Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- In situ allelopathic expression by the invasive amphibious plant, Ludwigia hexapetala (water primrose) across habitat types, seasons, and salinities, 2024, Biological Invasions (26) -
- Use of otolith microchemistry to determine natal origin for Silver Carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix in the lower Mississippi River basin, 2024, Biological Invasions (26) -
- Risk of invasive waterfowl interaction with poultry production: Understanding potential for avian pathogen transmission via species distribution models, 2024, Biological Invasions (14) - 7
- Artificial intelligence applied to big data reveals that lake invasions are predicted by human traffic and co-occurring invasions, 2024, Biological Invasions (26) -
- Multi-scale effects of behavioral movement deterrents on invasive carp metapopulations, 2024, Biological Invasions (26) -
- Exploring and integrating differences in niche characteristics across regional and global scales to better understand plant invasions in Hawaiʻi, 2024, Biological Invasions (26) -
- When to target control efforts? Using novel GPS telemetry to quantify drivers of invasive Argentine black and white tegu (Salvator merianae) movement, 2024, Biological Invasions (26) -
- Non-native plant invasion after fire in western USA varies by functional type and with climate, 2024, Biological Invasions (26) -
- Assessing the suitability of YY males and ZZ females as an invasive species population control method across life histories, 2023, Biological Invasions (25) -
- Biophysical factors control invasive annual grass hot spots in the Mojave Desert, 2023, Biological Invasions (25) -
- Modeling habitat suitability across different levels of invasive plant abundance, 2023, Biological Invasions (25) -
- A multi-level modeling approach to guide management of female feral hogs in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, 2023, Biological Invasions (25) -
- Plant migration due to winter climate change: Range expansion of tropical invasive plants in response to warming winters, 2023, Biological Invasions (25) -
- Extracting exotic annual grass phenology and climate relations in western U.S. rangeland ecoregions, 2023, Biological Invasions (25) - 6
- Functional stability of vegetation following biocontrol of an invasive riparian shrub, 2023, Biological Invasions (25) -
- Elodea mediates juvenile salmon growth by altering physical structure in freshwater habitats, 2023, Biological Invasions (25) -
- A restructured Bayesian approach to estimate the abundance of a rare and invasive fish, 2023, Biological Invasions (25) -
- Landscape and connectivity metrics as a spatial tool to support invasive annual grass management decisions, 2023, Biological Invasions (25) -
- Environmental monitoring for invasive fungal pathogens of ʽŌhiʽa (Metrosideros polymorpha) on the Island of Hawaiʽi, 2023, Biological Invasions (25) -
- Establishment of invasive Black Carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus) in the Mississippi River basin: Identifying sources and year classes contributing to recruitment, 2022, Biological Invasions (24) -
- Modeling and estimating co-occurrence between the invasive Shiny Cowbird and its Puerto Rican hosts, 2022, Biological Invasions (24) -
- Diverse native island flora shows rapid initial passive recovery after exotic herbivore removal on Santa Rosa Island, California, 2022, Biological Invasions (24) -
- High densities of conspecifics buffer native fish from negative interactions with an ecologically similar invasive, 2022, Biological Invasions (24) -
- Climatic drivers and ecological impacts of a rapid range expansion by non-native smallmouth bass, 2022, Biological Invasions (24) -
- Patterns of post-fire invasion of semiarid shrub-steppe reveals a diversity of invasion niches within an exotic annual grass community, 2022, Biological Invasions (24) -
- Predicting non-native insect impact: Focusing on the trees to see the forest, 2021, Biological Invasions (23) -
- Timing and hydrological conditions associated with bigheaded carp movement past navigation dams on the upper Mississippi river, 2021, Biological Invasions (23) -
- Translational invasion ecology: Bridging research and practice to address one of the greatest threats to biodiversity, 2021, Biological Invasions (23) -
- Trait heritability and its implications for the management of an invasive vertebrate, 2021, Biological Invasions (23) -
- Intensity of grass invasion negatively correlated with population density and age structure of an endangered dune plant across its range, 2021, Biological Invasions (23) -
- Post-fire management targeting invasive annual grasses may have inadvertently released the exotic perennial forb Chondrilla juncea and suppressed its biocontrol agent, 2021, Biological Invasions (23) -
- Landscape level effects of invasive plants and animals on water infiltration through Hawaiian tropical forests, 2021, Biological Invasions (23) -
- Terrestrial and semi-aquatic scavengers on invasive Pacific pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) carcasses in a riparian ecosystem in northern Norway., 2021, Biological Invasions (23) -
- Lock operations influence upstream passages of invasive and native fishes at a Mississippi River high-head dam, 2021, Biological Invasions (23) -
- Sibship reconstruction with SNPs illuminates the scope of a cryptic invasion of Asian Swamp Eels (Monopterus albus) in Georgia, USA, 2021, Biological Invasions (23) -
- Regime change in a large-floodplain river ecosystem: Patterns in body-size and functional biomass indicate a shift in fish communities, 2020, Biological Invasions (22) - 12
- Citizen scientists record novel leaf phenology of invasive shrubs in eastern U.S. forests, 2020, Biological Invasions (22) -
- Laboratory trials to evaluate carbon dioxide as a potential behavioral control method for invasive red swamp (Procambarus clarkii) and rusty crayfish (Faxonius rusticus), 2020, Biological Invasions (11) - 2
- Combined effects of biological control of an invasive shrub and fluvial processes on riparian vegetation dynamics, 2020, Biological Invasions (22) -
- Climate-induced expansions of invasive species in the Pacific Northwest, North America: A synthesis of observations and projections, 2020, Biological Invasions (22) -
- Walleye growth declines following zebra mussel and Bythotrephes invasion, 2020, Biological Invasions (22) -
- Envisioning a national invasive species information framework, 2020, Biological Invasions (22) - 1
- Incorporating climate change into invasive species management: Insights from managers, 2020, Biological Invasions (22) -
- Relationships between soil macroinvertebrates and nonnative feral pigs (Sus scrofa) in Hawaiian tropical montane wet forests, 2019, Biological Invasions (22) -
- Development of a quantitative PCR method for screening ichthyoplankton samples for bigheaded carps, 2019, Biological Invasions (21) - 4
- Trophic plasticity and the invasion of a renowned piscivore: A diet synthesis of northern pike (Esox lucius) from the native and introduced ranges in Alaska, U.S.A., 2019, Biological Invasions (21) - 4
- The risk of rodent introductions from shipwrecks to seabirds on Aleutian and Bering Sea islands, 2018, Biological Invasions (20) - 9
- Influences of the invasive tamarisk leaf beetle (Diorhabda carinulata) on avian diets along the Dolores River in Southwestern Colorado USA, 2018, Biological Invasions (20) - 11
- Divergent effects of land-use, propagule pressure, and climate on woody riparian invasion, 2018, Biological Invasions (20) -
- Multistate models of bigheaded carps in the Illinois River reveal spatial dynamics of invasive species, 2018, Biological Invasions (20) - 11
- Assessing the efficacy of corn-based bait containing antimycin-a to control common carp populations using laboratory and pond experiments, 2018, Biological Invasions (20) - 7
- Establishment of the exotic invasive Cuban treefrog (Osteopilus septentrionalis) in Louisiana, 2018, Biological Invasions (20) - 10
- Managing an invasive corallimorph at Palmyra Atoll National Wildlife Refuge, Line Islands, Central Pacific, 2018, Biological Invasions (20) - 8
- Water guns affect abundance and behavior of bigheaded carp and native fish differently, 2018, Biological Invasions (20) - 5
- Riparian bird density decline in response to biocontrol of Tamarix from riparian ecosystems along the Dolores River in SW Colorado, USA, 2018, Biological Invasions (20) - 3
- Comparison of four modeling tools for the prediction of potential distribution for non-indigenous weeds in the United States, 2018, Biological Invasions (20) - 3
- Free-ranging domestic cats (Felis catus) on public lands: estimating density, activity, and diet in the Florida Keys, 2017, Biological Invasions (20) - 2
- Carbon dioxide as an under-ice lethal control for invasive fishes, 2017, Biological Invasions (19) - 9
- Range expansion by Passer montanus in North America, 2017, Biological Invasions (19) - 1
- Autumn olive (Elaeagnus umbellata) presence and proliferation on former surface coal mines in Eastern USA, 2017, Biological Invasions (19) - 1
- Evaluation of nutria (Myocastor coypus) detection methods in Maryland, USA, 2017, Biological Invasions (19) - 3
- The invasive ant, Solenopsis invicta, reduces herpetofauna richness and abundance, 2017, Biological Invasions (19) - 2
- Assessing conditions influencing the longitudinal distribution of exotic brown trout (Salmo trutta) in a mountain stream: a spatially-explicit modeling approach, 2017, Biological Invasions (19) - 2
- Conversion of native terrestrial ecosystems in Hawai‘i to novel grazing systems: a review, 2017, Biological Invasions (19) - 1
- Cryptic invasion of Northern Leopard Frogs (Rana pipiens) across phylogeographic boundaries and a dilemma for conservation of a declining amphibian, 2017, Biological Invasions (19) - 3
- Diversity of fungal endophytes in non-native Phragmites australis in the Great Lakes, 2016, Biological Invasions (18) - 9
- Applying the collective impact approach to address non-native species: A case study of the Great Lakes Phragmites Collaborative, 2016, Biological Invasions (18) - 9
- Evaluation of the functional roles of fungal endophytes of Phragmites australis from high saline and low saline habitats, 2016, Biological Invasions (18) - 9
- Betrayal: radio-tagged Burmese pythons reveal locations of conspecifics in Everglades National Park, 2016, Biological Invasions (18) - 11
- Does water chemistry limit the distribution of New Zealand mud snails in Redwood National Park?, 2016, Biological Invasions (18) - 6
- Factors affecting post-control reinvasion by seed of an invasive species, Phragmites australis, in the central Platte River, Nebraska., 2016, Biological Invasions (18) - 9
- Invasive pythons, not anthropogenic stressors, explain the distribution of a keystone species, 2016, Biological Invasions (18) - 11
- Non-native and native organisms moving into high elevation and high latitude ecosystems in an era of climate change: new challenges for ecology and conservation, 2016, Biological Invasions (18) - 2
- Adaptive invasive species distribution models: A framework for modeling incipient invasions, 2015, Biological Invasions (17) - 10
- Acoustical deterrence of Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), 2015, Biological Invasions (17) - 12
- Genetic characterization of hybridization between native and invasive bittersweet vines (Celastrus spp.), 2015, Biological Invasions (17) - 10
- Citizen science contributes to our knowledge of invasive plant species distributions, 2015, Biological Invasions (17) - 8
- Repeated landscape-scale treatments following fire suppress a non-native annual grass and promote recovery of native perennial vegetation, 2015, Biological Invasions (17) - 6
- The influence of disturbed habitat on the spatial ecology of Argentine black and white tegu (Tupinambis merianae), a recent invader in the Everglades ecosystem (Florida, USA), 2015, Biological Invasions (17) - 6
- Genetic analysis of invasive Asian Black Carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus) in the Mississippi River Basin: evidence for multiple introductions, 2015, Biological Invasions (17) - 1
- Tupinambis merianae as nest predators of crocodilians and turtles in Florida, USA, 2015, Biological Invasions (17) - 1
- Predicting spatial and temporal distribution of Indo-Pacific lionfish (Pterois volitans) in Biscayne Bay through habitat suitability modeling, 2014, Biological Invasions (17) - 6
- Competition between introduced and native spiders (Araneae: Linyphiidae), 2014, Biological Invasions (16) - 11
- Tidal and seasonal effects on survival rates of the endangered California clapper rail: Does invasive Spartina facilitate greater survival in a dynamic environment?, 2014, Biological Invasions (16) - 9
- Indirect effects of biocontrol of an invasive riparian plant (Tamarix) alters habitat and reduces herpetofauna abundance, 2014, Biological Invasions (17) - 1
- Testing for multiple invasion routes and source populations for the invasive brown treesnake (Boiga irregularis) on Guam: implications for pest management, 2014, Biological Invasions
- Colony social structure in native and invasive populations of the social wasp Vespula pensylvanica, 2014, Biological Invasions (16) - 2
- Invasive zebra mussels (Driessena polymorpha) and Asian clams (Corbicula fluminea) survive gut passage of migratory fish species: implications for dispersal, 2013, Biological Invasions (15) - 6
- Geographic range and structure of cryptic genetic diversity among Pacific North American populations of the non-native amphipod Grandidierella japonica, 2013, Biological Invasions (15) - 11
- Using prairie restoration to curtail invasion of Canada thistle: the importance of limiting similarity and seed mix richness, 2013, Biological Invasions (15) - 9
- Genetic analysis of a novel invasion of Puerto Rico by an exotic constricting snake, 2013, Biological Invasions (15) - 5
- Eastern mosquitofish resists invasion by nonindigenous poeciliids through agonistic behaviors, 2012, Biological Invasions (14) - 7
- Diet and conservation implications of an invasive chameleon, Chamaeleo jacksonii (Squamata: Chamaeleonidae) in Hawaii, 2012, Biological Invasions (14) - 3
- Persistence and extirpation in invaded landscapes: patch characteristics and connectivity determine effects of non-native predatory fish on native salamanders, 2012, Biological Invasions (15) - 3
- Range expansion of nonindigenous caribou in the Aleutianarchipelago of Alaska, 2012, Biological Invasions (14) - 9
- Edaphic, salinity, and stand structural trends in chronosequences of native and non-native dominated riparian forests along the Colorado River, USA, 2012, Biological Invasions (14) - 12
- The influence of chilling requirement on the southern distribution limit of exotic Russian olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia) in western North America, 2012, Biological Invasions (14) - 8
- Effects of resource availability and propagule supply on native species recruitment in sagebrush ecosystems invaded by Bromus tectorum, 2011, Biological Invasions (13) - 2
- Cold-induced mortality of invasive Burmese pythons in south Florida, 2011, Biological Invasions (13) - 1
- Widespread plant species: natives vs. aliens in our changing world, 2011, Biological Invasions (13) - 9
- Challenges of predicting the potential distribution of a slow-spreading invader: a habitat suitability map for an invasive riparian tree, 2011, Biological Invasions (13) - 1
- Natural and human dimensions of a quasi-wild species: The case of kudzu, 2011, Biological Invasions (13) - 10
- Evidence for predatory control of the invasive round goby, 2011, Biological Invasions (13) - 4
- Widespread plant species: Natives versus aliens in our changing world, 2011, Biological Invasions (13) - 9
- Expansion of tubenose gobies Proterorhinus semilunaris into western Lake Erie and potential effects on native species, 2011, Biological Invasions (13) - 12
- The bioinvasion of Guam: inferring geographic origin, pace, pattern and process of an invasive lizard (Carlia) in the Pacific using multi-locus genomic data, 2011, Biological Invasions (13) - 9
- Amplification and transport of an endemic fish disease by an introduced species, 2010, Biological Invasions (12) - 11
- Nitrogen-limitation and invasive sweetclover impacts vary between two Great Plains plant communities, 2010, Biological Invasions (12) - 8
- Are mangroves in the tropical Atlantic ripe for invasion? Exotic mangrove trees in the forests of South Florida, 2010, Biological Invasions (12) - 8
- Improving and integrating data on invasive species collected by citizen scientists, 2010, Biological Invasions (12) - 10
- Tolerance of nonindigenous cichlid fishes (Cichlasoma urophthalmus, Hemichromis letourneuxi) to low temperature: laboratory and field experiments in south Florida, 2010, Biological Invasions (12) - 8
- Competitive interactions between a native spider (Frontinella communis, Araneae: Linyphiidae) and an invasive spider (Linyphia triangularis, Araneae: Linyphiidae), 2010, Biological Invasions (12) - 4
- Invasion and production of New Zealand mud snails in the Colorado River, Glen Canyon, 2010, Biological Invasions (12) -
- Reproductive isolation and the expansion of an invasive hybrid swarm, 2010, Biological Invasions (12) - 8
- Structural changes in vegetation coincident with annual grass invasion negatively impacts sprint velocity of small vertebrates, 2010, Biological Invasions (12) -
- Does juvenile competition explain displacement of a native crayfish by an introduced crayfish?, 2009, Biological Invasions (11) - 3
- Non-native plant invasions of United States National parks, 2009, Biological Invasions (11) - 10
- Near term climate projections for invasive species distributions, 2009, Biological Invasions (11) - 6
- What parts of the US mainland are climatically suitable for invasive alien pythons spreading from Everglades National Park?, 2009, Biological Invasions (11) - 2
- Effects of an invasive plant on a desert sand dune landscape, 2009, Biological Invasions (11) - 3
- Habitat alteration increases invasive fire ant abundance to the detriment of amphibians and reptiles, 2008, Biological Invasions (10) - 4
- Soil modification by invasive plants: Effects on native and invasive species of mixed-grass prairies, 2008, Biological Invasions (10) - 2
- Red shiner invasion and hybridization with blacktail shiner in the upper Coosa River, USA, 2008, Biological Invasions (10) - 8
- Alien dominance of the parasitoid wasp community along an elevation gradient on Hawai'i Island, 2008, Biological Invasions (10) - 8
- Rapid growth of a Eurasian haplotype of Phragmites australis in a restored brackish marsh in Louisiana, USA, 2008, Biological Invasions (10) - 3
- Balancing data sharing requirements for analyses with data sensitivity, 2007, Biological Invasions (9) - 5
- Variation in the establishment of a non-native annual grass influences competitive interactions with Mojave Desert perennials, 2007, Biological Invasions (9) - 3
- Predicting yellow toadflax infestations in the Flat Tops Wilderness of Colorado, 2007, Biological Invasions (9) - 7
- When landscaping goes bad: The incipient invasion of Mahonia bealei in the southeastern United States, 2006, Biological Invasions (8) - 2
- A landscape perspective of the stream corridor invasion and habitat characteristics of an exotic (Dioscorea oppositifolia) in a pristine watershed in Illinois, 2006, Biological Invasions (8) - 5
- Species richness and patterns of invasion in plants, birds, and fishes in the United States, 2006, Biological Invasions (8) - 3
- Predictors of introduction success in the South Florida avifauna, 2006, Biological Invasions (8) - 3
- Host specificity of Sacculina carcini, a potential biological control agent of the introduced European green crab Carcinus maenas in California, 2005, Biological Invasions (7) -
- The introduced ribbed mussel (Geukensia demissa) in Estero de Punta Banda, Mexico: Interactions with the native cord grass, Spartina foliosa, 2005, Biological Invasions (7) - 4
- Invaders eating invaders: Exploitation of novel alien prey by the alien shimofuri goby in the San Francisco Estuary, California, 2005, Biological Invasions (7) - 3
- Spatial relationships between an introduced snapper and native goatfishes on Hawaiian reefs, 2005, Biological Invasions (7) - 6
- Red brome (Bromus rubens subsp. madritensis) in North America: Possible modes for early introductions, subsequent spread, 2005, Biological Invasions (7) - 2
- Dominance of non-native riparian trees in western USA, 2005, Biological Invasions (7) - 4
- The introduced ribbed mussel (Geukensia demissa) in Estero de Punta Banda, Mexico: Interactions with the native cord grass, Spartina foliosa, 2005, Biological Invasions (7) - 4
- Limiting spread of a unicolonial invasive insect and characterization of seasonal patterns of range expansion, 2004, Biological Invasions (6) - 1
- Mechanisms for dominance in an early successional old field by the invasive non-native Lespedeza cuneata (Dum. Cours.) G. Don, 2004, Biological Invasions (6) - 4
- Landscape determinants of nonindigenous fish invasions, 2001, Biological Invasions (3) -
- Patterns of plant invasions: A case example in native species hotspots and rare habitats, 2001, Biological Invasions (3) - 1
- Landscape determinants of nonindigenous fish invasions, 2001, Biological Invasions (3) - 4
- Release from parasites as natural enemies: increased performance of a globally introduced marine crab, 2001, Biological Invasions (3) - 4
- Habitat shift in invading species: Zebra and quagga mussel population characteristics on shallow soft substrates, 2000, Biological Invasions (2) - 1
- Empirical assessment of fish introductions in a subtropical wetland: An evaluation of contrasting views, 2000, Biological Invasions (2) - 4
- Habitat invasibility and dominance by alien annual plants in the western Mojave Desert, 1999, Biological Invasions (1) - 4