Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Sulphide petrology and ore genesis of the stratabound Sheep Creek sediment-hosted Zn–Pb–Ag–Sn prospect, and U–Pb zircon constraints on the timing of magmatism in the northern Alaska Range, 2024, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (61) - 4
- Where ice gave way to fire: Deglacial volcanic activity at the edge of the Coast Mountains in Milbanke Sound, BC, 2024, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (61) - 1
- The Lower Cretaceous sequence of western Alaska – demise of the Koyukuk terrane?, 2023, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (60) - 4
- Between the supercontinents: Mesoproterozoic Deer Trail Group, an intermediate age unit between the Mesoproterozoic Belt–Purcell Supergroup and the Neoproterozoic Windermere Supergroup in northeastern Washington, USA, 2020, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (57) - 12
- Geochemical characterization and dating of R tephra, a post-glacial marker bed in Mount Rainier National Park, Washington, U.S.A., 2016, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (53) - 2
- Apatite fission-track evidence for regional exhumation in the subtropical Eocene, block faulting, and localized fluid flow in east-central Alaska, 2016, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (53) - 3
- SHRIMP U–Pb and REE data pertaining to the origins of xenotime in Belt Supergroup rocks: evidence for ages of deposition, hydrothermal alteration, and metamorphism, 2015, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (52) - 9
- Slipstream: an early Holocene slump and turbidite record from the frontal ridge of the Cascadia accretionary wedge off western Canada and paleoseismic implications, 2015, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (52) -
- What lies beneath: geophysical mapping of a concealed Precambrian intrusive complex along the Iowa–Minnesota border, 2015, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (52) - 5
- Bokan Mountain peralkaline granitic complex, Alexander terrane (southeastern Alaska): evidence for Early Jurassic rifting prior to accretion with North America, 2013, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (50) - 6
- Geochemistry, petrography, and zircon U-Pb geochronology of Paleozoic metaigneous rocks in the Mount Veta area of east-central Alaska: implications for the evolution of the westernmost part of the Yukon-Tanana terrane, 2013, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (50) - 8
- Lifetime of an ocean island volcano feeder zone: Constraints from U-Pb dating on coexisting zircon and baddeleyite, and 40Ar/39Ar age determinations, Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, 2011, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (48) - 2
- Neoproterozoic extension in the greater dharwar craton: A reevaluation of the "betsimisaraka suture" in madagascar, 2011, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (48) - 2
- Sedimentary response to orogenic exhumation in the northern rocky mountain basin and range province, flint creek basin, west-central Montana, 2011, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (48) - 7
- Surface (sea floor) and near-surface (box cores) sediment mineralogy in Baffin Bay as a key to sediment provenance and ice sheet variations, 2011, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (48) - 9
- Ecosystem development in the Girdwood area, south-central Alaska, following late Wisconsin glaciation, 2010, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (47) - 7
- Detrital zircon analysis of Mesoproterozoic and neoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks of northcentral idaho: Implications for development of the Belt-Purcell basin, 2010, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (47) - 11
- Evidence for prolonged mid-Paleozoic plutonism and ages of crustal sources in east-central Alaska from SHRIMP U-Pb dating of syn-magmatic, inherited, and detrital zircon, 2009, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (46) - 1
- Possible refugia in the Alexander Archipelago of southeastern Alaska during the late Wisconsin glaciation, 2007, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (44) - 2
- Nucularcidae: A new family of palaeotaxodont Ordovician pelecypods (Mollusca) from North America and Australia, 2007, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (44) - 10
- Paleomagnetic and mineral magnetic constraints on Zn-Pb ore genesis in the Pend Oreille Mine, Metaline district, Washington, USA, 2007, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (44) - 12
- Fluid chemistry and evolution of hydrothermal fluids in an Archaean transcrustal fault zone network: The case of the Cadillac Tectonic Zone, Abitibi greenstone belt, Canada, 2007, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (44) - 6
- Reply to the discussion by F. Lagroix and S.K. Banerjee of "Geochemical evidence for the origin of late Quaternary loess in central Alaska", 2006, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (43) - 12
- Early Paleozoic development of the Maine-Quebec boundary Mountains region, 2006, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (43) - 3
- Age constraints for Paleoproterozoic glaciation in the Lake Superior Region: Detrital zircon and hydrothermal xenotime ages for the Chocolay Group, Marquette Range Supergroup, 2006, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (43) - 5
- Geochemical evidence for the origin of late Quaternary loess in central Alaska, 2006, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (43) - 3
- 2480 Ma mafic magmatism in the northern Black Hills, South Dakota: A new link connecting the Wyoming and Superior cratons, 2006, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (43) - 10
- Geology, geochronology, and geochemistry of basaltic flows of the Cat Hills, Cat Mesa, Wind Mesa, Cerro Verde, and Mesita Negra, central New Mexico, 2006, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (43) - 9
- Global analyses of brachiopod faunas through the Ordovician and Silurian transition: Reducing the role of the Lazarus effect, 2006, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (43) - 1
- Proterozoic evolution of the western margin of the Wyoming craton: Implications for the tectonic and magmatic evolution of the northern Rocky Mountains, 2006, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (43) - 10
- Early Tertiary Anaconda metamorphic core complex, southwestern Montana, 2004, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (41) - 1
- Emplacement, rapid burial, and exhumation of 90-Ma plutons in southeastern Alaska, 2004, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (41) - 1
- Lithospheric roots beneath western Laurentia: The geochemical signal in mantle garnets, 2003, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (40) - 8
- Geology and geochemistry of the Clear Creek intrusion-related gold occurrences, Tintina Gold Province, Yukon, Canada, 2003, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (40) - 5
- Emmons Lake Volcanic Center, Alaska Peninsula: Source of the Late Wisconsin Dawson tephra, Yukon Territory, Canada, 2003, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (40) - 7
- Mesozoic thermal history and timing of structural events for the Yukon-Tanana Upland, east-central Alaska: 40Ar/39Ar data from metamorphic and plutonic rocks, 2002, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (39) - 6
- Sensitive high resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) detrital zircon geochronology provides new evidence for a hidden neoproterozoic foreland basin to the Grenville Orogen in the eastern Midwest, U.S.A, 2002, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (39) - 10
- Flank collapse at Mount Wrangell, Alaska, recorded by volcanic mass-flow deposits in the Copper River lowland, 2002, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (39) - 8
- Apatite fission-track evidence of widespread Eocene heating and exhumation in the Yukon-Tanana Upland, interior Alaska, 2001, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (38) - 8
- The Midway sequence: A Timiskaming-type, pull-apart basin deposit in the western Wawa subprovince, Minnesota, 2000, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (37) - 1
- Mesoproterozoic graphite deposits, New Jersey Highlands: Geologic and stable isotopic evidence for possible algal origins, 2000, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (37) - 12
- SHRIMP U-Pb geochronology of volcanic rocks, Belt Supergroup, western Montana: Evidence for rapid deposition of sedimentary strata, 2000, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (37) - 9
- Isotopic evidence for the sources of Cretaceous and tertiary granitic rocks, east-central Alaska: Implications for the tectonic evolution of the Yukon-Tanana terrane, 2000, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (37) - 6
- Trace-element geochemistry of metabasaltic rocks from the Yukon-Tanana Upland and implications for the origin of tectonic assemblages in east-central Alaska, 1999, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (36) - 10
- Tectonic and regional metamorphic implications of the discovery of Middle Ordovician conodonts in cover rocks east of the Green Mountain massif, Vermont, 1999, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (36) - 3
- New 40Ar/39Ar isotopic dates from Miocene volcanic rocks in the Lake Mead area and southern Las Vegas Range, Nevada, 1998, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (35) - 5
- Ni, Cu, Au, and platinum-group element contents of sulphides associated with intraplate magmatism: A synthesis, 1997, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (34) - 4
- U-Th-Pb zircon ages of some Keweenawan Supergroup rocks from the south shore of Lake Superior, 1997, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (34) - 4
- Rift-wide correlation of 1.1 Ga Midcontinent rift system basalts: Implications for multiple mantle sources during rift development, 1997, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (34) - 4
- U-Pb zircon date from Avalonian Cape Breton Island and geochronologic calibration of the early Ordovician, 1997, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (34) - 5
- Paleochemistry of Lakes Agassiz and Manitoba based on ostracodes, 1997, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (34) - 5
- Holocene eolian activity in the Minot dune field, North Dakota, 1997, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (34) - 11
- Occurrence and significance of Silurian K-bentonite beds at Arisaig, Nova Scotia, eastern Canada, 1997, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (34) - 12
- Reconstructing the Avalon continent: Marginal to inner platform transition in the Cambrian of southern New Brunswick, 1996, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (33) - 8
- Block and shear-zone architecture of the Minnesota River Valley subprovince: Implications for late Archean accretionary tectonics, 1996, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (33) - 6
- 40Ar/39Ar geochronology and paleomagnetism of Independence volcano, Absaroka volcanic supergroup, Beartooth mountains, Montana, 1996, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (33) - 12
- The southern limit of Cordilleran ice in the Colville and Pend Oreille valleys of northeastern Washington during the Late Wisconsin glaciation, 1996, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (33) - 5
- Upper Lower Cambrian depositional sequence in Avalonian New Brunswick, 1996, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (33) - 3
- The Border Ranges fault system in Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska: Evidence for major early Cenozoic dextral strike-slip motion, 1996, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (33) - 9
- A 12 000 year radiocarbon date of deglaciation from the Continental Divide of northwestern Montana, 1995, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (32) - 9
- Intraglacial volcanism in the Wells Gray–Clearwater volcanic field, east-central British Columbia, Canada, 1995, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (32) - 7
- Rare earth element contents and multiple mantle sources of the transform-related Mount Edgecumbe basalts, southeastern Alaska, 1994, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (31) - 5
- Seismic images of a tectonic subdivision of the Greenville Orogen beneath lakes Ontario and Erie, 1994, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (31) - 2
- Deep structure beneath Lake Ontario: Crustal-scale Grenville subdivisions, 1994, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (31) - 2
- Petrology and isotopic composition of Quaternary basanites dredged from the Bering Sea continental margin near Navarin Basin, 1993, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (30) - 5
- Geology, geochemistry, and geochronology of the central Giants Range batholith, northeastern Minnesota, 1993, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (30) - 12
- A glacier peak and Mount Saint Helens J volcanic ash couplet and the timing of deglaciation in the Colville Valley area, Washington, 1992, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (29) - 11
- Submarine sedimentary features on a fjord delta front, Queen Inlet, Glacier Bay, Alaska, 1992, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (29) - 3
- Suspension freezing of bottom sediment and biota in the Northwest Passage and implications for Arctic Ocean sedimentation, 1992, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (29) - 4
- U–Pb geochronology of Late Cretaceous and early Tertiary plutons in the northern Coast Mountains batholith, 1991, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (28) - 6
- Trondhjemitic, 1.35-1.31 Ga gneisses of the Mount Holly Complex of Vermont: evidence for an Elzevirian event in the Grenville Basement of the United States Appalachians, 1991, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (28) - 1
- A northern Cordilleran ocean-continent transect: Sitka Sound, Alaska, to Atlin Lake, British Columbia, 1991, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (28) - 6
- Precambrian terrane of north-central Wisconsin: an aeromagnetic perspective, 1990, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (27) - 11
- Turbidity-current channels in Queen Inlet, Glacier Bay, Alaska, 1989, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (26) - 4
- Tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the Early Proterozoic Wisconsin magmatic terranes of the Penokean Orogen, 1989, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (26) - 10
- Multiple hydrothermal and metamorphic events in the Kidd Creek volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit, Timmins, Ontario: evidence from tourmalines and chlorites, 1989, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (26) - 4
- Petrology and age of volcanic-arc rocks from the continental margin of the Bering Sea: Implications for Early Eocene relocation of plate boundaries, 1989, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (26) - 7
- Ferromanganese deposits from the Gulf of Alaska Seamount Province: Mineralogy, chemistry, and origin, 1988, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (25) - 1
- Lead isotopic fingerprinting of tectono-stratigraphic terranes, east-central Alaska, 1987, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (24) - 10
- Holocene and latest Pleistocene glacial chronology, Glacier National Park, Montana., 1987, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (24) - 3
- Precambrian basement geology of North and South Dakota, 1986, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (23) - 8
- U-Pb geochronology of two augen gneiss terranes, Idaho: New data and tectonic implications, 1986, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (23) - 12
- Fission-track dating of the tectonic development of the San Juan Islands, Washington, 1986, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (23) - 9
- The age and origin of felsic intrusions of the Thetford Mines ophiolite, Quebec, 1985, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (22) - 9
- A heat-flow reconnaissance of southeastern Alaska, 1985, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (22) - 3
- Review of radiometric data from the Yukon crystalline terrane, Alaska and Yukon Territory, 1985, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (22) - 4
- Paleogene geology and chronology of southwestern Umnak Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 1984, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (21) - 2
- Correlation of metal occurrence and terrane attributes in the northwestern conterminous United States, 1983, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (20) - 6
- Holocene history of the estuarine area surrounding Portage, Alaska, as recorded in a 93 m core, 1983, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (20) - 5
- Distribution of mineral deposits in accreted terranes and cratonal rocks of western United States, 1983, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (20) - 6
- Fission-track ages of late Cenozoic distal tephra beds in the Yukon Territory and Alaska, 1982, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (19) - 11
- Petrology, composition, and age of intrusive rocks associated with the Quartz Hill molybdenite deposit, southeastern Alaska, 1979, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (16) - 9
- Megalineament in southeastern Alaska marks southwest edge of Coast Range batholithic complex, 1978, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (15) - 11