Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Critical review of the phytohemagglutinin assay for assessing amphibian immunity, 2023, Conservation Physiology (11) - 1
- Differential heat shock protein responses in two species of Pacific salmon and their utility in identifying heat stress, 2023, Conservation Physiology (11) - 1
- Mussel mass mortality in the Clinch River, USA: Metabolomics detects affected pathways and biomarkers of stress, 2023, Conservation Physiology (11) - 1
- Estimating fat content in barred owls (Strix varia) with predictive models developed from direct measures of proximate body composition, 2023, Conservation Physiology (11) - 1
- Serum virome of southern Beaufort Sea polar bears (Ursus maritimus) during a period of rapid climate change, 2023, Conservation Physiology (11) - 1
- Targeted metabolomics characterizes metabolite occurrence and variability in stable freshwater mussel populations, 2023, Conservation Physiology (11) - 1
- Selecting auditory alerting stimuli for eagles on the basis of auditory evoked potentials, 2022, Conservation Physiology (10) - 1
- Blood biochemistry and hematology of adult and chick brown pelicans in the northern Gulf of Mexico: Baseline health values and ecological relationships, 2022, Conservation Physiology (10) - 1
- Island of misfit tortoises: Waif gopher tortoise health assessment following translocation, 2022, Conservation Physiology (10) - 1
- Using transcriptomics to predict and visualize disease status in bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis), 2022, Conservation Physiology (10) - 1
- Identification of supraoptimal temperatures in juvenile blueback herring (Alosa aestivalis) using survival, growth rate and scaled energy reserves, 2022, Conservation Physiology (10) - 1
- Divergence in salinity tolerance of northern Gulf of Mexico eastern oysters under field and laboratory exposure, 2021, Conservation Physiology (9) - 1
- Physiological consequences of consuming low-energy foods: Herbivory coincides with a stress response in Yellowstone bears., 2021, Conservation Physiology (9) - 1
- Juvenile moose stress and nutrition dynamics related to winter ticks, landscape characteristics, climate-mediated factors and survival, 2021, Conservation Physiology (9) - 1
- Evaluating corticosterone as a biomarker for amphibians exposed to increased salinity and ambient corticosterone, 2021, Conservation Physiology (9) - 1
- Exploiting common senses: Sensory ecology meets wildlife conservation and management, 2021, Conservation Physiology (9) - 1
- Understanding metrics of stress in the context of invasion history: The case of the brown treesnake (Boiga irregularis), 2021, Conservation Physiology (9) - 1
- Warmer temperatures interact with salinity to weaken physiological facilitation to stress in freshwater fishes, 2020, Conservation Physiology (8) - 1
- Inter-population differences in salinity tolerance of adult wild Sacramento splittail: osmoregulatory and metabolic responses to salinity, 2020, Conservation Physiology (8) - 1
- A manipulative thermal challenge protocol for adult salmonids in remote field settings, 2020, Conservation Physiology (1) - 8
- Transcriptomic response to elevated water temperatures in adult migrating Yukon River Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), 2020, Conservation Physiology (8) - 1
- Changes in physiology and microbial diversity in larval ornate chorus frogs are associated with habitat quality, 2020, Conservation Physiology (8) - 1
- Push and pull of downstream moving juvenile sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) exposed to chemosensory and light cues, 2020, Conservation Physiology (7) -
- Reference intervals for blood-based biochemical analytes of southern Beaufort Sea polar bears , 2019, Conservation Physiology (7) - 1
- Integrating physiological stress into the movement ecology of migratory ungulates: A spatial analysis with mule deer, 2018, Conservation Physiology (6) - 1
- Polar bears experience skeletal muscle atrophy in response to food deprivation and reduced activity in winter and summer, 2017, Conservation Physiology (5) - 1
- Coupling gene-based and classic veterinary diagnostics improves interpretation of health and immune function in the Agassiz’s desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii), 2017, Conservation Physiology (5) - 1
- Inter-population differences in salinity tolerance and osmoregulation of juvenile wild and hatchery-born Sacramento splittail, 2016, Conservation Physiology (4) - 1
- Physical condition and stress levels during early development reflect feeding rates and predict pre- and post-fledging survival in a nearshore seabird, 2016, Conservation Physiology (4) - 1
- Thermal onset of cellular and endocrine stress responses correspond to ecological limits in brook trout, an iconic cold-water fish, 2015, Conservation Physiology (3) - 1