Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Asynchronous movement patterns between breeding and stopover locations in a long-distance migratory songbird, 2024, Avian Conservation and Ecology (19) - 2
- Annual migratory movement, apparent molt-migration, migration schedule, and diffuse migratory connectivity of Hermit Warblers, 2024, Avian Conservation and Ecology (19) - 2
- Geolocators, stable isotopes, and citizen science identify migratory timing, route, and spring molt of Smith’s Longspurs, 2024, Avian Conservation and Ecology (19) - 1
- Abundance of Long-billed Curlews on military lands in the Columbia Basin, 2024, Avian Conservation and Ecology (19) - 1
- Response of corvid nest predators to thinning: implications for balancing short- and long-term goals for restoration of forest habitat, 2024, Avian Conservation and Ecology (19) - 1
- Full-service hotels, convenience stores, or fire escapes? Evaluating the functional role of stopover sites for Neotropical migrants following passage across the Gulf of Mexico in autumn, 2023, Avian Conservation and Ecology (18) - 2
- Survival of Common Loon chicks appears unaffected by Bald Eagle recovery in northern Minnesota, 2023, Avian Conservation and Ecology (18) - 1
- Pre-breeding foraging ecology of three tern species nesting in the Gulf of Maine, 2022, Avian Conservation and Ecology (17) - 1
- Secretive marsh bird habitat associations in the Mississippi Flyway: A meta-analysis, 2021, Avian Conservation and Ecology (16) - 2
- The abundance of Greater Sage-Grouse as a proxy for the abundance of sagebrush-associated songbirds in Wyoming, USA, 2020, Avian Conservation and Ecology (15) - 2
- Movement ecology and habitat use differences in Black Scoters wintering along the Atlantic coast, 2020, Avian Conservation and Ecology (15) - 2
- Winter carry-over effects on spring body condition driven by agricultural subsidies to Lesser Snow Geese (Anser caersulscens caerulescens), 2020, Avian Conservation and Ecology (15) - 2
- Monitoring boreal avian populations: How can we estimate trends and trajectories from noisy data?, 2019, Avian Conservation and Ecology (14) - 2
- Residency, recruitment, and stopover duration of hatch-year Roseate Terns (Sterna dougallii) during the pre-migratory staging period, 2019, Avian Conservation and Ecology (14) - 2
- Trade-offs relating to grassland and forest mine reclamation approaches in the central Appalachian region and its implications for the songbird community, 2019, Avian Conservation and Ecology (14) - 1
- Spatio-temporal population change of Arctic-breeding waterbirds on the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska, 2019, Avian Conservation and Ecology (14) - 1
- Diurnal habitat selection of migrating Whooping Crane in the Great Plains, 2019, Avian Conservation and Ecology (14) - 1
- Estimating uncertainty of North American landbird population sizes, 2019, Avian Conservation and Ecology (14) - 1
- Patch and landscape responses of bird abundance to fragmentation in agroecosystems of east-central Argentina, 2018, Avian Conservation and Ecology (13) - 2
- Density estimation of sound-producing terrestrial animals using single automatic acoustic recorders and distance sampling, 2018, Avian Conservation and Ecology (13) - 2
- Assessing range-wide habitat suitability for the Lesser Prairie-Chicken, 2016, Avian Conservation and Ecology (11) - 1
- Density dependence and phenological mismatch: consequences for growth and survival of sub-arctic nesting Canada Geese, 2015, Avian Conservation and Ecology (10) - 1
- Variables associated with nest survival of Golden-winged Warblers (Vermivora chrysoptera) among vegetation communities commonly used for nesting, 2015, Avian Conservation and Ecology (10) - 1
- Age-specific survival of male golden-cheeked warblers on the Fort Hood Military Reservation, Texas, 2014, Avian Conservation and Ecology (9) - 2
- Drought and cooler temperatures are associated with higher nest survival in Mountain Plovers, 2012, Avian Conservation and Ecology (7) - 1
- Use of occupancy models to evaluate expert knowledge-based species-habitat relationships, 2012, Avian Conservation and Ecology (7) - 2
- Nest survival of American Coots relative to grazing, burning, and water depths, 2011, Avian Conservation and Ecology (6) - 2