marking in lone wolves and newly formed pairs, 1979, Animal Behaviour (27) - 3
- Aggression, territoriality, and mating behavior in North American treefrogs, 1979, Animal Behaviour (27) -
- Mate preference in wild and domesticated (game-farm) mallards: II. Pairing success, 1979, Animal Behaviour (27) - 2
- Mate preference in wild and domesticated (game-farm) mallards (Anas platyrhynchos): I. Initial preference, 1978, Animal Behaviour (26) -