Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- A 42 year inference of cloud base height trends in the Luquillo Mountains of northeastern Puerto Rico, 2018, Climate Research (76) - 1
- Priority questions in multidisciplinary drought research, 2018, Climate Research (75) - 3
- Effects of climate change and population growth on the transboundary Santa Cruz aquifer, 2012, Climate Research (51) - 2
- Effects of temperature changes on maize production in Mozambique, 2011, Climate Research (46) - 3
- Relating large-scale climate variability to local species abundance: ENSO forcing and shrimp in Breton Sound, Louisiana, USA, 2010, Climate Research (42) - 3
- VEMAP Phase 2 bioclimatic database. I. Gridded historical (20th century) climate for modeling ecosystem dynamics across the conterminous USA, 2004, Climate Research (27) - 6
- Effects of ENSO on weather-type frequencies and properties at New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 2002, Climate Research (20) - 2
- Climate variability from the Florida Bay sedimentary record: Possible teleconnections to ENSO, PNA and CNP, 2002, Climate Research (19) - 3
- Trends and temperature sensitivity of moisture conditions in the conterminous United States, 2002, Climate Research (20) - 1
- Desertification and a shift of forest species in the West African Sahel, 2001, Climate Research (17) - 2
- Explaining spatial variability in mean annual runoff in the conterminous United States, 1999, Climate Research (11) - 2
- Daily air temperature interpolated at high spatial resolution over a large mountainous region, 1997, Climate Research (8) - 1
- Climate change and the detection of trends in annual runoff, 1997, Climate Research (8) - 2
- Relations between winter atmospheric circulation and annual streamflow in the western United States, 1995, Climate Research (5) - 2