The 3D Elevation Program—Supporting Utah’s economy
Released February 05, 2025 12:40 EST
2025, Fact Sheet 2025-3004
Cynthia L. Ritmiller
High-quality elevation data for Utah inform decision making to improve the State’s economy. Light detection and ranging (lidar) data are used to support infrastructure planning and management, assess natural resources, and improve resiliency to hazards. The expanding availability of current and more accurate lidar data helps to better support natural resource conservation, wildfire risk management, geologic hazard investigation and mitigation, flood risk management, water supply planning, and urban planning and development. Critical applications that meet the State’s management needs depend on lidar data that provide a highly detailed three-dimensional (3D) model of the Earth’s surface and aboveground features.
The 3D Elevation Program is managed by the U.S. Geological Survey in partnership with Federal, State, Tribal, U.S. territorial, and local agencies to acquire consistent lidar coverage at quality level 2 or better to meet the many needs of the Nation and Utah. The status of available and in-progress 3DEP baseline lidar data in Utah is shown in figure 1. 3DEP baseline lidar data include quality level 2 or better, 1-meter or better digital elevation models, and lidar point clouds, and must meet the Lidar Base Specification version 1.2 ( or newer requirements. The National Enhanced Elevation Assessment identified user requirements and conservatively estimated that availability of lidar data would result in at least $8.70 million in new benefits annually to the State. The top 10 Utah business uses for 3D elevation data, which are based on the estimated annual conservative benefits of 3DEP, are shown in table 2.
Hydrogeomorphic history, hydrodynamic conditions, and simulations of water levels and velocities from varying lake levels and streamflow for the Sheboygan Rivermouth and area of concern, Wisconsin
Released February 05, 2025 12:25 EST
2025, Scientific Investigations Report 2024-5125
Faith A. Fitzpatrick, Stephen, M. Westenbroek, Paul C. Reneau, James D. Blount
In 2011–13, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a study of the hydrogeomorphic setting and hydrodynamic conditions of the lower Sheboygan River and island complex within the backwater zone of Lake Michigan. Analyses of historical aerial photographs from 1938–2010 indicated that the Wildwood Islands complex had experienced mainly erosion and what was mainly one island in 1938 had eroded into about ten smaller islands and bars by 2010. Water levels, velocity and sedimentation patterns in the Sheboygan River mouth are affected by Lake Michigan water levels and seiche-related flow reversals for a potential river length of over 7 km. During the summer of 2012, when water levels in Lake Michigan were below the low water datum, seiche-related water-level fluctuations had a general range of 0.2 m and extended to just upstream of the Wildwood Islands complex, with greater variability in amplitude and frequency in the spring and fall months than in the summer. The low water level associated with the trough of a 60-90-minute seiche-related oscillation was sometimes 0.6 m lower than the low water datum. Runoff events produced river water levels during spring melt or storms that were 0.6 m above coincident Lake Michigan water levels. Frequent ice jams in the winter and early spring of 2012-13 raised river water levels to near the Lake Michigan ordinary high-water mark even though Lake Michigan water levels were at near record lows. Results from trends analyses from 1916 through 2008 indicated average annual streamflow and low flows were increasing in the Sheboygan River, but floods with an annual exceedance probability of 1 percent did not change. Simulations of a range of combinations of Lake Michigan water levels with river flows indicated that a variety of velocity patterns and water levels are possible near the Wildwood Islands complex. Simulated velocities ranged from 0 m/s during high lake levels and small river flows to 2 m/s during high lake levels and floods with an annual exceedance probability of 0.01. Silt deposition recorded in sediment cores matched locations of flow divergence in the model simulations. Time lapse photography confirmed flow reversals in the vicinity of the Wildwood Islands complex from frequent seiche oscillations. The study illustrates the large range in variability in water levels and velocities over short periods of time, and that the lake-effect zone can be greatly extended upstream during high lake levels for low-gradient rivermouth environments.
Continuous stream discharge, salinity, and associated data collected in the lower St. Johns River and its tributaries, Florida, 2022
Released February 04, 2025 14:11 EST
2025, Open-File Report 2024-1076
Jennifer N. Carson, Matthew T. Benacquisto
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District, deepened the St. Johns River channel in Jacksonville, Florida, to accommodate larger, fully loaded cargo vessels. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, monitored stage, discharge, and (or) water temperature and salinity at 26 continuous data collection sites in the St. Johns River and its tributaries.
This report contains information collected during the 2022 water year, from October 2021 to September 2022. Data at each site were compared for the length of the project and on a yearly basis to show the annual variability of discharge and salinity.
The countywide annual rainfall for the 2022 water year was above the average yearly rainfall in four of the five counties. Annual mean discharge at 8 of the 10 tributary monitoring sites was lower for the 2022 water year than for the 2021 water year, and the annual mean flow at Broward River below Biscayne Boulevard near Jacksonville, Florida (USGS site number 02246751), was the lowest recorded at that site over the 7 years of data collection. The annual mean discharge for each of the main-stem sites was lower for the 2022 water year than for the 2021 water year.
Among the tributary sites, annual mean salinity was highest at Clapboard Creek above Buckhorn Bluff near Jacksonville, Fla. (USGS site number 302657081312400), the site closest to the Atlantic Ocean, and was lowest at Durbin Creek near Fruit Cove, Fla. (USGS site number 022462002), the site farthest from the ocean, for all years. Annual mean salinity data from the main-stem sites indicate that salinity decreased with distance upstream from the ocean, which was expected. Annual mean salinity at all monitoring locations was higher for the 2022 water year than the 2021 water year, except at St. Johns River at Buffalo Bluff near Satsuma, Fla. (USGS site number 02244040) and St. Johns River at Dancy Point near Spuds, Fla. (USGS site number 294213081345300), which remained the same. St. Johns River Shands Bridge near Green Cove Springs, Fla. (USGS site number 295856081372301) and Durbin Creek near Fruit Cove, Fla. (USGS site number 022462002) had the highest annual mean salinities at their respective sites since data collection began.
Geologic map of MTM −15032 and −20032 quadrangles, western Ladon basin, Mars
Released February 04, 2025 09:46 EST
2025, Scientific Investigations Map 3525
Catherine M. Weitz, Sharon A. Wilson, John A. Grant, Rossman P. Irwin, III
James A. Skinner, editor(s)
Our mapping efforts focused on the geomorphic terrains and geologic units contained within Mars Transverse Mercator (MTM) −15032 and −20032 quadrangles. These two quadrangles are located along the west side of Ladon basin and span lat −12.5° N. to −22.5° N. and long 325° E. to 330° E. The western part of Ladon basin and its bounding basin ring structures to the west preserved features that help to understand the long history of drainage across the Margaritifer Terra region of Mars. Our geologic map provides new insight into the extent of aqueous activity across western Ladon basin and the adjoining highlands, which includes the northern part of Ladon Valles, Arda Valles, numerous small valleys in the western highlands, and light-toned layered deposits associated with these fluvial features. The Mars Odyssey Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) infrared (IR) daytime mosaic (100 meters per pixel) was used as the primary base map. We constructed the geologic map of western Ladon basin at 1:1,000,000 scale. We identified 20 geologic units in the map area, which we divided into the following groups: crater units; volcanic units; chaotic units; basin fill units; crater, valley, and channel units; and plateau and highlands units.
We observed the following sequence of events: (1) formation of Ladon and Holden impact basins in the middle Noachian, producing a mountainous unit; (2) landscape degradation and infilling during the Late Noachian to Late Hesperian forming terra units; (3) formation of Ladon Valles in the Late Noachian to Early Hesperian by catastrophic flooding, producing channel units; (4) accumulation of sediments in the Late Noachian to Early Amazonian, forming basin fill units; (5) formation of a smooth crater fill unit during the Early to Late Hesperian; (6) deposition during the Late Hesperian to Early Amazonian, creating light-toned layered units within Ladon Valles, Ladon basin, and other smaller valley networks along the western uplands, as well as formation of a light-toned unit along some crater floors; (7) formation a of chaotic unit in the Early to Middle Amazonian, formation of alluvial fans in the Early Amazonian, and eruption of a volcanic unit in the Middle Amazonian; and (8) formation of craters throughout the geologic history of the map region.
Uranium mining, the Grand Canyon region, and the science of an ecosystem
Released February 04, 2025 07:38 EST
2025, General Information Product 249
Benjamin J. Siebers
Illustration of U.S. Geological Survey science at breccia pipe mines in the Grand Canyon region. The upper left portion shows a cross section of a breccia pipe and rock layers (far upper left) in a panoramic view of the Grand Canyon with upper right depicting rock pinnacles the Havasupai Tribe call Wi’i Gileeva. The right portion depicts a spring. The Colorado River bisects the illustration. A typical breccia pipe uranium mine site is shown in the lower left. Local plant and animal species studied are also included.
Streamflow, water quality, and constituent loads and yields, Scituate Reservoir drainage area, Rhode Island, water year 2022
Released February 04, 2025 06:10 EST
2025, Data Report 1205
Kirk P. Smith, Alana B. Spaetzel
As part of a long-term cooperative program to monitor water quality within the Scituate Reservoir drainage area, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with Providence Water (formerly the Providence Water Supply Board), collected streamflow and water-quality data in tributaries to the Scituate Reservoir, Rhode Island. Streamflow and concentrations of chloride and sodium estimated from records of specific conductance for 16 tributaries were used to calculate loads of chloride and sodium during water year 2022 (October 1, 2021, through September 30, 2022). Water-quality samples were collected by Providence Water at 37 sampling stations on tributaries to the Scituate Reservoir during water year 2022. These water-quality data are summarized by using values of central tendency and are used, in combination with measured (or estimated) streamflows, to calculate loads and yields of selected water-quality constituents for water year 2022.
Annual mean streamflows for monitoring stations in this study ranged from about 0.31 to 28.0 cubic feet per second during water year 2022. At the 16 continuous-record streamgages, tributaries transported about 2,600 metric tons of chloride and 1,600 metric tons of sodium to the Scituate Reservoir; annual chloride yields for the tributaries ranged from 15 to 100 metric tons per square mile, and annual sodium yields ranged from 10 to 59 metric tons per square mile. At the stations where water-quality samples were collected by Providence Water, the medians of the median daily loads were 55,000 million colony forming units per day for coliform bacteria, 1,300 million colony forming units per day for Escherichia coli, 230 kilograms per day for chloride, 11 grams per day as nitrogen for nitrite, 620 grams per day as nitrogen for nitrate, and 440 grams per day as orthophosphate for phosphate, The medians of the median yields were 25,000 million colony forming units per day per square mile for coliform bacteria, 810 million colony forming units per day per square mile for Escherichia coli, 110 kilograms per day per square mile for chloride, 5.1 grams per day per square mile as nitrogen for nitrite, less than 300 grams per day per square mile as nitrogen for nitrate, and 230 grams per day per square mile as orthophosphate for phosphate.
Bait trapping of waterfowl increases the environmental contamination of avian influenza virus (AIV)
Released February 03, 2025 08:58 EST
2025, Journal of Wildlife Management
Cassandra Andrew, Landon McPhee, Kevin Kuchinski, Jordan Wight, Ishraq Rahman, Sarah Mansour, Gabrielle Angelo Cortez, Marzieh Kalhor, Ethan Kenmuir, Natalie Prystajecky, Kathryn Hargan, Andrew Lang, James Leafloor, Catherine Soos, Andrew M. Ramey, Chelsea Himsworth
Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) H5Nx clade has circulated in North America since late 2021, resulting in higher rates of morbidity and mortality in wild birds than observed in this region before. The objective of this study was to determine whether baiting, which is widely conducted in Canada and the United States as part of waterfowl management practices (e.g., duck banding), influences the occurrence of avian influenza virus (AIV) in wetlands. We used a quasi-experimental design, collecting superficial sediment samples (n = 336) and fecal samples (n = 242) from paired baited (treatment) and non-baited (control) sites at 2 wetlands in Saskatchewan, Canada, between August and September 2022. We visited sampling sites 3 times during the sampling period: prior to the commencement of baiting activities (t0), approximately 14 days after t0 (t1), and 24 days after t0 (t2). We screened samples for AIV using real-time reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) targeting the matrix gene and subjected the PCR-positive samples to next-generation sequencing. We used a mixed-effects logistic regression model to estimate the effect of baiting on the odds of AIV positivity in sediment samples, while controlling for clustering by wetland. At control sites, we did not detect evidence for a difference in the odds of AIV detection in sediment at t1 or t2 versus t0; however, at baited sites, the odds of AIV detection at t1 were 5.43 (95% CI = 1.99, 14.79) times the odds at t0 and at t2 the odds of AIV detection were 8.73 (95% CI = 3.29, 23.18) times the odds at t0. We detected HPAIV clade H5N1 in sediment at 1 treatment site following baiting. There was also a trend towards increased fecal AIV positivity and increased fecal and sediment AIV diversity in baited versus non-baited sites; however, there was insufficient power to determine if these findings were statistically significant. Overall, our results indicate that baiting is associated with localized increases in AIV environmental contamination, with baiting potentially creating concentrated areas of AIV accumulation. As such, wetland baiting activities may pose a risk to wildlife population health through the propagation of AIV in wetlands and the waterfowl using those environments and efforts to replace, refine, or reduce this activity may be warranted depending on local ecosystem contexts and cost-benefit analyses.
Concentration-discharge relations and transient metal loads reveal spatiotemporal variability in solute-generation mechanisms in a mine-affected watershed
Released February 03, 2025 07:53 EST
2025, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology
Connor P. Newman, Alexis Navarre-Sitchler, Robert L. Runkel, Rory M. Cowie
Concentration-discharge (CQ) relations are commonly used to understand geochemical and hydrologic controls on the generation of solutes in watersheds. Despite the widespread application of CQ relations, this technique has been infrequently applied to acid mine drainage (AMD) sites, but the CQ framework may allow mechanistic understanding of remedial outcomes such as impoundment of water within underground mines. Results of CQ analyses and changes in metal loads in an AMD affected watershed in Colorado, USA indicate that dissolved loads increased at many individual locations following water impoundment within mine workings. Although increased loads were observed at most individual locations, these increases were offset by a large decrease in loading from the largest mine. A loading analysis that included data from an instream monitoring location showed a statistically significant decrease in Fe and Zn after bulkhead emplacement, indicating a net positive effect of bulkheads. Streams generally displayed dilution CQ patterns whereas mines and springs showed either flushing or chemostatic patterns prior to bulkheading, which transitioned to chemostatic patterns following bulkheading, indicating a transition from dynamic to equilibrium geochemical processes. Saturation indices for sulfide and secondary minerals indicated that mines and springs were near equilibrium for phases including schwertmannite, fluorite, and gypsum. Saturation indices vary through time for mines suggesting progressive leaching of sulfide minerals as the mass of available minerals in the mine workings decreases. Together, these diverse analyses provide an integrated understanding of the variability in solute generating processes in this watershed and may inform remediation plans for similarly affected sites by indicating the nature of mineralogic controls on water quality.
Determining the effects of reduced water availability on seed germination of five bottomland hardwood tree species
Released February 01, 2025 08:56 EST
2025, Forest Ecology and Management (577)
Charles J. Pell, Sammy L. King, Tracy S. Hawkins, Matt Symmank
Globally, floodplain forests are experiencing shifts in species composition associated with drier conditions and disruptions of flood pulse hydrology. The specific processes behind these shifts in composition are not fully understood, but differential effects of drought on regeneration processes such as seed germination may be partially responsible. To determine how reduced water availability impacts seed germination of different floodplain tree species, a lab-controlled germination experiment was conducted. Seeds from tree species common to floodplain forests of the southeastern and southcentral United States whose abundance have been altered by drier hydrogeomorphic conditions were examined. These seeds included desiccation resistant, or orthodox, seeds of sugarberry (Celtis laevigata) and green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), and desiccation sensitive, or recalcitrant, acorns of overcup oak (Quercus lyrata), water oak (Quercus nigra), and willow oak (Quercus phellos). Seeds of each species were incubated with one of eight osmotically adjusted water solutions ranging in water potential from 0.0 MPa to −1.4 MPa. This reduction in water potential decreases the water available to the seeds for germination. After four weeks, seed germination of all species decreased with reduced water potential; however, desiccation tolerance did not correspond with the ability to germinate under lower water potential. Orthodox seeds only germinated in higher water potential treatments. Sugarberry reached 30 % germination in only the control 0.0 MPa treatment while green ash reached 30 % germination in treatments as low as −0.4 MPa. In contrast, recalcitrant acorns continued to germinate under lower water potentials. Water oak maintained 30 % or greater germination under all treatments and willow oak reached 30 % down to −0.8 MPa. Overcup oak was the only species to not respond to water potential treatment. With respect to maximum germination, sugarberry and green ash reached maximum germination an average of 9 days sooner than the oak species. The results of this study agree with others that demonstrate that seed germination success is sensitive to environmental water conditions and that species specific differences in germination traits are linked to broader life history strategies that are adaptive to common environmental conditions in their range.
The effects of management practices on grassland birds—Field Sparrow (Spizella pusilla)
Released January 31, 2025 14:16 EST
2025, Professional Paper 1842-BB
Jill A. Shaffer, Lawrence D. Igl, Douglas H. Johnson, Marriah L. Sondreal, Christopher M. Goldade, Barry D. Parkin, Betty R. Euliss
Keys to Field Sparrow (Spizella pusilla) management include providing shrub-dominated edge habitat adjacent to grasslands or grasslands with a shrub component (both of which must include dense grass and moderately high litter cover) and avoiding disturbances that eliminate woody vegetation. Field Sparrows have been reported to use habitats with 16–134 centimeters (cm) vegetation height, 20–145 cm visual obstruction reading, 17–90 percent grass cover, 2–45 percent forb cover, less than 63 percent shrub cover, 3–7 percent bare ground, 14–30 percent litter cover, and 1–7 cm litter depth.
Reproductive parameters in invasive blue catfish (Ictalurus furcatus) from tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland and Delaware, 2020–22
Released January 31, 2025 11:30 EST
2025, Open-File Report 2024-1074
Heather L. Walsh, Christine L. Densmore, Amy M. Regish, Jessica Norstog, Johnny Moore, Branson Williams, Noah Bressman, Zachary Crum
Over the past few decades, Ictalurus furcatus (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1840; blue catfish) have become a formidable invasive species in tidal tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland and Delaware. Knowledge of their reproductive behaviors can support managers in the determination of ideal timing and implementation of mitigation strategies. In 2020–22, the U.S. Geological Survey sampled blue catfish from the Chesapeake Bay’s tidal reaches of the Nanticoke River, Broad Creek, Marshyhope Creek, and Patuxent River in Maryland and Delaware from March to October. All fish were analyzed with histology to assess reproductive stages (immature, pre-spawn [early and late], and post-spawn). Plasma was collected for multiple endpoints including 17β-estradiol (E2), calcium, and total protein. Results indicated that female spawning generally occurred from late April through June, as evidenced by the histological data showing that the number of vitellogenic oocytes in late pre-spawn females began to increase in April, peaked in May, and gradually declined through July. In males, the greatest number of late pre-spawn individuals was observed in April and gradually declined through June. Additionally, female E2 levels were highest in late, pre-spawn females, thus showing a similar trend as the histological results, indicating that this endpoint can be used for assessing reproductive changes over time. Collectively, this study documents typical spawning patterns in blue catfish within the Chesapeake Bay watershed. However, further research across different watersheds would enhance data availability and inform more comprehensive management strategies.
2022 Volcanic activity in Alaska and the Northern Mariana Islands—Summary of events and response of the Alaska Volcano Observatory
Released January 31, 2025 10:17 EST
2025, Scientific Investigations Report 2024-5108
Tim R. Orr, Hannah R. Dietterich, Ronni Grapenthin, Matthew M. Haney, Matthew W. Loewen, Pablo Saunders-Shultz, Darren Tan, Christopher F. Waythomas, Aaron G. Wech
In 2022, the Alaska Volcano Observatory responded to eruptions, volcanic unrest or suspected unrest, increased seismicity, and other significant activity at 11 volcanic centers in Alaska and in the Northern Mariana Islands. Eruptive activity in Alaska consisted of repeated small, ash-producing, phreatomagmatic explosions from Mount Young on Semisopochnoi Island; the eruption of a thick lava flow within the summit crater at Great Sitkin Volcano; and weak explosive activity and the eruption of small, channelized flows at Pavlof Volcano. Uplift and an increase in seismicity were detected at Mount Edgecumbe, a long-dormant volcano in southeastern Alaska. Anomalous seismicity was also detected at three other volcanoes, including Trident Volcano, Takawangha volcano, and Davidof volcano. Other activity documented in 2022 includes ash resuspension events at Mount Katmai and Aniakchak Crater, and Mount Cleveland had a period of unrest, but no eruptive activity took place. In the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands, hydroacoustic detections and a submarine plume observed in satellite data at Ahyi seamount indicated underwater eruptive activity there.
Distribution, abundance, and breeding activities of the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California—2023 Annual report
Released January 31, 2025 09:59 EST
2025, Open-File Report 2025-1001
Scarlett L. Howell, Barbara E. Kus
Executive Summary
The purpose of this report is to provide the Marine Corps with an annual summary of the distribution, abundance, and breeding activity of the endangered Southwestern Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus; flycatcher) at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton (MCBCP or “Base”). Surveys for the flycatcher were completed on Base between May 8 and July 26, 2023. All of MCBCP’s historically occupied riparian habitat (core survey area) was surveyed for flycatchers in 2023. None of the non-core survey areas were surveyed in 2023.
In 2023, 14 transient Willow Flycatchers of unknown subspecies were observed on two of the five drainages surveyed, the Santa Margarita River and San Mateo Creek. No Willow Flycatchers were detected at Fallbrook, Las Flores, or Pilgrim Creeks. Transients occurred in a range of habitat types, including mixed willow (Salix spp.) riparian, and riparian scrub. Exotic vegetation, primarily poison hemlock (Conium maculatum), was present in most of the flycatcher locations.
In 2023, the resident Southwestern Willow Flycatcher population on Base consisted of one unpaired female occupying one territory. No territorial males were observed in 2023. The resident flycatcher population was restricted to the Santa Margarita River, and distribution was limited to the Air Station breeding area. The resident flycatcher territory was in mixed willow riparian habitat.
Nesting was initiated in late June and continued into late July. One nesting attempt was documented, which was ultimately unsuccessful because of infertile eggs. No instances of Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater) parasitism were observed. The flycatcher nest was placed in native sandbar willow (Salix exigua).
For the first time since 2012, a flycatcher that was originally banded as a nestling on MCBCP returned and established a breeding territory in 2023. The nestling (female) was originally banded in 2020, making her 3 years old. No other uniquely banded adult flycatchers present in previous years returned to MCBCP in 2023. No new adults or nestlings were banded in 2023. None of the transients observed during surveys were seen to carry bands. From 2000 to 2023, the adult annual survival of Southwestern Willow Flycatchers on MCBCP was 60±3 percent, while first-year survival was 20±3 percent.
Two measures were initiated in recent years to attract and retain breeding flycatchers on MCBCP: a conspecific attraction playback study (initiated in 2018) and an artificial seep study (initiated in 2019); both were repeated annually through 2023. The female resident flycatcher detected in 2023 was observed within 110 meters (m) of an automated playback unit, and within 90 m of an artificial seep.
Mineral commodity summaries 2025
Released January 31, 2025 09:53 EST
2025, Mineral Commodity Summaries 2025
U.S. Geological Survey
Each mineral commodity chapter of the 2025 edition of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Mineral Commodity Summaries (MCS) includes information on events, trends, and issues for each mineral commodity as well as discussions and tabular presentations on domestic industry structure, Government programs, tariffs, 5-year salient statistics, and world production, reserves, and resources. The MCS is the earliest comprehensive source of 2024 mineral production data for the world. More than 90 individual minerals and materials are covered by two-page synopses.
Abbreviations and units of measure and definitions of selected terms used in the report are in Appendix A and Appendix B, respectively. Reserves and resources information is in Appendix C, which includes “Part A—Resource and Reserve Classification for Minerals” and “Part B—Sources of Reserves Data.” A directory of USGS minerals information country specialists and their responsibilities is in Appendix D.
The USGS continually strives to improve the value of its publications to users. Constructive comments and suggestions by readers of the MCS 2025 are welcomed.
Quantifying the effect of petrogenic carbon on SOC turnover for two Rocky Mountain soils: When are petrogenic carbon corrections required?
Released January 31, 2025 08:10 EST
2025, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences (130)
Elizabeth Kellisha Williams, Corey Lawrence
Petrogenic organic carbon (OCpetro), derived from sedimentary rocks, is an often overlooked and poorly quantified source of soil organic carbon (SOC), which may influence measured or modeled SOC composition, age, and stability. In this study, we exploited differences in thermochemical stability between OCpetro and biogenic SOC (OCbio) using stepped elemental analysis to quantify the fractional contribution of OCpetro to total SOC (fpetro), and we conducted a sensitivity analysis to estimate the effects of OCpetro on modeled SOC transit times and system ages. Specifically, we compared the effects of accounting for OCpetro inputs in SOC turnover modeling (using SoilR) for two montane meadow soils that are underlain by Cretaceous Mancos Shale. At these sites, we estimate that OCpetro comprises 7%–9% of the total SOC stock (fpetro = 0.07–0.09). However, accounting for OCpetro as a mixture of inert and passive C or as completely inert C had negligible effects on SOC transit times and system ages, suggesting that there is a threshold of OCpetro content under which there is minimal effect on calculated SOC turnover. Based on our sensitivity analysis, we estimate this threshold to be fpetro = 0.125, further supporting that the accurate calculation of OCpetro remains an important factor in estimating SOC turnover.
Using machine learning in Minnesota’s StreamStats to predict fluvial sediment
Released January 30, 2025 14:39 EST
2025, Fact Sheet 2025-3005
Joel T. Groten, J. William Lund, Erin N. Coenen, Andrea S. Medenblik, Harper N. Wavra, Mike Kennedy, Gregory D. Johnson
A thorough understanding of fluvial sediment transport is essential for addressing key environmental issues such as aquatic habitat degradation, flooding, excess nutrients, and challenges with river restoration. Fluvial sediment samples are valuable for addressing these concerns, but their collection is often impractical across all rivers and timeframes of interest. In addition, previously used analytical and numerical methods have not allowed for the transfer of knowledge from sites that have data to sites that do not have data. To overcome this limitation, the U.S. Geological Survey developed machine learning models to predict suspended-sediment concentrations and bedload transport in Minnesota rivers that lack physical sediment data and integrated them into the U.S. Geological Survey StreamStats web application.
Proceedings of the 2024 Asia-Pacific Wildlife Health Workshop—Collaborating against shared threats
Released January 30, 2025 12:04 EST
2025, Open-File Report 2024-1081
Emerging diseases of wildlife origin are increasingly transboundary (they spread rapidly across geographic regions and across continents). In recent years, examples include the rapid spread of African swine fever across Europe and Asia with negative effects on food security, and the near global spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza which has devastated wildlife populations, caused economic harm, and which threatens public health; consequently, international partnerships and networks are essential to facilitate the sharing of information for improved situational awareness and better preparedness and response. In this regard, the U.S. Geological Survey and the Korea National Institute for Wildlife Disease Control and Prevention have had a long-standing partnership to foster scientific collaboration. A key part of the activities has been annual scientific workshops, which commenced in 2016.
The 2024 workshop in Hilo, Hawaii, was the most recent in these series of workshops and included participants from across Asia and the Pacific region, including Thailand, Vietnam, China, Republic of Korea, Japan, Australia, Cook Islands, Fiji, and the United States. The goals of the workshop were:
- to continue to build the wildlife health community of practice in the Asia-Pacific region and expand the participants to agencies and institutions from other countries in the region; and
- exchange scientific knowledge among the participants to share best practices, create scientific networks, and build capacity in wildlife health science for the Asia-Pacific region.
The themes discussed at the workshop included wildlife health risk management, avian Influenza, African swine fever, climate change and emerging diseases, and international cooperation. This report contains the author-submitted abstracts which provide a summary of the presentations and discussions during the workshop. The aim is to share this information to continue to foster international scientific exchange to protect wildlife health, livestock, and public health from the negative impacts of infectious and noninfectious diseases.
Shoreline seasonality of California’s beaches
Released January 30, 2025 09:13 EST
2025, JGR Earth Surface (130)
Jonathan Warrick, Daniel D. Buscombe, Kilian Vos, Hannah Kenyon, Andrew C. Ritchie, Mitchell D. Harley, Catherine Nicole Janda, Jess L'Heureux, Sean Vitousek
We report on remote sensing techniques developed to characterize seasonal shoreline cycles from satellite-derived shoreline measurements. These techniques are applied to 22-yr of shoreline measurements for over 777 km of beach along California's 1,700-km coast, for which the general understanding is that shorelines exhibit winter-narrow and summer-recovery seasonality. We find that approximately 90% of beach transects exhibit significant and recurring seasonal cycles in the shoreline position. Seasonal shoreline excursions are twice as large in northern and central California (17.5–32.2 m) than southern California (7.3–15.9 m; interquartile ranges). Clustering analyses were effective at characterizing the temporal patterns of the seasonality, revealing that ∼459 km of beach (59%) exhibit winter-narrow conditions, whereas ∼189 km (24%) and ∼50 km (6.4%) exhibit spring-narrow and summer-narrow conditions, respectively. These spring- and summer-narrow conditions are most common in southern California, where they represent over half of the total length of beach shoreline. Multivariate analyses reveal that wave climate and geomorphic setting are significantly related to the magnitude and timing of shoreline seasonal cycles. Combinations of these variables explain 44% of the seasonality variance of the complete data set and 85% of the variance for a subset of 93 long (>1 km) continuous beaches. We conclude that diversity in waves and geomorphic setting along California cause a broad range of seasonal patterns in the shoreline. Combined, this indicates that the overly generalized “winter-narrow/summer-recovery” conventions for California beaches are not expressed universally and that shoreline seasonality is far more diverse than these simple canonical rules.
Detection of the Diadema antillarum scuticociliatosis Philaster clade on sympatric metazoa, plankton, and abiotic surfaces and assessment for its potential reemergence
Released January 30, 2025 08:50 EST
2025, Marine Ecology Progress Series (753) 19-35
Brayan Vilanova-Cuevas, Katherine Philipp, Ashley Altera, Amy Apprill, Cynthia C. Becker, Donald Behringer, Marilyn E. Brandt, Mya Breitbart, Kayla A. Budd, Christopher M. DeRito, Elizabeth Duermit-Moreau, James S. Evans, Maria Hopson-Fernandes, Julian Fleischer, Samuel Gittens Jr., Michael Henson, Alwin Hylkema, Christina A. Kellogg, Andrew Maritan, Julie L. Meyer, Zoe A. Pratte, Isabella T. Ritchie, Moriah L.B. Sevier, Matthew Souza, Frank J. Stewart, Sietske Van Der Wal, Sarah VonHoehne, Ian Hewson
A ciliate belonging to the Diadema antillarum scuticociliatosis (DaSc)-associated Philaster clade (DaScPc) caused catastrophic long-spined urchin mass mortality in spring and summer of 2022. The ciliate can be grown in culture in both the presence and absence of D. antillarum tissues, suggesting that it may persist outside its host by consuming microorganisms or dissolved organic nutrients. We hypothesized that DaScPc was present outside its host during and after mass mortality and absent prior to 2022. We examined DaScPc in DNA extracted from 500 swabs of sym- patric metazoa and abiotic surfaces, and plankton samples, collected at 35 sites in the Caribbean in 2022 and 2023. DaScPc was detected on corals, turf algae, and a sponge, predominantly at sites with active or prior DaSc. We examined whether it was present prior to 2022 by surveying extracted DNA from Caribbean corals and water collected near corals by PCR and by mining publicly available transcriptomes and metagenomes for DaScPc rRNAs. These efforts yielded no DaScPc genes. We further hypothesized that DaScPc may recruit to the specific corals detected in field surveys, and that these may then infect naïve hosts. A mesocosm experiment to test DaScPc recruitment suggested that, while it recruited to corals, it did so inconsistently between coral species. Incubation of corals that recruited DaScPc with naïve urchins yielded inconclusive results since urchins died without characteristic DaSc signs. Overall, our results suggest that DaScPc may occur outside its urchin host, and that it may have been absent in the region prior to 2022.
Surface-wave relocation and characterization of the October 2023 tsunamigenic seismic unrest near Sofugan volcano, Izu Islands, Japan
Released January 30, 2025 08:01 EST
2025, Geophysical Research Letters (52)
Chanel Ashlie Deane, J.D. Pesicek, Stephanie Prejean, Paul S. Earle, David R. Shelly, William L. Yeck
A moderate-magnitude earthquake swarm occurred in the remote Izu Islands region of Japan between October 1 and 8, 2023. The swarm included 151 shallow earthquakes cataloged by the U.S. Geological Survey, which notably included a roughly 2.5-hr episode of 15 successive magnitude (M) < 5.5 earthquakes. Origin times were coincident with regionally recorded tsunami waves, but tsunamigenesis for moderate-magnitude earthquakes is uncommon, indicating that volcanic activity generated the ocean displacements. Leveraging a surface-wave relative relocation approach, we estimate precise epicentroid locations for the remote swarm. Final epicentroids and caldera analogs indicate a three-stage model to explain swarm activity: (a) caldera pressurization due to magma intrusion, (b) depressurization via dike propagation away from the caldera, and (c) eruption corresponding with caldera reactivation either by collapse or additional intrusion.
Reproductive contribution of lake sturgeon transferred upstream of dams on a Great Lakes tributary
Released January 29, 2025 09:54 EST
2025, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (82) 1-16
Patrick S. Forsythe, Nicholas M. Sard, Stefan Tucker, Lexi Atler, Jeannette Kanefsky, Jennifer Johnson, Daniel A. Isermann, Robert F. Elliott, Michael Donofrio, Kim T. Scribner
Dam construction contributes to declines in the distribution and abundance of many fishes. Increasing connectivity through adult transfer can be demographically and genetically beneficial, but assessing the effects resulting from transfer can be difficult if resident fish exist upstream. Genotypes of adult and larval lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) were used to quantify contributions to larval recruitment from adults transferred upstream of dams on the Menominee River, USA. We evaluated whether transfer timing, sex, and adult size were associated with the odds of reproduction. Elevator transfer operations in Fall 2019, Fall 2020, and Spring 2021 resulted in 152 male and 81 female lake sturgeon transferred upstream. In 2020 and 2021, 580 and 518 larvae were genotyped. We found that 86% (201/233) of adults reproduced and 62.3% (684/1098) of offspring had transferred parents. In total, we estimated that 392 resident adults contributed to offspring production. Mixed matings accounted for 53% of offspring genotyped, increasing levels of offspring genetic diversity relative to offspring produced from resident-only matings. Transferring adults may be a viable restoration alternative for other iteroparous fish in river systems where connectivity to spawning areas has been impeded.
Forecasting sea otter recolonization: Insights from isotopic analysis of modern and zooarchaeological populations
Released January 29, 2025 09:23 EST
2025, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Biological Sciences (292)
Emma A. Elliott Smith, Madonna L. Moss, Hannah P. Wellman, Verena A. Gill, Daniel Monson, Seth D. Newsome
Retrospective datasets offer essential context for conservation by revealing species’ ecological roles before industrial-era human impacts. We analysed isotopic compositions of pre-industrial and modern sea otters (Enhydra lutris) to reconstruct pre-extirpation ecology and offer insights for management. Our study focuses on southeast Alaska (SEAK), where sea otters are recolonizing, and northern Oregon, where translocations are being considered. We measured bulk bone collagen δ13C and δ15N values and essential amino acid δ13C values of extirpated sea otters from archaeological contexts, and bulk isotopic values from vibrissae of modern SEAK sea otters. We compare these results with published isotopic data of potential prey and additional archaeological datasets. In SEAK, our data show pre-industrial sea otter populations consumed infaunal bivalves and used soft-sediment (33%) and kelp forest habitats (67%), with sub-regional variation. We anticipate current populations will expand into this historical niche, and conflict with regional traditional/subsistence bivalve fisheries will persist. In northern Oregon, isotopic data from extirpated sea otters indicate past consumption of low trophic level invertebrates and a stronger reliance on kelp forests (88%) rather than soft-sediment habitats, highlighting the importance of kelp forests for future translocations. Our work exemplifies the value of historical ecology in informing conservation strategies for recovering species.
Groundwater hydrology, groundwater and surface-water interactions, water quality, and groundwater-flow simulations for the Wet Mountain Valley alluvial aquifer, Custer and Fremont Counties, Colorado, 2017–19
Released January 28, 2025 12:40 EST
2025, Scientific Investigations Report 2024-5105
Connor P. Newman, Cory A. Russell, Zachary D. Kisfalusi, Suzanne S. Paschke
In 2017, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Upper Arkansas Water Conservancy District, began a study to provide a comprehensive analysis of the Wet Mountain Valley alluvial aquifer, Custer and Fremont Counties, Colorado. The study included collection of data pertaining to groundwater hydrology, groundwater and surface-water interactions, and water quality in the alluvial aquifer. In addition to providing foundational information on the hydrology of the alluvial aquifer, a numerical groundwater-flow model was developed to estimate the potential effects of additional storage of groundwater in the alluvial aquifer.
Groundwater-level elevation data from 30 wells were used to estimate groundwater-flow directions in the alluvial aquifer, which were generally from the southwest to northeast, away from the Sangre de Cristo Mountains and towards perennial streams in the center of the valley. Although some seasonal variation was apparent in groundwater-level elevation records, no statistically significant seasonal trends were indicated. Statistically significant long-term trends were indicated in groundwater-level elevation records for 8 of the 30 wells, and of these wells with statistically significant trends, all but 1 indicated a negative trend of groundwater-level elevations. Spatial evaluation of wells with statistically significant negative groundwater-level elevation trends showed many are in areas of denser well drilling for domestic or other uses, indicating increasing groundwater use could potentially be causing groundwater-level elevation declines. There were instances of wells with no statistically significant groundwater-level elevation trends also located in areas of greater density of well completions. Additional investigations may be necessary to more fully characterize the processes responsible for negative groundwater-level elevation trends.
Streamflow gain or loss calculations were completed for low flow in 2017–19 and for high flow in 2018 in nine reaches of streams within the study area. Stream reaches of the upper Texas Creek, upper Grape Creek, upper-middle Grape Creek, and Taylor Creek displayed consistent streamflow loss in each period from 2017 to 2019. These stream reaches represent long-term sources of recharge to the alluvial aquifer. Streamflow gain or loss varies through time in other stream reaches (lower Texas Creek, lower-middle Grape Creek, lower Grape Creek below Westcliffe, and lower Grape Creek above DeWeese Reservoir). The temporally variable behavior indicates these stream reaches may be sources of groundwater recharge or areas of groundwater discharge, likely depending on temporal dynamics between the elevation of the water table and the stream.
Water-quality samples were collected from 10 groundwater wells and 10 stream sites during September through November 2019. All groundwater and stream samples were analyzed for major and trace elements and stable isotopes of water. A subset of groundwater samples was also analyzed for the environmental tracers sulfur hexafluoride, tritium, and noble gases. Comparison of water-quality results to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency drinking water-quality standards indicated no constituents exceeded primary standards for human health. Spatial evaluation of water quality indicated the concentrations of various constituents are likely controlled by groundwater and surface-water interactions and by spatial variability in bedrock geology underlying the alluvial aquifer. Specifically, streams shown to gain from groundwater had water chemistry constituent compositions similar to groundwater, whereas streams exiting the Sangre de Cristo Mountains tended to have compositions consistent with snowmelt. Groundwater geochemistry appeared to be partially controlled by oxidation-reduction processes and by proximity to igneous rocks in the Wet Mountains. Environmental tracers used to estimate groundwater age indicated all sampled groundwater contained tracers representing modern recharge (approximately less than 65 years old) but mixing of premodern recharge (approximately more than 65 years old) also occurs. Spatial evaluation of environmental tracers indicated large faults may be conduits for upwelling of older groundwater. No trends were observed in groundwater age with well depth, indicating all sampled wells are located within the zone of active groundwater flow. The presence of modern groundwater in wells with statistically significant negative groundwater-level elevation trends indicates groundwater storage depletions may be partially offset by capture of modern recharge. Repeated sampling of groundwater age would be necessary, however, to determine if any trends in groundwater age exist, which may indicate changing groundwater recharge, storage, or discharge. Additional investigations could also consider quantifying groundwater age in deeper wells to more fully define the depth of active groundwater flow.
A numerical groundwater-flow model was developed to estimate components of the water budget, simulate groundwater and surface-water interactions, and evaluate the potential effects of aquifer storage and recovery. Simulated groundwater-level elevations from the calibrated groundwater-flow model are similar to the observed pattern of groundwater-level elevations with higher elevations in the western part of the study area along the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. Simulated water-budget components indicate most of the recharge to the alluvial aquifer is derived from streamflow losses, which is consistent with observations of losing streams along the mountain front. The largest groundwater discharge component of the alluvial aquifer was to streams in the center of the valley, where observations of stream gain or loss indicated the predominance of gaining conditions. Comparison of groundwater and surface-water interactions between the calibrated groundwater-flow model for 2000-19 (the base-case model) and a simulation including additional recharge, representing potential aquifer storage and recovery operations, indicated the additional recharge distributed throughout the area had minimal effects on streamflow in the nearby Grape Creek. An analysis of subregional groundwater budgets showed approximately 54 percent of the additional recharge flowed back to nearby Grape Creek, and the other 46 percent was distributed laterally into adjacent cells in the alluvial aquifer. The comparison of simulations and subregional water budget show the additional recharge did not substantially alter groundwater-level elevations or basin wide groundwater storage. Although the analysis of additional recharge provided in the numerical groundwater-flow model considers only one of many possible recharge scenarios, the model provides a useful tool that could be modified for various scenarios to understand potential effects of managed aquifer recharge.
The importance of method selection when estimating diet composition with quantitative fatty acid signature analysis
Released January 28, 2025 09:38 EST
2025, PLoS ONE (20)
Jeffrey F. Bromaghin, Todd C. Atwood, Karyn D. Rode
Quantitative fatty acid signature analysis (QFASA) is a common method of estimating the composition of prey species in the diets of consumers from polar and temperate ecosystems in which lipids are an important source of energy. A key characteristic of QFASA is that the large number of fatty acids that typically comprise lipids permits the dietary contributions of a correspondingly large number of prey types to be estimated. Several modifications to the original QFASA methods have been suggested in the literature and a significant extension of the original model published in 2017 allows simultaneous estimation of both diet proportions and calibration coefficients, which are metabolic constants in the model whose values must otherwise be estimated in independent feeding experiments. However, comparisons of diet estimates obtained using different estimation options have been limited. QFASA has been used to estimate the diet composition of several polar bear (Ursus maritimus) subpopulations, including the Southern Beaufort Sea (SBS) subpopulation. Prior QFASA estimates of SBS polar bear diet composition have most often been obtained using variations of the original QFASA model. We investigated the influence of variations in QFASA analytical methods on diet estimates by re-estimating the diet composition of polar bears from the Alaska portion of the SBS using three different methods and found that differences among the three sets of estimates were substantial. Our results illustrate how important the careful and deliberate selection of QFASA methods can be and we provide some guidance on techniques one might use to evaluate options.
Prairie Falcon (Falco mexicanus) abundance in a National Conservation Area in Idaho has increased since the 1970s–1990s
Released January 28, 2025 08:43 EST
2025, Journal of Raptor Research (59) 1-13
Steven Alsup, James R. Belthoff, Karen Steenhof, Michael N. Kochert, Todd E. Katzner
The Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area (NCA), in southwestern Idaho, USA supports a large population of breeding Prairie Falcons (Falco mexicanus). Abundance of Prairie Falcons in the NCA was previously monitored in 1976–1978 and 1990–1994. That research indicated maximum counts for each period in 1976 and 1992 and a possible population decline across that time span. We assessed the abundance and nesting success of Prairie Falcons in the NCA in 2002–2003 and 2019–2021, and we compared results to data from before 2000 to assess possible population change. Number of nesting pairs increased over 45 years from peak counts of 206, 193, and 217 in the 1970s, 1990s, and early 2000s, respectively, to 257 in 2021. Increases were not concentrated in one region, but widely distributed across the study area. Rates of nesting success in 2002–2003 and 2019–2021 averaged 57 ± 11.8% (SD) at 49.8 ± 3.3 nests observed each year and did not differ from pre-2000 rates. Finally, our analysis showed that in all 10 years in which a full census was conducted, a sampling approach to surveys would have been effective at estimating the number of falcons nesting within the NCA. Prairie Falcons are of conservation concern because of possible population declines in parts of their range. These results illustrate an area with apparently increasing numbers of this important species and highlight the importance of long-term surveys for tracking population fluctuations and the value of a national conservation area for providing raptor breeding habitat.
Hotter temperatures alter riparian plant outcomes under regulated river conditions
Released January 27, 2025 09:39 EST
2025, Ecological Monographs (95)
Emily C. Palmquist, Kiona Ogle, Bradley J. Butterfield, Thomas G. Whitham, Gerard J. Allan, Patrick B. Shafroth
Climate change and river regulation alter environmental controls on riparian plant occurrence and cover worldwide. Simultaneous changes to river flow and air temperature could result in unanticipated plant responses to novel environmental conditions. Increasing temperature could alter riparian plant response to hydrology and other factors, while river regulation may exacerbate environmental stress through novel flows like those resulting from power generation. Further, plant establishment and growth may require differing conditions, which may be decoupled by novel conditions. Using a large dataset that spans a natural 5°C mean annual temperature (MAT) gradient and a Bayesian model that integrates plant occurrence and cover, we address four questions: (1) Does hotter MAT modify plant response to hydrology, substrate composition, topography, and cover of co-occurring plant species? (2) Does the timing of hydropower tides benefit some species over others? (3) Does dam-induced erosion hinder riparian species more than upland species? (4) Do occurrence and cover respond to different environmental variables, allowing for decoupling of life history processes? We addressed these questions with data collected along 364 km of the Colorado River downstream of Glen Canyon Dam, Arizona, United States of America. Occurrence and cover class were recorded in >10,000 plots from 2016 to 2020, along with environmental covariates that repeat across the climate gradient. For 36 species, plant occurrence and cover were modeled with respect to MAT, hydrology, substrate, topography, other plant cover, and their interactions with MAT. There were four key results. (1) Increasing MAT will not only directly influence plants but will mediate their responses to the environment, including greater dependence on stable water supplies. (2) The timing of hydropower tides shapes plant community composition. (3) Dam-related erosion has an outsized effect on riparian species, which could lead to a loss of regionally unique plant species. (4) For all species, the most important covariates driving occurrence differed from those for cover, suggesting the potential for these life stages to be decoupled. Not only will climate change and river regulation independently alter plant distributions, interactions among hotter temperature, dam-controlled flow patterns, and limited fine sediments will determine which species flourish or perish under future conditions.
Towards mobile wind measurements using joust configured ultrasonic anemometer for applications in gas flux quantification
Released January 26, 2025 08:14 EST
2025, Drones (9)
Derek Hollenbeck, Colin W. Edgar, Eugenie Euskirchen, Kristen L. Manies
Small uncrewed aerial systems (sUASs) can be used to quantify emissions of greenhouse and other gases, providing flexibility in quantifying these emissions from a multitude of sources, including oil and gas infrastructure, volcano plumes, wildfire emissions, and natural sources. However, sUAS-based emission estimates are sensitive to the accuracy of wind speed and direction measurements. In this study, we examined how filtering and correcting sUAS-based wind measurements affects data accuracy by comparing data from a miniature ultrasonic anemometer mounted on a sUAS in a joust configuration to highly accurate wind data taken from a nearby eddy covariance flux tower (aka the Tower). These corrections had a small effect on wind speed error, but reduced wind direction errors from 50° to >120° to 20–30°. A concurrent experiment examining the amount of error due to the sUAS and the Tower not being co-located showed that the impact of this separation was 0.16–0.21 ms−1, a small influence on wind speed errors. Lower wind speed errors were correlated with lower turbulence intensity and higher relative wind speeds. There were also some loose trends in diminished wind direction errors at higher relative wind speeds. Therefore, to improve the quality of sUAS-based wind measurements, our study suggested that flight planning consider optimizing conditions that can lower turbulence intensity and maximize relative wind speeds as well as include post-flight corrections.
Light absorbing particles deposited to snow cover across the Upper Colorado River Basin, Colorado Rocky Mountains, 2013-16: Interannual variations from multiple natural and anthropogenic sources
Released January 25, 2025 10:58 EST
2025, JGR Atmospheres (130)
Richard L. Reynolds, Harland L. Goldstein, Raymond F. Kokaly, Heather A. Lowers, Geroge N. Breit, Bruce M. Moskowitz, Peat Solheid, Jeff Derry, Corey Lawrence
Atmospheric particulate matter (PM) as light-absorbing particles (LAPs) deposited to snow cover can result in early onset and rapid snow melting, challenging management of downstream water resources. We identified LAPs in 38 snow samples (water years 2013–2016) from the mountainous Upper Colorado River basin by comparing among laboratory-measured spectral reflectance, chemical, physical, and magnetic properties. Dust sample reflectance, averaged over the wavelength range of 0.35–2.50 μm, varied by a factor of 1.9 (range, 0.2300–0.4444) and was suppressed mainly by three components: (a) carbonaceous matter measured as total organic carbon (1.6–22.5 wt. %) including inferred black carbon, natural organic matter, and carbon-based synthetic, black road-tire-wear particles, (b) dark rock and mineral particles, indicated by amounts of magnetite (0.11–0.37 wt. %) as their proxy, and (c) ferric oxide minerals identified by reflectance spectroscopy and magnetic properties. Fundamental compositional differences were associated with different iron oxide groups defined by dominant hematite, goethite, or magnetite. These differences in iron oxide mineralogy are attributed to temporally varying source-area contributions implying strong interannual changes in regional source behavior, dust-storm frequency, and (or) transport tracks. Observations of dust-storm activity in the western U.S. and particle-size averages for all samples (median, 25 μm) indicated that regional dust from deserts dominated mineral-dust masses. Fugitive contaminants, nevertheless, contributed important amounts of LAPs from many types of anthropogenic sources.
Coral reef restoration can reduce coastal contamination and pollution hazards
Released January 25, 2025 09:26 EST
2025, Communications Earth & Environment (6)
Marina Rottmueller, Curt Storlazzi, Fabian Frick
Coral reef restoration can reduce the wave-driven flooding for coastal communities. However, this protection has yet to be assessed in terms of the reduced risk of flood-driven environmental contamination. Here we provide the first high-resolution valuation of the reduction of flood-related land-based environmental pollution provided by potential coral reef restoration. Along Florida’s 460 km-long coral reef-fringed coastline, coral reef restoration could reduce the risk of sewage and petrochemical contamination by preventing the flooding of petroleum storage tank systems (-9%), onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems (-4%), and wastewater treatment plants (-10%). The present value of critical infrastructure protection and contamination prevention benefits provided by coral reef restoration is $3,413,503, with some areas exceeding $1,500,000/km. Annually, 48,403 U.S. gal of petrochemicals, 10,404 GPD of wastewater treatment capacity, equivalent to $281,435, could be protected from flooding, demonstrating that coral reef restoration can provide environmental risk reduction and previously undocumented additional socioeconomic benefits.
Perpetuation of avian influenza from molt to fall migration in wild Swan Geese (Anser cygnoides): An agent-based modeling approach
Released January 25, 2025 08:40 EST
2025, Viruses (17)
John Takekawa, Chang-Yong Choi, Diann Prosser, Jeffery D. Sullivan, Nyambayar Batbayar, Xiangming Xiao
Wild waterfowl are considered to be the reservoir of avian influenza, but their distinct annual life cycle stages and their contribution to disease dynamics are not well understood. Studies of the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus have primarily focused on wintering grounds, where human and poultry densities are high year-round, compared with breeding grounds, where migratory waterfowl are more isolated. Few if any studies of avian influenza have focused on the molting stage where wild waterfowl congregate in a few selected wetlands and undergo the simultaneous molt of wing and tail feathers during a vulnerable flightless period. The molting stage may be one of the most important periods for the perpetuation of the disease in waterfowl, since during this stage, immunologically naïve young birds and adults freely intermix prior to the fall migration. Our study incorporated empirical data from virological field samplings and markings of Swan Geese (Anser cygnoides) on their breeding grounds in Mongolia in an integrated agent-based model (ABM) that included susceptible–exposed–infectious–recovered (SEIR) states. Our ABM results provided unique insights and indicated that individual movements between different molting wetlands and the transmission rate were the key predictors of HPAI perpetuation. While wetland extent was not a significant predictor of HPAI perpetuation, it had a large effect on the number of infections and associated death toll. Our results indicate that conserving undisturbed habitats for wild waterfowl during the molting stage of the breeding season could reduce the risk of HPAI transmission.
Methods to determine streamflow statistics based on data through water year 2021 for selected streamgages in or near Wyoming
Released January 24, 2025 14:56 EST
2025, Scientific Investigations Report 2024-5104
Daniel W. Armstrong, David A. Lange, Katherine J. Chase
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Wyoming Water Development Office, developed streamflow statistics for streamgages in and near Wyoming. Statistics were computed for active (through September 30, 2021) and discontinued USGS streamgages with 10 or more years of daily mean streamflow record. Streamflow at each streamgage was assessed for degree of human alteration owing to dams and diversions before streamflow statistics were computed. Streamflow records from 615 streamgages were used to compute basic, seasonal, and flow-duration statistics; streamflow records from 387 streamgages were used to compute n-day statistics, which are streamflow statistics describing streamflow over a number of days (n), and statistics that can be used for regional regression. The streamflow statistics are provided in a USGS data publication that accompanies this report and through the USGS StreamStats web-based application (
The transition from resistance to acceptance: Managing a marine invasive species in a changing world
Released January 24, 2025 09:34 EST
2025, Journal of Applied Ecology
Abigail G. Keller, Timothy D. Counihan, Edwin D. Grosholz, Carl Boettiger
- Marine invasive species can transform coastal ecosystems, yet mitigating their effects can be difficult, and even impractical. Often, marine invasive species are managed at poorly matched spatial scales, and at the same time, rates of spread and establishment are increasing under climate change and can outpace resources available for population suppression. These circumstances challenge traditional conservation goals of maintaining a historic environmental state, especially for a species like the European green crab (Carcinus maenas), a formidable invader with few examples of successful long-term removal programs.
- A management paradigm where decision alternatives include resisting or accepting a new ecological trajectory may be needed. We apply mathematical concepts from decision theory to develop a quantitative framework for navigating management decisions in this new resist-accept paradigm. We develop a model of European green crab growth, removal and colonization, and we find optimal levels of removal effort that minimize both ecological change and removal cost.
- We establish a benchmark of colonization pressure at which green crab density becomes decoupled from a decision maker's actions, such that population control can no longer shape the invasion trajectory. For informing the decision boundary between resistance and acceptance, our results highlight that a decision maker's understanding of how removal cost scales with removal effort is more important than understanding the density-impact relationship.
- We show that assuming stationary system dynamics can result in sub-optimal levels of species removal effort, highlighting the importance of developing anticipatory management strategies by accounting for non-stationary dynamics.
- Policy implications. For marine invasive species that can disperse across long distances and recolonize rapidly after removal, the focus of conservation policy should shift away from understanding how to resist change to understanding when to stop resisting change. Navigating this decision problem involves trade-offs among competing objectives, highlighting the need for structured approaches to elicit objective weights that reflect the values of the decision maker. For natural resource managers facing possible ecosystem transformation, this decision framework can enable proactive and strategic decisions made under uncertainty in a changing world.
Towards seamless global 30-meter terrestrial monitoring: Evaluating 2022 cloud free coverage of harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 (HLS) V2.0
Released January 24, 2025 09:16 EST
2025, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters
Qiang Zhou, Christopher Neigh, Junchang Ju, Philip Dabney, Bruce Cook, Zhe Zhu, Christopher J. Crawford, Ferran Gascon, Peter Strobl, Madhu Sridhar
Global observations at 30-m ground sampling distance (GSD) are now possible at a cadence of 1-3 days by combining Landsat 8 and 9 with Sentinel-2A and -2B satellites. Previous studies characterizing pixel-level Landsat-class measurement frequency used data from different sources but offered little information on observation availability after rigorous quality screening. This study examined the coverage frequency of HLS V2.0 data for 2022, the first year all four satellites data were available. These data have had quality control filtering and harmonization, and therefore reflect the spatial-temporal distribution of usable observations. On average, HLS data provide observations every 1.6 days at the global scale, and 2.2 days in the data-scarce tropical regions, regardless of cloud cover. The global mean and median cloud-free observations were 69 and 64, respectively. The frequency of good-quality observations varies geographically and seasonally due to changes in satellite swath overlap, cloud frequency, and solar illumination. High latitudes (>~75°N) exhibit the highest number of cloud-free observations between March and September. However, data are unavailable during winter months due to low solar elevation angles and boreal regions have a lower number of clear observations in the summer months. The tropical regions have the lowest number of clear observations. More frequent HLS observations could improve terrestrial monitoring. We mapped the monthly and weekly number of clear observations globally to show where HLS data could support monthly or sub-weekly time series applications.
Earthquake recurrence estimates for northern Caribbean faults from combinatorial optimization
Released January 24, 2025 09:07 EST
2025, The Seismic Record (5) 44-54
Uri S. ten Brink, Eric L. Geist
We use combinatorial optimization to find the optimal spatial distribution of random samples of earthquakes (≥6.5) that minimize the misfit in target slip rates for all faults in the northeast Caribbean, and we derive magnitude-frequency relationships with uncertainties for these faults. Slip rates for many faults are derived from GPS block models, not direct measurements, because of their underwater locations. Predicted recurrence rates for eastern Hispaniola and Puerto Rico Trench faults are 220-450 yr for M7 and 3-5 kyr for M8, with maximum feasible magnitude of M8.2. The most frequent earthquakes with magnitudes ≥7.0 are predicted on the large upper plate strike-slip faults, Enriquillo (EF) and Septentrional Fault, commensurate with the historical record. Calais et al. (2023) suggested that shortening in western Hispaniola is accommodated on the offshore Jérémie and onshore Malpasse faults north and south of EF, instead of on terrestrial faults in western Hispaniola and EF. Because of our system-modeling approach, such a configuration predicts less frequent earthquakes on EF and on western Hispaniola and Muertos convergent zones. Recurrence times of a few 100s yr for M6.7 earthquakes is predicted on the submerged faults in Mona Passage, and infrequent M>7 earthquakes are predicted on the Virgin Islands faults.
Groundwater flowpath characteristics drive variability in per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) loading across a stream-wetland system
Released January 24, 2025 08:34 EST
2025, Science of the Total Environment (964)
David Rey, Martin Briggs, Andrea K. Tokranov, Hayley Gale Lind, Patrick Thomas Scordato, Ramona Iery, Henry Moore, L. Slater, Denis R. LeBlanc
Groundwater-dependent ecosystems in areas with industrial land use are at risk of exposure to a PFAS chemicals. We investigated one such system with several known PFAS source areas, where high and low permeability sediments (glacial) coupled with groundwater-lake and groundwater/surface-water interactions created complex ‘source to seep’ dynamics. Using heat-tracing and chemical methods, numerous preferential groundwater discharge zones were identified and sampled across the upper Quashnet River stream-wetland system in Mashpee, MA, USA, downgradient of Joint Base Cape Cod (JBCC). Surface-water and groundwater samples were analyzed for 40 PFAS compounds between March and October 2022. Samples were collected from groundwater seeps identified as preferential discharge points (PDPs), wells upgradient of the stream-wetland system, contributing flow-through kettle lakes, and along Quashnet River surface-waters. PFAS from sampled waters contained perfluorinated carboxylates (PFPea, PFHxA, PFNA), perfluorinated sulfonates (PFBS, PFPeS, PFHxS, PFOS), fluorotelomer sulfonates (6:2, 8:2 FtS), and perfluoroalkyl sulfonamides (PFOSA). Samples from PDPs and wells had measured PFAS concentrations ranging from non-detect to 4677 ng/L ng/L (mean = 418 ng/L, std. = 709 ng/L), and a range of deuterium excess values (3.2 to 15.9 per mil) indicative of varying degrees of groundwater-lake interaction prior to groundwater flowpath emergence at PDPs. Correlations (p < 0.01) between deuterium excess, %PFAS precursors, and terminal PFAS compounds highlighted potential precursor transformations associated with lake-groundwater exchange along flowpaths sourcing PDPs. However, some seepages had higher total PFAS concentrations (>1000 ng/L) than upgradient kettle lakes despite showing lake (evaporative) isotopic signatures, indicating the potential for groundwater flowpath convergence at wetland discharge zones and the influence of lakebed PFAS precursor reactions. Results from these synoptic surveys address gaps in the existing PFAS literature by demonstrating the importance of subsurface fate and transport on PFAS compound concentrations and mass loading in preferential groundwater discharge zones.
Biotic and abiotic drivers of ecosystem temporal stability in herbaceous wetlands in China
Released January 24, 2025 08:15 EST
2025, Global Change Biology (31)
Guodong Wang, Nanlin Hu, Yann Hautier, Beth Middleton, Ming Wang, Meiling Zhao, Jingci Meng, Zijun Ma, Bo Liu, Yanjie Liu, Mingkai Jiang
Maintaining the stability of ecosystems is critical for supporting essential ecosystem services over time. However, our understanding of the contribution of the diverse biotic and abiotic factors to this stability in wetlands remains limited. Here, we combined data from a field vegetation survey of 725 herbaceous wetland sites in China with remote sensing information from the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) from 2010 to 2020 to explore the contribution of biotic and abiotic factors to the temporal stability of primary productivity. We found that plant species richness directly contributed to stability on a national scale, but that this contribution differed among climate zones, hydrological regimes, and vegetation types. In addition, many abiotic factors, including soil properties, geographical location, and climate also contributed to stability. Piecewise structural equation modeling identified that soil properties, including soil pH, total nitrogen, and soil organic carbon, emerged as primary factors modulating ecosystem stability, both directly and indirectly by affecting species richness and vegetation type. Higher species richness and soil organic carbon were related to higher ecosystem stability in peatlands but less so in coastal and inland marshes. These findings enhance our ability to forecast how wetland ecosystems may respond to future environmental changes and biodiversity loss and can inform policy decisions related to ecosystem stability.
Long-lived partial melt beneath Cascade volcanoes
Released January 23, 2025 10:59 EST
2025, Nature Geoscience
Guanning Pang, Geoffrey A. Abers, Seth C. Moran, Weston Thelen
Quantitative estimates of magma storage are fundamental to evaluating volcanic dynamics and hazards. Yet our understanding of subvolcanic magmatic plumbing systems and their variability remains limited. There is ongoing debate regarding the ephemerality of shallow magma storage and its volume relative to eruptive output, and so whether an upper-crustal magma body could be a sign of imminent eruption. Here we present seismic imaging of subvolcanic magmatic systems along the Cascade Range arc from systematically modelling the three-dimensional scattered wavefield of teleseismic body waves. This reveals compelling evidence of low-seismic-velocity bodies indicative of partial melt between 5 and 15 km depth beneath most Cascade Range volcanoes. The magma reservoirs beneath these volcanoes vary in depth, size and complexity, but upper-crustal magma bodies are widespread, irrespective of the eruptive flux or time since the last eruption of the associated volcano. This indicates that large volumes of melts can persist at shallow depth throughout eruption cycles beneath large volcanoes.
Maintenance of genetic diversity despite population fluctuations in the lesser prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus)
Released January 23, 2025 08:01 EST
2025, Ecology and Evolution (15)
Andrew J. Lawrence, Scott A. Carleton, Sara J. Oyler-McCance, Randy W. DeYoung, Clay T. Nichols, Timothy F. Wright
Assessments of genetic diversity, structure, history, and effective population size (N e) are critical for the conservation of imperiled populations. The lesser prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) has experienced declines due to habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation in addition to substantial population fluctuations with unknown effects on genetic diversity. Our objectives were to: (i) compare genetic diversity across three temporally discrete sampling periods (2002, 2007-2010, and 2013-2014) that are characterized by low or high population abundance; (ii) examine genetic diversity at lek and lek cluster spatial scales; (ii) identify potential bottlenecks and characterize genetic structure and relatedness; and (iii) estimate the regional N e. We analyzed 194 samples across the shinnery oak prairie region of eastern New Mexico and western Texas using 13 microsatellite loci. Mean heterozygosity, allelic richness, and inbreeding coefficient were not significantly different between discrete sampling periods, suggesting that this population has maintained its genetic diversity across the sampled population fluctuations. We did not detect genetic structure using multiple Bayesian clustering approaches. Furthermore, there was no support for recent genetic bottlenecks, and we estimated that the N e ranged from 229.5 (p crit = 0.05, 95% CIs = 121.2-1023.1) to 349.1 (p crit = 0.02, 95% CIs = 176.4-2895.2) during our final sampling period (2013-2014). Although we provide evidence for gene flow within this region, continued habitat loss and fragmentation that leads to population declines and isolation could increase the risk of genetic consequences. Continued monitoring of genetic diversity and increasing available habitat that supports robust populations of lesser prairie-chickens may improve the likelihood of the species' persistence.
Bathymetric contour maps, surface area and capacity tables, and bathymetric change maps for selected water-supply lakes in Missouri, 2022–23
Released January 23, 2025 07:38 EST
2025, Scientific Investigations Report 2024-5114
Benjamin C. Rivers, Richard J. Huizinga, Garett J. Waite
Bathymetric data were collected at 13 water-supply lakes around the periphery of Missouri by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources and various local agencies, as part of a multiyear effort to establish or update the surface area and capacity tables for the surveyed lakes. Surveys were carried out during the months of April and May in 2022 and 2023. All but two of the lakes had been surveyed previously by the U.S. Geological Survey, and the recent surveys were compared to the earlier surveys to document the changes in the bathymetric surface and capacity of the lake.
Bathymetric data were collected using a high-resolution multibeam mapping system mounted on a boat. Supplemental depth data at three of the lakes were collected in shallow areas with an acoustic Doppler current profiler on a remote-controlled boat. Data points from the various sources were exported at a gridded data resolution appropriate to each lake, either 0.82 foot, 1.64 feet, or 3.28 feet. Data outside the multibeam survey extent and greater than the surveyed water-surface elevation were obtained from data collected using aerial light detection and ranging (lidar) point cloud data. A linear enforcement technique was used to add points to the dataset in areas of sparse data (the upper ends of coves where the water was shallow or aquatic vegetation precluded data acquisition) based on surrounding multibeam and upland data values. The various point datasets were used to produce a three-dimensional triangulated irregular network surface of the lake-bottom elevations for each lake. A surface area and capacity table was produced from the three-dimensional surface for each lake showing surface area and capacity at specified lake water-surface elevations. Various quality-assurance tests were conducted to ensure quality data were collected with the multibeam, including beam angle checks and patch tests. Additional quality-assurance tests were conducted on the gridded bathymetric data from the survey, the bathymetric surface created from the gridded data, and the contours created from the bathymetric survey.
Using hydrogeologic context and water budgets to evaluate the potential for groundwater contributions to contaminants in Lake Superior
Released January 22, 2025 10:48 EST
2025, Journal of Great Lakes Research (51)
Martha G. Nielsen, Sherry Lynn Martin
This study presents a synthesis of the hydrogeology in the U.S. Lake Superior watershed and the contribution of groundwater to the water budget of the U.S. Lake Superior basin. Much of the shoreline of Lake Superior in Minnesota and Michigan is composed of hydrogeologic units contributing very little direct groundwater discharge to the lake. Groundwater in watersheds adjacent to the lake typically flows in short, local flow systems characterized by thin glacial sediments with active groundwater flow in fractured bedrock within the top 60–90 m below land surface. The complex groundwater system in Wisconsin’s Bayfield Peninsula has the largest groundwater reservoir near the lake, characterized by thick sand and gravel glacial deposits and underlying sandstone aquifer. Although these thick sandy glacial deposits are not in direct contact with the lake at the shoreline, groundwater discharge may still be significant via subsurface exposures beyond the shoreline or flow through the underlying sandstone aquifer. Overall, most groundwater in the watershed is contributed as indirect base flow in streams around the lakeshore and comprises about 60 percent of the upland water budget. Direct groundwater flow to the shoreline contributes 2 to 9 percent of the inflow. Identifying possible contamination sources through direct sampling of groundwater would be an inefficient way to detect problems if sources are unknown, particularly for some chemicals of concern such as PFAS, pesticides, PCBs, chloride, and nutrients. Evaluating the chemical characteristics of contamination is also important to consider in evaluating how groundwater may contribute to pollution in Lake Superior.
Assessing the Feasibility of Reintroducing San Francisco Gartersnakes (Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia) to La Honda Creek Open Space Preserve, San Mateo County, California
Released January 22, 2025 08:50 EST
2025, Open-File Report 2024-1073
Jonathan P. Rose, Elliot J. Schoenig, Richard Kim, Allison M. Nguyen, Brian J. Halstead
Reintroductions are used worldwide to increase the viability of species and restore native ecological communities. The success of reintroductions is usually judged by the establishment of self-sustaining populations, restoration of naturally occurring ecological communities, and the species resuming its ecological function. Recovery for the endangered San Francisco gartersnake (SFGS, Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia), a subspecies with a small range in San Mateo and Santa Cruz counties in California, will likely require reintroduction and establishment of new populations within its historical range. La Honda Creek Open Space Preserve (LHC), managed by the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District (MROSD), is one potential site for the reintroduction of SFGS. The La Honda Creek Open Space Preserve is a preserve managed for wildlife, recreation, grazing, and agriculture located near extant populations of SFGS inhabiting other open space preserves managed by MROSD (Cloverdale Ranch Open Space Preserve [CR]; Russian Ridge Open Space Preserve [RR]). We compared the habitat and prey communities at LHC to nearby open space preserves that support extant SFGS populations. Based on pond surveys done annually since 2008, the occurrence of California red-legged frogs (Rana draytonii), Sierran chorus frogs (Pseudacris sierra), and Pacific newts (Taricha spp.) at LHC indicates a similar prey community at this preserve to those at CR and RR. Likewise, the landscape at LHC is a similar mosaic of wetlands, open grassland, shrub-dominated scrub, and coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) and Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) forest that meets the habitat requirements for the life history of SFGS at CR and RR. One difference between LHC and preserves with SFGS populations is the lack of vegetative cover immediately adjacent to some wetlands at LHC, which could affect the ability of SFGS to disperse from wetlands and find terrestrial refuges. To evaluate alternative reintroduction strategies, we simulated population viability for a fixed number of SFGS released at LHC into one to six subpopulations (where each wetland represents a subpopulation) over a period from 5 to 20 years. Population simulations indicated that the highest average viability (in other words, the lowest probability of quasi-extinction) occurred when all SFGS were released into a single subpopulation and releases continued annually for 15 to 20 years. Our results indicate that LHC is a good candidate for reintroducing SFGS with suitable habitat, climate, and prey for this snake subspecies. Supporting SFGS populations at LHC could require habitat management to provide sufficient vegetative cover in the terrestrial environment near wetlands. Maintaining genetic diversity in the reintroduced population will also be paramount to ensure negative effects of inbreeding and homozygosity do not affect population viability.
Variation in energetic balance among free-ranging polar bears during the spring mating and foraging season
Released January 21, 2025 15:19 EST
2025, Arctic Science
Anthony M. Pagano, Stephen N. Atkinson, Louise C. Archer
Large carnivores are capable of consuming substantial biomasses that can significantly alter their body mass and condition over short periods. Here we examine the intra-seasonal variation of polar bear (Ursus maritimus Phipps, 1774) body mass, energy intake, and condition in the spring from two subpopulations. We evaluate the biological and temporal factors that may have driven changes in body mass of 31 individuals captured and recaptured over 2–39 days and assess whether these changes influenced their estimated condition. Body mass changed by –61 to 33 kg (
= –2 kg) with bears exhibiting increases in mass with increasing age and decreases with greater initial mass. On average, estimated intake was 57 MJ/day. Estimated daily mass-specific body mass changes exhibited greater variation relative to previous measures in polar bears or brown bears (U. arctos Linnaeus, 1758). Yet, across all bears, measures of condition remained similar between captures. The marked variation in mass gains or losses highlights the varying behavioral and physiological limitations that influence foraging success within this apex carnivore during a season when two key life history events converge wherein feeding is often reduced during mating activities despite the importance of the spring hyperphagia period to long-term energy balance.
Slow slip detectability in seafloor pressure records offshore Alaska
Released January 21, 2025 11:21 EST
2025, Journal of Geophysical Research (128)
Erik Fredrickson, Joan S. Gomberg, William Wilcock, Susan Hautala, Albert Hermann, H. Paul Johnson
In subduction zones worldwide, seafloor pressure data are used to observe tectonic deformation, particularly from megathrust earthquakes and slow slip events (SSEs). However, such measurements are also sensitive to oceanographic circulation-generated pressures over a range of frequencies that conflate with tectonic signals of interest. Using seafloor pressure and temperature data from the Alaska Amphibious Community Seismic Experiment, and sea surface height data from satellite altimetry, we evaluate the efficacy of various seasonal and oceanographic pressure signal proxy corrections and conduct synthetic tests to determine their impact on the timing and amplitude prediction of ramp-like signals typical of SSEs. We find that subtracting out the first mode of the complex empirical orthogonal functions of the pressure records on either the shelf or slope yields signal root-mean-square error (RMS) reductions up to 73% or 80%, respectively. Additional correction with proxies that exploit the depth-dependent spatial coherence of pressure records provides cumulative variance reductions up to 83% and 93%, respectively. Our detectability tests show that the timing and amplitude of synthetic SSE-like ramps can be well constrained for ramp amplitudes ≥4 cm on the shelf and ≥2 cm on the slope, using a fully automated detector. The principal limits on detectability are residual abrupt changes in pressure that occur as part of the transition to and from summer to winter conditions but are not adequately characterized by our seasonal corrections, as well as the inability to properly account for instrumental drift, which is not readily separated from the seasonal signal.
The effectiveness of harvest for limiting wildlife disease: Insights from 20 years of chronic wasting disease in Wyoming
Released January 21, 2025 10:06 EST
2025, Ecological Applications (35)
Wynne Emily Moss, Justin Binfet, L. Embere Hall, Samantha E. Allen, William H. Edwards, Jessica E. Jennings-Gaines, Paul C Cross
Effective, practical options for managing disease in wildlife populations are limited, especially after diseases become established. Removal strategies (e.g., hunting or culling) are used to control wildlife diseases across a wide range of systems, despite conflicting evidence of their effectiveness. This is especially true for chronic wasting disease (CWD), an untreatable, fatal prion disease threatening cervid populations across multiple countries, for which recreational harvest has been suggested as an important disease control strategy. Using observational data to evaluate whether harvest effectively limits CWD prevalence has been difficult because statistical relationships between harvest and disease prevalence can arise from a causal effect of harvest (i.e., harvest's impacts on prevalence via changes in transmission or demographic structure) or from a number of alternative mechanisms. For instance, correlations between harvest and disease prevalence can also be driven by disease's impacts on population size and harvest (i.e., reverse causality) or from confounding variables (e.g., habitat or geographic location) that impact both harvest rates and disease prevalence. We analyzed two decades of surveillance data (2000–2021) from 10 mule deer herds in Wyoming, using statistical approaches informed by causal inference theory, to test for the effects of harvest on CWD prevalence. Herds with consistently high harvest pressure across 20 years had significantly lower prevalence. Our models predicted that harvesting 40% of adult males per year across 20 years would maintain prevalence below 5% on average, whereas if only 20% of males were harvested in each year, prevalence would increase to >30% by year 20. Moreover, shifting the relative harvest pressure within a herd over a shorter period (3 years) reduced subsequent prevalence, albeit to a smaller degree. Although high harvest is unlikely to completely eradicate CWD, our analysis suggests that maintaining hunting pressure on adult males is an important tactic for slowing CWD epidemics within mule deer herds. Our study also provides guidance for future analyses of longitudinal surveillance data, including the importance of demographic data and appropriate time lags.
Neonicotinoid exposure causes behavioral impairment and delayed mortality of the federally threatened American burying beetle, Nicrophorus americanus
Released January 21, 2025 09:44 EST
2025, PLoS ONE (20)
Michael C. Cavallaro, Michelle Hladik, R. Shane McMurry, Samantha Hittson, Leon K. Boyles, W. Wyatt Hoback
Among the most immediate drivers of American burying beetle (Nicrophorus americanus Olivier) declines, nontarget toxicity to pesticides is poorly understood. Acute, episodic exposure to neonicotinoid insecticides at environmentally relevant concentrations is linked to negative impacts on beneficial terrestrial insect taxa. Beyond mortality, behavioral indicators of toxicity are often better suited to assess sublethal effects of residual concentrations in the environment. First, Nicrophorus spp. congeners were used to generate and identify a low-dose exposure rate (lethal dose 10%; LD10) from an acute, 24-hour exposure and the concentration-series was confirmed by LC–MS/MS. Next, we evaluated the effects of single and repeated low-dose (LD10 = 58.9 ng/beetle) imidacloprid exposure on N. americanus behavior (10 minutes post-dose) and mortality (10 days post-dose). Behavior parameters were analyzed using EthoVision-XT. Control N. americanus were significantly less mobile, demonstrating death-feigning, an anti-predator behavior. Single LD10 dosed N. americanus were hyperactive, traveling over 4 times farther (total distance; p = 0.03) and faster (mean velocity; p = 0.02) than controls. Single and repeated LD10 dosed N. americanus extended their wings without taking flight and flipped on their backs. All control N. americanus survived 10 days post-dose; single LD10 and repeated LD10 exhibited 30% and 50% mortality, respectively. A single LD10 exposure event was sufficient to significantly elicit greater movement and high predation risk behaviors, whereas repeated LD10 exposure did not worsen behavioral impairment but increased mortality over time. Collectively, generalized linear mixed effects models indicated that distance traveled, velocity, and extended wings were significant predictors of mortality. Recently reclassified, the federally threatened N. americanus may be at greater risk to insecticide exposure than previously thought and vulnerable to episodic, low-dose neonicotinoid exposure.
Hysteretic response of suspended-sediment in wildfire affected watersheds of the Pacific Northwest and Southern Rocky Mountains
Released January 21, 2025 08:16 EST
2025, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (50)
Gregory D. Clark, Sheila F. Murphy, Katherine Skalak, David W. Clow, Garrett Alexander Akie, Kurt D. Carpenter, Sean E. Payne, Brian A. Ebel
Wildfires can have a profound impact on hydrosedimentary interactions, or the relationship between sediment and runoff, in forested headwater streams. Quantification of sediment-runoff dynamics at the event scale is integral for understanding source areas and transport of suspended-sediment through a watershed following wildfire. Here we used high-frequency turbidity and stream discharge data, coupled with discrete suspended-sediment measurements, in burned and unburned watersheds in the Southern Rocky Mountains and the western Cascades Range to evaluate the response of fine-grained (clay- and silt-sized particles) suspended-sediment. Hysteresis analysis was conducted on estimated suspended-sediment concentrations (using turbidity as a proxy) and streamflow through measurement of the difference in sediment concentration on the rising and falling limbs of the event hydrograph. All burned watersheds exhibited elevated fine suspended-sediment concentrations relative to concentrations found in pre-fire conditions. Changes to hysteretic response vary and may depend on a watershed's sediment connectivity limitations. Results suggest a watershed's inherent hillslope-to-channel (or lateral) connectivity is the primary factor controlling the relative magnitude of event-driven fine sediment fluxes in watersheds affected by wildfire. While wildfire did promote lateral connectivity through activation of hillslope sources, snowmelt, precipitation characteristics and antecedent conditions were more important drivers of hysteretic response than wildfire. For watersheds influenced by annual snowpack, we identified a predominantly clockwise hysteretic response during snowmelt and counterclockwise events during the late spring and summer months. There were also proportionally more counterclockwise events after wildfire in watersheds with high sediment connectivity. Results suggest contrasting wildfire-related sediment risk potential. Rivers in burned watersheds with high sediment connectivity may pose a higher risk to receiving waterbodies, such as larger tributaries or reservoirs, while rivers with low sediment connectivity may experience long-term sediment-related risk within the watershed above the outlet.
Post-fire recovery of sagebrush-steppe communities is better explained by elevation than climate-derived indicators of resistance and resilience
Released January 20, 2025 10:52 EST
2025, Journal of Applied Ecology
Cara Applestein, Matthew Germino
- More landscapes require restoration than can feasibly be treated, and so decision-support tools to prioritize areas for treatment are needed. Moreover, restoration is complicated by the threat of biological invasion in disturbed areas, and so indicators of ecosystem resistance to invasion and resilience to disturbance (hereafter R&R) are important candidate criteria for prioritizing sites for restoration.
- We asked how climate-based R&R indicators that differed in being either categorical or continuous compared in their ability to explain plant-community recovery after six wildfires that collectively encompassed >750,000 ha and 7803 plot-year observations in sagebrush steppe of the western USA. Unique associations of species that most frequently co-occurred were identified using structural topic modelling. Mixed effect random forests were used to identify the relative importance of various R&R indicators in explaining post-fire plant associations compared with weather, landscape characteristics and treatment history.
- Simple metrics (elevation, latitude, longitude and year of monitoring) were more informative predictors of post-fire recovery than climate-based R&R indicators. However, small differences in the abundances of perennial grass and especially annual grass associations were predicted by the spring modified Thornthwaite Moisture Index (difference between precipitation and potential evapotranspiration).
- Synthesis and applications: The convenience of categorical resistance and resilience indicators has led to their widespread adoption for large-scale planning of restoration. Our results reveal that none of the resistance and resilience indicators assessed effectively explained post-fire restoration better than elevation, although a simple continuous resistance and resilience indicator describing water balance performed better than categorical indicators for explaining small but critical differences in cheatgrass association abundances.
Relationship of atmospheric nitrogen deposition to soil nitrogen cycling along an elevation gradient in the Colorado Front Range
Released January 18, 2025 09:38 EST
2025, Earth's Future (13)
Deborah A. Repert, Ruth C. Heindel, Sheila F. Murphy, Kaitlyn M. Jeanis
Microbial processing of atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition regulates the retention and mobilization of N in soils, with important implications for water quality. Understanding the links between N deposition, microbial communities, N transformations, and water quality is critical as N deposition shifts toward reduced N and remains persistently high in many regions. Here, we investigated these connections along an elevation transect in the Colorado Front Range. Although rates of N deposition and pools of extractable N increased down the elevation transect, soil microbial communities and N transformation rates did not follow clear elevational patterns. The subalpine microbial community was distinct, corresponding to a high C:N ratio and low pH, while the microbial communities at the lower elevation sites were all very similar. Net nitrification, mineralization, and nitrification potential rates were highest at the Plains (1,700 m) and Montane (2,527 m) sites, suggesting that these ecosystems mobilize N. In contrast, the net immobilization of N observed at the Foothills (1,978 m) and Subalpine (3,015 m) sites suggests that these ecosystems retain N deposition. The contrast in N transformation rates between the plains and foothills, both of which receive elevated N deposition, may be due to spatial heterogeneity not captured in this study and warrants further investigation. Stream N concentrations from the subalpine to the foothills were consistently low, indicating that these soils are currently able to process and retain N deposition, but this may be disrupted if drought, wildfire, or land-use change alter the ability of the soils to retain N.
Sulfur-to-iron ratio as a proxy for degree of organic sulfurization
Released January 18, 2025 09:03 EST
2025, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (26)
Katherine L. French, Justin E. Birdwell
The degree of organic sulfurization is broadly relevant yet underreported. We present a statistically significant correlation between whole rock S/Fe and the measured degree of organic sulfurization in the thermally immature Cenomanian–Turonian Eagle Ford Group. This relationship shows a sink switch for sulfur from pyrite to organic matter. Excess iron and excess sulfur relative to pyrite, which are mathematically related to S/Fe, provide better insights into organic sulfurization than previous approaches that calculate excess iron relative to detrital iron based on aluminum concentrations. Organic sulfurization and S/Fe are tightly coupled in the Eagle Ford partially due to limited sulfur- and iron-bearing components. Similar relationships could exist in other thermally immature, organic-rich, anoxia-prone, calcareous mudstones. The degree of organic sulfurization was estimated from S/Fe, which was used to map stratigraphic and regional variations of organic sulfurization across the Eagle Ford and to investigate how organic sulfurization relates to organic enrichment, organic preservation, and depositional redox chemistry. The extent of organic sulfurization is more tightly linked to organic preservation than enrichment. Together, organic sulfurization and Mo provide concordant evidence for depositional euxinia. The relationship between Mo and degree of organic sulfurization could indicate that sulfurized organic matter provides a pathway for Mo enrichment, but future work needs to disentangle direct mechanisms from indirect covariations between Mo, organic content, and degree of organic sulfurization. Whole rock elemental chemistry and programmed pyrolysis provide insights into organic sulfurization variations that can be upscaled and can guide subsequent detailed organic sulfur analyses.
Annual NLCD (National Land Cover Database)—The next generation of land cover mapping
Released January 17, 2025 19:30 EST
2025, Fact Sheet 2025-3001
U.S. Geological Survey
The widely used National Land Cover Database (NLCD) has long been the foundational land cover source for scientists, resource managers, and decision makers across the United States.
In 2024, a reinvention as Annual NLCD added the key improvement of annual time steps to show decades of change at a higher frequency than the intervals of 2–3 years used in the legacy NLCD. Annual NLCD was derived primarily from the long Landsat satellite data record, and it includes data from other sources.
The first release in 2024 of Annual NLCD provides Collection 1.0 of products encompassing land cover and land change from 1985 through 2023 for the conterminous United States (CONUS). The Annual NLCD Collection 1.0 consists of six operational products that map the unique characteristics of land cover. A map created from Annual NLCD shows 16 land cover classes for the CONUS in 2023.
Stratigraphic notes—Volume 2, 2025
Released January 17, 2025 14:34 EST
2025, Professional Paper 1879-2
Randall C. Orndorff, Nancy R. Stamm, David R. Soller, editor(s)
This is the second volume in the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) series of reports on stratigraphy entitled “Stratigraphic Notes,” which consists of short papers that highlight stratigraphic studies, changes in stratigraphic nomenclature, and explanations of stratigraphic names and concepts used on published geologic maps. “Stratigraphic Notes” is a long-term (multiyear), multivolume publication containing articles that address updates or revisions to stratigraphic nomenclature (and whose content ultimately will be incorporated by National Geologic Map Database personnel into Geolex,
We welcome papers for the “Stratigraphic Notes” series from geoscientists of the USGS, of State Geological Surveys, and from academicians. Papers can be submitted for publication in “Stratigraphic Notes” by contacting the USGS Geologic Names Committee ( As new “Stratigraphic Notes” volumes are published, links to the volumes will be posted at .
Considering multiecosystem trade-offs is critical when leveraging systematic conservation planning for restoration
Released January 17, 2025 10:47 EST
2025, Global Change Biology (31)
Nicholas J. Van Lanen, C.J. Duchardt, L. Pejchar, J.E. Shyvers, Cameron L. Aldridge
Conservationists are increasingly leveraging systematic conservation planning (SCP) to inform restoration actions that enhance biodiversity. However, restoration frequently drives ecological transformations at local scales, potentially resulting in trade-offs among wildlife species and communities. The Conservation Interactions Principle (CIP), coined more than 15 years ago, cautions SCP practitioners regarding the importance of jointly and fully evaluating conservation outcomes across the landscape over long timeframes. However, SCP efforts that guide landscape restoration have inadequately addressed the CIP by failing to tabulate the full value of the current ecological state. The increased application of SCP to inform restoration, reliance on increasingly small areas to sustain at-risk species and ecological communities, ineffective considerations for the changing climate, and increasing numbers of at-risk species, are collectively intensifying the need to consider unintended consequences when prioritizing sites for restoration. Improper incorporation of the CIP in SCP may result in inefficient use of conservation resources through opportunity costs and/or conservation actions that counteract one another. We suggest SCP practitioners can avoid these consequences through a more detailed accounting of the current ecological benefits to better address the CIP when conducting restoration planning. Specifically, forming interdisciplinary teams with expertise in the current and desired ecosystem states at candidate conservation sites; improving data availability; modeling and computational advancements; and applying structured decision-making approaches can all improve the integration of the CIP in SCP efforts. Improved trade-off assessment, spanning multiple ecosystems or states, can facilitate efficient, proactive, and coordinated SCP applications across space and time. In doing so, SCP can effectively guide the siting of restoration actions capable of promoting the full suite of biodiversity in a region.
Mesocarnivores in residential yards: Influence of yard features on the occupancy, relative abundance, and overlap of coyotes, grey fox, and red fox
Released January 17, 2025 10:15 EST
2024, Wildlife Research (51)
Emily P. Johansson, Brett Alexander DeGregorio
ContextAs conversion of natural areas to human development continues, there is a lack of information about how developed areas can sustainably support wildlife. While large predators are often extirpated from areas of human development, some medium-bodied mammalian predators (hereafter, mesocarnivores) have adapted to co-exist in human-dominated areas.
AimsHow human-dominated areas such as residential yards are used by mesocarnivores is not well understood. Our study aimed to identify yard and landscape features that influence occupancy, relative abundance and spatial-temporal overlap of three widespread mesocarnivores, namely, coyote (Canis latrans), grey fox (Urocyon cineroargenteus) and red fox (Vulpes vulpes).
MethodsOver the summers of 2021 and 2022, we deployed camera-traps in 46 and 96 residential yards, spanning from low-density rural areas (<1 home per km2) to more urban areas (589 homes per km2) in north-western Arkansas, USA.
Key resultsWe found that mesocarnivore occupancy was marginally influenced by yard-level features as opposed to landscape composition. Fences reduced the occupancy probability of coyotes, although they were positively associated with the total area of potential shelter sites in a yard. We found that relative abundance of grey fox was highest in yards with poultry, highlighting a likely source of conflict with homeowners. We found that all three species were primarily nocturnal and activity overlap between the species pairs was high.
ConclusionsThus, these species may be using spatio-temporal partitioning to avoid antagonistic encounters and our data supported this, with few examples of species occurring in the same yards during the same 24-h period.
ImplicationsAs the number of residential yards continues to grow, our results suggested that there are ways in which our yards can provide resources to mesocarnivores and that homeowners also have agency to mitigate overlap with mesocarnivores through management of their yard features.
From subsidies to stressors: Shifting ecological baselines alter biological responses to nutrients in highly modified agricultural streams
Released January 17, 2025 09:57 EST
2025, Ecological Applications (35)
Stephen Edward Devilbiss, Jason M. Taylor, Matthew B. Hicks
Subsidy–stress gradients offer a useful framework for understanding ecological responses to perturbation and may help inform ecological metrics in highly modified systems. Historic, region-wide shifts from bottomland hardwood forest to row crop agriculture can cause positively skewed impact gradients in alluvial plain ecoregions, resulting in tolerant organisms that typically exhibit a subsidy response (increased abundance in response to environmental stressors) shifting to a stress response (declining abundance at higher concentrations). As a result, observed biological tolerance in modified ecosystems may differ from less modified regions, creating significant challenges for detecting biological responses to restoration efforts. Using the agriculturally dominated Mississippi Alluvial Plain (MAP) ecoregion in Mississippi, USA, as a case study, we tested the hypothesis that macroinvertebrate taxa that typically display a subsidy response to nutrient enrichment in less modified ecoregions (i.e., nutrient-tolerance) shift to a stress response to increasing nutrients in highly modified watersheds with elevated baseline nutrient conditions (i.e., nutrient intolerance). The abundance and diversity of MAP-specific intolerant taxa identified with threshold indicator taxa analysis were either unresponsive or exhibited a subsidy response to increasing nutrients in less modified ecoregions in Mississippi with less land alteration and lower nutrient concentrations, but declined at higher concentrations, providing evidence for a stress response to elevated nutrients in the MAP. Additionally, MAP-specific tolerant and intolerant taxa richness responded to increased nutrients predictably and consistently across space and time within the MAP. However, in MAP streams, elevated specific conductance was predicted to dampen the response of tolerant and intolerant taxa richness to increasing nutrient concentrations, highlighting the importance of considering multistressor interactions when interpreting biological data. Lastly, we demonstrate the efficacy of this approach with sediment bacterial communities characterized with amplicon sequencing, which lack sufficient life history characteristics necessary for the development of multimetric indices. Both macroinvertebrate and bacterial communities responded similarly to increasing nutrient concentrations, suggesting DNA-based approaches may provide an efficient biological assessment tool for monitoring water quality improvements in highly modified watersheds.
Hydrogeologic framework of the Mountain Home area, southern Idaho
Released January 16, 2025 17:28 EST
2025, Scientific Investigations Report 2024-5132
Lauren M. Zinsser, Scott D. Ducar
In the arid western Snake River Plain around the City of Mountain Home, Idaho, declining groundwater levels concern agricultural, municipal, and other water users who rely on groundwater for sustenance because surface-water resources are limited. The U.S. Geological Survey developed this hydrogeologic framework to provide an updated characterization of groundwater resources in the western Snake River Plain around the City of Mountain Home. The hydrogeologic framework comprises: (1) a conceptual description of hydrogeologic units, (2) a three-dimensional hydrogeologic model and borehole database, (3) a map of groundwater levels and change, and (4) a discussion of groundwater occurrence and movement within the study area. Hydrogeologic units were defined based on existing literature and the borehole database compiled for this study; the five hydrogeologic units are granite, rhyolite, basalt, fine-grained sediments, and coarse-grained sediments. Each unit can bear water, but the main regional aquifer in the study area occurs in the basalt and fine-grained sediment units with depth to water ranging from 150 to 765 feet. A perched groundwater zone near the City of Mountain Home is primarily hosted in basalt and used domestically with most depths to water ranging from 30 to 100 feet. Interflow zones, scoria, and vertical fractures create heterogeneity within the basalt hydrogeologic unit that exerts strong control on groundwater movement, creating horizontal perching conditions and zones of enhanced vertical conductivity that facilitate downward groundwater percolation. In the fine- and coarse-grained sediments and rhyolite units, inferred faults both impede and enhance groundwater movement. The borehole database was constructed by digitizing 540 well-driller reports and was used to build a three-dimensional hydrogeologic framework model which reasonably represents the spatial distribution of hydrogeologic units in the study area. Generally, fine-grained sediments underlie much of the study area, with basalt concentrated in the central and western study area and rhyolite and granite in the uplands to the north. Groundwater levels were measured in 180 wells in March and November 2023; these data were used to develop water-table contour maps and describe groundwater-level change over an irrigation season. Groundwater generally flows south-southwest to the Snake River and groundwater levels declined across most of the study area (from 0.03 to 22.01 feet) between spring and autumn 2023, which is consistent with long-term declines in the Cinder Cone Butte Critical Groundwater Area and Mountain Home Groundwater Management Area. Groundwater levels rose (0.6 to 15.44 feet) over the irrigation season in most wells in the perched groundwater zone near the City of Mountain Home and near the Snake River, indicating the importance of surface-water recharge to groundwater in areas where surface water irrigation occurs. In aggregate, this hydrogeologic framework provides an updated characterization of and new insights into groundwater resources in the study area to help inform water resources management.
Prospectivity mapping for geologic hydrogen
Released January 16, 2025 15:45 EST
2025, Professional Paper 1900
Sarah E. Gelman, Jane S. Hearon, Geoffrey S. Ellis
Geologic, or naturally occurring, hydrogen has the potential to become a new, low-carbon, primary energy resource. Often referred to as “white” or “gold” hydrogen, this gas occurs naturally in the Earth’s subsurface, similar to petroleum resources. However, unlike petroleum, which releases carbon dioxide when burned, burning hydrogen only produces water as a byproduct. Exploration for geologic hydrogen remains in an early stage and discoveries of high concentrations of subsurface hydrogen are still relatively rare. To facilitate research and exploration for this potential resource, this report presents the first publicly available prospectivity map of geologic hydrogen accumulations in the conterminous United States. Prospective regions are those regions in which all major components necessary for a hydrogen accumulation likely are present—a source of sufficient hydrogen generation, porous reservoirs for storage, and seals to prevent leakage. The midcontinent region of the United States and the central California coast are revealed as having high prospectivity. This analysis also identifies previously unrecognized prospective regions that may be favorable due to long distance lateral migration of subsurface hydrogen, such as the offshore eastern seaboard of the United States, and can provide a linkage between surface observations of hydrogen degassing and far-field source regions. The methodology developed to create this map is expandable and flexible and may be adapted to incorporate new concepts in the hydrogen system and for application to other regions of the world.
Tracing metal sources and groundwater flow paths in the Upper Animas River watershed using rare earth elements and stable isotopes
Released January 16, 2025 10:25 EST
2025, Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis
Connor P. Newman, Rory M. Cowie, Rick Wilkin, Alexis Navarre-Sitchler
Groundwater flow paths and processes that govern metal mobility and transport are difficult to characterize in mountainous bedrock watersheds. Despite the difficulty in holistic characterization, conceptual understanding of subsurface hydrologic and geochemical processes is key to developing remediation plans for locations affected by acid mine drainage, such as the Upper Animas River watershed in southwestern Colorado, USA. Stable isotopes of water and rare earth elements were utilized to evaluate groundwater flow and metal sources within this complex catchment. Stable isotope samples collected from draining mine adits and springs display systematic spatial variation wherein sample sites at higher elevations have greater seasonal variability than sites at lower elevations. The Upper Cement Creek watershed, where multiple draining mines are present, displays the lowest seasonal variation in stable isotopic signatures, potentially indicating the presence of a large, well-mixed volume of groundwater storage or interbasin groundwater flow. Rare earth elements display statistically significant variation between different alteration styles in the catchment. Overprinting of regional propylitic alteration is evident based on enrichment of middle rare earth elements in acidic springs and mines that are not spatially associated with surficial exposures of acid generating alteration styles. Europium anomaly and middle rare earth enrichment signatures from two flooded mine tunnels on opposite sides of a watershed divide indicate connections to the same subsurface flooded mine workings.
Forecasting water levels using the ConvLSTM algorithm in the Everglades, USA
Released January 16, 2025 10:01 EST
2025, Journal of Hydrology (652)
Raidan Bassah, Gerald A. Corzo Perez, Biswa Bhattacharya, Saira Haider, Eric D. Swain, Nicholas Aumen
Forecasting water levels in complex ecosystems like wetlands can support effective water resource management, ecological conservation, and understanding surface and groundwater hydrology. Predictive models can be used to simulate the complex interactions among natural processes, hydrometeorological factors, and human activities. The Greater Everglades in the USA is a well-known example of an ecosystem where complexity has motivated adoption of machine learning algorithms in water level prediction studies. This paper aims to contribute to extending existing machine learning algorithms by integrating spatiotemporal data with deep-learning algorithms in the forecasting process. In this study, a deep-learning model is developed to predict water levels on a regional scale, covering a large area of approximately 9,138 square kilometers in the Everglades ecosystem. This model has the architecture of Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory which can deal with spatiotemporal data by capturing both spatial and temporal dependencies in the training data. The forecasting capabilities of this model (referred to as the global model) are assessed by comparing the global model to two Artificial Neural Networks developed at two different gaging stations, referred to here as local models. One local model is developed at a gaging station directly influenced by nearby water control structures, whereas the other is developed at a gaging station located farther away from these structures. By leveraging data from the Everglades Depth Estimation Network spanning from January 2002 to May 2023, the global and local models were trained to forecast water levels with a two-day lead time. Our findings suggest that both the global and local models perform with approximately the same level of accuracy, with Mean Absolute Relative Error values ranging from 0.38% to 1.4% at the selected stations. The developed global model has demonstrated strong potential as a standalone forecasting tool for the entire study area in the Everglades and could eliminate the need for developing multiple local models. This finding also highlights how machine learning can capture complex spatial and temporal relationships to generate accurate water level predictions on a regional scale.
Optimization of wetland environmental DNA metabarcoding protocols for Great Lakes region herpetofauna
Released January 16, 2025 09:39 EST
2025, Environmental DNA (7)
Olivia M. Ruppert, Jared Joseph Homola, Jeannette Kanefsky, Alyssa Swinehart, Kim T. Scribner, John D. Robinson
Many species of reptiles and amphibians (herpetofauna) rely on wetlands that are being degraded and lost at a high rate. Characterization of herpetofauna diversity in different wetland types may help guide conservation strategies. However, traditional survey methods often involve sampling within small temporal windows, and the gear deployed may be taxonomically biased, thus, they may fail to accurately characterize species presence/absence and diversity. In contrast, environmental (e)DNA metabarcoding has been shown to effectively survey entire aquatic communities and can provide a useful complement to traditional surveys. The objective of this study was to design and optimize eDNA sampling and laboratory protocols for wetland herpetofauna. Protocols evaluated included different water sampling approaches (point versus transect sampling), seasonality of sampling, and choice of metabarcoding marker (mitochondrial 12S versus 16S rDNA). Samples collected from 10 sites across southern Michigan detected 17 amphibian and five reptile species, including four species of conservation concern (Ambystoma texanum, Clemmys guttata, Rana palustris, and Sternotherus odoratus). We observed no difference in the number of species detected between point and transect samples (p = 0.70), but point sampling required less time (p = 0.03) and allowed significantly larger volumes of water to be filtered (p = 1.13e-5). No difference in species richness was observed between the 12S and 16S mitochondrial DNA markers (p = 0.96). However, a greater number of taxa were identifiable at the species level when using the 16S locus. There was also a significant difference in the number of species detected between early and late summer sampling periods (more species detected in the earlier period; p = 6.31e-6), and some species were only found in the early or late sampling period. Sampling during multiple periods to fully characterize species composition, the use of point sampling, and the 16S mtDNA marker for herpetofauna eDNA metabarcoding studies may increase efficiency and reliability of results.
Integrated water availability in the conterminous United States, 2010–20
Released January 15, 2025 14:08 EST
2025, Professional Paper 1894-F
Edward G. Stets, Matthew J. Cashman, Olivia L. Miller, Kathryn A. Powlen
Water availability is defined as the spatial and temporal distribution of water quantity and quality as it relates to the needs of humans and ecosystems. Broad assessment of water availability requires the consideration of multiple indicators because water users have different sensitivities to the degradation of water conditions. This chapter draws upon estimates of water supply, water use, and water quality to develop an integrated assessment of water availability in the conterminous United States (CONUS) for water years 2010–2020. The surface water-supply and use index (SUI) was used to express limitation arising from high water consumption in relation to water supply. Ecological stress was also assessed using indicators of ecologically detrimental flow alteration. Benchmarks of human and ecological health were used to assess water quality in relation to several key uses nationwide. In all, we find that 10 of 18 hydrologic regions have severe water stress in at least 1 indicator. Furthermore, it was common for regions to have high or severe stress in more than one indicator, which emphasizes that limitations often co-occur. For example, regions with high SUIs may also have an increased tendency to experience water quality degradation or ecologically detrimental flow alteration. Furthermore, we compared the spatial distribution of water availability against the Centers for Disease Control Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) to examine the relative distribution of socially vulnerable populations in relation to limitations on water availability. We found a tendency for an increasing segment of the population exposed to elevated SUI or water-quality degradation to be from socially vulnerable groups, as defined by SVI. This finding is similar to other studies that have noted greater water-availability limitations among socially vulnerable groups. By considering multiple indicators of water availability as a whole, greater insight into the distribution of limitations affecting water availability was gained and contributed to a more comprehensive assessment.
Climate change and future water availability in the United States
Released January 15, 2025 14:07 EST
2025, Professional Paper 1894-E
Martha A. Scholl, Gregory J. McCabe, Carolyn G. Olson, Kathryn A. Powlen
The steady rise in global temperature as a result of human activity is causing changes in Earth’s water cycle. The balance of water stored within and moving between vapor, liquid, and frozen states in the water cycle is shifting, with consequences for water availability that include increases in drought, fire weather, flooding, and heavy precipitation, as well as cryosphere decline and sea-level rise. In this chapter of the U.S. Geological Survey Integrated Water Availability Assessment—2010–20, we provide an overview of climate-change observations and projections from Earth-system model simulations that relate to future water availability, from global and national climate assessments and from the published literature. Effects of climate change on primary water-cycle components are discussed in context of how global-scale hydroclimate drivers influence regional processes within the United States. Understanding the major climate drivers impacting the water cycle is crucial to predicting future changes in water availability and developing adaptation strategies to ensure human and ecosystem water supplies. First, we provide background information on the water cycle, the climate-model ensemble simulations developed to produce projections based on warming scenarios, and attribution and certainty levels. Tipping points, self-reinforcing feedbacks, cascading effects, and compound extremes are introduced. The framework of climatic impact drivers (CIDs) outlined in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Sixth Assessment Report (IPCC AR6) is used to show primary drivers of physical change to the water cycle and to understand and predict changes in future water availability. Specific climate-change related observations and projections are discussed for water cycle components of precipitation, evapotranspiration, soil moisture, streamflow, lakes and wetlands, ice and snow, and groundwater, as well as their implications for future water availability for humans and ecosystems. The chapter concludes with a synthesis discussion of three examples of complex regional-scale hydroclimate processes that influence water availability for populations in the United States, including (1) mountain and coastal precipitation, (2) aridification and drought, and (3) the influence of forest-cover change on terrestrial water-vapor recycling.
Water use across the conterminous United States, water years 2010–20
Released January 15, 2025 14:06 EST
2025, Professional Paper 1894-D
Laura Medalie, Amy E. Galanter, Anthony J. Martinez, Althea A. Archer, Carol L. Luukkonen, Melissa A. Harris, Jonathan V. Haynes
Withdrawals of water for human use are fundamental to the evaluation of the Nation’s water availability. This chapter provides an analysis of public supply, crop irrigation, and thermoelectric power water use for the conterminous United States (CONUS) during water years 2010–20. These three categories account for about 90 percent of water withdrawals in the Nation. The values presented here are based on modeling approaches that estimate water use at temporal (monthly) and spatial scales (12-digit hydrologic unit code—small watersheds sized 50–100 square kilometers) compatible for integration into a broader national assessment of water availability. Models also provide an understanding of factors that influence water use.
An estimated 244,817 million gallons per day (Mgal/d; 28,677 million cubic meters per month [Mm3/mo]) were withdrawn on average within the CONUS during water years 2010–20 from fresh water and saline water for crop irrigation, public supply, and thermoelectric power, with shares of 43, 14.5, and 42.5 percent for each of these categories, respectively. In the same period, estimated withdrawals and consumptive use (1) for public supply were 35,400 and 4,219 Mgal/d (4,081 and 486 Mm3/mo), respectively; (2) for crop irrigation were 105,497 and 75,698 Mgal/d (12,147 and 8,716 Mm3/mo), respectively; and (3) for thermoelectric power from fresh water were 82,656 and 2,904 Mgal/d (9,952 and 345 Mm3/mo), respectively.
Withdrawals for these categories of water use are highly spatially variable, with western States dominated by crop irrigation and eastern States dominated by thermoelectric-power water use. Public supply accounts for the largest percentage of water use in several heavily populated northeastern States. Reliance on groundwater compared to surface water depends on the availability of water sources and the type of water use. For public supply, withdrawals from groundwater are greater than withdrawals from surface water in the Western aggregated hydrologic regions, whereas the balance shifts to more surface water for the rest of the CONUS. In all aggregated hydrologic regions, the predominant source of water for crop irrigation is groundwater. Most thermoelectric power facilities in the eastern half of the CONUS use surface water from freshwater and saline sources; most thermoelectric power facilities in the western half of the CONUS use groundwater.
Status of water-quality conditions in the United States, 2010–20
Released January 15, 2025 14:04 EST
2025, Professional Paper 1894-C
Melinda L. Erickson, Olivia L. Miller, Matthew J. Cashman, James R. Degnan, James E. Reddy, Anthony J. Martinez, Elmera Azadpour
Degradation of water quality can make water harmful or unusable for humans and ecosystems. Although many studies have assessed the effect of individual constituents or narrow suites of constituents on freshwater systems, no consistent, comprehensive assessment exists over the wide range of water-quality effects on water availability. Using published studies, data, and models completed at regional or national scales in the United States during 2010–20, this chapter moves towards a comprehensive assessment by summarizing how selected anthropogenic and geogenic water-quality constituents affect national-scale water availability for human and ecosystem needs. Several types of human health, agricultural, ecological, and beneficial-use standards or thresholds were used to provide context for categorizing surface-water and groundwater quality.
Water availability for human and ecological use is limited by elevated concentrations of geogenic and anthropogenic constituents in surface and groundwater. Elevated concentrations of five geogenic constituents (arsenic, manganese, strontium, radium, and adjusted gross alpha) are common in groundwater and collectively affect the drinking water supply to over 30 million people. Surface water sourced drinking water supplies are impaired in about a third of assessed stream miles, most commonly because of non-mercury metals and salinity. Health-based violations at community water systems may disproportionately affect socially vulnerable communities. Ecological water uses are predominantly limited by nutrients, sediment, temperature, pathogens, salinity, and pesticides.
Water availability for human and ecological use is adversely affected by human activities including human contaminant sources (for example, wastewater, agriculture), processes (for example, dredging, groundwater pumping), or permanent landscape modifications (for example, dams, urbanization). Primary contaminant sources vary spatially and include fertilizer and manure, atmospheric deposition, wastewater treatment plants, urban land, and a range of natural sources. Contaminants of emerging concern, contaminants without regulatory thresholds, and mixtures of geogenic and anthropogenic water contaminants also contribute to ecological degradation and human exposure.
Water supply in the conterminous United States, Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico, water years 2010–20
Released January 15, 2025 14:03 EST
2025, Professional Paper 1894-B
Galen Gorski, Edward G. Stets, Martha A. Scholl, James R. Degnan, John R. Mullaney, Amy E. Galanter, Anthony J. Martinez, Julie Padilla, Jacob H. LaFontaine, Hayley R. Corson-Dosch, Allen Shapiro
We present an assessment of water supply across the conterminous United States (CONUS), Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico covering water years 2010–20. Our analysis drew on two national hydrologic models, the National Hydrologic Model Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System and the Weather Research and Forecasting model hydrologic modeling system. Both models produced estimates of streamflow, evapotranspiration, soil moisture, snow water equivalent, and other hydrologic states and fluxes. The models were driven by the bias-adjusted 4-kilometer-resolution, long-term regional hydroclimate simulation over the conterminous United States dataset (CONUS404). We assessed spatial and temporal error distributions by comparing monthly simulations at the 12-digit hydrologic unit code and regional scale from both models against external benchmarking datasets. Results showed that average annual rainfall across the CONUS was 857 millimeters per year for the period of analysis, with water year 2012 the driest year (729 millimeters) and water year 2019 the wettest year (995 millimeters). Key interannual variability results included the following: (1) the California–Nevada hydrologic region had the highest variability in precipitation and snow accumulation, and (2) the Texas hydrologic region was among hydrologic regions with the highest variability in precipitation. We related interannual variability in precipitation to storage volumes in soil moisture, snow water equivalent, and lakes and reservoirs to highlight areas with little storage and large year-to-year variability in precipitation. These areas included the Southern High Plains, Central High Plains, Texas, Souris–Red–Rainy, Mississippi Embayment, and Midwest regions. Our analysis of groundwater-level data showed that several of these areas overlap aquifers where groundwater levels were considerably lower than historical averages, including the Colorado Plateaus aquifers, the Rio Grande aquifer system, and the Central and Southern regions of the High Plains aquifer. Many of these lowered groundwater levels are continuations of decades-long declines from overpumping that started well before the assessment period. The resulting water budgets and their analyses provide a high-resolution foundational assessment of the mean state and variability of the terrestrial hydrologic cycle across the CONUS and Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico to support a wide range of water resource management applications.
The National integrated water availability assessment, water years 2010–20
Released January 15, 2025 14:02 EST
2025, Professional Paper 1894-A
Edward G. Stets, Althea A. Archer, James R. Degnan, Melinda L. Erickson, Galen Gorski, Laura Medalie, Martha A. Scholl
Water availability is fundamentally important to human well-being, economic vitality, and ecosystem health. Because of its central importance, the U.S. Congress tasked the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and other Federal agencies with conducting regular, comprehensive assessments of water availability in the United States through the requirements under the SECURE Water Act. In response to this mandate, the USGS has developed the U.S. Geological Survey Integrated Water Availability Assessment—2010–20, which addresses aspects of water supply, quality, and use related to water availability in the United States. This is the first chapter of that report. The major climatic factors affecting water availability are also described. Multiple aspects of water availability are integrated to produce a more comprehensive analysis of water availability in the United States. This chapter enumerates the development, organization, and tools used in the USGS Integrated Water Availability Assessment. SECURE Water Act reports, developed by the Department of Energy Hydropower Climate Change Assessment and the Bureau of Reclamation West-Wide Climate and Hydrology Assessment, are also described. A distilled list of key findings from the overall report is also provided, serving as an introduction to each topic along with the most important high-level information.
U.S. Geological Survey Integrated Water Availability Assessment—2010–20
Released January 15, 2025 14:01 EST
2025, Professional Paper 1894
Edward G. Stets, editor(s)
This professional paper is a multichapter report that assesses water availability in the United States for water years 2010–20. This work was conducted as part of the fulfillment of the mandates of Subtitle F of the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-11), also known as the SECURE Water Act. As such, this work examines the spatial and temporal distribution of water quantity and quality in surface water and groundwater, as related to human and ecosystem needs and as affected by human and natural influences. Chapter A introduces the National Integrated Water Availability Assessment and provides important background and definitions for how the report characterizes water availability and its components. Chapter A also presents the key findings of Chapters B–F and thus acts as a summary of the entire report. Chapter B is a national assessment of water supply, which is the quantity of water supplied through climatic inputs. Chapter C is a national assessment of water quality, which is the chemical and physical characteristics of water. Chapter D assesses water use including withdrawals and consumptive use in the conterminous United States. Chapter E presents an analysis of factors affecting future water availability under changing climate conditions. The National Integrated Water Availability Assessment culminates with Chapter F, which is an integrated assessment of water availability that considers the amount and quality of water coupled with the suitability of that water for specific uses. Together, these six chapters constitute the National Integrated Water Availability Assessment for water years 2010–20.
Surficial geology and Quaternary tectonics of the Madison Valley and fault zone, Madison, Gallatin, and Beaverhead Counties, southwest Montana
Released January 15, 2025 12:20 EST
2025, Scientific Investigations Map 3508
Chester A. Ruleman, Theodore R. Brandt
The north-northwest-striking Madison fault is approximately 95 kilometers in length, lying at the confluence of the northeastern Basin and Range province and the Yellowstone tectonic parabola. The fault zone consists primarily of west-dipping normal faults that have east-dipping antithetic faults, which create the Madison Valley graben and several northeast-trending intrabasin faults. The Madison fault and associated sections discussed herein refer to the main west-dipping, range-bounding fault along the eastern side of the valley. Detailed geologic mapping (1:12,000 scale) of the entire fault zone and fault scarp profiling (total of 102 profiles) of the Madison fault reveal greater late Quaternary paleoseismic activity towards the south, including at least three paleoevents along the southern part of the fault that postdate Pinedale glaciation. Early to middle Holocene alluvial fans have vertical surface offsets that average between 2.0 and 3.0 meters and define the characteristic single-event surface offset. Pinedale lateral moraines have vertical surface offsets as great as 12.0 meters. Late Pleistocene to Holocene multiple-event fault scarps show little evidence of beveling, suggesting short seismic recurrence intervals and potential late Pleistocene and Holocene temporal clustering. Long-term average tectonic activity rates indicate slip rates ranging from 0.18–0.6 millimeters per year. Based on a comparison of fault-scarp height versus maximum slope angle of known regression lines developed from other paleoseismic investigations, the most recent event ranges from 5–1 ka.
The northern section of the fault zone is defined by multiple normal faults, which detached the hanging walls of Laramide thrust faults within the Paleozoic and Mesozoic strata. This resulted in the partitioning of extension along multiple preexisting structures and less displacement along individual normal fault strands. Structural controls on lateral propagation of individual paleoevents involve the position of lateral ramps along preexisting Laramide contractional faults. This resulted in greater displacement within the larger basement-cored structures along the southern section of the fault zone, where extension is accommodated by one inferred principal basement-involved normal fault. Inferred east-northeast trending, intrabasin, normal faults within the southern half of the fault zone have no late Pleistocene displacement.
The Center for the Advancement of Population Assessment Methodology (CAPAM): A perspective on the first 10 years
Released January 15, 2025 10:14 EST
2025, Fisheries Research (281)
Mark N. Maunder, Paul R. Crone, Brice X. Semmens, Juan L. Valero, Lynn Waterhouse, Richard D. Methot, André E. Punt
The Center for the Advancement of Population Assessment Methodology (CAPAM) was established in 2013, envisioned as an institute that could conduct, organize, and communicate stock assessment research with the aim of benefiting fisheries assessment efforts internationally. CAPAM’s activities have focused on its workshop series and consequent special issues in Fisheries Research. The information generated through CAPAM and its permanent recording as journal articles has greatly benefited the stock assessment community and can potentially contribute to modelling in general. We discuss what has made CAPAM successful, its future, and what could be done to reach the ultimate goal of producing a good practices guide for fisheries stock assessment.
Endemic and invasive species: A history of distributional trends in the fish fauna of the lower New River drainage
Released January 15, 2025 09:54 EST
2025, Water (17)
Stuart A. Welsh, Daniel A. Cincotta, Nathaniel V. Owens, Jay R. Stauffer Jr.
Invasive species are often central to conservation efforts, particularly when concerns involve potential impacts on rare, endemic native species. The lower New River drainage of the eastern United States is a watershed that warrants conservation assessment, as the system is naturally depauperate of native fish species and it is nearly saturated with non-native fish species: there are 31 natives, including at least nine endemic taxa, and 63 non-natives. For endemic taxa, we examined temporal distribution shifts (range expansions or contractions) based on percent change in the occupied watershed area. We contrasted these findings with time series analyses on distribution trends of non-native minnows (Leuciscidae) and darters (Percidae) based on growth curve models of the cumulative sum of the total area of occupied 12-digit hydrologic unit codes. We documented range reductions for six of nine endemic taxa. We determined that 11 of 18 non-native minnows and 6 of 8 non-native darters were invasive based on range expansions and associated invasion curve models. The endemic taxa are of conservation concern given the limited distribution ranges and documented population declines. Although among-species comparisons of range shifts do not support causal inference, documentation of changes in distribution ranges of endemic and invasive species is critical to inform conservation efforts.
Ecosystem drivers of freshwater mercury bioaccumulation are context-dependent: Insights from continental-scale modeling
Released January 15, 2025 09:35 EST
2025, Environmental Science and Technology
Christopher James Kotalik, James Willacker, Jeff S. Wesner, Branden L. Johnson, Colleen M. Flanagan Pritz, Sarah J. Nelson, David Walters, Collin A. Eagles-Smith
Significant variation in mercury (Hg) bioaccumulation is observed across the diversity of freshwater ecosystems in North America. While there is support for the major drivers of Hg bioaccumulation, the relative influence of different external factors can vary widely among waterbodies, which makes predicting Hg risk across large spatial scales particularly challenging. We modeled Hg bioaccumulation by coupling Hg concentrations in more than 21,000 dragonflies collected across the United States from 2008 to 2021 with a suite of chemical (e.g., dissolved organic carbon (DOC), pH, sulfate) and landscape (e.g., soil characteristics, land cover) variables representing external drivers of Hg methylation, transport, and uptake. Model predictions explained 85% of the variation in dragonfly Hg concentrations across the United States. Certain predictor variables were more important than others (e.g., DOC, pH, and percent wetland), and they varied among waterbodies. Variation in Hg bioaccumulation was explained by including habitat and ecosystem type in a hierarchical modeling framework, which confirms the context-dependency of external factors in explaining Hg bioaccumulation across disparate freshwater ecosystems. This continent-scale model provides valuable insights into the processes underlying landscape-scale patterns in Hg exposure risk and demonstrates that drivers of Hg methylation and bioaccumulation are habitat- and ecosystem-dependent.
Hybrid coral reef restoration can be a cost-effective nature-based solution to provide protection to vulnerable coastal populations
Released January 15, 2025 08:09 EST
2025, Science Advances (11)
Curt Storlazzi, Borja Reguero, Kristen C. Alkins, James B. Shope, Aaron Cole, Camila Gaido-Lassarre, T. Shay Viehman, Michael W. Beck
Coral reefs can mitigate flood damages by providing protection to tropical coastal communities whose populations are dense, growing fast, and have predominantly lower-middle income. This study provides the first fine-scale, regionally modeled valuations of how flood risk reductions associated with hybrid coral reef restoration could benefit people, property, and economic activity along Florida and Puerto Rico’s 1005 kilometers of reef-lined coasts. Restoration of up to 20% of the regions’ coral reefs could provide flood reduction benefits greater than costs. Reef habitats with the greatest benefits are shallow, nearshore, and fronting low-lying, vulnerable communities, which are often where reef impacts and loss are the greatest. Minorities, children, the elderly, and those below the poverty line could receive more than double the hazard risk reduction benefits of the overall population, demonstrating that reef restoration as a nature-based solution can have positive returns on investment economically and socially by providing protection to the most vulnerable people.
Local perceptions of marine conservation aquaculture for the restoration of native Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in Downeast, Maine
Released January 15, 2025 07:57 EST
2025, Marine Policy (171)
Melissa. E. Flye, Carly C. Sponarski, Joseph D. Zydlewski
The entities responsible for the management of the endangered Gulf of Maine Distinct Population Segment of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) have partnered with a commercial aquaculture company to apply a novel conservation aquaculture program. This effort marks a major shift in management and has garnered mixed public reactions. Recent expansion of aquaculture in Maine has been a point of controversy as people and systems grapple with the social, environmental, and legal aspects of this burgeoning industry. Still, the use of aquaculture for conservation has shown some promise. In 2021, a questionnaire was administered to 850 households (response rate 27 %) in Maine via the Drop-off and Pick-up method. We examined differences and similarities in attitudes, beliefs, and knowledge about Atlantic salmon, hatcheries, and aquaculture between property owners in the town where the proposed net pens would be located (Cutler; n=73), and those in neighboring towns (n=152). The Potential for Conflict Index (PCI2) was used to examine differences between the groups. Both groups held similar positive attitudes toward Atlantic salmon, endangered species conservation, freshwater hatcheries, and both commercial and conservation aquaculture. Both groups believe that “Atlantic salmon should be protected,” and that freshwater hatcheries and marine conservation aquaculture “should be used for conservation.” However, Cutler residents had less consensus and supported the use of freshwater hatcheries and marine conservation aquaculture less than other respondents. Community concerns have stalled efforts to move the project forward. Our research indicates there are several social concepts which may help to explain localized opposition to the project.
An interagency perspective on improving consistency and transparency of land use and land cover mapping
Released January 14, 2025 14:04 EST
2025, Circular 1549
Terry Sohl, Karen Schleeweis, Nate Herold, Megan Lang, Inga P. La Puma, James Wickham, Rick Mueller, Matthew Rigge, Jon Dewitz, Jesslyn F. Brown, Jeffrey Ingebritsen, James Ellenwood, Ellen Wengert, Jordan Rowe, Patrick Flanagan, Emily Kachergis, Iris Garthwaite, Zhuoting Wu
Executive Summary
Geospatial products of land use and land cover are broadly used in many applications. For example, the annual national greenhouse gas inventory uses the National Land Cover Database, the Coastal Change Analysis Program, Landscape Fire and Resource Management Planning Tools, the Forest Inventory and Analysis, and the National Resources Inventory to represent the land use and management base of the United States and attribute sources and sinks of greenhouse gas emissions. Federally produced land use and land cover datasets for the United States, including those from the Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics Consortium, set the foundation for developing and informing applications such as land change, conservation, greenhouse gas monitoring, urban planning, agricultural production, ecosystem functions, and water quantity and use. No single land use and land cover product is optimal for all land use and land cover applications. Approaches for defining and mapping land use and land cover classes differ across Federal map products, reflecting the tailoring of product specifications to match specific agency needs. These differing approaches present a challenge when attempting to integrate and harmonize multiple land use and land cover products into single analysis or application frameworks. Nuanced understanding of how these products are designed and produced may not be immediately evident to users; however, the availability of a diverse suite of products also represents an opportunity, providing multiple approaches for observing landscape change. In response to the National Strategy to Advance an Integrated U.S. Greenhouse Gas Measurement, Monitoring, and Information System, this Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics Consortium-led interagency report presents (1) the current status of U.S. Federal land use and land cover products (as of May 2024), (2) existing synergies and integration among these federally produced land use and land cover products, (3) inherent challenges of creating a single consistent framework, and (4) strategies for collectively tackling these challenges to improve coordination and collaboration among data producers and facilitate the adoption of land use and land cover products for greenhouse gas monitoring and a variety of other applications.
Groundwater-level elevations in the Denver Basin bedrock aquifers and Upper Black Squirrel Creek alluvial aquifer, El Paso County, Colorado, 2021–24
Released January 14, 2025 12:40 EST
2025, Scientific Investigations Report 2024-5123
Zachary D. Kisfalusi, Erin K. Hennessy, Jackson B. Sharp
El Paso County is the second-most populous county in Colorado and is projected to grow another 15 percent by 2030. Within El Paso County is the Upper Black Squirrel Creek Designated Groundwater Basin (Black Squirrel Basin), an area where surface water is scarce and water users rely primarily on groundwater from five different aquifers (the Upper Black Squirrel Creek alluvial aquifer and four bedrock aquifers within the Denver Basin aquifer system: the lower Dawson, Denver, Arapahoe, and Laramie-Fox Hills aquifers) to meet their needs. Currently (2024), land within the Upper Black Squirrel Creek Basin is primarily used for rural grazing and agriculture; however, municipal development is ongoing.
In 2021, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Upper Black Squirrel Creek Ground Water Management District, began a study to establish a baseline dataset and assess the groundwater resources of the aquifers within the Black Squirrel Basin. A network of 39 wells was established in 2021; discrete groundwater-level measurements were made bimonthly. Nine of the 39 wells were equipped with pressure transducers to record hourly groundwater-level data. Seven wells had statistically significant seasonal trends, and trends at 3 wells were negative. For the discrete data, 16 wells had a significant trend for the study period, and 4 wells had negative trends. For the time-series data, 8 wells had significant trends, and 3 wells had negative trends.
Potentiometric surface maps were created for this study using discrete, static groundwater levels measured in April 2023. These maps showed the estimated groundwater flow direction from the north-northwest to the south-southeast in the alluvial aquifer and from the northwest to the east-southeast for the lower Dawson and Denver aquifer wells.
This study indicates the potential benefit of monitoring wells in the areas near municipal pumping. Additional monitoring could lead to a better understanding of connectivity between aquifers and be an important tool for assessing long-term sustainability of groundwater use.
U.S. Geological Survey National Groundwater Climate Response Network
Released January 14, 2025 12:02 EST
2025, Fact Sheet 2024-3057
Rodney R. Caldwell, Jason M. Fine
What is the U.S. Geological Survey National Groundwater Climate Response Network?
The U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) National Water Monitoring Network is a network of networks that includes the Climate Response Network (CRN). The CRN is a network of wells selected to monitor the effects of climate variability, including droughts, on groundwater systems within the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The primary purpose of the CRN is to monitor these effects on groundwater levels in unconfined or near-surface confined aquifers that are minimally affected by pumping or other human-induced stresses.
Enhanced hydrologic monitoring and characterization of groundwater drainage features
Released January 14, 2025 11:17 EST
2025, Nature Water (3) 2-3
Martin Briggs
Groundwater drains to the land surface, generating the baseflow of streams, lakes, and wetlands. The hydrologic resilience of baseflow during prolonged dry periods and after disturbance can be assessed with evolving remote sensing analysis paired with localized monitoring of groundwater drainage features and creative model calibration strategies.
Review of the Lake Washington Ship Canal and Ballard Locks model, Seattle, Washington, 2014–20
Released January 13, 2025 14:18 EST
2025, Open-File Report 2024-1078
Annett B. Sullivan, Anya C. Leach
Executive Summary
The Hiram M. Chittenden (Ballard) Locks and Lake Washington Ship Canal connect freshwater Lake Washington and saline Shilshole Bay of Puget Sound in Seattle, Washington. The locks and canal allow for ships to traverse this reach. Anadromous salmonids also migrate through, transitioning between saline and freshwater environments, and making use of a fish ladder at the locks when traveling upstream. WEST Consultants, Inc., constructed a two-dimensional hydrodynamic and water-quality model (CE-QUAL-W2) simulating flow, water temperature, and salinity for the Ballard Locks and the Lake Washington Ship Canal. An initial model was built for calendar years 2014–15, and the model was updated using a more recent and modern dataset for calendar years 2016–20. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers requested that the U.S. Geological Survey review this model and its documentation to evaluate the technical aspects of its development and calibration. Findings from this review include the following:
- Overall, the Lake Washington Ship Canal CE-QUAL-W2 model was well-documented and constructed largely following typical model-development methods.
- The Lake Washington Ship Canal model was built with CE-QUAL-W2 model version 4.5, compiled and released by Portland State University in April 2021. CE-QUAL-W2 updates and improvements are regularly released with bug fixes and new features, so any model updates would benefit from the use of the most-recent software release.
- The model grid that represents the Lake Washington Ship Canal bathymetry was 9.2 kilometers (5.7 miles) long, matching the expected length of the waterway. The deepest model segments were near sampling site LLLW (Large Locks site) near the locks. Lake Union is reported to constitute most of the volume of the Lake Washington Ship Canal and is depicted as such in the model grid.
- The model includes several water outflows at Ballard Locks, including the large and small locks, a saltwater drain, a spillway, smolt flumes, and a fish ladder. Flows from the spillway, smolt flumes, and fish ladder were combined into one structure outflow in the model and assigned one withdrawal elevation from the Lake Washington Ship Canal. The smolt flume and spillway withdraw from the same elevation, but the fish ladder flow withdraws from a higher elevation in Lake Washington Ship Canal, and that flow could be separated into its own withdrawal.
- The model input files were created using the Coordinated Universal Time standard instead of the more typical choice of using local standard time. This is not incorrect, but sub-daily results would need to be converted to local time for science-communication purposes.
- The meteorological dataset had some unexpected anomalies, such as a baseline shift in the wind-speed dataset. Other nearby meteorological datasets could be used instead or used to correct the current meteorological inputs.
- The upstream boundary was configured with water-temperature data from a continuous monitor buoy in Lake Washington. The boundary salinity was set at 0 parts per thousand for the duration of the model simulation. A more realistic estimate of salinity at the upstream boundary could be constructed using data from the same buoy.
- Saline inflow at the downstream boundary of the Lake Washington Ship Canal model through lock exchanges at the large lock was included as a tributary in the model. Salinity and temperature inputs in this tributary at the large locks were set as constant values for the entire simulation. Saline inflow through the small lock was not included in the model because few data were available, and the input was likely to be small because of the smaller surface area and volume of the small lock relative to the large lock.
- The model did not include any flow, water temperature, or salinity inputs to the Lake Washington Ship Canal other than at the locks and at the upstream boundary. Any point sources, small tributaries, or stormwater inputs were omitted from the model. It is unclear whether this is a substantial omission relative to model results.
- Most model parameters were set as defaults or to reasonable values. However, the value of the WINDH parameter, the height of the wind speed measurement, was different than the height of the meteorological site.
- Compared to measured data, the model simulated water-surface elevations and water temperatures with reasonable accuracy. Differences in the modeled and measured salinities revealed some opportunities to improve the simulation of salinity, both baseline salinity and the salinity maxima in summer and autumn.
Relatedness of white-tailed deer from culling efforts within chronic wasting disease management zones in Minnesota
Released January 13, 2025 11:48 EST
2025, Pathogens (14)
Alberto F. Fameli, Christopher S. Jennelle, Jessie Edson, Erik C. Hildebrand, Michelle Carstensen, W. David Walter
In white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), closely related females form social groups, avoiding other social groups. Consequently, females infected with chronic wasting disease (CWD) are more likely to infect social group members. Culling has been used to reduce CWD transmission in high-risk areas; however, its effectiveness in removing related individuals has not been assessed. We analyzed 11 microsatellites and a mitochondrial DNA fragment to assess: (1) the genetic structure in white-tailed deer in Minnesota, USA and (2) the effectiveness of localized culling to remove related deer. For (1), we genotyped deer culled in 2019 and 2021 in three CWD management zones, and deer collected in between zones. For (2), we only included culled deer, defining “culled groups” as deer obtained in the same township-range-section and year. We compared mean relatedness among deer from the same culled group (intra-group relatedness) and among deer from different culled groups (inter-group relatedness). We did not find evidence of genetic structure, suggesting that an outbreak in any of the management zones could naturally spread to the others. Culling removed deer that were on average more related than expected by chance (intra-group relatedness > inter-group relatedness), and most highly-related deer were culled in the same bait site.
Enhancing One Health outcomes using decision science and negotiation
Released January 12, 2025 09:21 EST
2025, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
Jonathan D. Cook, Evan H. Campbell Grant, Howard S. Ginsberg, Diann Prosser, Michael C. Runge
One Health initiatives have advanced zoonotic disease management by recognizing the interconnectedness of three sectors of governance (human, ecosystem, and animal) and by identifying options that can improve full-system health. Although One Health has had many successes, its full realization may be inhibited by a lack of strategies to overcome simultaneous impediments in decision making and governance. Decision impediments that hinder management may include uncertainty, risk, resource limitations, and trade-offs among objectives. Governance impediments arise from disparities in costs and benefits of disease management among sectors. Tools and strategies developed from decision science, collaboration, and negotiation theory can help articulate and overcome coinciding decision and governance impediments and enhance multisectoral One Health initiatives. In cases where collaboration and negotiation are insufficient to address disparities in cross-sector costs and benefits, altering incentive structures might improve disease-specific outcomes and improve the realization of One Health.
Chemostratigraphy of the Cretaceous Hue Shale in Arctic Alaska: Exploring paleoceanographic controls on trace element enrichment, organic matter accumulation, and source-rock evolution
Released January 12, 2025 09:05 EST
2025, Applied Geochemistry (180)
Palma J. Botterell, Margaret M. Sanders, David W. Houseknecht, Richard O. Lease, William A. Rouse, Katherine J. Whidden, Julie A. Dumoulin, Rebecca A. Smith, Christina A. DeVera, Brett J. Valentine
We document chemostratigraphy in an outcrop of late Albian to early Campanian (∼103–82 Ma) marine source rocks to better understand paleoenvironmental controls on trace element (TE) enrichment and organic matter accumulation in the distal Colville foreland basin of Arctic Alaska and how those drivers are linked to arc volcanism and successions of Cretaceous oceanographic and climatic biogeochemical events. This unique, 113-m-thick section of Cretaceous Hue Shale deposited during a series of previously undocumented Arctic Cretaceous oceanic anoxic events (Lease et al., 2024) is the only known exposure of thermally immature (0.48–0.52% Ro, random vitrinite reflectance) Hue Shale in Arctic Alaska. Strata comprise mainly clay-rich mudstone with elevated total organic carbon (TOC) and hydrogen index values reaching 26.3 wt% (mean = 7.5 wt%) and 689 mg hydrocarbon (HC)/g TOC (mean = 385 mg HC/g TOC), respectively. Maceral composition consists predominantly of fluorescent amorphous organic matter, with abundant brightly fluorescent alginite, including Tasmanites, acritarchs, and Leiosphaeridia. Discrete layers of volcanic ash (preserved as bentonite) are present throughout the section and provide quantitative age control based on U–Pb dates.
Chemostratigraphic trends are investigated to advance our understanding of local oceanographic conditions and controls on stratigraphic and temporal heterogeneity of Brookian source rocks. Concurrent sedimentary enrichment in Mo, U, V, Pb, and Cu across the Albian–Cenomanian boundary of the exposed basal gamma-ray zone, may reflect anoxic to euxinic benthic redox conditions favoring organic matter accumulation and preservation. Fluctuating degrees of anoxia-euxinia are inferred throughout the overlying Hue Shale succession, reflected by varying patterns of TE enrichment and TE–TOC covariation. Elevated Corg/P molar ratios (>250) across most of the section, with several values exceeding 690, signify that enhanced biological productivity is sustained throughout deposition. Enhanced productivity, recorded by both Corg/P and excess Ba, also parallels increases in source rock richness (elevated TOC and S2 values) during the late Albian–early Cenomanian and late Cenomanian–Turonian.
Enhanced productivity and variations in oceanic circulation/stratification likely both drove changes in benthic redox conditions that favored organic carbon accumulation and preservation. Increased continental arc volcanism (e.g., Okhotsk–Chukotka volcanic belt) and High Arctic Large Igneous Province magmatic eruptions throughout the Cretaceous, inferred to have influenced nutrient cycling and local aqueous nutrient availability, also have been invoked as potential drivers of organic carbon burial and source-rock development across the sedimentary sequence. Results presented here document the organic-rich and oil-prone source-rock quality of the Hue Shale in the distal part of the Colville foreland basin and bolster the potential for a Cretaceous petroleum system beneath the eastern North Slope.
An enigmatic wild passerine mortality event in the eastern United States
Released January 11, 2025 09:11 EST
2025, Veterinary Sciences (12)
Sabrina S. Greening, Julie C. Ellis, Nicole L. Lewis, David B. Needle, Cristina M. Tato, Susan Knowles, Valerie I. Shearn-Bochsler, Jaimie L. Miller, Daniel A. Grear, Jeffrey M. Lorch, David S. Blehert, Caitlin Burrell, Lisa A. Murphy, Erica A. Miller, C. Brandon Ogbunugafor, Andrea J. Ayala, W. Kelley Thomas, Megan S. Kirchgessner, Christine Casey, Ethan P. Barton, Michael J. Yabsley, Eman Anis, Roderick B. Gagne, Patrice Klein, Cindy P. Driscoll, Chelsea Sykes, Robert H. Poppenga, Nicole M. Nemeth
The ability to rapidly respond to wildlife health events is essential. However, such events are often unpredictable, especially with anthropogenic disturbances and climate-related environmental changes driving unforeseen threats. Many events also are short-lived and go undocumented, making it difficult to draw on lessons learned from past investigations. We report on the response to a mortality event observed predominantly in wild passerines in the eastern United States. The event began in May 2021 when wildlife rehabilitators and private citizens reported large numbers of sick and dead juvenile birds, mostly presenting as single cases with neurologic signs and/or ocular and periocular lesions. Early efforts by rehabilitators, veterinarians, state and federal wildlife agencies, and universities helped gather public reports and fuel rapid responses by government agencies. Collective efforts included live bird and carcass collections; submission to diagnostic laboratories and evaluation; information sharing; and coordinated messaging to stakeholders and interested parties. Extensive diagnostic evaluations failed to identify a causative pathogen or other etiology, although congruent results across laboratories have helped drive further investigation into alternative causes, such as nutritional deficiencies. This report highlights the strengths of a multi-agency, interdisciplinary investigation while exposing the need for an operational framework with approaches and resources dedicated to wildlife health.
Local water use and climate drive water stress over the conterminous United States with substantial impacts to fish species of conservation concern
Released January 11, 2025 09:04 EST
2025, Preprint
Edward G. Stets, Olivia L. Miller, Matthew J. Cashman, Kathryn A. Powlen, Anthony J. Martinez, Althea A. Archer, Julie Padilla
There is a growing need for consistent, large-scale estimates of water availability to identify and avoid potential conflicts among human and ecosystem uses of water. We present an assessment of water limitation, defined as the monthly balance (difference) between water supply (ws) and human consumptive water use (wc), for the conterminous United States (CONUS) during water years 2010–2020. We estimate that 26.7 million Americans, 8% of CONUS population, live in areas with chronic high or severe water limitation. Although ws greatly exceeds wc at the CONUS scale, water is limited locally or regionally due to spatial and temporal patterns in climate and wc. Our water limitation metric, the monthly supply and use index (SUI), peaked in 2012 during a widespread drought when 38% of the CONUS land area experienced elevated water stress. The central and southwestern U.S. experienced the highest SUI due to the combination of low ws and high wc, especially for crop irrigation. Spatial overlays of SUI and habitat ranges for fish species, including those of conservation concern, revealed that several species had notable proportions of their habitat exposed to high or severe water limitation during spawning season over the modeled time period, especially the Arkansas River shiner. Water supply (ws) was calculated from two CONUS, physically based, hydrologic models while wc was calculated from three CONUS models of water use for crop irrigation, thermoelectric power generation, and public supply. The ws and wc values were routed through a stream network and used to calculate water limitation for human populations and fish species at the scale of 12-digit hydrologic unit codes (HUC12s, 50-100 km2 catchments) and then analyzed using SUI. Evaluation of water availability at higher spatial and temporal resolution promotes more comprehensive analyses of the drivers of water availability and can be combined with complementary studies of water quality and water limiting thresholds to better understand the limitations on water availability.
Groundwater/surface-water interaction
Released January 10, 2025 10:44 EST
2024, Report, Groundwater science relevant to the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement: An updated status report
Howard W. Reeves, Serban Danielescu, Elizabeth Priebe, Helen Zhang
No abstract available.
Understanding and predicting infection dynamics for an endangered amphibian using long-term surveys of wild and translocated frogs
Released January 10, 2025 10:36 EST
2025, Biological Conservation (301)
Talisin T. Hammond, Adam R. Backlin, Elizabeth Gallegos, Debra M. Shier, Ronald R. Swaisgood, Robert N. Fisher
Amphibians are a prominent component of Earth's sixth mass extinction and the fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) is a primary driver of declines. Although Bd dynamics are well studied, the environmental drivers, exacerbating risk factors, and value of conservation interventions like translocations remain challenging to predict. Here, we present results from two decades of Bd monitoring for mountain yellow-legged frogs (Rana muscosa) in the southern California Transverse and Peninsular mountain ranges. We describe Bd prevalence and infection intensity across sites; model how variables associated with climate, habitat, and populations relate to prevalence; and integrate Bd data from wild and translocated frogs to test whether a machine learning system can predict infection prevalence at new sites. Our findings indicate substantial spatiotemporal variation in Bd dynamics. Bd was present at all sites but prevalence and infection intensities were often low. Environmental features including temperature, precipitation, vegetation, and shortwave radiation explained significant variation in Bd prevalence, but their predictive value varied across mountain ranges. Although clear environmental predictors across populations remain elusive, we provide evidence for the importance of warmer and wetter springs and winters, with implications of increased risk under climate change predictions. We also found evidence for higher Bd prevalence among translocated than wild frogs. Although our machine learning model predicted a Bd prevalence threshold with relatively high accuracy, understanding the factors driving within- and between-population Bd dynamics is complex. Taken together, our findings provide new insights into the complicated role of Bd in amphibian declines and suggest revised management approaches.
Modelling and mapping burn severity of prescribed and wildfires across the southeastern United States (2000-2022)
Released January 10, 2025 08:54 EST
2025, International Journal of Wildland Fire (34)
Melanie K. Vanderhoof, Casey Elizabeth Menick, Joshua J. Picotte, Kevin Robertson, Holly Nowell, Chris Matechik, Todd Hawbaker
BackgroundThe southeastern United States (‘Southeast’) experiences high levels of fire activity, but the preponderance of small and prescribed fires means that existing burn severity products are incomplete across the region.
AimsWe developed and applied a burn severity model across the Southeast to enhance our understanding of regional burn severity patterns.
MethodsWe used Composite Burn Index (CBI) plot data from across the conterminous US (CONUS) to train a gradient-boosted decision tree model. The model was optimised for the Southeast and applied to the annual Landsat Burned Area product for 2000–2022 across the region.
Key resultsThe burn severity model had a root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.48 (R2 = 0.70) and 0.50 (R2 = 0.37) for the CONUS and Southeast, respectively. The Southeast, relative to CONUS, had lower mean absolute residuals in low and moderate burn severity categories. Burn severity was consistently lower in areas affected by prescribed burns relative to wildfires.
ConclusionsAlthough regional performance was limited by a lack of high burn severity CBI plots, the burn severity dataset demonstrated patterns consistent with low-severity, frequent fire regimes characteristic of Southeastern ecosystems.
ImplicationsMore complete data on burn severity will enhance regional management of fire-dependent ecosystems and improve estimates of fuels and fire emissions.
Geochemical processes related to mined, milled, or natural metal deposits in a rapidly changing global environment
Released January 10, 2025 08:25 EST
2025, Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis
Annika Parviainen, Kimberly R. Beisner, Johanna Blake, Edel Mary O'Sullivan, Clare Miller, Carolina Rosca
The demand for metals and raw materials, such as nickel and copper, has been projected to expand in the coming decades, driven by the global energy transition, the need for green technologies, and expanding infrastructure. Consequently, the increasing extraction and production of mining waste can have adverse impacts on surrounding environments and human health. The aim of this thematic collection is to fill critical knowledge gaps in the present-day cycles of metal(loid)s from source to larger sinks, and the effect of environmental management, anthropogenic development, and climate change. Altogether, the studies have been conducted in different natural settings around the world and comprise investigations in laterites, a soil-medicinal plant system, watersheds, and banded iron formations, among others. The geochemical applications in tracing mineralization, its secondary products, and/or potential impact on the immediate environment are highly diverse with applied tools ranging from isotope tracers to major and trace element systematics. Particularly the use of rare earth elements, their patterns and anomalies are methods employed by several studies in this collection. We summarize the findings to offer a potential future direction for the use of geochemical tracing techniques in resource exploration in the context of climate change and environmental challenges.
Stream discharge determinations using slug additions and specific conductance
Released January 10, 2025 08:12 EST
2025, Water Resources Research (61)
R. Blaine McCleskey, Robert L. Runkel, Sheila F. Murphy, David A. Roth
Stream discharge is often determined by wading the stream and measuring the velocity at fixed widths and depths. However, there are conditions when wading measurements are not safe or the measurements are poor because of high turbulence, rocky streambeds, shallow or sheet flow, aquatic plants, or inaccessibility due to ice. Under these conditions, it is often preferable to determine discharge using salt slug addition and downstream measurement of salt concentration with time. A new method for determining stream discharge using specific conductance as a surrogate for salt concentrations is presented. The method adapts an approach that accurately calculates the specific conductance by utilizing ionic molal conductivities to determine the concentration of salt. The method was applied at four mountainous stream sites where a total of twenty-nine slug-additions were performed. The discharge determined from the new method was compared to four alternative methods including discharge from continuous injection, slug addition with discrete sample calibration, wading measurements with velocity measurement, and a stream gage. The discharge ranged from 21.5 to 778 L/s and the median difference between the new method and the traditional methods was -0.01%. Additionally, the p-value (0.75) determined from a paired t-test indicates that there is no significant difference between the discharge determined from the new and alternative discharge methods. The primary advantage of the new method is that it obviates the need to collect and analyze discrete samples to accurately quantify the specific conductance-salt surrogate relationship allowing for rapid, low-cost determination of discharge.
Parentage and sibship relationships among captive snakes at the Phoenix Zoo—2024 data summary
Released January 10, 2025 07:28 EST
2025, Data Report 1204
Dustin A. Wood, Anna Mitelberg, Amy G. Vandergast
The narrow-headed gartersnake (Thamnophis rufipunctatus) is listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 2014). This species has a strong association with aquatic habitats, and these habitats have been highly altered by impoundments, land-use changes, and the introduction and spread of non-native aquatic species, which contributed to declines in Arizona and New Mexico for the last 30–40 years. Captive breeding programs can be used for genetic rescue and conservation of threatened and endangered species (Frankham, 2010). Often based on pedigree analyses, captive management plans aim to retain genetic diversity, limit inbreeding, and avoid adaptation to captivity (Foose and Ballou, 1988; Hedrick and Miller, 1992; Ivy and others, 2009; Frankham, 2010). In 2011, the Arizona Center for Nature Conservation/Phoenix Zoo (hereafter Phoenix Zoo) developed an ex-situ captive breeding management plan for T. rufipunctatus, with the aim to propagate and release individual T. rufipunctatus back into their native range (Blais and others, 2022). We sequenced 125 microsatellite loci to generate genetic toolsets to track pedigree and assess paternity and sibship relationships for this captive breeding program. Specifically, we used microsatellite loci to assign paternity and relatedness among eight litters composed of multiple female and male snakes born between 2014 and 2023 at the Phoenix Zoo breeding facility. We also completed sibship analysis for six wild gartersnakes collected from Canyon Creek, Arizona, that were brought into the Phoenix Zoo breeding facility in 2017 and 2018.
Widespread occurrence of former anhydrite phenocrysts in Laramide-age magmas related to porphyry-skarn Cu mineralization at Santa Rita and Hanover-Fierro, New Mexico, USA
Released January 09, 2025 07:56 EST
2025, Journal of Petrology
Andreas Audétat, Jia Chang, Sean Patrick Gaynor
Reports of magmatic anhydrite are relatively rare, with only ~30 occurrences documented worldwide so far. However, magmatic anhydrite saturation is difficult to recognize because anhydrite decomposes rapidly in near-surface environments. In most cases, only anhydrite inclusions shielded within other phenocryst phases were able to survive. Alternatively, since anhydrite phenocrysts preserved in fresh volcanic rocks are characteristically intergrown with apatite phenocrysts, the former presence of anhydrite phenocrysts can be recognized based on the occurrence of lath-shaped cavities that show a strong spatial association with apatite phenocrysts. These cavities can be either empty or filled with low-temperature, secondary minerals such as zeolites, carbonates, or microcrystalline silica. A systematic search for the occurrence of such cavities, combined with optical and Raman-spectroscopic identification of anhydrite inclusions preserved within apatite, hornblende and quartz phenocrysts, demonstrates that most of the Laramide-age magmas associated with the Santa Rita and Hanover-Fierro porphyry-skarn Cu (Zn, Mo, Au, Pb) deposits were saturated in magmatic anhydrite. The anhydrite typically coexisted with monosulfide solid solution (MSS), suggesting oxygen fugacities of ~2.0±0.5 log units above the fayalite-magnetite-quartz buffer. The magmas range from andesitic to rhyodacitic in composition, and from shortly pre-mineralization (~61 Ma) to shortly post-mineralization (~57 Ma) in age. In three samples with particularly well-recognizable former anhydrite phenocrysts, their modal abundance could be quantified based on high-resolution scans of polished hand specimens. The observed modal anhydrite abundances of 0.63–1.8 vol% translate into minimum magma sulfur contents of 0.20–0.56 wt% S. The highest sulfur content of 0.56 wt% S is difficult to reconcile with available anhydrite solubility models, but it could be reproduced in an anhydrite solubility experiment performed at 950 °C and 1.15 GPa on a natural latite containing 13.1 wt% dissolved H2O. The sample with the second-highest sulfur content of 0.26 wt% S requires ~10 wt% H2O in the silicate melt, and, consequently, a minimum pressure of ~0.5 GPa. Taken together, the results suggest that the magmas of the Central Mining District were extremely hydrous and thus originated from great depth. Indeed, their major element compositions and reconstructed H2O and S contents agree well with experimentally observed and numerically predicted compositions of residual silicate melts after 50–70 wt% crystallization of ordinary arc basalts at high pressure and high oxygen fugacities.
Physicochemical properties and bioreactivity of sub-10 µm geogenic particles: Comparison of volcanic ash and desert dust
Released January 08, 2025 09:59 EST
2025, GeoHealth (9)
Ines Tomašek, Julia Eychenne, David Damby, Adrian Hornby, Manolis N Romanias, Severine Moune, Gaëlle Uzu, Federica Schiavi, Maeva Dole, Emmanuel Gardes, Mickael Laumonier, Clara Gorce, Regine Minet-Quinard, Julie Durif, Corinne Belville, Ousmane Traore, Loic Blanchon, Vincent Sapin
Exposure to ambient particulate matter (PM) with an aerodynamic diameter of <10 μm (PM10) is a well-established health hazard. There is increasing evidence that geogenic (Earth-derived) particles can induce adverse biological effects upon inhalation, though there is high variability in particle bioreactivity that is associated with particle source and physicochemical properties. In this study, we investigated physicochemical properties and biological reactivity of volcanic ash from the April 2021 eruption of La Soufrière volcano, St. Vincent, and two desert dust samples: a standardized test dust from Arizona and an aeolian Gobi Desert dust sampled in China. We determined particle size, morphology, mineralogy, surface texture and chemistry in sub-10 μm material to investigate associations between particle physicochemical properties and observed bioreactivity. We assessed cellular responses (cytotoxic and pro-inflammatory effects) to acute particle exposures (24 hr) in monocultures at the air-liquid interface using two types of cells of the human airways: BEAS-2B bronchial epithelial cells and A549 alveolar type II epithelial cells. In acellular assays, we also assessed particle oxidative potential and the presence of microorganisms. The results showed that volcanic ash and desert dust exhibit intrinsically different particle morphology, surface textures and chemistry, and variable mineralogical content. We found that Gobi Desert dust is more bioreactive than freshly erupted volcanic ash and Arizona test dust, which is possibly linked to the presence of microorganisms (bacteria) and/or nanoscale elongated silicate minerals (potentially clay such as illite or vermiculite) on particle surfaces.
Estimating the social and economic consequences of proposed management alternatives at the National Elk Refuge
Released January 08, 2025 09:40 EST
2025, Scientific Investigations Report 2024-5119-E
Margaret C. McEachran, Andrew Don Carlos, Gavin G. Cotterill, Eric K. Cole, Jonathan D. Cook
The National Elk Refuge (Refuge) is managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and includes habitats for bison and elk. Bison and elk provide opportunities for wildlife-related recreation and contribute to the tourism industry in and around Jackson, Wyoming. Over the last century, the Refuge has provisioned supplemental feed to elk and, more recently, bison during winter months to ensure adequate forage and prevent starvation and conflict with private landowners. However, supplemental feeding artificially aggregates animals and can increase rates of disease transmission and localized damage to sensitive habitats near the feeding areas. This report presents analyses and results to support two of the nine management objectives in the next “Bison and Elk Management Plan,” with a particular focus on the social and economic consequences of five management alternatives considered in this study. The alternatives are to continue feeding bison and elk during winter months on the Refuge, stop feeding after CWD is measured at 3 percent prevalence or above in the Jackson elk herd, stop feeding immediately, reduce feeding for five years and then stop feeding, and increase elk harvest for five years and then stop feeding. These alternatives are anticipated to alter bison and elk population and space-use dynamics, with corresponding effects on wildlife-related recreation and tourism, including the number of visitors and sleigh-ride participants on the Refuge, and hunters and outfitters within the Jackson Elk Herd Unit. The performance of each of this study’s alternatives was variable, resulting in overlap in the performance of alternatives on the select objectives over the next 20 years. Generally, visitation-related objectives performed better under the continue feeding alternative, whereas hunting-related objectives performed better under the increase harvest alternative. The results presented here may assist U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service decision makers in balancing social and economic benefits identified in the decision-making process for the “Bison and Elk Management Plan” with other objectives evaluated in this report.
Decision framing overview and performance of management alternatives for bison and elk feedground management at the National Elk Refuge in Jackson, Wyoming
Released January 08, 2025 09:40 EST
2025, Scientific Investigations Report 2024-5119-A
Jonathan D. Cook, Gavin G. Cotterill, Margaret C. McEachran, Tabitha A. Graves, Eric K. Cole, Paul C. Cross
This report was developed to evaluate the performance of a set of proposed alternatives for Cervus elaphus canadensis (elk) and Bison bison (bison) management at the National Elk Refuge in Wyoming, U.S.A., and to inform a National Environmental Policy Act Environmental Impact Statement focused on developing the next “Bison and Elk Management Plan” (BEMP). The U.S. Geological Survey facilitated a structured decision-making process for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to develop the alternatives and the criteria (performance metrics) for evaluating the alternatives.
Chapter A (this chapter) provides scoping details of the “BEMP”, a summary of the 19 metrics that are used to evaluate the performance of each of 5 alternatives, and methodological details of 2 performance metrics that were not covered in other technical chapters. Additional technical details, results, and interpretations are briefly covered in this chapter, but are mostly contained in chapters B–E.
Predictions of elk and chronic wasting disease dynamics at the National Elk Refuge in Jackson, Wyoming, and surrounding areas
Released January 08, 2025 09:40 EST
2025, Scientific Investigations Report 2024-5119-B
Paul C. Cross, Jonathan D. Cook, Eric K. Cole
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Elk Refuge (NER) in Jackson, Wyoming, supplementally feeds Cervus elaphus canadensis (elk) and Bison bison (American bison) during winter months, but the costs and benefits of this management strategy are being reevaluated considering the potential effects of chronic wasting disease (CWD) on elk. U.S. Geological Survey scientists worked with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on a structured decision-making process that considered five alternative feeding strategies and their effects on bison, elk, and humans. This chapter focuses on elk population dynamics and CWD using computer models. Our modeling results highlight a short- versus long-term tradeoff between the continue feeding and no feeding alternatives. Management alternatives associated with a cessation of supplemental feeding were assumed to make elk more susceptible to severe winters, resulting in initially lower population sizes and less CWD transmission. The increased CWD prevalence and transmission associated with the continue feeding alternative resulted in lower elk population sizes by year 20 (mean=6,700, standard deviation=1,600 in the analysis area) in 70 percent of simulations compared to no feeding (mean=8,400, standard deviation=1,500). No feeding alternatives resulted in higher elk populations than the continue feeding alternative between years 7 and 13 when CWD prevalence exceeded 20 percent in the Jackson elk herd. The increased harvest alternative minimized CWD and natural mortality in 83 out of 100 simulations compared to the continue feeding alternative.
Evaluating elk distribution and conflict under proposed management alternatives at the National Elk Refuge in Jackson, Wyoming
Released January 08, 2025 09:40 EST
2025, Scientific Investigations Report 2024-5119-C
Gavin G. Cotterill, Paul C. Cross, Eric K. Cole, Jonathan D. Cook, Margaret C. Mceachran, Tabitha A. Graves
We evaluated measurable attributes describing the current and future distribution of Cervus elaphus canadensis (elk) across a region surrounding Jackson, Wyoming, for five feedground management alternatives proposed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as a revision to the 2007 “Bison and Elk Management Plan” of the National Elk Refuge. A resource selection function evaluated measurable attributes of interest to managers, including elk use of private property and sensitive habitat types at monthly timesteps and varying winter conditions. The study area boundaries were created through an expert elicitation process and consist of the Jackson Elk Herd Unit, Grand Teton National Park, the National Elk Refuge, and the northern third of the Fall Creek Elk Herd Unit. For each of the five alternatives, we distributed monthly elk numbers calculated in a concurrent analysis that simulated chronic wasting disease dynamics in this system for 20 years. Measurable attributes representing potential elk use of (1) private property, (2) cattle properties as an index of Brucella abortus risk, and sensitive habitats consisting of (3) Populus tremuloides Michx. (quaking aspen), (4) Populus angustifolia E. James (narrowleaf cottonwood), and (5) Salix L. (willow) in core winter use areas all closely followed the declines of elk abundance projected by the elk chronic wasting disease model. After 20 years, the continue feeding alternative ranked most favorably in terms of limiting elk days on private property and reducing brucellosis risk from elk to cattle because this alternative concentrated elk on the National Elk Refuge and resulted in the lowest elk population sizes. However, other management alternatives, including increase harvest and reduce feeding, tended to limit elk use of sensitive quaking aspen, narrowleaf cottonwood, and willow habitats during winter (December–April).
Bison population dynamics, harvest, and conflict potential under feedground management alternatives at the National Elk Refuge in Jackson, Wyoming
Released January 08, 2025 09:40 EST
2025, Scientific Investigations Report 2024-5119-D
Jonathan D. Cook, Margaret C. McEachran, Gavin G. Cotterill, Eric K. Cole
Bison bison (bison) were once abundant across North America but declined due to overharvesting in the late 1800s. The reintroduced population in and around Jackson, Wyoming has averaged 485 individuals between 2018–2023 and is the subject of a planning process to inform management strategies that will guide the U.S. Fish and Wildlife’s next “Bison and Elk Management Plan” for the National Elk Refuge. This small population may benefit from historical winter-feeding operations on the National Elk Refuge because those operations may increase overwinter survival and limit human-bison conflicts, which are the number of individual bison that engage in nuisance, damaging, or otherwise aggressive behaviors with humans and livestock, that may lead to culling and other sources of mortality (for example, vehicle collisions). To inform the next “Bison and Elk Management Plan,” the U.S. Geological Survey used a population model to evaluate five management alternatives for bison and Cervus elaphus canadensis (elk) feedground operations that included continuing the elk and bison feeding program, immediately stopping the feeding program, and three other alternatives that would phase out the feeding program after a period of time. The results indicate that the bison population would be expected to decline over the next 20 years under all alternatives that stop feeding bison on the refuge. Further, this decline would lead to an associated reduction in bison harvest opportunities for resident, nonresident, and Tribal hunters. Finally, human-bison conflicts would also be expected to increase under the no feeding alternatives because bison may venture onto private lands in greater numbers if feed is not provisioned during winter months. In combination, these effects suggest that feeding may lead to better outcomes for bison over the next 20 years; however, these effects may be traded off against other downsides of the feedground program, such as increased rates of animal-to-animal contact on feedgrounds that can lead to disease transmission.
Decision analysis in support of the National Elk Refuge bison and elk management plan
Released January 08, 2025 09:40 EST
2025, Scientific Investigations Report 2024-5119
Jonathan D. Cook, Paul C. Cross, editor(s)
This report was developed to evaluate the performance of a set of proposed alternatives for Cervus elaphus canadensis (elk) and Bison bison (bison) management at the National Elk Refuge (NER) in Wyoming, U.S.A., and to inform a National Environmental Policy Act Environmental Impact Statement focused on developing the next “Bison and Elk Management Plan” (BEMP). The U.S. Geological Survey facilitated a structured decision-making process for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to develop the alternatives and the criteria (performance metrics) for evaluating the alternatives. Chapter A provides scoping details of the report, a summary of the 19 metrics that are used to evaluate the performance of each of 5 alternatives, and methodological details of 2 performance metrics that were not covered in other technical chapters. Chapter B analyzes elk population and chronic wasting disease dynamics under the five alternatives. Chapter C evaluates elk space-use based on data collected from global positioning system collars on elk and expert elicitation for scenarios with limited data. Chapter D evaluates bison population dynamics, conflict, and harvest patterns under the five alternatives. Chapter E assesses social and economic consequences. The alternatives are anticipated to have varying affects on bison and elk population abundance and private land use, wildlife-related recreation and tourism, and hunters and outfitters in the region. Each chapter was developed under advisement of a technical team, made up science experts from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service, and Wyoming Game and Fish Department.
The importance of peripheral populations in the face of novel environmental change
Released January 08, 2025 09:10 EST
2025, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Biological Sciences (292)
Samantha Hoff, Joseph R. Hoyt, Kate E. Langwig, Luanne Johnson, Elizabeth Olson, Danielle O’Dell, Casey Pendergast, Carl J. Herzog, Katy L. Parise, Jeffrey T. Foster, Wendy Christine Turner
Anthropogenically driven environmental change has imposed substantial threats on biodiversity, including the emergence of infectious diseases that have resulted in declines of wildlife globally. In response to pathogen invasion, maintaining diversity within host populations across heterogenous environments is essential to facilitating species persistence. White-nose syndrome is an emerging fungal pathogen that has caused mass mortalities of hibernating bats across North America. However, in the northeast, peripheral island populations of the endangered northern myotis (Myotis septentrionalis) appear to be persisting despite infection while mainland populations in the core of the species range have experienced sharp declines. Thus, this study investigated host and environmental factors that may contribute to divergent population responses. We compared patterns of pathogen exposure and infection intensity between populations and documented the environmental conditions and host activity patterns that may promote survival despite disease invasion. For island populations, we found lower prevalence and less severe infections, possibly due to a shorter hibernation duration compared to the mainland, which may reduce the time for disease progression. The coastal region of the northern myotis range may serve as habitat refugia that enables this species to persist despite pathogen exposure; however, conservation efforts could be critical to supporting species survival in the long term.
Diverging trends in nitrate and phosphorus loads and yields across Illinois watersheds, 1997–2022
Released January 08, 2025 09:02 EST
2025, Preprint
Brock Jacob Watson Kamrath, Jennifer C. Murphy, Lindsey Ayn Schafer, Hannah Lee Podzorski, Gregory F. McIsaac
Illinois is a major contributor of nutrients to the northern Gulf of Mexico. As such, the State of Illinois initiated efforts to curb nutrient runoff over the last several decades. To evaluate progress towards these reductions, water-quality data were used to estimate incremental loads and yields of nitrate plus nitrite (NO3) and total phosphorus (TP) from 1997–2022 for 49 Illinois watersheds, defined using eight-digit hydrologic unit codes (HUC8), draining to the Mississippi River Basin. To estimate changes in NO3 and TP loads, recent loads from the period 2018 through 2022 were compared to baseline loads from 1997 through 2011. Nonpoint and point source loads, dissolved phosphorus (DP) loads, and water yields were also estimated. The sum of the incremental NO3 loads from the 49 HUC8s decreased 9% despite a 19% increase in water yield. Much of this decline occurred in HUC8s that had NO3 yields greater than 17 pounds per acre per year (lbs/acre/yr) during a 1997–2011 baseline period. The sum of all incremental HUC8 TP loads increased 25% despite a 27% reduction in point source discharge. Loads and yields were substantially larger for both NO3 and TP in the Chicago area. Outside the Chicago area, central and northern Illinois had higher NO3 yields than southern Illinois and a reverse pattern for TP where higher yields occur in southern Illinois. Nonpoint sources made up an estimated 82% and 78% of the NO3 and TP yields, respectively, across the HUC8s. In general, point source yields have mostly decreased over time, while nonpoint source yields varied depending on location and reflect the changes in the total yield.
Common Terns (Sterna hirundo) use of a staging site in the Chesapeake Bay
Released January 08, 2025 08:31 EST
2025, Northeastern Naturalist (31) 555-564
Benjamin Springer, Jeffery D. Sullivan, Diann J. Prosser, Kyle Rambo, J. Jordan Price
In 2021, we initiated fieldwork to assess the relative importance of a staging area for Sterna hirundo (Common Tern) at a pier at the confluence of the Patuxent River and Chesapeake Bay, MD. During the post-breeding periods of 2021 through 2023, we resighted 378 banded Common Terns at this staging area, with individuals originating from 6 breeding colonies. Most banded individuals were from Poplar Island, a major nesting site 50 km north of the pier, with up to 37% of that island's annual hatch-year population observed at this staging area. Additionally, biologists have previously observed staging terns at this site, suggesting these observations do not reflect a change in the species' behavior within the region. Cumulatively, our data suggest that this habitat acts as an important staging area for the Chesapeake Bay's Common Tern population, particularly for those nesting on Poplar Island.
Groundwater-storage change in the north Phoenix aquifer, Arizona, 2020–23
Released January 07, 2025 14:39 EST
2025, Scientific Investigations Report 2024-5120
Jeffrey R. Kennedy
The city of Phoenix, Arizona, relies primarily on surface water for municipal water supply. The city also maintains wells to withdraw groundwater, particularly in times of drought and reduced surface-water supply, and to recharge groundwater when excess surface water is available. As of 2023, withdrawals from the aquifer in the northeastern part of the city are a small volume of water, less than 3,000 acre-feet in most years. Each year a similar volume of water is recharged through injection wells. The withdrawal wells are permitted to produce in total more than 20,000 acre-feet per year; increased pumping could lead to future groundwater-storage declines.
To better understand groundwater-storage change in the north Phoenix aquifer, a repeat microgravity monitoring network was established in 2020. Measurements of changes in Earth’s gravity provide a direct, non-invasive measurement of subsurface mass change. Groundwater-storage changes were small during the 2020–23 study period, consistent with the relatively small volumes of pumping and recharge. Groundwater levels measured in monitoring wells were stable or increased slightly during this period, although the number of monitoring wells within the area of the gravity monitoring network is sparse. In total, about 15,000 acre-feet of water were pumped and 31,000 acre-feet recharged through injection in the north Phoenix aquifer during the 2020–22 period. Within the monitored area, groundwater storage increased by a small amount, about 1,000 acre-feet, in 2020, and decreased by a larger amount, about 6,000 acre-feet, each year in 2021 and 2022. Storage decreased at 89 of 102 stations from 2020 to 2023. Groundwater-storage decreases greater than the volume of net pumping indicate down-gradient subflow from the aquifer is greater than recharge plus incoming subflow, drying of the unsaturated zone resulting from decreased land-surface recharge, or both.
At present (2023), the aquifer appears able to store and supply the relatively small amounts of water needed without excessive drawdown or harmful effects, such as land subsidence and surface inundation. If pumping or recharge increases in the future, the established repeat microgravity network is well suited to capture the spatial extent and magnitude of groundwater-storage changes in the aquifer.
Map of topographic lineaments interpreted as recent surface ruptures along the Bennett Valley and Southern Maacama Fault Zones, Sonoma County, California
Released January 07, 2025 13:37 EST
2025, Scientific Investigations Map 3529
Suzanne Hecker
This study documents lidar-illuminated topographic lineaments interpreted as evidence of recent surface fault ruptures and surface ruptures related to distributed deformation along the Bennett Valley Fault Zone and the southernmost Maacama Fault Zone in the northern San Francisco Bay area (fig. 1, on map sheet). Together, these fault zones form a structural connection across a right stepover between the main Maacama Fault Zone and the Rodgers Creek Fault, overlapping principal strands of the San Andreas plate boundary system north of San Francisco Bay (figs. 1, 2, on map sheet) that accommodate about a quarter of the ~40 millimeters per year of regional dextral tectonic slip (Parsons and others, 2013).
Although much of the Bennett Valley Fault Zone is seismically active (McLaughlin and others, 2012; Sowers and others, 2010), only the north end of the fault zone (the “Spring Valley strand,” indicated on southern map panel of map sheet and labeled “D” in figure 2, on map sheet) was previously known to have youthful geomorphic expression and to displace Holocene deposits (McLaughlin and others, 2008; Sowers and others, 2010; Sowers and others, 2016). Holocene activity along the length of the Bennett Valley Fault Zone and southernmost Maacama Fault Zone, with possible implications for rupture propagation, continuity, and slip transfer, had not been identified. However, fault splays that project eastward from the Rodgers Creek Fault have been mapped and hypothesized to accommodate slip transfer to the Bennett Valley Fault Zone (Hecker and Randolph Loar, 2018). The generally subtle and distributed nature of surface-rupture evidence along the Bennett Valley and southernmost Maacama Fault Zones, and extensive vegetation cover, had left recent faulting previously unmapped along most of the zone.
The map presented here represents a new compilation of inferred surface-rupture features detected using high-resolution topographic lidar data from an airborne lidar survey of Sonoma County, California (OpenTopography, 2014). These data, which enable subtle topographic features to be discerned, indicate that recent (likely Holocene) surface ruptures extend throughout the Bennett Valley and southernmost Maacama Fault Zones.
The rupture-lineament map was created using a GIS (geographic information system) framework and is included herein as an image map at a scale of 1:36,000 and as digital datasets (included as supplemental information to this report). The mapping is intended to lay the groundwork for future studies designed to better characterize how plate-boundary slip is accommodated on this important and complex system of faults.
Exploring management and environment effects on edge-of-field phosphorus losses with linear mixed models
Released January 07, 2025 10:32 EST
2025, Journal of Environmental Quality
Kelsey Krueger, Anita Thompson, Qiang Li, Amber Radatz, Eric Cooley, Todd D. Stuntebeck, Christopher J. Winslow, Emily Oldfield, Matthew Ruark
Evaluating how weather, farm management, and soil conditions impact phosphorus (P) loss from agricultural sites is essential for improving our waterways in agricultural watersheds. In this study, rainfall characteristics, manure application timing, tillage, surface condition, and soil test phosphorus (STP) were analyzed to determine their effects on total phosphorus (TP) and dissolved phosphorus (DP) loss using 125 site-years of runoff data collected by the University of Wisconsin Discovery Farms and Discovery Farms Minnesota. Three linear mixed models (LMMs) were then used to evaluate the influence of those factors on TP and DP losses: (1) a model that included all runoff events, (2) manured sites only, and (3) precipitation events only. Results show that the timing of manure application relative to the timing of a runoff event only had a marginal association with P loads and concentrations, although the majority of the runoff events were collected after 10 days of manure application. Tillage was as influential factor, with greater DP loads and concentrations associated with no-till, especially during frozen conditions. Fields in this study had high STP values, but the model results only showed positive associations between DP load and DP flow-weighted mean concentration (FWMC) loss at the 0- to 15-cm depth. The precipitation event LMM (which included precipitation characteristics) was the model that resulted in the largest R2 value. While the predictive capacity of the LMMs was low, they did illuminate the relative importance of management and environmental variables on P loss, and can be used to guide future research on P loss in this region.
Post-fire sediment yield from a western Sierra Nevada watershed burned by the 2021 Caldor Fire
Released January 07, 2025 09:27 EST
2025, Earth and Space Science (12)
Amy E. East, Joshua B. Logan, Peter Dartnell, Helen Willemien Dow, Donald N. Lindsay, David B. Cavagnaro
Watershed sediment yield commonly increases after wildfire, often causing negative impacts to downstream infrastructure and water resources. Post-fire erosion is important to understand and quantify because it is increasingly placing water supplies, habitat, communities, and infrastructure at risk as fire regimes intensify in a warming climate. However, measurements of post-fire sediment mobilization are lacking from many regions. We measured sediment yield from a forested, heavily managed 25.4-km2 watershed in the western Sierra Nevada, California, over 2 years following the 2021 Caldor Fire, by repeat mapping of a reservoir where sediment accumulated from terrain with moderate to high soil burn severity. Sediment yield was less than the geochronology-derived long-term average in the first year post-fire (conservatively estimated at 21.8–28.0 t/km2), low enough to be difficult to measure with uncrewed airborne system (UAS) and bathymetric sonar survey methods that are most effective at detecting larger sedimentary signals. In the second year post-fire the sediment delivery was 1,560–2,010 t/km2, an order of magnitude above long-term values, attributable to greater precipitation and intensive salvage logging. Hillslope erosion simulated by the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) model overestimated the measured amount by a factor of 90 in the first year and in the second year by a factor (1.9) that aligned with previously determined model performance in northern California. We encourage additional field studies, and validation of erosion models where feasible, to further expand the range of conditions informing post-fire hazard assessments and management decisions.
Exposure, sensitivity, or adaptive capacity? Reviewing assessments that use only two of three elements of climate change vulnerability
Released January 07, 2025 09:20 EST
2025, Conservation Science and Practice (7)
Amanda A. Hyman, Erin R. Crone, Abigail Benson, Jason B. Dunham, Abigail Lynch, Laura Thompson, Meryl C. Mims
As climate change accelerates, understanding which species are most vulnerable and why they are vulnerable will be vital to inform conservation action. Climate change vulnerability assessments (CCVAs) are tools to assess species' responses to climate change, detect drivers of vulnerability, and inform conservation planning. CCVAs are commonly composed of three elements: exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity. Incorporating all three elements can be challenging, and including only two of the three elements may be a more feasible approach in many systems. Although two-element CCVA approaches have become more common, their utility and procedures remain poorly documented. We conducted a literature review to explore the scope, methods, and rationale of CCVAs that use a two-element approach to assess vertebrate vulnerability. Despite the potential to expand CCVAs into understudied systems, two-element assessments had similar geographic and taxonomic biases as those previously detected in CCVAs in general. Methods varied, yet we found that variables used in two-element studies could be condensed into standardized categories to enhance comparability. Finally, limitations in data availability and computational resources were common rationales for using a two-element approach. By clarifying the purposes, opportunities, and limitations of two-element assessment, this review can aid in selecting appropriate methods for CCVAs.
A landscape-scale view of soil organic matter dynamics
Released January 07, 2025 08:53 EST
2025, Nature Reviews Earth & Environment (6) 67-81
Sebastian Doetterl, Asmeret Asefaw Berhe, Katherine Heckman, Corey Lawrence, Jörg Schnecker, Rodrigo Vargas, Cordula Vogel, Rota Wagai
Soil carbon is an important component of the terrestrial carbon cycle and could be augmented through improved soil management to mitigate climate change. However, data gaps for numerous regions and a lack of understanding of the heterogeneity of biogeochemical processes across diverse soil landscapes hinder the development of large-scale representations of soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics. In this Perspective, we outline how understanding soil formation processes and complexity at the landscape scale can inform predictions of soil organic matter (SOM) cycling and soil carbon sequestration. Long-term alterations of the soil matrix caused by weathering and soil redistribution vary across climate zones and ecosystems, but particularly with the structure of landscapes at the regional scale. Thus, oversimplified generalizations that assume that the drivers of SOM dynamics can be scaled directly from local to global regimes and vice versa leads to large uncertainties in global projections of soil C stocks. Data-driven models with enhanced coverage of underrepresented regions, particularly where soils are physicochemically distinct and environmental change is most rapid, are key to understanding C turnover and stabilization at landscape scales to better predict global soil carbon dynamics.
Invited perspectives: Integrating hydrologic information into the next generation of landslide early warning systems
Released January 07, 2025 08:12 EST
2025, Natural Hazards and Earth Systems Sciences (NHESS) (25) 169-182
Benjamin B. Mirus, Thom Bogaard, Roberto Greco, Manfred Stähli
Although rainfall-triggered landslides are initiated by subsurface hydro-mechanical processes related to the loading, weakening, and eventual failure of slope materials, most landslide early warning systems (LEWS) have relied solely on rainfall event information. In previous decades, several studies demonstrated the value of integrating proxies for subsurface hydrologic information to improve rainfall-based forecasting of shallow landslides. More recently, broader access to commercial sensors and telemetry for real-time data transmission has invigorated new research into hydrometeorological thresholds for LEWS. Given the increasing number of studies across the globe using hydrologic monitoring, mathematical modeling, or both in combination, it is now possible to make some insights into the advantages versus limitations of this approach. The extensive progress demonstrates the value of in situ hydrologic information for reducing both failed and false alarms, through the ability to characterize infiltration during, as well as the drainage and drying processes between major storm events. There are also some areas for caution surrounding the long-term sustainability of subsurface monitoring in landslide-prone terrain, as well as unresolved questions in hillslope hydrologic modeling, which relies heavily on the assumptions of diffuse flow and vertical infiltration but often ignores preferential flow and lateral drainage. Here, we share a collective perspective based on our previous collaborative work across Europe, North America, Africa, and Asia to discuss these challenges and provide some guidelines for integrating knowledge of hydrology and climate into the next generation of LEWS. We propose that the greatest opportunity for improvement is through a measure-and-model approach to develop an understanding of landslide hydro-climatology that accounts for local controls on subsurface storage dynamics. Additionally, new efforts focused on the subsurface hydrology are complementary to existing rainfall-based methods, so leveraging these with near-term precipitation forecasts is a priority for increasing lead times.
Understanding the influence of image enhancement on underwater object detection: A quantitative and qualitative study
Released January 07, 2025 08:07 EST
2025, Remote Sensing (17)
Ashraf Saleem, Ali Awad, Sidike Paheding, Evan Lucas, Timothy C. Havens, Peter C. Esselman
Underwater image enhancement is often perceived as a disadvantageous process to object detection. We propose a novel analysis of the interactions between enhancement and detection, elaborating on the potential of enhancement to improve detection. In particular, we evaluate object detection performance for each individual image rather than across the entire set to allow a direct performance comparison of each image before and after enhancement. This approach enables the generation of unique queries to identify the outperforming and underperforming enhanced images compared to the original images. To accomplish this, we first produce enhanced image sets of the original images using recent image enhancement models. Each enhanced set is then divided into two groups: (1) images that outperform or match the performance of the original images and (2) images that underperform. Subsequently, we create mixed original-enhanced sets by replacing underperforming enhanced images with their corresponding original images. Next, we conduct a detailed analysis by evaluating all generated groups for quality and detection performance attributes. Finally, we perform an overlap analysis between the generated enhanced sets to identify cases where the enhanced images of different enhancement algorithms unanimously outperform, equally perform, or underperform the original images. Our analysis reveals that, when evaluated individually, most enhanced images achieve equal or superior performance compared to their original counterparts. The proposed method uncovers variations in detection performance that are not apparent in a whole set as opposed to a per-image evaluation because the latter reveals that only a small percentage of enhanced images cause an overall negative impact on detection. We also find that over-enhancement may lead to deteriorated object detection performance. Lastly, we note that enhanced images reveal hidden objects that were not annotated due to the low visibility of the original images.