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Data and knowledge gaps of a water bottling facility inventory and select water-use dataset, United States

Released December 02, 2024 15:45 EST

2024, Scientific Investigations Report 2024-5106

Carol L. Luukkonen, Cheryl A. Buchwald, Gary R. Martin, Allegra E. Johnson Mckee

In 2023, the U.S. Geological Survey developed a national inventory of water bottling facilities for the United States, including information about locations, water sources, water use, and a collection of other attributes. The purpose of the inventory was to provide information about water bottling facilities needed to assess and improve understanding of local-, regional-, and national-scale hydrologic and socioeconomic effects resulting from water extraction for bottling. Beverage types coded in the North American Industry Classification System under subsector 312 (Beverage and Tobacco Product Manufacturing) were compiled; however, facility information was often not publicly available, time intensive to search manually, and difficult to verify because there are no nationally available facility lists. A separate evaluation of facilities in the Great Lakes region identified some facilities that were missing and some with incorrect information. Ancillary facility attributes were primarily available from a proprietary business dataset and water-use data could only be acquired for a small subset of facilities. These limitations and deficiencies may affect the types of analyses that can be done using the inventory information. Therefore, the following data-quality aspects are used to describe the information compiled in the facility and water-use tables: completeness, uniqueness, validity, timeliness, accuracy, consistency, and accessibility. The resulting implications of the data and knowledge gaps are that users of the data may need to make additional evaluations of the inventory information for some analyses.

Assessment of the interconnection between Tampa Bay and the Floridan aquifer system: Historical groundwater data compilation and analysis, 1976–2022

Released December 02, 2024 08:51 EST

2024, Scientific Investigations Report 2024-5073

Jeremy D. Decker

The U.S. Geological Survey used existing data collected after the last major navigational channel modification in the mid-1980s to investigate groundwater levels and chloride concentrations in wells in the Floridan aquifer system and other aquifers beneath and near Tampa Bay. Tampa Bay is located on the west-central coast of Florida and provides access for commercial shipping. In 2021, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers began to investigate alternatives to improve the efficiency of the deep-draft navigation channels within Tampa Bay, reduce costs, improve safety, and analyze the implications of modifying navigational channels. The Floridan aquifer system underlies Tampa Bay and is the primary source of public water supply in the region. Modifications to the channels have the potential to expose the Floridan aquifer system to the saltwater in Tampa Bay, with the potential to increase salinity in wells in the region. Other factors affecting the groundwater levels and the location of the freshwater/saltwater interface were also examined, including changes in sea level, groundwater extraction, and variations in climate.

Groundwater levels and well-construction reports were used to identify whether different aquifer units are well-connected. Twelve wells had available data before and after the last major channel modifications, which took place in the 1980s, with six datasets of chloride concentration available in areas along the northern and eastern coastline of Tampa Bay, which is nearest to historical dredging activities. Of these six, Kendall’s τ and p-values indicated increasing trends in chloride concentration for three datasets (TR 11-2, TR 10-2, 51), no trend in chloride concentration for two datasets (TR 9-3, 50), and a decreasing trend in chloride concentration for one dataset (TR 9-1). The upward trends in chloride concentration observed for TR 10-2 and 51 are likely the result of changes in local groundwater withdrawals. Well TR 11-2 had a gradual increasing trend in chloride concentration, fresh groundwater throughout the period of record, and a 3- to 4-foot increase in hydraulic head during the period of record, possibly caused by the construction and control of the Tampa Bypass Canal, resulting in changes to the regional potentiometric surface.

The U.S. Geological Survey National Water Quality Network—Groundwater—2023

Released December 02, 2024 07:27 EST

2024, General Information Product 247

Bruce D. Lindsey, James A. Kingsbury

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) operates a National Water Quality Network (NWQN) to monitor trends in groundwater quality and assess emerging contaminants of concern. It is a “network of networks” with 81 subnetworks being sampled on a decadal time scale. Each year, eight of the subnetworks are sampled. Subnetworks have 20–30 wells each and include studies of domestic supply wells or shallow groundwater (20–50 feet deep) underlying urban land use or agricultural land use. Currently there are 2,114 wells in the network.

Outmigration behavior and survival of juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in response to deep drawdown of the Lookout Point Project, Middle Fork Willamette River, Oregon

Released November 27, 2024 07:12 EST

2024, Open-File Report 2024-1069

Dalton J. Hance, Tobias J. Kock, Jake R. Kelley, Amy C. Hansen, Russell W. Perry, Scott D Fielding

An acoustic telemetry study was conducted during August 2023–February 2024 to evaluate outmigration behavior and survival of juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Middle Fork Willamette River, Oregon, during an experimental operation that was designed to facilitate downstream passage through two reservoirs and two dams. The experimental operation consisted of lowering the water surface elevation of Lookout Point Reservoir by nearly 100 feet between August and December 2023, and passing water through regulating outlets at Lookout Point Dam. This operation was intended to reduce residence time for juvenile Chinook salmon in Lookout Point Reservoir so that these fish would enter the free-flowing Willamette River as quickly as possible. During our study, acoustic-tagged juvenile Chinook salmon were released weekly during late August to late October to determine how fish responded to the drawdown. Data collected during the study were analyzed using a temporally stratified multistate mark-recapture model. We found that Lookout Point Reservoir became isothermic during the drawdown and water temperature exceeded 18 degrees Celsius during most of September 2023. This appeared to adversely affect juvenile Chinook salmon because the proportion of tagged fish that were subsequently detected in the forebay of Lookout Point Dam following release at the head of Lookout Point Reservoir during August 30–September 29 ranged from 0.01 to 0.05 for weekly release groups. Detections increased to 0.44–0.52 for fish released later in the year when water temperatures decreased. We found that fish size was a significant predictor of survival as fork length was positively related to survival probability in reservoir and free-flowing river reaches of our study area, but negatively related to survival probability for fish passing Lookout Point Dam. We also found that increased regulating outlet flow at Lookout Point Dam resulted in increased survival probability for juvenile Chinook salmon and water temperature was inversely related to survival. Results from this study suggest that the drawdown failed to create conditions that facilitated downstream passage and survival of juvenile Chinook salmon through the Lookout Point Project. Our analysis provides insights into several key factors that influence survival. This information can be used by resource managers when considering revised operations that may lead to improved outmigration survival in the future.

California State Waters Map Series—Benthic habitat characterization in the region offshore Humboldt Bay, California

Released November 26, 2024 15:01 EST

2024, Open-File Report 2024-1047

Guy R. Cochrane

Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS) geoform, substrate, and biotic component geographic information system (GIS) products were developed for the California State Waters of northern California in the region offshore of Humboldt Bay. The study was motivated by interest in development of offshore wind-energy capacity and infrastructure in Federal waters offshore. This project, carried out by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), resulted in four data releases for individual map blocks that are part of the “California State Waters Map Series”: (1) Offshore of Arcata, (2) Offshore of Eureka, (3) Offshore of the Eel River, and (4) Offshore of Cape Mendocino. The study area consists of 436 square kilometers of multibeam echo sounder (MBES) data acquired by Fugro Pelagos, Inc., in 2007. Towed camera-sled video was acquired in 2009 and 2010 to supervise the classification of the MBES data into habitats, and single channel sparker data were collected to calculate sediment thickness above the transgressive unconformity. Using video observations of habitat as ground truth, derivatives of the MBES data were classified into 3 seafloor character types (hard-rugose, hard-flat, and soft-flat), 26 induration-slope-depth groups, and 15 geoforms. The study area substrate is predominantly soft-flat sediment (mud and fine sand) covering 73.6 percent of the area. Hard-flat substrate areas, predominantly coarse sediment in scour depressions, cover 5.4 percent of the study area. The hard-rugose substrate areas are primarily outcrops of layered sedimentary bedrock and constitute 20.9 percent of the study area. Fifteen geoforms were identified in the analysis. The predominant geoforms mirror the seafloor character results, shelf geoforms, rock outcrop geoforms, and scour depression geoforms. Rock and scour areas are restricted to the southern portion of the study area off Cape Mendocino where uplift has exposed bedrock. On the flat shelf area post-transgressive sediment varies in thickness from 1.7 meters (m) nearshore to 28.1 m offshore.

Distribution, abundance, breeding activities, and habitat use of the Least Bell's Vireo at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California—2023 annual report

Released November 26, 2024 14:12 EST

2024, Open-File Report 2024-1065

Suellen Lynn, Barbara E. Kus

Executive Summary

The purpose of this report is to provide the Marine Corps with an annual summary of abundance, breeding activity, demography, and habitat use of endangered Least Bell’s Vireos (Vireo bellii pusillus) at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California (MCBCP or Base). Surveys for the Least Bell's Vireo were completed at MCBCP between April 11 and July 20, 2023. Core survey areas and a subset of non-core areas in drainages containing riparian habitat suitable for vireos were surveyed two to four times. We detected 561 territorial male vireos and 28 transient vireos in core survey areas. An additional 103 territorial male vireos and 15 transients were detected in non-core survey areas. Transient vireos were detected on 10 of the 15 drainages/sites surveyed (core and non-core areas). In core survey areas, 90 percent of vireo territories were on the four most populated drainages, with the Santa Margarita River containing 72 percent of all territories in core areas surveyed on Base. In core areas, 79 percent of male vireos were confirmed as paired; 69 percent of male vireos in non-core areas were confirmed as paired.

The number of documented Least Bell’s Vireo territories in core survey areas on MCBCP decreased 2 percent from 2022. In two core survey area drainages, the number of territories increased by at least three, and in two core survey area drainages, the number of vireo territories decreased by at least four between 2022 and 2023. The number of vireo territories at the lower San Luis Rey River increased 2 percent from 2022, in contrast to the decrease at MCBCP; however, this change was negligible overall. Although the 10-percent decrease at Marine Corps Air Station, Camp Pendleton from 2022 to 2023 was superficially less trivial, this 10-percent decrease represented the loss of a single territory. The proportion of surveys during which Brown-headed Cowbirds (Molothrus ater) were detected decreased to 0.20 from a peak of 0.45 in 2022. Cowbirds were detected from April through July in 2023.

Most core-area vireos (62 percent, including transients) used mixed willow (Salix spp.) riparian habitat. An additional 7 percent of birds occupied willow habitat co-dominated by Western sycamores (Platanus racemosa) or Fremont cottonwoods (Populus fremontii). Riparian scrub dominated by mule fat (Baccharis salicifolia), sandbar willow (S. exigua), or blue elderberry (Sambucus mexicana) was used by 29 percent of vireos. Habitat dominated by coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) and sycamore or non-native habitat was used by 1 percent of vireos; fewer than 1 percent of vireo territories were in upland scrub and habitat dominated by white alder (Alnus rhombifolia).

In 2019, MCBCP began operating an artificial seep along the Santa Margarita River; then in 2021, two additional artificial seeps became operational. The artificial seeps pumped water to the surface starting in March and ending in August each year during daylight hours and were designed to increase the amount of surface water present to enhance Southwestern Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus) breeding habitat. Although this enhancement was designed to benefit flycatchers, few flycatchers have inhabited MCBCP, including the seep areas, within the past several years; therefore, vireos were selected as a surrogate species to determine effects of the habitat enhancement. This report presents the fourth year of analyses of vireo and vegetation response to the artificial seeps.

In 2020, we established four study sites along the Santa Margarita River, two surrounding and extending downstream of seep pumps at the Old Treatment Ponds and along Pump Road, and two Reference sites in similar habitat but further downstream of the Seep sites. In 2023, seep pumps at one Seep site did not function, and we recategorized that study site as Intermediate. Soil moisture was higher at sites that had surface water augmentation (Seep and Intermediate sites) than at the Reference site, and soil moisture also decreased with increasing distance from the seep pumps. We sampled vegetation at these sites to determine the effects of surface water enhancement by seep pumps. Soil moisture was positively related to total foliage cover, woody cover, and native herbaceous cover below 1 meter (m), and also positively related to native herbaceous cover between 1 and 2 m. The Seep site had greater total vegetation cover in the understory (71–79 percent) than the Intermediate (52–66 percent) and Reference (61–69 percent) sites. Total herbaceous cover below 3 m was higher at the Seep site than at the Intermediate site; total herbaceous cover between 1 and 3 m was higher at the Seep site than at the Reference sites. Native herbaceous cover below 3 m was greater at the Seep site than at the Reference sites; native herbaceous cover between 2 and 3 m was also greater at the Seep site than at the Intermediate site. Non-native cover below 3 m was greater at Seep and Reference sites than at the Intermediate site. We found no difference in woody cover among site types at any height.

Vireo territory density among the Seep, Intermediate, and Reference sites was similar before the seep pumps were installed. However, vireo territory density at Seep and Intermediate sites combined was significantly higher than at Reference sites after the seep pumps were installed.

The U.S. Geological Survey has been color banding Least Bell’s Vireos on Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton since 1995. By the end of 2022, over 1,000 Least Bell’s Vireos had been color banded on Base. In 2023, we continued to color band and resight color banded Least Bell’s Vireos to evaluate adult survival, site fidelity, between-year movement, and the effect of surface water enhancement on vireo return rate, site fidelity, and between-year movement. We banded 180 Least Bell's Vireos for the first time during the 2023 season, including 1 adult vireo and 179 nestlings. Adult vireos were banded with unique color combinations, whereas nestlings were banded with a single gold numbered federal band on the right leg.

We resighted 57 Least Bell's Vireos on Base in 2023 that had been banded before the 2023 breeding season, 20 of which we were unable to identify. Of the 37 that we could identify, 34 were banded on Base, 2 were originally banded on the San Luis Rey River, and 1 was banded at Marine Corps Air Station, Camp Pendleton. Adult birds of known age ranged from 1 to 8 years old.

Base-wide survival of vireos was affected by sex, age, and year. Males had significantly higher annual survival than females. Adults had higher annual survival than first-year vireos. Survival for adults and first-year birds was lowest from 2020 to 2021 and highest from 2007 to 2008 and from 2012 to 2013. The return rate of adult vireos to Seep, Intermediate, or Reference sites was not affected by the original banding site (Seep versus Intermediate versus Reference).

Most returning adult vireos, predominantly males, showed strong between-year site fidelity. Of the adults present in 2022, 88 percent (96 percent of males; 25 percent of females) returned in 2023 to within 100 m of their previous territory. The discrepancy between male and female return rates follows the pattern observed in previous years. The average between-year movement for returning adult vireos was 0.4±1.9 kilometers (km). The average movement of first-year vireos detected in 2023 that fledged from a known nest on MCBCP in 2022 was 0.9±0.5 km.

We monitored Least Bell's Vireo pairs to evaluate the effects of surface water enhancement on nest success and breeding productivity. We monitored vireo nesting activity at 13 territories in the Seep site, 12 territories at the Intermediate site, and 25 territories in the Reference sites between April 8 and July 26. All territories except one at a Seep site and one at a Reference site were occupied by pairs, and all were fully monitored, meaning that all nesting attempts were monitored at these territories. During the monitoring period, 99 nests (26 in the Seep site, 28 at the Intermediate site, and 45 in Reference sites) were monitored.

Breeding productivity was similar among Seep, Intermediate, and Reference sites (2.9, 3.6, and 3.0 young fledged per pair, respectively), and a similar percentage of pairs at Seep, Intermediate, and Reference sites fledged at least 1 young (83, 83, and 96 percent, respectively). Other measures of breeding productivity were also similar among Seep, Intermediate, and Reference site pairs. According to the best model, daily nest survival in 2023 was not related to site. Fledging success appeared lower at Intermediate and Seep sites than at the Reference sites in 2023 (48, 46, and 67 percent, respectively), although the difference was not statistically significant. Predation was believed to be the primary source of nest failure at all sites. Predation accounted for 85, 77, and 71 percent of nest failures at Seep, Intermediate, and Reference sites, respectively. Failure of the remaining nests was attributed to infertile eggs, collapse of the vegetation supporting the nest, and other unknown causes. We found no relationships between vireo productivity and understory (below 3 m) vegetation cover.

Vireos placed their nests in 15 plant species in 2023. We found few differences in nest placement between successful and unsuccessful vireo nests. At Reference sites, successful vireo nests were placed slightly but significantly higher in the vegetation than unsuccessful nests, and at Intermediate sites, successful nests were placed significantly closer to the edge of the nest plant than unsuccessful nests. We did not find differences in nest placement among Seep, Intermediate, and Reference sites.

We found that as bio-year precipitation increased, the number of fledglings produced per vireo pair also increased. We did not find a link between bio-year precipitation and adult survival.

System characterization report on Vision-1

Released November 25, 2024 13:30 EST

2024, Open-File Report 2021-1030-Q

James C. Vrabel, Paul Bresnahan, Aparajithan Sampath, Minsu Kim, Seonkyung Park, Jeff Clauson

Executive Summary 

This report addresses system characterization of the Airbus Vision-1 satellite and is part of a series of system characterization reports produced and delivered by the U.S. Geological Survey Earth Resources Observation and Science Cal/Val Center of Excellence. These reports present and detail the methodology and procedures for characterization; present technical and operational information about the specific sensing system being evaluated; and provide a summary of test measurements, data retention practices, data analysis results, and conclusions.

Vision-1 is a high-resolution Earth observation satellite launched in September 2018 as a collaborative effort between Airbus and Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. It features a Newtonian telescope with a refractive relay, capturing images in panchromatic and multispectral bands. Operating in a Sun-synchronous orbit at an altitude of 583 kilometers, Vision-1 ensures consistent illumination conditions during image acquisition. It has a revisit time of 1 to 8 days depending on latitude and viewing angle, and it features an off-pointing agility of plus or minus 45 degrees, allowing for multiple target captures in a single pass using spot, strip, and mosaic imaging modes. The panchromatic band offers a resolution of 0.87 meter (m), whereas the multispectral bands (blue, green, red, and near infrared) provide a resolution of 3.48 m. These capabilities support a variety of applications including urban planning, agricultural monitoring, land classification, natural resource management, and disaster response. More information on the Vision-1 satellite and sensors is available in the “2022 Joint Agency Commercial Imagery Evaluation—Remote Sensing Satellite Compendium.”

The Earth Resources Observation and Science Cal/Val Center of Excellence system characterization team completed data analyses to characterize the geometric (interior and exterior), radiometric, and spatial performances. Results of these analyses indicate that the Vision-1 satellite has an interior geometric performance in the range of 0 to 0.02 m in easting and −0.01 to 0.03 m in northing in band-to-band registration, an exterior geometric performance of 1.7 to 2.2 m in easting and −1.1 to −0.7 m in northing offset with a 90-percent circular error of 3.4 to 3.7 m, a radiometric performance in the range of −0.029 to 0.017 in offset and 0.884 to 0.984 in slope, and a spatial performance in the range of 0.992 to 1.092 pixels for multispectral full width at half maximum and 1.895 pixels for the panchromatic band full width at half maximum, with a modulation transfer function at a Nyquist frequency in the range of 0.29 to 0.36 for the multispectral bands and 0.05 for the panchromatic band.

Using citizen scientists to collect oxygen and hydrogen isotope data in southern Nevada

Released November 25, 2024 12:47 EST

2024, Fact Sheet 2024-3042

Joshua M. Gonzales, Katherine J. Earp, Sade K. Cromratie Clemons

What is Citizen Science?

Citizen science programs provide a means for Federal and non-Federal government agencies to make science more engaging, transparent, and accessible by partnering with the public for the purpose of problem solving, data collection, and monitoring. Public volunteers become directly involved in local research, thereby engaging in scientific projects. The public has already been included in existing citizen science programs that cover a broad range of disciplines, such as ecology, hydrology, and tectonics. Citizen science advances research while simultaneously fostering a sense of involvement and interest from the public.

Beginning in 2017, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and National Park Service collaborated with private, non-profit partners to inventory, survey, and rehabilitate springs in Clark County, Nevada. The USGS maintains the National Water Information System (NWIS), a publicly available online database of water-resources data for the Nation, and the agency is interested in using citizen science to add geochemical data from springs in southern Nevada.

From 2021 to 2023, the USGS directly worked with citizen science partners, including the Springs Stewardship Institute and the Friends of Nevada Wilderness, to collect stable isotope and tritium samples from southern Nevada springs. The citizen science volunteers were provided the training and supplies for proper sample collection by USGS staff. As the citizen science partners traveled and hiked to the remote spring sites to complete spring surveys and perform restoration activities, they collected stable isotope and tritium samples for the USGS. Samples were shipped to national USGS laboratories for analysis, and the results were uploaded to the NWIS database (U.S. Geological Survey, 2024).

New technology for an ancient fish: A lamprey life cycle modeling tool with an R Shiny application

Released November 25, 2024 10:11 EST

2024, Preprint

Dylan Gerald-Everett Gomes, Joseph R. Benjamin, Benjamin J. Clemens, Ralph Lampman, Jason B. Dunham

Lampreys (Petromyzontiformes) are an ancient group of fishes with complex life histories. We created a life cycle model that includes an R Shiny interactive web application interface to simulate abundance by life stage. This will allow scientists and managers to connect available demographic information in a framework that can be applied to questions regarding lamprey biology and conservation. We used Pacific lamprey (Entosphenus tridentatus) as a case study to highlight the utility of this model. We applied a global sensitivity analysis to explore the importance of individual life stage parameters to overall population size, and to better understand the implications of existing gaps in knowledge. We also provided example analyses of selected management scenarios (dam passage, fish translocations, and hatchery additions) influencing Pacific lamprey in fresh water. These applications illustrate how the model can be applied to inform conservation efforts. This tool will provide new capabilities for users to explore their own questions about lamprey biology and conservation. Simulations can hone hypotheses and predictions, which can then be empirically tested in the real world.

Visual interpretation of high-resolution aerial imagery: A tool for land managers

Released November 23, 2024 10:14 EST

2024, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management (15) 312-326

Brian Tangen, Rebecca L. Esser, Benjamin A. Walker

Remotely sensed imagery from various collection platforms (e.g., satellites, crewed and uncrewed aircraft) are used by biologists and other conservation personnel to support management activities ranging from monitoring invasive species to assessing land cover and vegetation characteristics. Although remote sensing–based vegetation indices and models have been developed and used for some management applications, straightforward visual interpretation of imagery by on-the-ground personnel may be a pragmatic approach for obtaining time-sensitive and spatially relevant information to support and guide local management activities. Our primary objective was to qualitatively assess our ability to identify patches of target invasive plant species based on simple visual interpretation of high-resolution aerial imagery. We also sought to compare the high-resolution imagery to widely available imagery (e.g., National Agriculture Imagery Program) to determine the efficacy of each for assessing vegetation communities and land-cover features in support of management activities. To accomplish these objectives, we obtained high-resolution imagery and visually scanned and assessed the imagery by using standard geographic information system software. We were able to differentiate patches of crownvetch Securigera varia (L.) Lassen and wild parsnip Pastinaca sativa L., but not spotted knapweed Centaurea stoebe L. or leafy spurge Euphorbia esula L. The relative success in identifying these species had a relationship to plant characteristics (e.g., flower color and morphology, height), time of year (phenology), patch size and density, and potentially site characteristics such density of the underlying vegetation (e.g., grasses), substrate color characteristics (i.e., color contrast with flowers), and physical disturbance. Our straightforward, qualitative assessment suggests that visual interpretation of high-resolution imagery, but not some lower-resolution imagery, may be an efficient and effective tool for supporting local invasive species management through activities such as monitoring known patches, identifying undetected infestations, assessing management actions, guiding field work, or prioritizing on-the-ground monitoring activities.

Mapping karst groundwater flow paths and delineating recharge areas for springs in the Little Sequatchie and Pryor Cove watersheds, Tennessee

Released November 22, 2024 16:23 EST

2024, Scientific Investigations Report 2024-5089

Benjamin V. Miller

The Little Sequatchie River and Pryor Cove Branch, in southern Tennessee, drain the eastern escarpment of the Cumberland Plateau to the Sequatchie River near the southern end of the Sequatchie Valley. The Little Sequatchie River is the largest tributary to the Sequatchie River by drainage area, covering over 120 square miles. The hydrology of the two drainage areas has been largely altered by karst processes, which has caused the majority of the streams to sink at the contact between the Mississippian Pennington Formation and the underlying Mississippian Bangor Limestone. The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, initiated a study in 2021 to map the karst groundwater pathways in both watersheds in order to delineate recharge areas for several springs. One of these springs, Sequatchie Cave, represents a significant habitat for two Species of Greatest Conservation Need, the Glyphopsyche sequatchie (Sequatchie caddisfly) and the federally endangered Marstonia ogmorhaphe (royal marstonia). Springs and springflow-dominated streams in the Little Sequatchie River valley and Pryor Cove also provide water for agricultural practices and serve as a drinking water source for nearby communities. During the study, a total of 25 dye injections were conducted over eight rounds from January 2022 through March 2023. Dye traces from these injections helped to delineate recharge areas for six major springs, ranging from 7.3 to 65.2 square miles in area. The majority of the dye traces remained subsurface (from sinkpoint to recovery site) for long distances, with karst groundwater travelling nearly 8 miles before resurfacing. The dye traces also had rapid traveltimes, often travelling hundreds to thousands of feet per hour. The goal of this project was to provide scientific data related to karst groundwater pathways and spring recharge areas to aid State and Federal agencies in making informed decisions to protect and preserve this unique and vulnerable karst system.

Hydrodynamic model of the Colorado River, Glen Canyon Dam to Lees Ferry in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Arizona

Released November 22, 2024 15:45 EST

2024, Data Report 1197

Scott A. Wright, Matthew A. Kaplinski, Paul E. Grams

The U.S. Geological Survey constructed a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model that was applied to a 15.8-mile tailwater reach of the Colorado River in Glen Canyon that begins 0.25 mile downstream from Glen Canyon Dam and extends to Lees Ferry in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Arizona. The model used the Flow and Sediment Transport with Morphological Evolution of Channels (FaSTMECH) solver in the International River Interface Cooperative (iRIC) modeling interface. The model grid was developed from a full channel digital elevation model derived by combining bathymetric and topographic data collected from March 2013 to February 2016. The model was used to predict water-surface elevations, depths, depth-averaged flow velocities, and bed shear stresses for discharges ranging from 1,000 to 70,000 cubic feet per second. Modeled water-surface elevations matched well with measured values at cross sections throughout the reach, with a mean absolute error of 0.14 meter over the range of typical discharge releases from Glen Canyon Dam. The mean error on discharge, a measure of how well the model solution converged, averaged 0.6 percent and did not exceed 2 percent over the range of discharges modeled. These results indicate that model predictions of hydraulic parameters are reasonably accurate and suitable for use for a variety of purposes, such as ecological and geomorphic modeling.

Semi-automated methods to develop a unified geographic information system dataset

Released November 22, 2024 14:25 EST

2024, Techniques and Methods 11-C10

Jason L. Shapiro, David I. Donato

Geospatial data describing the topography, natural features, human-built features, and land uses of a particular area or region can come from independent data providers and, therefore, vary in format, data encoding, and geographic coverage. Because of the complexity of the processes and procedures required for unifying these heterogeneous data into a dataset with consistent format, encoding, and coverage, fully automated procedures for data unification do not exist. However, a combination of manual and automated procedures—semi-automated methods—can substantially reduce the time required for data unification while improving accuracy. This report presents three semi-automated data-unification methods in detail. Although these methods are not new in principle, their details are the result of original development work, and they serve as examples that can be reused, adapted, or generalized to provide head starts to future data-unification projects. The format of this report can be used and refined to encourage the publication of future reports and more widespread sharing of semi-automated methods.

Assessment of fresh groundwater discharge and saline surface-water intrusion at Operable Unit 2, North Chevalier Field Disposal Area (Site 11), Naval Air Station Pensacola, Florida, 2018–22

Released November 22, 2024 13:07 EST

2024, Scientific Investigations Report 2024-5058

James E. Landmeyer, W. Scott McBride, Chad H. Tripp, Michael A. Singletary

Site 11 is a former landfill at North Chevalier Field Disposal Area in Operable Unit 2 at Naval Air Station Pensacola, in northwest Florida. Site 11 is adjacent to Bayou Grande, a shallow, tidally influenced, saline estuary of the Pensacola Bay watershed. Federal and Florida regulators have expressed concern that contaminants detected in groundwater beneath the inland parts of Site 11 may discharge to Bayou Grande. In 2017, the Department of Defense, U.S. Navy, Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Southeast asked the U.S. Geological Survey to assess the occurrence of fresh groundwater discharge to Bayou Grande at Site 11 and to delineate to the extent practicable the location of groundwater discharge. Between 2018 and 2022, the U.S. Geological Survey used a multiple-lines-of-evidence approach that included a visual method and three physical methods based on the temperature difference between groundwater and surface water to assess groundwater discharge. One of the physically based methods also used the difference in specific conductance between fresh groundwater and brackish to saline surface water. Combined, the data indicate that fresh groundwater from across Site 11 discharges primarily along the shoreline of the northern and northeastern part of Site 11. The data also indicate that saline surface water from Bayou Grande intrudes tens of feet into the shallow aquifer beneath Site 11. The combined data indicate that the interface between fresh groundwater and saline surface water changes over space and time. Any new monitoring wells proposed for installation near the shoreline of Site 11 should include approaches to monitor the changes in the location of the freshwater/saltwater interface. Care would need to be taken to collect any groundwater samples at the correct season and tidal period to provide the highest probability of collecting a representative sample of Site 11 groundwater unaffected by saltwater.

Anatidae brood records in Maine during studies of Anas rubripes (American black duck), 1977–94

Released November 22, 2024 09:00 EST

2024, Data Report 1200

Jerry R. Longcore, Christine M. Bunck, Daniel G. McAuley, David A. Clugston

This report describes a compilation of brood observations for Anatidae species breeding in Maine during an 18-year period (1977–94) that were made by the U.S. Geological Survey’s Patuxent Wildlife Research Center while it was operated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. During four focused studies, variables affecting the declining Anas rubripes (Brewster, 1902) (American black duck, hereafter black duck) population were assessed. Broods were observed on seven geographical study sites within four study areas located in three of Maine’s five biophysical regions. For combined studies, 168 wetlands were monitored for broods.

The 1,907 recorded broods were distributed among study areas: 185 in Dixmont, 241 in Cherryfield and Beddington, 411 in Moosehorn, Baring Unit and Edmunds Unit, and 849 in Aroostook County, Agricultural and Forested sites. Additionally, 221 broods were recorded in the 117-hectare Downing Bog wetland at the Cherryfield site during annual evening visits made between 1985 and 1991. Twelve Anatidae species, mostly black duck (676), Aix sponsa (Linnaeus, 1758) (wood duck; 265), Aythya collaris (Donovan, 1809) (ring-necked duck; 246), and Lophodytes cucullatus (Linnaeus, 1758) (hooded merganser; 163) were observed. Only 139 broods of Anas platyrhynchos (Linnaeus, 1758) (mallard) were found; all but 9 broods were at the Aroostook County, Agricultural site. Branta canadensis (Linnaeus, 1758) (Canada goose) broods were found at the Aroostook County, Agricultural site (58) and Moosehorn, Baring Unit (97).

For the combined studies, 468 of 676 (69.2 percent) of black duck broods reached fledging age (Class IIc-III), whereas 93 of 139 (66.9 percent) of mallard broods reached fledging age. Black ducks used predominantly palustrine, emergent wetland; palustrine, forested wetland; and palustrine, scrub-shrub wetland. Of the 134 mallard broods observed at the Agricultural and Forested sites in Aroostook County, 130 (97.0 percent) were observed at the Agricultural site and 93 (71.5 percent) of them were recorded on two palustrine and two lacustrine, unconsolidated bottom class wetlands. Mean size of black duck, wood duck, and ring-necked duck broods in this report were similar to those reported from historic Maine data.

U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake Hazards Program decadal science strategy, 2024–33

Released November 21, 2024 15:57 EST

2024, Circular 1544

Gavin P. Hayes, Annemarie S. Baltay Sundstrom, William D. Barnhart, Michael L. Blanpied, Lindsay A. Davis, Paul S. Earle, Ned Field, Jill M. Franks, Douglas D. Given, Ryan D. Gold, Christine A Goulet, Michelle M. Guy, Jeanne L. Hardebeck, Nico Luco, Frederick Pollitz, Adam T. Ringler, Katherine M. Scharer, Steven Sobieszczyk, Valerie I. Thomas, Cecily J. Wolfe

Executive Summary 

Earthquakes represent one of our Nation’s most significant and costly natural hazards, with estimated annual loses from earthquakes close to $15 billion in 2023. Over the past two centuries, 37 U.S. States have experienced an earthquake exceeding a magnitude of 5, and 50 percent of States have a significant potential for future damaging shaking; these statistics speak to the need for nationwide interest and investment in earthquake hazard characterization and risk reduction.

Authorized under the Earthquake Hazards Reduction Authorization Act, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earthquake Hazards Program (EHP) provides the scientific information, situational awareness, and knowledge necessary to reduce deaths, injuries, and economic losses from earthquakes and earthquake-induced tsunamis, landslides, and soil liquefaction. The EHP supports activities in three focused topical areas: (1) earthquake monitoring, (2) hazard assessment, and (3) applied research, using the results of each—and the coordination among them—to further support risk translation and communication in regions at risk nationwide.

For earthquake monitoring, the Advanced National Seismic System (ANSS), a cooperative effort of USGS networks, university partner regional seismic networks, and real-time geodetic networks, collects and analyzes data on earthquakes; issues timely, reliable notifications of their occurrence and impacts; and provides data for earthquake research, hazard, and risk assessment as a foundation for building an earthquake-resilient Nation. The USGS-operated ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning system is a recent addition to EHP’s ANSS infrastructure.

In the realm of earthquake hazard assessment, the EHP contributes to earthquake risk mitigation strategies by developing the National Seismic Hazard Model and maps, and other related products, that describe the likelihood and potential effects of earthquakes nationwide, especially in the urban areas of highest risk. The EHP also conducts research on the causes, characteristics, and effects of earthquakes and prioritizes work that directly increases the accuracy and precision of earthquake hazards assessments, earthquake forecasts, and earthquake monitoring and situational-awareness products and that supports the Nation’s earthquake mitigation practices.

Bridging the EHP’s efforts across research, hazard assessments, and earthquake monitoring is a broad and comprehensive collection of earthquake information products, including the National Seismic Hazard Model, ShakeAlert, and other products describing impact, such as ShakeMap and PAGER (Prompt Assessment of Global Earthquakes for Response), which have been developed and integrated into EHP’s real-time monitoring systems.

EHP funds external partners to carry out many important collaborative activities through an active external grants program—one of the largest in the USGS—and through cooperative agreements with other partners such as the university-operated regional seismic networks, funded as part of the ANSS.

To continue its support of earthquake hazard characterization and risk reduction, the EHP aims to strengthen its foundational products and practices while positioning itself to respond to the evolving needs of the Nation and follow best practices of the scientific community. This document describes a strategy for the program to ensure it can meet these demands. The foundational priorities outlined in this strategy represent those activities that remain critical to the core functionality of the program and those that can be supported under current fiscal year 2024-level appropriations. Priorities described as aspirational are important for future growth, and to maintain the program’s position as a leading global resource in earthquake science, but would require increases in appropriated funding to be fully realized.

Across the program’s portfolio of activities, several major themes have been identified as the most critical activities to advance EHP science over the coming decade. Together, these activities provide the framework necessary to integrate critical hazard characterization and risk reduction activities across the program. They provide the structure for research to advance the understanding of where, when, and why earthquakes occur and how we can use improved knowledge to drive short-term and actionable forecasts of seismic activity. They expand the usefulness of critical earthquake products and advance the sophistication of those products to keep pace with the rapidly evolving needs of an ever-expanding user base while maintaining the position of the USGS as a global leader in earthquake science.

  1. Focus on system-level science.
  2. Establish an automated earthquake-processing pipeline.
  3. Enhance the accuracy and reliability of the ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning system and plan for extension to other regions.
  4. Implement time-dependent earthquake forecasting.
  5. Develop physically realistic models.
  6. Expand computational capacity.

This science strategy is organized into three primary sections. The first section provides an overview of the EHP and its budget, governance, and program council. Readers familiar with the program may wish to focus on the second section, which describes the core of the science strategy, including priorities across each of the EHP’s major program activities in monitoring, hazard assessment, and targeted research. The third section outlines science priorities that cut across program activities, including those involving collaborations external to the EHP.

Projections of multiple climate-related coastal hazards for the US Southeast Atlantic

Released November 21, 2024 09:05 EST

2024, Nature Climate Change

Patrick L. Barnard, Kevin M. Befus, Jeffrey J. Danielson, Anita C Engelstad, Li H. Erikson, Amy C. Foxgrover, Maya Kumari Hayden, Daniel J. Hoover, Tim Leijnse, Chris Massey, Robert T. McCall, Norberto Nadal-Caraballo, Kees Nederhoff, Andrea C. O'Neill, Kai Alexander Parker, Manoochehr Shirzaei, Leonard O. Ohenhen, Peter W Swarzenski, Jennifer Anne Thomas, Maarten van Ormondt, Sean Vitousek, Killian Vos, Nathan J. Wood, Jeanne M. Jones, Jamie Jones

Faced with accelerating sea level rise and changing ocean storm conditions, coastal communities require comprehensive assessments of climate-driven hazard impacts to inform adaptation measures. Previous studies have focused on flooding but rarely on other climate-related coastal hazards, such as subsidence, beach erosion and groundwater. Here, we project societal exposure to multiple hazards along the Southeast Atlantic coast of the United States. Assuming 1 m of sea level rise, more than 70% of the coastal residents and US$1 trillion in property are in areas projected to experience shallow and emerging groundwater, 15 times higher than daily flooding. Storms increase flooding exposure by an order of magnitude over daily flooding, which could impact up to ~50% of all coastal residents and US$770 billion in property value. The loss of up to ~80% of present-day beaches and high subsidence rates that currently affect over 1 million residents will exacerbate flooding and groundwater hazard risks.

Database of surface water diversion sites and daily withdrawals for the upper Colorado River Basin, 1980–2022

Released November 21, 2024 08:23 EST

2024, Scientific Data (11)

Samuel Francisco Lopez, Jacob E. Knight, Fred D. Tillman, Melissa D. Masbruch, Daniel Wise, Casey J.R. Jones, Matthew P. Miller

The Colorado River drains about 8% of the conterminous United States, provides water for 40 million people, and is one of the most overallocated rivers in the world. As the upper Colorado River Basin (UCOL) contributes an estimated 92% of the total basin natural streamflow, knowledge of the location and amount of surface water withdrawals in the UCOL is important for managing the Colorado River system. Since the UCOL encompasses portions of five states, water use data are dispersed among numerous federal and state agency databases, and there is no centralized dataset that documents surface water use within the entire UCOL at a fine spatial and temporal resolution. This article presents an inventory of 1,358 major structures that divert surface water from and within the UCOL with corresponding daily time series withdrawal records from 1980 through 2022. Data compilation efforts, processing methods, and contents of this diversion database are documented, and summary information is provided.

A transferable approach for quantifying benthic fish sizes and densities in annotated underwater images

Released November 21, 2024 08:11 EST

2024, Methods in Ecology and Evolution

Peter C. Esselman, Shadi Moradi, Joseph K. Geisz, Christopher Roussi

1. Benthic fishes are a common target of scientific monitoring but are difficult to quantify because of their close association to bottom habitats that are hard to access. Advances in image-acquisition technologies, machine vision, and deep learning have made capturing and quantifying fishes with cameras increasingly feasible. We present a method and open-source software called ‘FishScale’ to estimate benthic fish lengths, numeric abundance, and biomass density in underwater environments assessed with down-looking monocular images.

2. ‘FishScale’ estimates fish abundances and size frequencies from near-nadir monocular images where fish have already been semantically segmented. The software accounts for lens distortion, underwater magnification effects, and fish body curvature to automatically estimate fish lengths and the areas of images where they were captured. Numeric and biomass density are estimated through a deterministic machine vision algorithm that requires a user-provided length-weight relationship for species of interest and calibration images.

3. Results from validation studies show that lengths and weights can be estimated with high accuracy and precision for round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) captured in distorted action camera images, and from large-bodied lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) imaged with a machine vision camera. The real-world utility of the approach is demonstrated in a case study estimating round goby abundances and size frequencies along a 10.7-km transect surveyed with an autonomous underwater vehicle in Lake Michigan, USA.

4. Our validation studies demonstrate that the approach estimates benthic and benthopelagic fish lengths and weights with little bias and good accuracy and precision for species with much different body shapes and sizes. The method is applicable to data collected using a variety of nadir imaging approaches with widespread applications to fisheries monitoring and quantification of any species or object for which nadir images and working distances between the camera and feature of interest are available.

Assessing community needs for terrestrial analog studies

Released November 20, 2024 12:16 EST

2024, Open-File Report 2024-1042

Lauren A. Edgar, M. Elise Rumpf, James A. Skinner, Jr., Amber L. Gullikson, Laszlo P. Keszthelyi, Marc A. Hunter, Tenielle Gaither

Executive Summary

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) developed and released a survey to assess the terrestrial analog needs of the planetary science community. The goal was to assess the current state of terrestrial analog studies and determine community needs related to the use of field sites for training and research, data dissemination and archiving, and sample collections.

The survey was designed to gather feedback from community members who have a self-described interest in the use of terrestrial analogs. The web-based questionnaire contained a total of 33 questions and was designed to take <10 minutes to complete. The questionnaire was divided into four sections: (1) “Respondent Details,” (2) “Field Analog Use,” (3) “Data Portal Use,” and (4) “Geologic Materials Collection Use.” Comment boxes were provided for 12 of the 33 questions, which allowed respondents to provide more detailed comments to individual questions. The questionnaire received a total of 248 responses. We identified 21 notable findings which are matched with one or more recommendations to be addressed by the planetary science community.

In general, the findings highlight the importance of terrestrial analog studies to the planetary science community. The findings address how and why the community uses terrestrial analogs, areas in which further support can lead to a greater return on investment, and how the community can better manage data and samples from these studies.

The results from this survey identify a need for additional training opportunities and analog-focused workshops. There is a gap in formal education related to field techniques for a significant part of researchers who conduct fieldwork. There is also a subset of the community who are interested in conducting field-based studies but are, however, unaware of relevant sites and methods. Workshops would provide an opportunity for scientists at all career stages to share their results and discuss common challenges such as logistics, field safety, funding, and data and sample archiving. Trainings, workshops, and better communication may also lead to increased field-analog work at locations in closer proximity to home institutions, reducing costs associated with large field expeditions and ultimately leading to more available funding for more localized field studies.

The survey also shows that the ability to archive a diverse array of field data is a major challenge for terrestrial studies and finds that existing practices are not compliant with National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) data management policies. The survey points to a strong need for a central data repository, allowing for easier access to existing analog data and the archiving of new field data.

The community would benefit from additional physical sample archiving, consolidated into several key institutions to promote easier access, such as NASA and USGS centers. Though scientists would still need to acquire their own samples in the field for certain studies, many studies would benefit from an archive of existing samples and associated data for widely used analog sites, reducing redundant sampling practices.

This report finds that a coordinated effort to improve and standardize training, data archiving, sample curation, and communication regarding terrestrial analog studies will best serve the planetary science community in our exploration goals.

Increased mercury concentrations in walleye and yellow perch in lakes invaded by zebra mussels

Released November 20, 2024 10:27 EST

2024, Science of the Total Environment (957)

Naomi S. Blinick, Denver Link, Tyler D. Ahrenstoroff, Bethany J. Bethke, Abram B. Fleishman, Sarah E. Janssen, David P. Krabbenhoft, Jenna K.R. Nelson, Heidi M. Rantala, Claire L. Rude, Gretchen J.A. Hansen

Zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) are invasive species that alter ecosystems and food webs with the potential to affect aquatic mercury cycling and bioaccumulation in fishes, although the effect of zebra mussels on fish tissue mercury has not been tested in inland lakes. We assessed differences in fish tissue mercury concentrations and food webs in Minnesota lakes with and without zebra mussels while controlling for other lake and watershed characteristics. Mercury concentrations in adult walleye (Sander vitreus) and yellow perch (Perca flavescens) were 72 % and 157 % higher, respectively, in lakes containing zebra mussels compared to uninvaded lakes. Mercury in young of year (age-0) fish was also elevated, with mercury concentrations 97 % and 82 % higher in age-0 walleye and yellow perch, respectively, in zebra mussel lakes. Walleye mercury concentrations exceeded 0.22 ppm — a threshold triggering more restrictive human consumption advisories for sensitive populations — at a 23 % smaller size, and average-sized walleye (420 mm) exceeded this threshold at a rate of 77 % in invaded lakes, compared to 35 % in uninvaded lakes. Walleye and yellow perch relied more on littoral resources in lakes with zebra mussels but did not feed at meaningfully higher trophic levels. Increased fish tissue mercury in lakes invaded by zebra mussels have consequential implications for fisheries and human health.

Surveying waterfowl broods in wetlands using aerial drones

Released November 20, 2024 09:46 EST

2024, San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science (22)

Desmond Alexander Mackell, Michael L. Casazza, Cory T. Overton, Kevin Buffington, Chase M. Freeman, Josh T. Ackerman, Karen M. Thorne

Effective waterfowl management relies on the collection of relevant demographic data to inform land management decisions; however, some types of data are difficult to obtain. For waterfowl, brood surveys are difficult to conduct because wetland habitats often obscure ducklings from being visually assessed. Here, we used Unoccupied Aerial Systems (UAS) to assess what wetland habitat characteristics influenced brood abundance in Suisun Marsh, California, USA. Using a thermal imaging camera, we surveyed 17 wetland units encompassing 332 ha of flooded area on seven waterfowl hunting clubs during the waterfowl breeding season. Additionally, using a combination of multispectral imagery collected from the UAS flights and LiDAR data from the previous year, we mapped habitat composition within each unit to relate to brood observation counts. From June 3-7, 2019, we identified 113 individual broods comprised of 827 ducklings. We found a positive relationship between the number of broods observed and the proportion of the unit that was flooded. We also found a positive relationship between the number of broods observed and the area of effective habitat, a metric of flooded habitat within a specific distance of flooded vegetation. Brood surveys using UAS could complement the traditional Breeding Population Survey and provide local managers with fine-scale and timely information regarding shifts in brood abundance in the region.

Methodology for inclusion of produced and stored carbon dioxide in the U.S. Geological Survey Federal lands greenhouse gas inventory

Released November 20, 2024 08:58 EST

2024, Conference Paper, Proceedings of greenhouse gas control technologies conference, 17th

Philip A. Freeman, Matthew D. Merrill

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has developed two new carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and sequestration accounting methods for use in future reports. The first method is a Federal lease-produced CO2 emissions calculation for an update of the report, “Federal Lands Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sequestration in the United States.” The methodology to incorporate Federal lease CO2 production emissions into the updated report relies on CO2 sales royalty data from the Office of Natural Resources Revenue (ONRR). The end usage points for the gas include enhanced oil recovery with CO2 (CO2-EOR), food and beverage, and chemical production. CO2-EOR is the main end point for natural CO2 production in the United States; it accounted for 94% of usage in 2022 [1]. Federal lands emissions from this sector are estimated at 460 metric tons of CO2 in 2022, a very small amount relative to most other Federal lands emissions sector estimates.

The second new method, planned for a separate report, is a calculation of the geologic storage of CO2 on Federal lands. The second method estimates the CO2 stored under Federal surface lands and documents Federal climate change mitigation efforts. Currently, there is no storage of CO2 at an industrial level on Federal lands, however multiple proposals and projects are planned. This method was developed on non-Federal lands datasets in an effort to prepare for when these activities on Federal lands will require accounting. National estimates for CO2 geologic storage using this method, but without a Federal lands filtering step, totaled 8.0 million metric tons (Mt) in 2022.

The two methods described here are new benchmark methods in a collection of accounting procedures to document the current state of greenhouse gas emissions and their storage on Federal lands. These benchmarks can then be used to measure any subsequent changes in emissions from or carbon storage beneath Federal lands. While the magnitude of the values is currently non-existent to small, emissions mitigation goals established by decision makers indicate that these values will grow, and their documentation will take on greater value and use.

Bird habitat value and management priorities of the California Winter Rice Habitat Incentive Program

Released November 20, 2024 00:00 EST

2024, San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science (22)

Sarah H. Peterson, Josh T. Ackerman, Carley R. Schacter, C. Alex Hartman, Mark P. Herzog

Flooding rice (Oryza sativa) agricultural fields during winter to facilitate rice straw decomposition has mitigated the loss of some of the natural wetlands in California’s Central Valley. We conducted bird surveys in 253 rice checks (2,158 ha) within 177 rice fields in the Sacramento Valley during the fall and winter of 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 to evaluate factors influencing bird use of winter-flooded, post-harvest rice fields enrolled in the California Winter Rice Habitat Incentive Program. We counted 143,932 birds from 57 species, including dabbling ducks (86.4%), geese (8.0%), shorebirds (0.9%), wading birds (0.7%), and other birds (4.0%). Extrapolating from the lowest densities observed in rice fields during the 70-day mandatory flooding period, we estimated that properties enrolled in this public-private partnership provided habitat for at least 271,312 birds day-1 (16,248 ha; 2021-2022) and 147,315 birds day-1 (8,448 ha; 2022-2023), totaling >10 million bird-use-days each winter. Water depth had the greatest influence on bird abundance and diversity. Relatively shallow water depths (≤13 cm) had greater abundance of shorebirds, wading birds, and geese, and higher diversity, whereas intermediate depths (~23 cm) resulted in the greatest dabbling duck abundance. Duck, goose, and wading bird abundances were greatest and species richness and family diversity were highest 8 days after the onset of flooding in rice fields (typically late October), followed by a decline in bird use until 65-87 days post flooding, after which bird use increased slightly. Bird abundance and species diversity were lowest in rice fields with the greatest hunting intensity (≥3 days week-1). We identified several habitat variables that could be managed and prioritized by landowner incentive programs to increase bird use of winter-flooded rice, including water depth, variation in emergent vegetation height, mudflat habitat availability, rice check shape, hunting intensity, and post-harvest treatment of residual rice straw.

The role of spring-neap phasing of intermittent lateral exchange in the ecosystem of a channel-shoal estuary

Released November 19, 2024 10:20 EST

2025, Estuaries and Coasts (48)

Lilian Engel, Lisa Lucas, Mark T. Stacey

Lateral variability is a fundamental feature of channel-shoal estuaries, and exchanges between the channel and shoal can play an important role in the dynamics of the ecosystem in each region. This lateral exchange of biomass interacts with vertical structure and variability, particularly in the channel, to define algal biomass accumulation in the estuary. In this paper, we investigate how time-variable lateral exchange affects phytoplankton dynamics with a biophysical model that links two water columns via intermittent exchange. We find that time variability in the exchange influences biomass by increasing concentrations in the shoals and decreasing them in the channel when the time variability happens on a timescale greater than the timescales of biological processes, and the strength of the effect increases with the period of the intermittency. At timescales of variability comparable to the spring-neap cycle, however, the interplay between lateral exchange and the ecosystem response is complicated by the fortnightly development of stratification in the channel and the role that channel-shoal interaction plays in defining that stratification. As a result, for lateral exchange variability with periods of 7 and 14 days, the influence of the shoal ecosystem on the channel ecosystem is sensitive to the phasing of exchange relative to the spring-neap cycle, due to the fact that neap tide exchanges can create stratification events that are larger in magnitude and duration than would occur in the absence of lateral exchange, causing the channel to transition into net positive growth conditions. We conclude that lateral exchange influences the estuarine ecosystem both directly, through the exchange of biomass between shoals with net positive growth and adjoining channels and indirectly through its role in defining stratification events that allow the channel itself to have net positive growth.

Temporal concentrations of Quaternary ammonium compounds in wastewater treatment effluents during the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020–2021

Released November 19, 2024 09:29 EST

2024, Chemosphere (368)

Michelle Hladik, Michael S. Gross, Gabrielle Pecora Black, Dana W. Kolpin, Jason R. Masoner, Patrick J. Phillips, Paul M. Bradley, Kelly Smalling

Quaternary ammonium compounds (QAC) are high production chemicals used in many commercial and household disinfection products. During the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic, QACs were included on lists of COVID-19 disinfectants. Increased QAC use could lead to higher levels of QACs in wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents, which could subsequently be released into the environment. To evaluate QACs in WWTP effluent, three WWTPs in the northeastern United States were monitored from May 2020 through August 2021. Target QACs included six benzylalkyldimethyl ammonium compounds (BAC), three dialkyldimethyl ammonium compounds (DADMAC), two ethylbenzylalkyldimethyl ammonium compounds (EBAC), and benzethonium. At least one QAC was detected in every sample with individual concentrations up to 1600 ng L−1. BAC-C14 was detected most frequently, found in 93% of effluent samples; BAC-C12, BAC-C16, EBAC-C12 and EBAC-C14 were all detected in greater than 80% of samples. Few temporal patterns were observed in QAC concentrations with respect to weekly COVID-19 cases: at WWTP 2, DADMAC-C8:C10 and DADMAC-C10 were positively correlated, and DADMAC-C8 negatively correlated. There were several seasonal trends at WWTP 1, including significant differences of ƩDADMAC, which were higher in fall than summer; ƩBAC was higher during the fall than both spring and summer; and ƩQAC where higher during the fall than spring.

Determination of antimycin–a in a liquid formulation by high performance liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry

Released November 18, 2024 15:29 EST

2024, Open-File Report 2024-1068

Gavin N. Saari, J. Nolan Steiner, Bryan Lada, Nadia Carmosini

Pesticide formulations containing the active ingredient antimycin–a (ANT–A) have been used by fisheries and aquaculture managers for several decades to remove nuisance fish species. Analytical methods for measuring ANT–A during pesticide treatments have been done using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) paired with multiple detection methods (for example, electrochemical, ultraviolet, fluorescence, mass spectrometry). However, instruments and analytical chemistry methods can advance over time because of the need to develop timely, reliable, cost effective, and reproducible methods. Subsequently, ANT–A analytical chemistry methods and sample processing techniques also have improved over the past several decades. In the present study, we describe a liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry method and its verification across three analysts. Each analyst group created a single calibration curve and verified ANT–A in a liquid formulation using the averaged total response of all major ANT–A homologs (A1, A3, A3, A4). The advantage of this technique is that it creates a more resilient ANT–A quantification method amendable to batch-batch differences in major homologs. The method demonstrated how ANT–A can be effectively measured with high accuracy (98–99 percent), precision (2.7–16.2 percent), and specificity within a pesticide liquid formulation using a method applicable for Federal registration requirements.

High-Flow Experimental Outcomes to Inform Everglades Restoration, 2010–22

Released November 18, 2024 13:52 EST

2024, Open-File Report 2024-1063

Judson W. Harvey, Jay Choi, Laurel Larsen, Katherine Skalak, Morgan Maglio, Katherine Quion, Tzu-Yao Lin, Allison Swartz, Jesus Gomez-Velez, Noah Schmadel

The Decompartmentalization Physical Model (DPM) was an experimental facility in the central Everglades operated between 2010 and 2022 to release high flows through a levee-enclosed area of degraded ridge and slough wetland that had been isolated from flow for sixty years. The purpose of DPM experimental program was to make measurements before, during, and after seasonal high-flow releases that could help guide the Congressionally authorized Everglades restoration project known as the Decompartmentalization and Sheet Flow Enhancement Project.

The DPM facility was operated by the South Florida Water Management District, with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and several universities participating in experimental design and leading aspects of the research. The USGS research at DPM focused on measuring high-flow hydraulics and its sedimentary and ecological responses in downstream wetlands. USGS investigated interactions between flow and vegetation and microtopography that influenced flow velocity and water depth, bed shear stress, sediment entrainment, and the resulting downstream transport of suspended sediment and fate of particle-associated phosphorus. USGS also investigated high-flow changes in water-column mixing and gas exchange and resulting effects on metabolism of the aquatic ecosystem (primary productivity and respiration). USGS also investigated effects of built structures such as levee gaps that were constructed to reconnect levee-enclosed basins. This report describes the methods and results of the USGS-led data collection at DPM.

The USGS studies at DPM have identified factors that influence effectiveness of restoration, specifically how high-flow releases maximize sheet flow and affect sediment and nutrient dynamics while minimizing undesirable outcomes caused by past management that bypassed wetlands by conveying polluted water through canals to ecologically sensitive downstream areas. The DPM high-flow experiments reconnected the Water Conservation Area 3A and Water Conservation Area 3B basins, and it therefore has become a central feature of the restoration’s Decompartmentalization and Sheet Flow Enhancement Project. DPM’s scientific findings have already influenced the adaptive management of Everglades restoration in guiding elements of the final design and implementation of the Central Everglades Planning Project-South. In addition to serving Everglades restoration, the DPM has the potential to influence similar adaptive management programs throughout the nation’s network of federal and state-managed river corridors, floodplains, and riparian ecosystems.

Pathology of lesions in corals from the US Virgin Islands after emergence of stony coral tissue loss disease

Released November 18, 2024 09:08 EST

2024, Coral Reefs

Thierry M. Work, Jeff Miller, Thomas Kelley, Aine C. Hawthorn, Tina Weatherby, Caroline Rogers

Stony coral tissue loss disease (SCTLD) was first documented in Florida in 2014 and has since spread through the Caribbean causing unprecedented mortality in more than 20 species of corals. The cause of SCTLD is unknown, but bacteria are suspected based on regression of gross lesions in some corals treated with antibiotics. Limited pathology studies on SCTLD exist, but it is likely that ‘SCTLD’ is a general term encompassing tissue loss disease of unexplained origin. Here, we examined pathology of lesions in corals from the US Virgin Islands where SCTLD has recently emerged. The typical histologic lesion of SCTLD in Florida corals was lytic necrosis comprising vacuolation and necrosis of mucus cells with erosion of mesoglea and misshapen endosymbionts with variably sized intracytoplasmic granules and common occurrence of filamentous viral-like particles in endosymbionts visible on electron microscopy (EM). In contrast, USVI corals had mainly lytic mucus cell hypertrophy and necrosis with no involvement of mesoglea, endosymbiont pathology at the light microscopy level was less evident, and VLP were rarely seen on EM. We suspect SCTLD is likely more complex with multiple presentations and potential etiologies depending on geographic region. Further pathological studies from other regions might help refine the case definition of SCTLD.

Brittle regime slip partitioned damage and deformation mechanisms along the eastern Denali fault zone in southwestern, Yukon

Released November 18, 2024 08:26 EST

2024, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth (129)

Jonathan Caine, Omero F. Orlandini, Frederick W. Vollmer, Heather A. Lowers

Rare bedrock exposures of the eastern Denali fault zone in southwestern Yukon allow for the measurement, sampling, and analyses of brittle regime fault slip data and deformation mechanisms to explore relations to far field, oblique plate motions. Host rock lithologies and associated slip surfaces show episodic damage zone‐related deformation and calcite ± hematite ± chlorite related hydrothermal fluid flow. This regional scale network of asymmetric fault damage is spatially and kinematically linked to a discrete and narrow fault core. Fault network observations, orientations, slip data, and strain inversions document a slip partitioned strike‐slip fault system with locally and mutually overprinting strike‐, oblique‐, and dip‐slip components. Microstructural analyses reveal crystal plastic and co‐seismic brittle deformation mechanisms active in a narrow range of upper crustal temperature, pressure, fluid, and chemical conditions. The net damage related slip is not exclusively formed by a single kinematic system, but rather a fully partitioned, time integrated system likely operative for much of the fault's brittle regime evolution temporally constrained by previously published thermochronometric data. Although the fault slip data was collected from outcrop‐scale exposures at sites tens of kilometers apart, results show remarkable correlation between fault kinematics and plate motions along the ∼580 km long eastern Denali fault segment. End member, subhorizontal, northeast directed reverse and north directed dextral strike slip fault strain axes closely reflect relative plate motion interactions over at least the last 30 m.y. and act as a proxy for far‐field stresses compatible with the kinematics of the damage zone network.

Ticks without borders: Microbiome of immature neotropical tick species parasitizing migratory songbirds along northern Gulf of Mexico

Released November 17, 2024 09:17 EST

2024, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology (14)

Shahid Karim, Theodore J. Zenzal Jr., Lorenza Beati, Raima Sen, Abdulsalam Adegoke, Deepak Kumar, Latoyia P. Downs, Mario Keko, Ashly Nussbaum, Daniel J. Becker, Frank R. Moore

Introduction: The long-distance, seasonal migrations of birds make them an effective ecological bridge for the movement of ticks. The introduction of exotic tick species to new geographical regions can cause the emergence of novel tick-borne pathogens. This study examined the prevalence of exotic tick species parasitizing migratory songbirds at stopover sites along the northern Gulf of Mexico using the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene.

Methods: Overall, 421 individual ticks in the genera Amblyomma, Haemaphysalis, and Ixodes were recorded from 28 songbird species, of which Amblyomma and Amblyomma longirostre were the most abundant tick genera and species, respectively. A high throughput 16S ribosomal RNA sequencing approach characterized the microbial communities and identified pathogenic microbes in all tick samples.

Results and discussion: Microbial profiles showed that Proteobacteria was the most abundant phylum. The most abundant pathogens were Rickettsia and endosymbiont Francisella, Candidatus Midichloria, and Spiroplasma. Permutation multivariate analysis of variance revealed that the relative abundance of Francisella and Rickettsia drives microbial patterns across the tick genera. We also noted a higher percentage of positive correlations in microbe-microbe interactions among members of the microbial communities. Network analysis suggested a negative correlation between a) Francisella and Rickettsia and, b) Francisella and Cutibacterium. Lastly, mapping the distributions of bird species parasitized during spring migrations highlighted geographic hotspots where migratory songbirds could disperse ticks and their pathogens at stopover sites or upon arrival to their breeding grounds, the latter showing mean dispersal distances from 421–5003 kilometers. These findings spotlight the potential role of migratory birds in the epidemiology of tick-borne pathogens.

Layered intrusions in the Precambrian: Observations and perspectives

Released November 16, 2024 11:21 EST

2024, Precambrian Research (415)

William D. Smith, Michael Jenkins, Claudia T. Augustin, Ville J. Virtanen, Zoja Vukmanovic, Brian O'Driscoll

Layered intrusions are plutonic bodies of cumulates that form by the crystallization of mantle-derived melts. These intrusions are characterized by igneous layering distinguishable by shifts in mineralogy, texture, or composition. Layered intrusions have been fundamental to our understanding of igneous petrology; however, it is their status as important repositories of critical metals – such as platinum-group elements, chromium, and vanadium – that has predominantly driven associated research in recent decades. Many layered intrusions were emplaced during the Precambrian, predominantly at the margins of ancient cratons during intervals of supercontinent accretion and destruction. It appears that large, layered intrusions require rigid crust to ensure their preservation, and their geometry and layering is primarily controlled by the nature of melt emplacement.

Layered intrusions are best investigated by integrating observations from various length-scales. At the macroscale, intrusion geometries can be discerned, and their presence understood in the context of the regional geology. At the mesoscale, the layering of an intrusion may be characterized, intrusion-host rock contact relationships studied, and the nature of stratiform mineral occurrences described. At the microscale, the mineralogy and texture of cumulate rocks and any mineralization are elucidated, particularly when novel microtextural and mineral chemical datasets are integrated. For example, here we demonstrate how mesoscale observations and microscale datasets can be combined to understand the petrogenesis of the perplexing snowball oiks outcrop located in the Upper Banded Series of the Stillwater Complex. Our data suggest that the orthopyroxene oikocrysts did not form in their present location, but rather formed in a dynamic magma chamber where crystals were transported either by convective currents or within crystal-rich slurries.

Critical metals may be transported to the level of a nascent intrusion as dissolved components in the melt. Alternatively, ore minerals are entrained from elsewhere in a plumbing system, potentially facilitated by volatile-rich phases. There are many ore-forming processes propounded by researchers to occur at the level of emplacement; however, each must address the arrival of the ore mineral, its concentration of metals, and its accumulation into orebodies. In this contribution, several of these processes are described as well as our perspectives on the future of layered intrusion research.

Three-dimensional temperature maps of the Williston Basin, USA: Implications for deep hot sedimentary and enhanced geothermal resources

Released November 15, 2024 11:29 EST

2024, Geothermics (125)

Sarah E. Gelman, Erick R. Burns

As part of U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) efforts to identify and assess geothermal energy resources of the US, a three-dimensional (3D) geologic and thermal model has been constructed for the Williston Basin, USA. The geologic model consists of all sedimentary units above the Proterozoic and Archean crystalline rock (called basement herein), with a total sedimentary thickness of up to 5 km near the basin center. Twenty-nine geologic units were mapped from interpreted formation tops from 16,465 wells. A 3D temperature model was constructed to a depth of 7 km by constructing a 3D heat flow model for the sedimentary units, followed by estimating underlying temperature using a one-dimensional (1D) analytic solution for heat flow within the underlying crystalline basement. Using the sedimentary basin model, heat flow was simulated in 3D and was calibrated using three temperature datasets: 1) 24 high-confidence static temperature logs (equilibrium thermal profiles), 2) more than15,000 drill stem test (DST) measurements from >7,000 wells, and 3) more than 45,000 bottomhole temperature (BHT) measurements from >14,000 wells. The DST and BHT datasets provide broad spatial coverage, but are lower confidence, primarily because measurements were made prior to attaining thermal equilibrium. DST and BHT measurements were binned regionally to develop representative thermal profiles that generally agree with these lower quality data (hereafter called pseudowell temperature profiles). Layer properties (primarily thermal conductivity and compaction curves) were set to best estimate values, then the heat flow model was calibrated to fit pseudowell and static temperature logs primarily by adjusting basal heat flow to approximate the overall temperature profile. Minor adjustments to thermal conductivity allowed adjusting changes in slope at lithologic contacts. Resulting maps include 3D temperature and basal (bottom of sedimentary units) heat flow estimates, which are used as input for the temperature model of the basement. The crystalline basement temperature model uses an analytic 1D solution to the heat flow equation that requires estimates of heat flow and temperature at the upper boundary (i.e., the sediment/basement contact), radiogenic heat production within the crystalline basement, and reference thermal conductivity (i.e., uncorrected for temperature). Two regions of high heat flow are identified: 1) in western North Dakota along the North American Central Plains Conductivity Anomaly and 2) in eastern Montana near the Poplar dome. Within the sedimentary column in the center of the basin of the basin, an area of approximately 100,000 km2 is predicted to have moderate- to high-temperature geothermal resources (>90 °C) under the thickest sequences of sediments. Where thick insulation and high heat flow coincide, electric-grade resources can be less than 4 km deep. Assuming a maximum feasible drilling depth of 7 km, temperatures are predicted to be as high as 175 °C. The geologic model may be used to identify strata at sufficient temperatures that may have natural permeability or that may have conditions that favor development of enhanced/engineered geothermal systems resources.

Shallow lake, strong shake: Record of seismically triggered lacustrine sedimentation from the 1959 M7.3 Hebgen Lake earthquake within Henrys Lake, Idaho

Released November 15, 2024 08:52 EST

2024, Geophysical Research Letters (51)

Sylvia R. Nicovich, Christopher DuRoss, Jessica Ann Thompson Jobe, Jessica R. Rodysill, Richard W. Briggs, Alexandra Elise Hatem, Madeleine Mai-Lynh Tan, Yann Gavillot, Noah Silas Lindberg, Laura E. Strickland, Jason Scott Padgett

We investigate a shallow lake basin for evidence of a large historic intraplate earthquake in western North America. Henrys Lake, Idaho is an atypical candidate for a lacustrine paleoseismic study given its shallow depth (~7 m) and low relief (≤2° slopes). Here, we test the earthquake-recording capacity of this basin type by showing sedimentological evidence of the 1959 M7.3 Hebgen Lake earthquake within sediment cores, using anthropogenically produced 137Cs activity to constrain timing. In addition to expanding the morphologic range of basins targeted for lacustrine paleoseismic studies, this work has implications for sediment response in dam-enhanced basins. Lack of sedimentological evidence for other earthquakes coupled with radiocarbon chronology reveals that the 1959 event is the only clearly recorded earthquake within Henrys Lake since the mid-Holocene. Henrys Lake offers a proxy for paleo-earthquake signatures within similar lacustrine environments and underscores the importance of further paleoseismic studies in the region.

The U.S. Geological Survey National Water Quality Network—Surface Water—2023

Released November 15, 2024 07:39 EST

2024, General Information Product 245

Melissa L. Riskin

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Water Quality Network for surface water (NWQN-SW) was established in 2013 to develop long-term, comparable assessments of surface-water quality in support of national, regional, state, and local needs related to water-quality management and policy. Waterquality samples are collected at each site and measured for a variety of parameters. In 2023, the NWQN-SW consisted of 109 sites, each of them paired with a streamgage, operated by the USGS or other agencies that provide continuous information on streamflow conditions. The waterquality data and the streamflow information from the NWQN-SW is then used to assess the status and trends of water-quality conditions and potential impacts on human and aquatic health.

The U.S. Geological Survey National Atmospheric Deposition Network—2023

Released November 15, 2024 07:23 EST

2024, General Information Product 244

Ryan Conner McCammon

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has been a National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP) partner agency since 1981. NADP is comprised of five atmospheric monitoring networks that verify Clean Air Act effectiveness and provide essential data to protect human health and preserve ecosystems for current and future generations. Stakeholders include land management agencies overseeing sensitive habitats (National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Forest Service, and First Nations), Federal and State regulatory agencies, and the public.

U.S. Geological Survey Groundwater Climate Response Network—2023

Released November 15, 2024 07:20 EST

2024, General Information Product 243

Jason Fine, Rodney Caldwell

As of October 2023, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) operated more than 660 sites across the United States and its territories as part of the Groundwater Climate Response Network (CRN). The CRN is comprised of wells and springs selected to monitor the effects of climate variability, such as droughts, on groundwater levels and spring discharge nationwide. The CRN includes more than 550 locations with realtime data and more than 100 sites with non-real-time data available to the public on the CRN web mapper and the USGS National Water Dashboard.

Advancing sustainable groundwater management with a hydro-economic system model: Investigations in the Harney Basin, Oregon

Released November 14, 2024 13:32 EST

2024, Water Resources Research (60)

William K. Jaeger, John M. Antle, Stephen B. Gingerich, Daniel Bigelow

Groundwater resources frequently trend toward unsustainable levels because, absent effective institutions, individual water users generally act independently without considering the impacts on other users. Hydro-economic models (HEMs) of human-natural systems can play a positive role toward successful groundwater management by yielding valuable knowledge and insight. The current study explores how an HEM that captures essential physical and economic characteristics of a system can shed light on the system's processes and dynamics to benefit stakeholders, managers, and also researchers. These propositions are illustrated using the Harney Basin, Oregon, which has seen large groundwater declines in the past 20 years. The HEM shows that: (a) although current groundwater pumping rates will gradually raise costs and reduce well yields, irrigators gain the highest aggregate economic return by continuing current pumping; (b) lowland areas of the basin are hydrologically connected, which limits the efficacy of remedies focused on regulations only in some portions of the basin; (c) community expectations regarding the efficacy of several proposed solutions are overly optimistic; and (d) the study's scenarios identify interventions that would stabilize the groundwater system and prevent additional adverse impacts on residential and livestock wells and groundwater-dependent ecosystems. These interventions would require limiting groundwater pumping by nearly half and reducing annual profits by $7.5–$9.0M. The HEM also demonstrated its value to researchers: its insights shifted attention toward questions about Oregon's existing groundwater institutions and their inability to adaptively manage the transition from abundant groundwater to scarce groundwater in a timely manner.

Urban tick exposure on Staten Island is higher in pet owners

Released November 14, 2024 09:10 EST

2024, PLoS ONE (19)

Noriko Tamari, Kacey C. Ernst, Aaron Joey Enriquez, Maria A. Diuk-Wasser, Maria P. Fernandez, Kevin Berry, Mary H. Hayden

Over the past decade, Lyme and other tick-borne diseases have expanded into urban areas, including Staten Island, New York. While Lyme disease is often researched with a focus on human risk, domestic pets are also at risk of contracting the disease. The present study aims to describe differences in tick exposure, knowledge, attitude, and practices (KAP) between pet owners and non-owners, and to understand preventive strategies practiced by pet owners for themselves and their pets. We conducted KAP surveys via phone in 2020 and via face-to-face interviews in 2021, and we analyzed unique responses from 364 households on Staten Island. Pet owners were more likely to have ever found a tick on themselves or their household members (63%) than non-owners (46%) (p<0.001). Among pet owners, those who owned dogs (dog-only or both dog and cat owners) were more likely to have ever found a tick on their pets than cat-only owners (p<0.001). Compared with non-pet owners, pet owners were more likely both to know that ticks transmit Lyme disease (p<0.001) and to avoid gardening to reduce their tick exposure (p = 0.032), but they were less likely to wear protective clothing or adjust clothing (p = 0.013). Compared with cat owners who had never found a tick on their cats, cat owners who had ever found a tick on their cats were more likely to let their cats go outside (p<0.001). However, reported preventive measures on cats did not differ between pet owners who did and did not report tick exposure. The results indicate that encouraging pet owners to engage in preventative measures, both to protect themselves and their pets, is a potential avenue for healthcare providers and veterinarians to reduce risks from ticks.

Field trials of an autonomous eDNA sampler in lotic waters

Released November 14, 2024 08:03 EST

2024, Environmental Science & Technology

Scott D. George, Adam Sepulveda, Patrick Ross Hutchins, David Pilliod, Katy E. Klymus, Austen Thomas, Ben Augustine, Chany C Huddleston Adrianza, Devin Nicole Jones, Jacob R. Williams, Eric Leinonen

Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis has become a transformative technology, but sample collection methods lack standardization and sampling at effective frequencies requires considerable field effort. Autonomous eDNA samplers that can sample water at high frequencies offer potential solutions to these problems. We present results from four case studies using a prototype autonomous eDNA sampler as part of the U.S. Geological Survey’s Rapid Environmental eDNA Assessment and Deployment Initiative & Network (READI-Net) project. These case studies involved short-term deployments of an eDNA autosampler (Smith-Root) across a range of riverine habitats with the objectives of (a) identifying what insights could be gained from high-frequency autosampling and (b) benchmarking these autosamples against manually collected samples. The high frequency autosampling revealed high temporal variability of eDNA concentrations and provided valuable insights about eDNA associations with environmental covariates, such as discharge and turbidity. Benchmarking assessments indicated autosamples had similar detection rates to manual samples and obtained similar or greater eDNA quantities. We did find minimal carryover contamination in autosampler field controls. We conclude that eDNA autosamplers have potential to improve freshwater biosurveillance by reducing logistical sampling barriers, standardizing collection methods, and clarifying the influence of environmental covariates on eDNA results.

Secondary contact erodes Pleistocene diversification in a wide-ranging freshwater mussel (Quadrula)

Released November 14, 2024 07:46 EST

2024, Molecular Ecology

Sean M. Keogh, Nathan Johnson, Chase H. Smith, Bernard E. Sietman, Jeffrey T. Garner, Charles R. Randklev, Andrew M. Simons

The isolated river drainages of eastern North America serve as a natural laboratory to investigate the roles of allopatry and secondary contact in the evolutionary trajectories of recently diverged lineages. Drainage divides facilitate allopatric speciation, but due to their sensitivity to climatic and geomorphological changes, neighboring rivers frequently coalesce, creating recurrent opportunities of isolation and contact throughout the history of aquatic lineages. The freshwater mussel Quadrula quadrula is widely distributed across isolated rivers of eastern North America and possesses high phenotypic and molecular variation across its range. We integrate sequence data from three genomes, including female- and male-inherited mitochondrial markers and thousands of nuclear encoded SNPs with morphology and geography to illuminate the group's divergence history. Across contemporary isolated rivers, we found continuums of molecular and morphological variation, following a pattern of isolation by distance. In contact zones, hybridization was frequent with no apparent fitness consequences, as advanced hybrids were common. Accordingly, we recognize Q. quadrula as a single cohesive species with subspecific variation (Q. quadrula rumphiana). Demographic modeling and divergence dating supported a divergence history characterized by allopatric vicariance followed by secondary contact, likely driven by river rearrangements and Pleistocene glacial cycles. Despite clinal range-wide variation and hybridization in contact zones, the process-based species delimitation tool delimitR, which considers demographic scenarios like secondary contact, supported the delimitation of the maximum number of species tested. As such, when interpreting species delimitation results, we suggest careful consideration of spatial sampling and subsequent geographic patterns of biological variation, particularly for wide-ranging taxa.

Federal lands greenhouse gas emissions and sequestration in the United States: Estimates for 2005–22

Released November 13, 2024 09:55 EST

2024, Scientific Investigations Report 2024-5103

Matthew D. Merrill, Benjamin M. Sleeter, Philip A. Freeman

In 2016, the Secretary of the U.S. Department of the Interior requested that the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) produce a publicly available and annually updated database of estimated greenhouse gas emissions associated with the extraction and use of fossil fuels from Federal lands. The first report in this series included emissions estimates from 2005 to 2014 and were reported for 29 States and two offshore areas. Native American and Tribal lands were not included in that analysis. This report recalculates those previous years (2005–14) with updated data and methods and extends the estimates to 2022. Nationwide emissions from fossil fuels produced on Federal lands in 2022 were 1,081.2 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MMT CO2 Eq.) for CO2, 33.4 MMT CO2 Eq. for methane (CH4), and 4.3 MMT CO2 Eq. for nitrous oxide (N2O). Compared to 2005, the 2022 totals represent decreases in emissions for all three greenhouse gases (by 17 percent for CO2, 37 percent for CH4, and 30 percent for N2O). Emissions from fossil fuels produced on Federal lands represent, on average, 21.8 percent of U.S. emissions for CO2, 6.1 percent for CH4, and 1.3 percent for N2O over the 18 years included in this estimate. The trends and relative magnitudes of the greenhouse gas emissions estimated are roughly parallel to the Federal lands fossil fuel production volumes.

In 2021, Federal lands of the conterminous United States stored 70,424 MMT CO2 Eq. in terrestrial ecosystems. Soils stored most of the terrestrial ecosystem carbon (66 percent), followed by live vegetation (25 percent), deadwood (5 percent), and litter (4 percent). Carbon sequestration on Federal lands was highly variable over time, owing primarily to interannual variability in climate and weather, and variability in land use and land cover (LULC) change and disturbances, among these are wildfires and logging. Between 2005 and 2021, Federal lands sequestered an average of 83 MMT CO2 Eq./yr. By subtracting the cumulative effects of LULC and disturbance-related CO2 losses to the atmosphere from the total, we estimate that ecosystems at the national level sequestered CO2 at an annual mean rate of 17 MMT CO2 Eq./yr in a term called the net ecosystem exchange (NEE). This annual NEE sequestration value represents about 1.4 percent of average fossil fuel emissions over the same period.

The USGS estimates presented in this report represent an accounting for the emissions resulting from fossil fuel extraction on Federal lands and the end-use combustion of those fuels, as well as for the sequestration of carbon in terrestrial ecosystems on Federal lands. A combined net CO2 emissions estimate, which is the difference between the emitted and sequestered CO2 from both the fossil fuel and ecosystems estimates, provides context for evaluating the greenhouse gas contributions of activities on these lands. The estimates included in this report can provide context for future energy decisions, as well as a basis to track change in the future.

Assessing predictions from optimal egg theory for an ectotherm relative to habitat duration

Released November 13, 2024 09:29 EST

2024, Wildlife Letters

Jon M. Davenport, Andrew Feltmann, LeeAnn Fishback, Blake R. Hossack

Optimal egg size theory predicts females must balance investment per offspring to maximize fitness based on environmental quality. In wetlands, environmental quality can be duration of water and predator presence. Ectotherms using habitats that dry or contain predators are likely under selection to optimize offspring production. We measured reproductive output of wood frogs (Rana sylvatica) in 30 wetlands in Subarctic Canada, where rapid climate changes are accelerating wetland drying. We predicted wetlands with short hydroperiods would have larger ova, smaller clutch sizes, and larger ovum-to-clutch-sizes than wetlands with long hydroperiods or with fish predators. We found partial support for predictions with larger ova in habitats with short hydroperiods and no fish but no evidence of larger clutch sizes in wetlands with fish. Our study implicates changes to wetland hydroperiod as a source of plasticity affecting one aspect of reproductive effort (ovum size) in an ectotherm but not another (clutch size).

Patchy response of cheatgrass and nontarget vegetation to indaziflam and imazapic applied after wildfire in sagebrush steppe

Released November 13, 2024 08:06 EST

2024, Rangeland Ecology & Management

Chad Raymond Kluender, Matthew Germino, Brynne E. Lazarus, Ty Matthews

Control of nonnative grasses is needed where they are altering fire regimes and degrading rangelands, such as cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) invasion of perennial sagebrush-steppe communities. Aerial broadcast of the pre-emergent and postemergent herbicide imazapic has been used for decades over vast areas to control cheatgrass after fire. Recent small-scale studies indicate that the pre-emergent herbicide indaziflam may provide more enduring cheatgrass control. We evaluated landscape-level vegetation responses to indaziflam sprayed in replicated areas at 66.7 g · ai · ha−1, with and without imazapic (66.1 g · ai · ha−1) over almost 500 ha of sagebrush steppe. Herbicides were strip-sprayed by helicopter in the fall of 2019 in subregions that either 1) had burned in the summer of 2019 and had moderate background cheatgrass invasion, 2) had burned in 2011 and became heavily invaded, or 3) were burned in both 2011 and 2019 and had intermediate invasion. Tarps were temporarily deployed to intercept herbicides and create untreated controls. Overall, indaziflam + imazapic had greater initial control of cheatgrass, but by 2023, both treatments led to similar ∼17 percentage-point reductions in cheatgrass cover. Cheatgrass individuals that “escaped” the herbicide treatment grew exceptionally large and fecund. There were no reductions in cover in any native vegetation type, including biocrusts, and nontarget increases in cover were observed for 1) deep-rooted perennial grasses treated with indaziflam + imazapic in the 2011 burn subregion and 2) the shallow-rooted Sandberg bluegrass (Poa secunda) treated with either herbicide in the 2011 or 2011 + 2019 burn subregions. Consideration of burn legacies, pretreatment landscape condition, and evenness of treatment application may improve restoration outcomes and help prioritize management allocation, timing, and treatment expectations.

Water-quality comparisons in the Greater Mooses Tooth unit of the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, 2010 and 2023

Released November 12, 2024 13:16 EST

2024, Scientific Investigations Report 2024-5098

Brent M. Hall

The United States has long held oil reserves in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska (NPR–A), but oil production did not begin until 2015. The waters of the NPR–A are generally considered “pristine,” but water quality has not been characterized temporally or spatially in a rigorous manner. In 2010 and 2023, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Bureau of Land Management, collected water-quality samples from four small, beaded streams in the NPR–A, three of which currently (2024) have oil and gas infrastructure within their drainage. Samples collected preconstruction and postconstruction were analyzed and compared to determine concentration changes in nutrients, major ions, trace elements, and volatile organic compounds to evaluate the effectiveness of required operating procedures designed to minimize potential effects to water quality from oil and gas activities.

The four small streams in the Greater Mooses Tooth unit of the NPR–A had similar water-quality characteristics in the 2010 and 2023 samples. Most analytes were measured at low concentrations or below the reporting level for both samples. For analytes that were detected, variability between the two samples was generally low and mostly showed lower concentrations in the 2023 samples, possibly partially because of recent rainfall that led to streamflow being much higher at the time of the 2023 sample. Trichloromethane was present in the sample at one site in both years and at a second site in the 2023 sample. All three detections of trichloromethane were within the expected natural background range for the area. The few increases in analyte concentrations in the watersheds with oil and gas facilities were all within the range of predevelopment concentrations or background concentrations for the area.

Triggering the 2022 eruption of Mauna Loa

Released November 12, 2024 09:35 EST

2024, Nature Communications (15)

Kendra J. Lynn, Drew T. Downs, Frank A. Trusdell, Penny E. Wieser, Berenise Rangel, Baylee Rose McDade, Alicia J. Hotovec-Ellis, Ninfa Lucia Bennington, Kyle R. Anderson, Dawn Catherine Sweeney Ruth, Charlotte DeVitre, Andria P. Ellis, Patricia A. Nadeau, Laura E. Clor, Peter J. Kelly, Peter Dotray, Jefferson Chang

Distinguishing periods of intermittent unrest from the run-up to eruption is a major challenge at volcanoes around the globe. Comparing multidisciplinary monitoring data with mineral chemistry that records the physical and spatio-temporal evolution of magmas fundamentally advances our ability to forecast eruptions. The recent eruption of Mauna Loa, Earth’s largest active volcano, provides a unique opportunity to differentiate unrest from run-up and improve forecasting of future eruptions. After decades of intermittent seismic and geodetic activity over 38 years of repose, Mauna Loa began erupting on 27 November 2022. Here we present a multidisciplinary synthesis that tracks the spatio-temporal evolution of precursory activity by integrating mineral and melt chemistry, fluid inclusion barometry, numerical modeling of mineral zoning, syn-eruptive gas plume measurements, the distribution and frequency of earthquake hypocenters, seismic velocity changes, and ground deformation. These diverse data indicate that the eruption occurred following a 2-month period of sustained magma intrusion from depths of 3–5 km up to 1–2 km beneath the summit caldera, providing a new model of the plumbing system at this very high threat volcano. Careful correlation of both the geochemistry and instrumental monitoring data improves our ability to distinguish unrest from the run-up to eruption by providing deeper understanding of the both the monitoring data and the magmatic system—an approach that could be applied at other volcanic systems worldwide.

Evidence for low effective stress within the crust of the subducted Gorda plate from the 2022 December Mw 6.4 Ferndale earthquake sequence

Released November 12, 2024 09:32 EST

2024, Seismological Research Letters

Hao Guo, James W. Atterholt, Jeffrey J. McGuire, Clifford Thurber

Stress levels on and adjacent to megathrust faults at seismogenic depths remain a key but difficult to constrain parameter for assessing seismic hazard in subduction zones. Although strong ground motions have been observed to be generated from distinct, high-stress regions on the downdip end of the megathrust rupture areas in many great earthquakes, we lack direct constraints on the stress level in the lower seismogenic portion of the Cascadia megathrust. On 2022 December 20, a Mw 6.4 strike-slip earthquake occurred near Ferndale, California in southern Cascadia and likely ruptured the Gorda slab crust in the lower seismogenic portion, providing an opportunity to assess the stress level in this region. Here, we relocate the Ferndale mainshock and the first two weeks of aftershocks using a high-resolution 3-D velocity model and estimate rupture dimensions, directivity, and stress drop for several Mw 4-5 aftershocks and recent earthquakes. The aftershocks define a strike-slip fault in the slab crust striking ENE, consistent with the mainshock focal mechanism. The orientation of this fault is about 45° off the ideally oriented fault plane given the stress state in the slab. The aftershock zone is extensive and broad in the forward direction of the mainshock rupture but still constrained within the volume of high Vp/Vs within the slab crust. Our stress drop estimates are generally lower for Mw 4-5 earthquakes located within the slab crust compared to those a few km deeper in the slab mantle. Combined, our results support a relatively low effective stress level in the vicinity of the megathrust in the lower portion of the seismogenic zone in southern Cascadia, likely due to elevated fluid pressures. Consequently, the ground motion in the onshore region above this low-stress seismogenic portion in southern Cascadia may not be as intense as that observed during great earthquakes in other subduction zones.

Post Carr Fire bioassessment data report, Whiskeytown National Recreation Area, Shasta County, California

Released November 12, 2024 08:22 EST

2024, Data Report 1201

Marissa L. Wulff, Larry R. Brown, Veronica L. Violette

The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Park Service, analyzed water and sediment chemistry, benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages, fish and amphibian assemblages, fish and invertebrate tissues, instream habitat characteristics, and sediment heterogeneity at 10 stream sites within Whiskeytown National Recreation Area, Shasta County, California, during August 2020, 2 years after the Carr Fire. The post-Carr Fire data were compared to available pre-Carr Fire data to help determine if there have been wildfire-induced changes in the aquatic communities within the Whiskeytown National Recreational Area. Benthic sediment results for metals of biological concern were compared with consensus-based probable effect concentrations from previously published sediment-quality guidelines. Results from 2020 sampling indicated exceedances of these guidelines at one site for cadmium, chromium, copper, and zinc; there were exceedances of the guidelines at three sites for nickel. Concentrations of metals of biological concern in fish and invertebrate tissue samples generally varied among sites and years, with no pattern with specific reference to the Carr Fire. Average zinc and lead concentrations in composite invertebrate samples were slightly higher in 2020 than in previous years, and arsenic levels were lower in 2020 for invertebrate and fish tissues. Post-Carr Fire stream-habitat and sediment-size characterization values did not change substantially when compared to pre-Carr Fire values, or had high variation among all sites and years. Fish and amphibian inventories demonstrated that fewer total fish and amphibians were collected post-Carr Fire, but higher numbers of native Sacramento Sucker (Catostomus occidentalis) and Sacramento Pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus grandis) were collected than in previous years. The combined histories of mining and frequent wildfires in the area pose an increased risk for metal contamination throughout the aquatic system. Continued monitoring for multilevel trophic effects of contaminants can provide information about the overall health of the Whiskeytown National Recreation Area and surrounding region.

Annual grass invasions and wildfire deplete ecosystem carbon storage by >50% to resistant base levels

Released November 11, 2024 09:17 EST

2024, Nature Communications, Earth & Environment (5)

Toby Matthew Maxwell, Harold E. Quicke, Samuel J. Price, Matthew Germino

Ecological disturbance can affect carbon storage and stability and is a key consideration for managing lands to preserve or increase ecosystem carbon to ameliorate the global greenhouse gas problem. Dryland soils are massive carbon reservoirs that are increasingly impacted by species invasions and altered fire regimes, including the exotic-grass-fire cycle in the extensive sagebrush steppe of North America. Direct measurement of total carbon in 1174 samples from landscapes of this region that differed in invasion and wildfire history revealed that their impacts depleted soil carbon by 42–49%, primarily in deep horizons, which could amount to 17.1–20.0 Tg carbon lost across the ~400,000 ha affected annually. Disturbance effects on soil carbon stocks were not synergistic, suggesting that soil carbon was lowered to a floor—i.e. a resistant base-level—beneath which further loss was unlikely. Restoration and maintenance of resilient dryland shrublands/rangelands could stabilize soil carbon at magnitudes relevant to the global carbon cycle.

Trimming the UCERF3-TD logic tree: Model order reduction for an earthquake rupture forecast considering loss exceedance

Released November 11, 2024 08:52 EST

2024, Earthquake Spectra

Keith Porter, Kevin R. Milner, Ned Field

The Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast version 3-Time Dependent depicts California’s seismic faults and their activity. Its logic tree has 5760 leaves. Considering 30 more model combinations related to ground motion produces 172,800 distinct models representing so-called epistemic uncertainties. To calculate risk to a portfolio of buildings, one also considers millions of earthquakes and spatially correlated ground-motion variability. We offer a tree-trimming technique that retains the probability distribution of portfolio loss and identifies the leading sources of uncertainty for further study. We applied it to a California statewide building portfolio and various levels of nonexceedance probability between one in 100 and one in 2500. We trimmed the logic tree from 172,800 leaves to as few as 15. The result: a supercomputer that would otherwise run 24 h to estimate the distribution of one-in-250-year loss can calculate it in moments with the reduced-order model. Others can use the reduced-order model to calculate risk to different California portfolios, and scientists can prioritize study to reduce the remaining epistemic uncertainty.

Inset groundwater-flow models for the Cache and Grand Prairie Critical Groundwater Areas, northeastern Arkansas

Released November 08, 2024 12:11 EST

2024, Scientific Investigations Report 2024-5088

Jonathan P. Traylor, Leslie L. Duncan, Andrew T. Leaf, Alec Rolland Weisser, Benjamin J. Dietsch, Moussa Guira

The water resources in the Mississippi alluvial plain, located in parts of Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Arkansas, supports a multibillion-dollar agricultural industry that relies heavily on pumping of groundwater for irrigation of crops and aquaculture. The primary source of groundwater for agricultural-related pumping is the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer, which has declined in storage for decades; secondary groundwater sources include the middle Claiborne aquifer and Wilcox aquifer system. Two areas in northeastern Arkansas that lie within the Mississippi alluvial plain, part of the Cache and Grand Prairie regions, have been designated as Critical Groundwater Areas owing to decades of groundwater declines that resulted from past and current water use. The multidisciplinary Mississippi Alluvial Plain project, led by the U.S. Geological Survey, and funded by their Water Availability and Use Science Program, included objectives to develop numerical groundwater models in focus regions, including the part of the Cache and Grand Prairie regions of northeastern Arkansas. Two inset models were developed using the child model capabilities of MODFLOW 6, the U.S. Geological Survey’s Modular Hydrologic Model simulation software. Both models, called the Cache model and Grand Prairie model, simulated the groundwater system and surface-water/groundwater interactions for the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer and underlying Tertiary-age aquifers and confining units to the Midway confining unit. Each model was spatially discretized into 500-meter x 500-meter orthogonal cells on a grid with 5-meter constant-thickness vertical layers that represented the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer and increasing thickness layers for the aquifers and confining units below the alluvial aquifer. The Cache and Grand Prairie models were calibrated with the PEST++ iterative ensemble smoother Version 5 and employed high dimensional parameterization schemes of 13,740 and 30,436 parameters, respectively. The Cache mean absolute residual for groundwater-level observations within each model domain for the priority well was 1.58 meters. Grand Prairie mean absolute residuals for the alluvial aquifer and middle Claiborne aquifer groundwater-level observations were 2.71 and 10.78 meters, respectively. The groundwater budgets for the Cache and Grand Prairie models were characterized by substantial outflows to irrigation wells, which constituted about 52 and 54 percent of all outflows, with the primary source of water to those wells being releases from unconfined aquifer storage.

Peak streamflow trends in South Dakota and their relation to changes in climate, water years 1921–2020

Released November 08, 2024 10:53 EST

2024, Scientific Investigations Report 2023-5064-I

Nancy A. Barth, Steven K. Sando

Peak-flow (flood) frequency analysis is essential to water-resources management applications, including the design of critical infrastructure such as bridges and culverts, and floodplain mapping. Federal guidelines for performing peak-flow flood frequency analyses are presented in a U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods Report known as Bulletin 17C. A basic assumption within Bulletin 17C, which documents the guidelines for determining annual peak streamflow frequency, is that, for basins without major hydrologic alterations (for example, regulation, diversion, and urbanization), statistical properties of the distribution of annual peak streamflows are stationary; that is, the mean, variance, and skew are constant through time. Nonstationarity is a statistical property of a peak-flow series such that the long-term (on the order of decades) distributional properties change one or more times either gradually or abruptly through time. Individual nonstationarities may be attributed to one source such as flow regulation, land-use change, or climate but are often the result of a combination of sources, making detection and attribution of nonstationarities challenging.

In response to a growing concern regarding nonstationarity in peak streamflows in the region, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Departments of Transportation of Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, South Dakota, and Wisconsin; the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation; and the North Dakota Department of Water Resources, assessed the potential nonstationarity in peak streamflows in the north-central United States. This chapter characterizes the effects of natural hydroclimatic shifts and potential climate change on annual peak streamflows in the State of South Dakota. Annual peak and daily streamflow as well as model-simulated gridded climatic data were examined for temporal monotonic trends, change points, and other statistical properties indicative of changing climatic and environmental conditions.

Changes in annual peak and daily flows were evaluated among 13, 35, and 81 qualifying U.S. Geological Survey streamgages for the 75-, 50-, and 30-year trend periods through water year 2020 (the period from October 1, 2019, to September 30, 2020) in South Dakota, respectively. No qualifying streamgages were in the 100-year trend period in the State. Statistical tests for autocorrelation (independent and identically distributed assumption), monotonic trends, and change points in the median and scale are analyzed to evaluate potential stationarity violations (nonstationarity) for performing at-site peak-flow flood-frequency analysis. The trends are reported using a likelihood approach as an alternative to simply reporting significant trends with an arbitrary p-value cutoff point.

A distinct east-west spatial pattern of likely upward and downward monotonic trends and change points, respectively, was detected in 75- and 50-year trend periods, but an inconsistent spatial pattern was detected in the 30-year trend period. Additionally, change points in the median annual peak streamflows were detected in the late 1970s and early 1980s in the western part of the State, but in the east, the change point was more commonly detected in 1992–93. A similar east-west spatial pattern of likely upward and downward trends was detected in the annual peak-flow timing, the day of the year of the annal peak streamflow. In the western part of the State, the annual peak streamflows are arriving earlier, but in the east, the annual peak streamflows are arriving later. A peaks-over-threshold (POT) analysis where, on average, there are two events per year (POT2) and four events per year (POT4) was also used to evaluate changes in the frequency (count) of daily streamflows exceeding the threshold. Similar to detected changes in the annual peak streamflow, an east-west likely upward or downward change corresponding to an increase or decrease, respectively, in the frequency of daily streamflow greater than a POT2 and POT4 threshold was detected.

A monthly water-balance model was used to evaluate hydroclimatic variation in annual and seasonal precipitation, snowfall, potential evapotranspiration, and soil moisture storage for all qualifying streamgages in the 75-, 50-, and 30-year trend periods. Detected trends in the annual hydroclimatic metrics for the 75- and 50-year trend periods indicate a spatially consistent statewide increase in precipitation, decrease in snowfall, increase in potential evapotranspiration, and increase in soil moisture storage. Furthermore, detected trends in seasonal precipitation in the 75- and 50-year trend periods highlight a pronounced change in precipitation in winter and later into the summer season, especially in the 50-year trend period in the eastern part of the State. Statewide increases in seasonal soil moisture storage were also detected, highlighting year-round increasing flood magnitudes, particularly in the eastern part of the State.

Based on the results of these stationarity tests for the qualifying streamgages in South Dakota among the 75-, 50-, and 30-year trend periods, consistent temporal and spatial patterns of nonstationarity were detected among the 75- and 50-year trend periods. Furthermore, when nonstationarity is detected in daily streamflow, increased streamflow and volume (increasing frequency in POT), as well as potentially bridge scour, may have implications on culvert and highway design in the eastern part of South Dakota. Thus, when performing at-site peak-flow flood-frequency analyses in South Dakota, potential nonstationarities and alternative approaches are important considerations.

Deep syntectonic burial of the Anthracite belt, Eastern Pennsylvania

Released November 08, 2024 10:21 EST

2024, International Journal of Coal Geology (295)

Mark A. Evans, Aaron M. Jubb

Fluid inclusion microthermometry and Raman spectroscopy of fluid inclusions in quartz veins from the Pennsylvanian rocks of the Anthracite belt, eastern Pennsylvania support a deep burial model of coalification in favor of focused orogenic hot fluid flow. High-temperature (250 to 255 °C) trapping of CH4 ± CO2 saturated aqueous fluids and CH4 ± CO2 inclusions indicate fluid trapping at depths of 11.5 to 13.4 km under a cover of Pennsylvanian to Permian(?) syntectonic load. In the folded rocks to the south of the Anthracite belt, CH4 ± CO2 fluid inclusions indicate a sediment load that was up to 16.3 km thick. Re-equilibrated aqueous fluid inclusions from veins in Silurian through Devonian rocks give the same range of trapping conditions but a wide range of fluid salinities suggesting that folding, fracturing, and meteoric recharge resulted in the intermixing of fluids from throughout the stratigraphic succession.

Riparian methylmercury production increases riverine mercury flux and food web concentrations

Released November 08, 2024 09:57 EST

2024, Environmental Science & Technology

Virginia Krause, Austin K. Baldwin, Benjamin D. Peterson, David P. Krabbenhoft, Sarah E. Janssen, James Willacker, Collin A. Eagles-Smith, Brett A. Poulin

The production and uptake of toxic methylmercury (MeHg) impacts aquatic ecosystems globally. Rivers can be dynamic and difficult systems to study for MeHg production and bioaccumulation, hence identifying sources of MeHg to these systems is both challenging and important for resource management within rivers and main-stem reservoirs. Riparian zones, which are known biogeochemical hotspots for MeHg production, are understudied as potential sources of MeHg to rivers. Here, we present a comprehensive quantification of the hydrologic and biogeochemical processes governing MeHg concentrations, loads, and bioaccumulation at 16 locations along 164 km of the agriculturally intensive Snake River (Idaho, Oregon USA) during summer baseflow conditions, with emphasis on riparian production of MeHg. Approximately one-third of the MeHg load of the Snake River could not be attributed to inflowing waters (upgradient, tributaries, or irrigation drains). Across the study reach, increases in MeHg loads in surface waters were significantly correlated with MeHg concentrations in riparian porewaters, suggesting riparian zones were likely an important source of MeHg to the Snake River. Across all locations, MeHg concentrations in surface waters positively correlated with MeHg concentrations in benthic snails and clams, supporting that riparian produced MeHg was assimilated into local aquatic food webs. This study contributes new insights into riparian MeHg production within rivers which can inform mitigation efforts to reduce MeHg bioaccumulation in fish.

Near-term ecological forecasting for climate change action

Released November 08, 2024 08:55 EST

2024, Nature Climate Change

Michael Dietze, Ethan P. White, Antoinette Abeyta, Carl Boettiger, Nievita Bueno Watts, Cayelan C. Carey, Rebecca Chaplin-Kramer, Ryan E. Emanuel, S.K. Morgan Ernest, Renato Figueiredo, Michael Gerst, Leah R. Johnson, Melissa A. Kenney, Jason S. McLachlan, Ioannis Ch. Paschalidis, Jody Peters, Christine R. Rollinson, Juniper Simonis, Kira Sullivan-Wiley, R. Quinn Thomas, Glenda M Wardle, Alyssa Willson, Jacob Aaron Zwart

A substantial increase in predictive capacity is needed to anticipate and mitigate the widespread change in ecosystems and their services in the face of climate and biodiversity crises. In this era of accelerating change, we cannot rely on historical patterns or focus primarily on long-term projections that extend decades into the future. In this Perspective, we discuss the potential of near-term (daily to decadal) iterative ecological forecasting to improve decision-making on actionable time frames. We summarize the current status of ecological forecasting and focus on how to scale up, build on lessons from weather forecasting, and take advantage of recent technological advances. We also highlight the need to focus on equity, workforce development, and broad cross-disciplinary and non-academic partnerships.

Upper Mississippi River System hydrogeomorphic change conceptual model and hierarchical classification

Released November 07, 2024 14:56 EST

2024, Open-File Report 2024-1051

Faith A. Fitzpatrick, James T. Rogala, Jon S. Hendrickson, Lucie Sawyer, Jayme Stone, Susannah Erwin, Edward J. Brauer, Angus A. Vaughan

Understanding the geomorphic processes and causes for long-term hydrogeomorphic changes along the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS) is necessary for scientific studies ranging from habitat needs assessments, sediment transport, and nutrient processing, and making sound management decisions and prioritizing ecological restoration activities. From 2018 through 2020 the U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers led a series of calls and meetings, and a workshop to develop a draft UMRS hydrogeomorphic change conceptual model and hierarchical classification scheme. This project was funded through an Upper Mississippi River Restoration 2018 science in support of restoration proposal entitled, “Conceptual Model and Hierarchical Classification of Hydrogeomorphic Settings in the Upper Mississippi River System.” This report documents the background leading up to and the major findings from the workshop. The resulting conceptual model focuses on the drivers and boundary conditions that affect the major hydrogeomorphic processes along the valley corridor using a continuum of spatial and temporal scales and resolutions. The draft hierarchical classification was based on three existing and three new nested geospatial datasets that ultimately can be used to characterize hydrogeomorphic settings that span the UMRS valley corridor. The conceptual model and hierarchical classification will help characterize recent (mid-1990s through mid-2010s) decadal-scale processes and sources for potential hydrogeomorphic change that span a range of spatial scales from watershed hydrology and sediment sources to channel hydraulics and sediment transport.

Intense alteration on early Mars revealed by high-aluminum rocks at Jezero Crater

Released November 07, 2024 10:07 EST

2024, Communications Earth & Environment (5)

C. Royer, C.C. Bedford, J.R. Johnson, B.H.N. Horgan, A. Broz, O. Forni, S. Connell, R.C. Wiens, L. Mandon, B.S. Kathir, E.M. Hausrath, A. Udry, J.M. Madariaga, E. Dehouck, Ryan Anderson, P.S.A. Beck, O. Beyssac, É. Clavé, S.M. Clegg, E. Cloutis, T. Fouchet, Travis S.J. Gabriel, B.J. Garczynski, A. Klidaras, H.T. Manelski, L.E. Mayhew, J. Núñez, A.M. Ollila, S.E. Schröder, J.I. Simon, U. Wolf, K.M. Stack, A. Cousin, S. Maurice

The NASA Perseverance rover discovered light-toned float rocks scattered across the surface of Jezero crater that are particularly rich in alumina ( ~ 35 wt% Al2O3) and depleted in other major elements (except silica). These unique float rocks have heterogeneous mineralogy ranging from kaolinite/halloysite-bearing in hydrated samples, to spinel-bearing in dehydrated samples also containing a dehydrated Al-rich phase. Here we describe SuperCam and Mastcam-Z observations of the float rocks, including the first in situ identification of kaolinite or halloysite on another planet, and dehydrated phases including spinel and apparent partially dehydroxylated kaolinite. The presence of spinel in these samples is likely detrital in origin, surviving kaolinitization, pointing to an ultramafic origin. However, the association of low hydration with increased Al2O3 abundances suggests heating-induced dehydration which could have occurred during the lithification or impact excavation of these rocks. Given the orbital context of kaolinite-bearing megabreccia in the Jezero crater rim, we propose an origin for these rocks involving intense aqueous alteration of the parent material, followed by dehydration/lithification potentially through impact processes, and dispersion into Jezero crater through flood or impact-related processes.

Depths in a day - A new era of rapid-response Raman-based barometry using fluid inclusions

Released November 07, 2024 09:57 EST

2024, Journal of Petrology

Charlotte DeVitre, Penny E. Wieser, Alexander T. Bearden, Araela Richie, Berenise Rangel, Matthew Gleeson, John Grimsich, Kendra J. Lynn, Drew T. Downs, Natalia I. Deligne, Katherine M. Mulliken

Rapid-response petrological monitoring is a major advance for volcano observatories, allowing them to build and validate models of plumbing systems that supply eruptions in near-real-time. The depth of magma storage has recently been identified as high-priority information for volcanic observatories, yet this information is not currently obtainable via petrological monitoring methods on timescales relevant to eruption response. Fluid inclusion barometry (using micro-thermometry or Raman spectroscopy) is a well-established petrological method to estimate magma storage depths and has been proposed to have potential as a rapid-response monitoring tool, although this has not been formally demonstrated. To address this deficiency, we performed a near-real-time rapid-response simulation for the September 2023 eruption of Kīlauea, Hawaiʻi. We show that Raman-based fluid inclusion barometry can robustly determine reservoir depths within a day of receiving samples — a transformative timescale that has not previously been achieved by petrological methods. Fluid inclusion barometry using micro-thermometric techniques has typically been limited to systems with relatively deep magma storage (>0.4 g/cm3 or >7 km) where measurements of CO2 density are easy and accurate because the CO2 fluid homogenizes into the liquid phase. Improvements of the accuracy of Raman spectroscopy measurements of fluids with low CO2 density over the past couple of decades has enabled measurements of fluid inclusions from shallower magmatic systems. However, one caveat of examining shallower systems is that the fraction of H2O in the fluid may be too high to reliably convert CO2 density to pressure. To test the global applicability of rapid response fluid inclusion barometry, we compiled a global melt inclusion dataset (>4000 samples) and calculate the fluid composition at the point of vapor saturation (⁠XH2O⁠). We show that fluid inclusions in crystal-hosts from mafic compositions (<57 wt. % SiO2) — likely representative of magmas recharging many volcanic systems worldwide — trap fluids with XH2O low enough to make fluid inclusion barometry useful at many of the world’s most active and hazardous mafic volcanic systems (e.g., Iceland, Hawaiʻi, Galápagos Islands, East African Rift, Réunion, Canary Islands, Azores, Cabo Verde).

Indigenous knowledge in climate adaptation planning: Reflections from initial efforts

Released November 07, 2024 08:54 EST

2024, Frontiers in Climate (6)

Tony W. Ciocco, Brian W. Miller, Stefan Gabriel Tangen, Shelley D. Crausbay, Meagan Ford Oldfather, Aparna Bamzai-Dodson

There are increasing calls to incorporate indigenous knowledge (IK) into climate adaptation planning (CAP) and related projects. However, given unique attributes of IK and the positionality of tribal communities to scientific research, several considerations are important to ensure CAP efforts with IK are ethical and effective. While such topics have been thoroughly explored conceptually, incorporation of IK into CAP is a nascent field only beginning to report findings and improve science production and delivery. Based on recent work with Ute Mountain Ute (UMU) resource managers and knowledge holders, we reflect on key considerations for incorporating IK into CAP: the importance of sustained and multi-level tribal engagement, operational approaches to IK incorporation, cross-cultural challenges with risk-based approaches, and how CAP can support existing tribal priorities. We hope exploring these considerations can help set appropriate expectations, promote ethical interactions, and increase the effectiveness of tribal CAP and related efforts.

Real-time pier scour monitoring and observations at three scour-critical sites in Idaho, water years 2020–22

Released November 06, 2024 13:33 EST

2024, Scientific Investigations Report 2024-5095

Ryan L. Fosness, Paul V. Schauer

To observe real-time pier scour at three scour-critical sites in Idaho, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with Idaho Transportation Department, installed and operated fixed real-time (15-minute interval) bed elevation scour sonar sensors at three bridge locations associated with U.S. Geological Survey streamflow gaging stations for water years 2020 through 2022. Daily mean and peak streamflow conditions during the 3-year study were at or below average except for the peak flow in 2022. Each of the three sites included in the study had a coarse bed with an armored channel. Observed pier scour at each of the three sites was less than 20 percent than the stated minimum depth to the pier pile tip. The below average daily mean and peak streamflow during the study period may have resulted in below average scour.

Observed pier scour data during spring runoff (water years 2020–22) were compared to both Coarse Bed and Hydraulic Engineering Circular 18 (HEC-18) general pier scour design equation estimates to better understand how the observed pier scour data compared to design pier scour equation estimates during the same observational periods. For the 3-year study period, the Coarse Bed design equation generally overpredicted scour by about 2.5 times less than the HEC-18 general pier scour equation. The risk associated with each design equation was summarized using a reliability index to describe how each prediction might be expected to reliably overestimate scour depth. Overall, the Coarse Bed design scour equation provided more reasonable scour depth estimates than the HEC-18 general pier scour equation but with more risk to underestimating scour depth. Because these data are limited (3 sites, 3 years, and during average streamflow conditions), further research is needed to compare observed scour data to estimates predicted by the Coarse Bed design equation and other design equations.

This study demonstrated that real-time pier scour monitoring is a useful method and countermeasure at critical bridge sites. A recently developed rapid deployment real-time pier scour monitoring method may be a useful method to consider for future studies. Real-time monitoring at scour critical sites may be a useful tool to confirm previous scour evaluation estimates where site inspection scour observations conflict with the scour evaluation estimates. Considering alternative scour monitoring and evaluation methods, including the rapid estimation method, and updating pier scour calculations using the most recent coarse-bed pier scour equation may offer a more cost-effective solution to identifying and updating scour critical coding for bridges in Idaho. For scour critical bridge sites, the real-time pier scour monitoring methods used for this study provided an effective real-time local pier scour monitoring countermeasure.

Greater plasticity in CTmax with increased climate variability among populations of tailed frogs

Released November 06, 2024 10:41 EST

2024, Proceedings of the Royal Society B (291)

Amanda S. Cicchino, Cameron K. Ghalambor, Brenna R. Forester, Jason B. Dunham, W. Chris Funk

Temporally variable climates are expected to drive the evolution of thermal physiological traits that enable performance across a wider range of temperatures (i.e. climate variability hypothesis, CVH). Spatial thermal variability, however, may mediate this relationship by providing ectotherms with the opportunity to behaviourally select preferred temperatures (i.e. the Bogert effect). These antagonistic forces on thermal physiological traits may explain the mixed support for the CVH within species despite strong support among species at larger geographical scales. Here, we test the CVH as it relates to plasticity in physiological upper thermal limits (critical thermal maximum—CTmax) among populations of coastal tailed frogs (Ascaphus truei). We targeted populations that inhabit spatially homogeneous environments, reducing the potentially confounding effects of behavioural thermoregulation. We found that populations experiencing greater temporal thermal variability exhibited greater plasticity in CTmax, supporting the CVH. Interestingly, we identified only one site with spatial temperature variability and tadpoles from this site demonstrated greater plasticity than expected, suggesting the opportunity for behavioural thermoregulation can reduce support for the CVH. Overall, our results demonstrate one role of climate variability in shaping thermal plasticity among populations and provide a baseline understanding of the impact of the CVH in spatially homogeneous thermal landscapes.

Potential corrosivity of untreated groundwater in Louisiana

Released November 06, 2024 10:30 EST

2024, Scientific Investigations Report 2024-5035

Angela L. Robinson

Corrosive groundwater can cause lead, copper, and other metals to leach from pipes and plumbing fixtures in water distribution systems. Metals, if ingested, could lead to serious health implications to the nearly 2.9 million people in Louisiana who obtain their drinking water from groundwater sources. Four indices—the Langelier Saturation Index (LSI), Ryznar Stability Index (RSI), Puckorius Scaling Index (PSI), and the Potential to Promote Galvanic Corrosion (PPGC)—in addition to an analysis which normalized the results from the existing indices, the Combined Index (CI), were used to assess the corrosivity of groundwater in Louisiana and identify areas within eight major aquifers and aquifer systems with moderate to high corrosivity potential. The purpose of this study is to provide State and local governments, public water system managers, and the nearly 500,000 private well owners in Louisiana with information needed to manage drinking-water supplies and mitigate potential health risks related to leaching of metals from water pipes and fixtures.

The average scores of untreated groundwater samples from approximately 375 wells by index are as follows: LSI, −1.28; RSI, 9.78; PSI, 9.34; and CI, 4.14. The PPGC does not produce a numerical score, but the total percentage of class counts can be used to assign a classification; overall, samples in Louisiana were classified as significant concern. The percentages of groundwater samples from wells classified as potentially corrosive, by index, are as follows: LSI, 53 percent; RSI, 94 percent; PSI, 81 percent; PPGC, 98 percent; and CI, 81 percent. The percentages of samples classified as indeterminate, by index, are as follows: LSI, 46 percent; RSI, 5 percent; PSI, 12 percent; PPGC, 0 percent; and CI, 18 percent.

Neogene hydrothermal Fe- and Mn-oxide mineralization of Paleozoic continental rocks, Amerasia Basin, Arctic Ocean

Released November 06, 2024 09:55 EST

2024, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (25)

James R. Hein, Kira Mizell, Amy Gartman

Rocks dredged from water depths of 1,605, 2,500, 3,300, and 3,400 m in the Arctic Ocean included Paleozoic continental rocks pervasively mineralized during the Neogene by hydrothermal Fe and Mn oxides. Samples were recovered in three dredge hauls from the Chukchi Borderland and one from Mendeleev Ridge north of Alaska and eastern Siberia, respectively. Many of the rocks were so pervasively altered that the protolith could not be identified, while others had volcanic, plutonic, and metamorphic protoliths. The mineralized rocks were cemented and partly to wholly replaced by the hydrothermal oxides. The Amerasia Basin, where the Chukchi Borderland and Mendeleev Ridge occur, supports a series of faults and fractures that serve as major zones of crustal weakness. We propose that the stratabound hydrothermal deposits formed through the flux of hydrothermal fluids along Paleozoic and Mesozoic faults related to block faulting along a rifted margin during minor episodes of Neogene tectonism and were later exposed at the seafloor through slumping or other gravity processes. Tectonically driven hydrothermal circulation most likely facilitated the pervasive mineralization along fault surfaces via frictional heating, hydrofracturing brecciation, and low- to moderate temperature Fe- and Mn-rich hydrothermal fluids, which mineralized the crushed, altered, and brecciated rocks.

Trends and environmental impacts of virtual water trade

Released November 05, 2024 09:58 EST

2024, Nature Reviews Earth & Environment

Mesfin M. Mekonnen, Mahlet M. Kebede, Betelhem W. Demeke, Joel A. Carr, Ashok Chapagain, Carole Dalin, Peter Debaere, Paolo D'Odorico, Landon Marston, Chittaranjan Ray, Lorenzo Rosa, La Zhuo

Virtual water describes water embedded in the production of goods and offers meaningful insights about the complex interplay between water, trade and sustainability. In this Review, we examine the trends, major players, traded products and key drivers of virtual water trade (VWT). Roughly 20% of water used in global food production is traded virtually rather than domestically consumed. As such, agriculture dominates VWT, with livestock products, wheat, maize, soybean, oil palm, coffee and cocoa contributing over 70% of total VWT. These products are also driving VWT growth, the volume of which has increased 2.9 times from 1986 to 2022. However, the countries leading VWT contributions (with China, the United States, the Netherlands, Germany and India accounting for 34% of the global VWT in 2022) have remained relatively stable over time, albeit with China becoming an increasingly important importer. VWT can mitigate the effects of water scarcity and food insecurity, although there are concerns about the disconnect between consumers and the environmental impacts of their choices, and unsustainable resource exploitation. Indeed, approximately 16% of unsustainable water use and 11% of global groundwater depletion are virtually traded. Future VWT analyses must consider factors such as water renewability, water quality, climate change impacts and socioeconomic implications.

Formation of vertical columnar seismic structures and seafloor depressions by groundwater discharge in the drowned Miami Terrace platform and overlying deep-water carbonates, southeastern Florida

Released November 05, 2024 09:24 EST

2024, Marine Geology (478)

Kevin J. Cunningham, Richard L. Westcott, Sean Norgard, Edward Robinson, Harry J. Dowsett, Marci M. Robinson

The presence of vertical cross-formational fluid migration passageways within sedimentary basins can profoundly impact aquifer and reservoir fluid-flow and their identification is fundamental to informing management of subsurface fluid resources (groundwater, oil, gas). In an onshore and offshore southeastern part of Florida, 2D/3D seismic-reflection and bathymetry data document ∼153 vertical columnar structures composed of reflection disruptions up to 790 m in the height and averaging 360 m in diameter, and ∼219 subcircular to circular seafloor depressions up to 1334 m wide. Our study focuses on these features found within the offshore shallow-marine carbonate Miami Terrace platform, which drowned approximately at the end of the middle Miocene, and within overlying Plio-Quaternary deep-water carbonate slope and drift deposits. Most columnar structures are rooted in stratiform aquifers of the Miami Terrace platform and associated with faults or fault intersections produced by Eocene and circa late Miocene tectonics. The columns commonly terminate within the platform or as subcircular depressions along an amalgamated karstic and drowning unconformity at the platform top. The columns typically stretch upwards from a zone of deep karst cavity collapse through the Miami Terrace platform with upward decreasing sag on internal reflections. Following drowning and Plio-Quaternary partial burial of the Miami Terrace platform by deep-water deposits, the subcircular depressions and faults along the platform top were points of origin for a second phase of column growth upward into the deep-water deposits. The continuation of deep platform cavity collapse and column evolution produced pockmarks along paleo-seafloors within the deep-water deposits and at the present-day sea floor. The Plio-Quaternary pockmarks formed at water depths too deep to suggest an origin related to meteoric karst above or near sea level, but rather their formation is suggested to be related to cyclic sea level falls that drove increased groundwater head and density gradients, and seafloor discharge of offshore freshened groundwater sourced from the underlying platform. Plausibly, mixing of freshened groundwater and seawater at the seafloor discharge sites drove dissolution of the host deep-water deposits, which together with erosion by groundwater venting and current scouring formed the pockmarks.
Seaward of the Plio-Quaternary seafloor pockmarks, at the late-middle Miocene upper slope of the Miami Terrace platform and along the regional karst/drowning unconformity is a slope-parallel band of ∼189 densely distributed subcircular seafloor depressions with diameters up to 1334 m at water depths up to ∼660 m. It is plausible that along the upper slope, faults and fractures produced by gravity-driven slope instability and possibly tectonics formed a dense network of fluid passageways that promoted upward artesian freshened groundwater flow to sites of discharge where mixing with seawater generated limestone dissolution and the depressions. But tectonic uplift may have forced emersion and initial meteoric sinkhole formation circa late Miocene with later enhancement by freshened groundwater discharge and bottom current erosion.

Reducing uncertainty with iterative model updating parses effects of competition and environment on salamander occupancy

Released November 05, 2024 09:14 EST

2024, Oecologia

Jo Avital Werba, Graziella Vittoria DiRenzo, Adrianne Brand, Evan H. Campbell Grant

Making timely management decisions is often hindered by uncertainty. Monitoring reduces two key types of uncertainty. First, it serves to reduce structural uncertainty of how the system works and provides support for expectations of how a system works. Second, it serves to reduce parametric uncertainty of the drivers of system dynamics. By combining monitoring data and quantitative models, we can reduce structural and parametric uncertainty. To demonstrate this, we focus on the Shenandoah salamander (Plethodon shenandoah), a United States Federally Endangered Species. Early work suggested that P. shenandoah extinction risk results from competition with a conspecific (Plethodon cinereus). However, more recent work has found equivocal support for this claim, instead suggesting that abiotic factors, such as moisture and temperature, drive P. shenandoah persistence. Using long-term monitoring data, we find that while competition may play a part in P. shenandoah extinction risk, measures of surface moisture are better predictors of occupancy dynamics. Further, we find decreased detection rates of P. shenandoah when P. cinereus is present, suggesting a conflation of detection probability with actual competition, which cautions against making inference from unadjusted observations of occurrence. Using multiple lines of inquiry allows for more robust understanding of system drivers in the face of high uncertainty, increasing opportunities to manage extinction risk.

Groundwater quality and groundwater levels in Dougherty County, Georgia, April 2020 through January 2023

Released November 05, 2024 09:04 EST

2024, Open-File Report 2024-1060

Debbie W. Gordon

The Upper Floridan aquifer is the uppermost reliable groundwater source in southwest Georgia. The aquifer lies on top of the Claiborne, Clayton, and Cretaceous aquifers, all of which exhibited water-level declines in the 1960s and 1970s. The U.S. Geological Survey has been working cooperatively with Albany Utilities to monitor groundwater quality and availability in these aquifers since 1977.

Flow direction in the Upper Floridan aquifer is to the south and toward the Flint River. During the past 3 years, water levels varied above and below period-of-record median values. Water levels in the Upper Floridan aquifer were primarily above or at median levels during 2020 and 2021 and at or below median levels during 2022. Water levels in the Claiborne aquifer were above median levels, whereas water levels in the Clayton aquifer were at or below median levels, and in the Cretaceous aquifer system were close to median levels.

During January 2021, eight wells were sampled for major ions, including nitrate plus nitrite as nitrogen (N). Nitrate plus nitrite as N concentrations ranged from 2.3 to 10.5 milligrams per liter (mg/L). During December 2021, seven wells were sampled for major ions, including nitrate plus nitrite as N. Nitrate plus nitrite as N concentrations ranged from 3.9 to 9.9 mg/L. During November 2022, eight wells were sampled for major ions, including nitrate plus nitrite as N. Nitrate plus nitrite as N concentrations ranged from 3.9 to 10.0 mg/L. Two wells were also sampled for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances during November 2022.

Ceanothus: Taxonomic patterns in life history responses to fire

Released November 05, 2024 08:14 EST

2024, American Journal of Botany

Jon Keeley, V. Thomas Parker, Paul H. Zedler, R. Brandon Pratt

Premise: Ceanothus (Rhamnaceae) is a large genus of shrubs that dominate California chaparral and are resilient to fires. Persistence is ensured by resprouting and/or seedling recruitment from dormant seed banks. Some species do both and others, the obligate seeders, are entirely dependent on seedling recruitment. The distribution of these two modes within the genus is poorly documented.

Methods: We used all available publications that document species responses to fire and filled most gaps in the literature based on extensive field studies of more than 60 recent wildfires in California.

Results: The genus is divided into two subgenera, Ceanothus and CerastesCeanothus is widely considered to comprise mostly resprouting species and Cerastes to consist of only obligate seeders. The subgenus Ceanothus includes resprouting species throughout their range from the eastern United States and Midwest to western United States. Within the California Floristic Province (CFP), a few species are unique in producing massive lignotubers that develop from repeated fires; however, within the CFP, the majority of species in this subgenus do not resprout and are obligate seeders. Two have disjunct subspecies that are facultative seeders or obligate seeders.

Conclusions: Previously, speciation in this genus was contended to have occurred in the late Miocene within the CFP. The syndrome of obligate seeding is most strongly represented in this region, and we hypothesize that evolution of this syndrome was a response to increased predictability of fire driven by the Mediterranean climate and the long interval between fires.

Advancing water security in Africa with new high-resolution discharge data

Released November 05, 2024 08:00 EST

2024, Scientific Data (11)

Komlavi Akpoti, Naga Manohar Velpuri, Naoki Mizukami, Stefanie Kagone, Mansoor Leh, Kirubel Mekonnen, Afua Owusu, Primrose Tinonetsana, Michael Phiri, Lahiru Madushanka, Tharindu Perera, Paranamana T. Prabhath, Gabriel Edwin Lee Parrish, Gabriel B. Senay, Abdulkarim Seid

VegDischarge v1 is a comprehensive river discharge across Africa (2000–2021), produced by coupling the agro-hydrologic VegET model and the mizuRoute routing framework. Using remote sensing data and hydrological modeling, the 1-km runoff field simulated by VegET, and routed with mizuRoute, covers over 64,000 river segments in Africa. The VegET model simulates runoff based on vegetation and soil moisture dynamics, while mizuRoute processes this runoff through a detailed river network. Performance metrics show strong model reliability, with R² ranging from 0.5 to 0.9, NSE between 0.6 and 0.9, and KGE from 0.5 to 0.8. The total annual average discharge for Africa is quantified at 3238.1 km³.year-1, with contributions to various oceanic basins: 989.9 km³.year-1 to the North Atlantic, primarily from West African rivers like the Senegal, Gambia, Volta, and Niger; 1313.7 km³.year-1 to the South Atlantic, largely from the Congo River; 212.5 km³.year-1 to the Mediterranean Sea, predominantly from the Nile River; and 722.0 km³.year-1 to the Indian Ocean, with substantial inputs from rivers such as the Zambezi. This VegDischarge v1 is valuable for policymakers, stakeholders, and researchers to better understand water availability, its temporal and spatial variations, that impact water-related infrastructure planning, sustainable resource allocation, and the development of climate resilience mitigation strategies.

An evaluation of cyanobacterial occurrence and bloom development in Adirondack lakes

Released November 05, 2024 00:00 EST

2024, Lake and Reservoir Management

Rebecca Michelle Gorney, Elizabeth A. Nystrom, Michael D. Stouder, Ann E. St. Amand, Cory Suave, Denise Clark, Erin A. Stelzer, Carrie E Givens, Jennifer L. Graham

Cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms (cyanoHABs) have occurred in many low nutrient (oligotrophic) lakes in the northeastern United States. The Adirondack Park in New York is a large, mountainous region with many low nutrient lakes. There is a gap in understanding regarding whether cyanoHAB reporting data are truly reflective of the susceptibility of lakes to develop bloom conditions. We evaluated lakes with and without documented cyanoHABs for cyanotoxin synthetase gene quantification, phytoplankton community composition, and akinete abundance to identify conditions associated with the observation of cyanoHABs. We analyzed: (1) contributions of cyanobacteria to the overall phytoplankton community; (2) differences in cyanobacterial communities and the presence of cyanotoxin synthetase genes; and (3) lake physical and geomorphological attributes as drivers of differences in cyanobacteria occurrence. Two sample types (water and sediment) were collected from two sample locations (nearshore and open water) in five lakes in 2021. We found cyanobacteria in all lakes and sample locations. Phytoplankton biovolume and cyanotoxin synthetase genes differed among lakes and by cyanoHAB history. Samples from lakes with documented blooms were associated with marginally higher total phosphorus. Non-metric multidimensional scaling was used to identify which environmental factors influenced community structure. Our study demonstrates the importance of multifaceted approaches to detect cyanobacteria that may only be apparent during ephemeral bloom events and the similarities among lakes with and without a history of bloom reports. This work contributes to a better understanding of cyanoHAB occurrence in Adirondack lakes, and conditions that may cause low nutrient lakes to be susceptible to cyanoHABs.

The state of the science and practice of stream restoration in the Chesapeake: Lessons learned to inform better implementation, assessment and outcomes

Released November 04, 2024 10:44 EST

2024, STAC Workshop Report 24-006

Gregory Noe, Neely Law, Joel Berger, Solange Filoso, Sadie Drescher, L. Fraley-McNeal, Ben Hayes, Paul Mayer, Chris Ruck, Bill Stack, Rich Starr, Scott Stranko, Tess Thompson

The Chesapeake Bay Program’s (CBP) Science and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) organized and led a workshop on the science and practice of stream restoration in order to summarize the state of knowledge in order to identify ways to improve stream restoration outcomes. The workshop identified a general framework for explaining the main factors leading to stream restoration outcomes: stream degradation has occurred, leading to regulatory and policy motivations that prioritize project goals, which leads to restoration approaches, assessment and monitoring efforts, and ultimately stream restoration outcomes. In the Chesapeake Bay watershed, stream restoration often occurs in response to Clean Water Act (CWA) mandates to reduce nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment loads to the Bay. Reviews of stream restoration outcomes summarized at the workshop showed that, in general, stream restorations have led to minimal improvement to stream aquatic biota, effective ‘stabilization’ of channel form over time, moderate improvements to water quality, and short-term negative impacts to riparian vegetation. The fundamental finding of the workshop was that often the primary goal of stream restoration projects is to improve geomorphic stability in the restored reach and downstream water quality, and not to improve local ecological conditions through ‘uplift’ (improvement of one or more ecosystem functions through a restorative activity; a term defined in Appendix D), and therefore these projects often do not improve aquatic macroinvertebrate or fish communities. This conflict in goals is a shortcoming of the currently most common regulatory driver for stream restoration (reducing downstream loads of N, P, and sediment) that could be addressed directly through diversifying goals to include biotic uplift, as biological benefit is an assumed condition for the permitting and crediting of stream restoration projects. It is also likely that current understanding of stressors and drivers of stream ecosystem health is insufficient, and that reach-scale restoration focused on geomorphic restoration is not removing the actual sources of stream health impairment that may arise in the upstream watershed. More science could help to identify how to improve the ecological condition of streams through management. The outcome of stream restoration monitoring has revealed that while geomorphic and hydrodynamic functions of stream restoration projects may be achieved, biotic stream function improvements remain elusive. As such, ensuring uplift may be achieved by avoiding restoration projects that risk resources in higher-quality streams and riparian corridors. Reach-scale restoration often does not effectively mitigate the watershed-scale stressors of stream ecosystems. If a desired outcome of stream restoration includes ecological uplift, then focusing efforts on improving stream ecology could help meet that goal.

Individual return patterns of spawning flannelmouth sucker (Catostomus latipinnis) to a desert river tributary

Released November 04, 2024 09:59 EST

2024, Scientific Reports (14)

Sophia Marie Bonjour, Keith B. Gido, Charles N. Cathcart, Mark C. McKinstry

Tributaries provide temporal and spatial habitat heterogeneity in river networks that can be critical for parts of the life history of a species. Tributary fidelity can benefit individual fish undergoing spawning migrations by reducing time and energy spent exploring new areas and leveraging previous experience, but anthropogenic activities that fragment or degrade these systems can eliminate those benefits. We used multistate models based on passive integrated transponder (PIT) detection data from 2013 to 2023 to estimate the proportion of flannelmouth suckers (Catostomus latipinnis) migrating to a tributary, McElmo Creek, from the mainstem San Juan River for spawning. Survival varied among years and among states. The top model for migration probability included sex, with males slightly more likely to migrate (0.93 vs 0.90), and the next model identified interannual variation in migration probability ranging from 0.875 to 0.999 across years, indicating high site fidelity. Individuals showed consistency in relative arrival timing across years, with the highest correlation generally during years with greater spring discharge and extended tributary residence time. Successful tributary spawning may be important for the maintenance of the mainstem San Juan River flannelmouth sucker population, but site fidelity may be maladaptive where tributaries are vulnerable to human alterations.