Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- First record of pughead deformity in the threatened Clear Lake Hitch, 2020, California Fish and Game (106) - 2
- Observations of the spawning ecology of the imperiled Clear Lake Hitch Lavinia exilicauda chi, 2019, California Fish and Game (105) - 4
- Biodiversity of amphibians and reptiles at the Camp Cady Wildlife Area, Mojave Desert, California and comparisons with other desert locations, 2018, California Fish and Game (104) - 3
- California mallards: a review, 2018, California Fish and Game (104) - 2
- Ground-nesting great horned owl in Suisun Marsh, California, 2018, California Fish and Game (104) - 4
- Environmental extremes and biotic interactions facilitate depredation of endangered California Ridgway’s rail in a San Francisco Bay tidal marsh, 2016, California Fish and Game (102) - 4
- A potential predator-prey interaction of an American badger and an Agassiz's desert tortoise with a review of badger predation on turtles, 2016, California Fish and Game (102) - 3
- Habitat selection and survival of pronghorn fawns at the Carrizo Plain National Monument, California, 2015, California Fish and Game (101) - 4
- Documentation of mountain lions in Marin County, California, 2010–2013, 2015, California Fish and Game (101) - 1
- Experimental enhancement of pickleweed, Suisun Bay, California, 2015, California Fish and Game (101) - 2
- Use of water developments by female elk at Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota, 2014, California Fish and Game (100) - 3
- Nest site characteristics, nesting movements, and lack of long-term nest site fidelity in Agassiz's desert tortoises at a wind energy facility in southern California, 2014, California Fish and Game (100) - 3
- Invertebrate assemblages in the lower Klamath River, with reference to Manayunkia speciosa, 2012, California Fish and Game (98) - 4
- Aerial survey estimates of fallow deer abundance, 2012, California Fish and Game (98) - 3
- Utilization by fishes of the Alviso Island ponds and adjacent waters in south san francisco bay following restoration to tidal influence, 2009, California Fish and Game (95) - 1
- When desert tortoises are rare: Testing a new protocol for assessing status, 2008, California Fish and Game (94) - 2
- Status of the desert tortoise in Red Rock Canyon State Park, 2008, California Fish and Game (94) - 2
- Relation between mortality of prickly sculpin and diurnal extremes in water quality at Rodeo Lagoon, Marin County, California, 2007, California Fish and Game (93) - 4
- Life history and ecological characteristics of the Santa Ana sucker, Catostomus santaanae, 2007, California Fish and Game (93) - 2
- Abundance and impacts of fallow deer leks at Point Reyes National Seashore, 2007, California Fish and Game (93) - 3
- Distribution of tui chub in the Cow Head basin, Nevada and California, 2006, California Fish and Game (92) - 2
- Pintail distribution and selection of marsh types at Mendota Wildlife Area during fall and winter, 2005, California Fish and Game (91) - 4
- Total mercury concentrations in fillets of bluegill, redear sunfish, largemouth bass, and other fishes from Lake Natoma, Sacramento County, California, 2005, California Fish and Game (91) - 3
- Change in area of winter-flooded and dry rice in the northern Central Valley of California determined by satellite imagery, 2005, California Fish and Game (91) - 3
- Persistence of identifiable remains of white sturgeon juveniles in digestive tracts of northern pikeminnow, 2004, California Fish and Game (90) - 2
- Habitat selection by female northern pintails wintering in the Grassland Ecological Area, California, 2004, California Fish and Game (90) - 1
- Diet of bullfrogs in relation to predation on giant garter snakes at Colusa National Wildlife Refuge, 2003, California Fish and Game (89) - 3
- New host record of avian tuberculosis in an American white pelican, Pelecanus erythrorhynchos, 2003, California Fish and Game (89) - 3
- Distribution of female northern pintails in relation to hunting and location of hunted and non-hunted habitats in the Grassland Ecological Area, California, 2003, California Fish and Game (88) - 2
- Sampling methods and trapping success trends for the Mohave ground squirrel (Spermophilus mohavensis), 2002, California Fish and Game (88) - 4
- Survey of fishes and environmental conditions in Abbotts Lagoon, Point Reyes National Seashore, California, 2001, California Fish and Game (87) - 4
- Differences in mourning dove productivity among three time periods at Gray Lodge Wildlife Area, California, 2001, California Fish and Game (87) - 3
- Gut contents of juvenile chinook salmon from the upper sacramento river, California during spring 1998, 2001, California Fish and Game (87) - 1
- Molecular analysis of population genetic structure and recolonization of rainbow trout following the Cantara spill, 2000, California Fish and Game (86) - 1
- Preliminary observations of the behavior of male, flat-tailed horned lizards before and after an off-highway vehicle race in California, 2000, California Fish and Game (86) - 3
- An economical, portable apparatus for conducting static thermal and chemical toxicity tests on amphibian eggs and larvae, 1998, California Fish and Game (84) - 1
- Validation of daily increments in otoliths of northern squawfish larvae, 1998, California Fish and Game (84) - 4
- California Wildlife Habitat Relationships System: A test in coastal scrub and annual grassland habitats, 1998, California Fish and Game (84) - 2
- Survey of small fishes and environmental conditions in Mugu Lagoon, California, and tidally influenced reaches of its tributaries, 1997, California Fish and Game (83) - 4
- Past occurrence of eulachon, Thaleichthys pacificus, in streams tributary to Humboldt Bay, California, 1996, California Fish and Game (82) - 3
- Preliminary estimate of rice present in strip-harvested fields in the Sacramento Valley, California, 1996, California Fish and Game (82) - 4
- Duck and shorebird reproduction in the grasslands of central California, 1994, California Fish and Game (80) - 2
- Roosevelt elk dietary quality in northern coastal California, 1994, California Fish and Game (80) - 2
- Changing patterns of goose harvest on California public hunting areas, 1994, California Fish and Game (80) - 4
- Changing patterns of goose harvest on California public hunting areas, 1994, California Fish and Game (80) - 4
- Environmental contaminants in canvasbacks wintering on San Francisco Bay, California, 1993, California Fish and Game (79) - 1
- Environmental contaminants in Canvasbacks wintering on San Francisco Bay, 1993, California Fish and Game (79) -
- A sampler for quantifying the vertical distribution of macroinvertebrates in shallow wetlands, 1993, California Fish and Game (79) - 3
- Molt frequency and size class distribution in the California spiny lobster (Panulirus interruptus), at San Nicolas Island, California, 1992, California Fish and Game (78) - 4
- Mammal mortality at Arizona, California, and Nevada gold mines using cyanide extraction, 1991, California Fish and Game (77) - 2
- Mammal mortality at Arizona, California, and Nevada gold mines using cyanide extraction, 1991, California Fish and Game (77) -
- A new tool for safely killing venomous snakes in the field, 1991, California Fish and Game (77) - 2
- Impacts of changing irrigation practices on waterfowl habitat use in the southern San Joaquin Valley, California, 1991, California Fish and Game (77) - 1
- Attachment method for radio transmitters on mallard ducklings, 1991, California Fish and Game (77) - 1
- Computerized data base for exotic fishes: the western United States, 1991, California Fish and Game (77) - 2
- First record of Mozambique tilapia in the San Joaquin Valley, California, 1991, California Fish and Game (77) -
- Organochlorines, mercury, and selenium in wintering shorebirds from Washington and California, 1990, California Fish and Game (76) - 2
- Evaluation of wildlife-habitat relationships data base for predicting bird community composition in central California chaparral and blue oak woodlands, 1990, California Fish and Game (76) - 2
- Use of an artificial substrate to collect white sturgeon eggs, 1990, California Fish and Game (76) -
- Blood lead concentrations in mallards from Delevan and Colusa National Wildlife Refuges, 1990, California Fish and Game (76) - 3
- Organochlorines, mercury, and selenium in wintering shorebirds from Washington and California, 1990, California Fish and Game (76) - 2
- Rice available to waterfowl in harvested fields in the Sacramento Valley, California, 1989, California Fish and Game (75) - 2
- Improved self-cleaning screen for processing benthic samples, 1989, California Fish and Game (75) - 2
- Duck harvest on public hunting areas in California, 1989, California Fish and Game (75) - 3
- Wetland bird seasonal abundance and habitat use at Lake Earl and Lake Talawa, California, 1989, California Fish and Game (75) - 2
- Rice available to waterfowl in harvested fields in the Sacramento Valley, California, 1989, California Fish and Game (75) - 2
- Duck harvest on public hunting areas in California, 1989, California Fish and Game (75) - 3
- [Book review] A field guide to western reptiles and amphibians (Second Edition, Revised), by Robert C. Stebbins and Roger Tory Peterson, 1987, California Fish and Game (73) - 1
- Management of midges and other invertebrates for waterfowl wintering in California, 1987, California Fish and Game (73) - 4
- Waterfowl harvest at Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge, 1936-41, 1986, California Fish and Game (72) - 3
- Effects on wildlife of ethyl and methyl parathion applied to California rice fields, 1985, California Fish and Game (71) - 4
- Pup production, abundance, and breeding distribution of northern elephant seals at San Nicolas Island, winter 1981, 1985, California Fish and Game (71) - 1
- Population biology of bluegills, Lepomis macrochirus, in lotic habitats on the irrigated San Joaquin Valley floor, 1985, California Fish and Game (71) - 4
- Effects of wildlife of ethyl and methyl parathion applied to California USA rice fields, 1985, California Fish and Game (71) - 4
- Pup production, abundance, and breeding distribution of northern elephant seals, Winter 1981, 1985, California Fish and Game (71) - 1
- Evidence of birth of a sea otter on land in central California, 1983, California Fish and Game (69) - 2
- Avian cholera in an American flamingo, Phoenicopterus ruber: A new host record, 1983, California Fish and Game (69) - 3
- An annotated check list of the amphibians and reptiles of California, 1983, California Fish and Game (69) - 3
- Relation between size of Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, released at hatcheries and returns to hatcheries and ocean fisheries, 1982, California Fish and Game (68) - 1
- Estimating the size and trend of the California condor population, 1965-1978, 1980, California Fish and Game (66) - 1
- California condor survey, 1978, 1979, California Fish and Game (65) - 3
- Status and distribution of the California Clapper Rail (Rallus longirostris obsoletus), 1979, California Fish and Game (65) - 1
- California condor survey, 1975, 1977, California Fish and Game (63) - 3
- On the foraging and prey selection of nesting Caspian Terns, 1976, California Fish and Game (62) - 2
- California condor plumage and molt as field study aids, 1975, California Fish and Game (61) - 3
- California condor survey, 1972, 1973, California Fish and Game (59) - 4
- California condor survey, 1971, 1972, California Fish and Game (58) - 4
- California condor survey, 1970, 1972, California Fish and Game (58) - 1
- California condor surveys, 1968, 1969, California Fish and Game (55) - 4
- Third cooperative survey of the California condor, 1968, California Fish and Game (54) - 4