Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Egg size scales negatively with system size in a periodic fish species, 2024, Ecology and Evolution (14) - 10
- Climate futures for lizards and snakes in western North America may result in new species management issues, 2024, Ecology and Evolution (14) - 10
- Previous reproductive success and environmental variation influence nest-site fidelity of a subarctic-nesting goose, 2024, Ecology and Evolution (14) - 10
- Nitrogen fixation and fertilization have similar effects on biomass allocation in nitrogen-fixing plants, 2024, Ecology and Evolution (14) - 9
- Latitudinal gradients and sex differences in morphology of the Black Oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani), 2024, Ecology and Evolution (14) - 9
- Range-wide population genomic structure of the Karner blue butterfly, Plebejus (Lycaeides) samuelis, 2024, Ecology and Evolution (14) - 9
- Evidence of longitudinal differences in spring migration strategies of an Arctic-nesting goose, 2024, Ecology and Evolution (14) - 9
- Predicting the response of a long-distance migrant to changing environmental conditions in winter, 2024, Ecology and Evolution (14) - 7
- Treed Gaussian processes for animal movement modeling, 2024, Ecology and Evolution (14) - 6
- Behavioral trade-offs and multitasking by elk in relation to predation risk from Mexican gray wolves, 2024, Ecology and Evolution (14) - 5
- Genetic analysis of harvest samples reveals population structure in a highly mobile generalist carnivore, 2024, Ecology and Evolution (14) - 5
- Chronic wasting disease alters the movement behavior and habitat use of mule deer during clinical stages of infection, 2024, Ecology and Evolution (14) - 5
- Development and validation of a GT-seq panel for genetic monitoring in a threatened species using minimally invasive sampling, 2024, Ecology and Evolution (14) - 5
- Assessing wild turkey productivity before and after a 14-day delay in the start date of the spring hunting season in Tennessee, 2024, Ecology and Evolution (14) - 5
- Large-scale assessment of genetic structure to assess risk of populations of a large herbivore to disease, 2024, Ecology and Evolution (14) - 5
- Updated range map of an endangered salamander and congeneric competitor reveals different niche preferences, 2024, Ecology and Evolution (14) - 5
- Where east meets west: Phylogeography of the high Arctic North American brant goose, 2024, Ecology and Evolution (14) - 4
- Invasive-dominated grasslands in Hawaiʻi are resilient to disturbance, 2024, Ecology and Evolution (14) - 3
- White-tailed deer detection rates increase when coyotes are present, 2024, Ecology and Evolution (14) - 3
- Fewer bowl traps and more hand netting can increase effective number of bee species and reduce excessive captures, 2024, Ecology and Evolution (14) - 2
- Determinants of spring migration departure dates in a New World sparrow: Weather variables reign supreme, 2024, Ecology and Evolution (14) - 2
- Sex-specific recruitment rates contribute to male-biased sex ratio in Adélie penguins, 2024, Ecology and Evolution (14) - 2
- Application of lidar to assess the habitat selection of an endangered small mammal in an estuarine wetland environment, 2024, Ecology and Evolution (14) -
- Lesser prairie-chicken dispersal after translocation: Implications for restoration and population connectivity, 2024, Ecology and Evolution (14) - 2
- The context dependency of fish-habitat associations in separated karst ecoregions, 2023, Ecology and Evolution (13) - 12
- Backpack satellite transmitters reduce survival but not nesting propensity or success of greater sage-grouse, 2023, Ecology and Evolution (13) - 12
- Saproxylic beetles' morphological traits and higher trophic guilds indicate boreal forest naturalness, 2023, Ecology and Evolution (13) - 12
- Decline in small mammal species richness in coastal-central California, 1997–2013, 2023, Ecology and Evolution (13) - 12
- Living on the edge: Predicting songbird response to management and environmental changes across an ecotone, 2023, Ecology and Evolution (13) - 11
- Marginal value analysis reveals shifting importance of migration habitat for waterfowl under a changing climate, 2023, Ecology and Evolution (13) - 11
- Factors influencing autumn–winter movements of midcontinent Mallards and consequences for harvest and habitat management, 2023, Ecology and Evolution (13) - 10
- Alternative measures of trait–niche relationships: A test on dispersal traits in saproxylic beetles, 2023, Ecology and Evolution (13) - 10
- Advances in wildlife abundance estimation using pedigree reconstruction, 2023, Ecology and Evolution (13) - 10
- Fecal metabarcoding of the endangered Pacific pocket mouse (Perognathus longimembris pacificus) reveals a diverse and forb rich diet that reflects local habitat availability, 2023, Ecology and Evolution (13) - 9
- Evaluating the utility of effective breeding size estimates for monitoring sea lamprey spawning abundance, 2023, Ecology and Evolution (13) - 9
- Lesser Prairie-chicken incubation behavior and nest success most influenced by nest vegetation structure, 2023, Ecology and Evolution (13) - 9
- Confirmation of significant sea turtle nesting activity on a remote island chain in the Gulf of Mexico, 2023, Ecology and Evolution (13) - 8
- Hidden Markov movement models reveal diverse seasonal movement patterns in two North American ungulates, 2023, Ecology and Evolution (13) - 7
- Growth, drought response, and climate-associated genomic structure in whitebark pine in the Sierra Nevada of California, 2023, Ecology and Evolution (13) - 5
- Is now the time? Review of genetic rescue as a conservation tool for brook trout, 2023, Ecology and Evolution (13) - 5
- Effects of population density and environmental conditions on life-history prevalence in a migratory fish, 2023, Ecology and Evolution (13) - 5
- Supervised versus unsupervised approaches to classification of accelerometry data, 2023, Ecology and Evolution (13) - 5
- Four conservation challenges and a synthesis, 2023, Ecology and Evolution (13) - 5
- Effects of large-scale disturbance on animal space use: Functional responses by greater sage-grouse after megafire, 2023, Ecology and Evolution (13) - 4
- The first documented interaction between a long-tailed weasel (Mustela frenata) and a plains spotted skunk (Spilogale interrupta) carcass, 2023, Ecology and Evolution (13) - 1
- Wind-energy development alters pronghorn migration at multiple scales, 2023, Ecology and Evolution (13) - 1
- Spatial models can improve the experimental design of field-based transplant gardens by preventing bias due to neighborhood crowding, 2022, Ecology and Evolution (12) - 12
- Biofouling of a unionid mussel by dreissenid mussels in nearshore zones of the Great Lakes, 2022, Ecology and Evolution (12) - 12
- Divergent responses of butterflies and bees to burning and grazing management in tallgrass prairies, 2022, Ecology and Evolution (12) - 12
- Defining biologically relevant and hierarchically nested population units to inform wildlife management, 2022, Ecology and Evolution (12) - 12
- Demographic effects of a megafire on a declining prairie grouse in the mixed-grass prairie, 2022, Ecology and Evolution (12) - 12
- Gaussian process forecasts Pseudogymnoascus destructans will cover coterminous United States by 2030, 2022, Ecology and Evolution (12) - 11
- Decision support for aquatic restoration based on species-specific responses to disturbance, 2022, Ecology and Evolution (12) - 10
- Pleistocene–Holocene vicariance, not Anthropocene landscape change, explains the genetic structure of American black bear (Ursus americanus) populations in the American Southwest and northern Mexico, 2022, Ecology and Evolution (12) - 10
- Simple statistical models can be sufficient for testing hypotheses with population time series data, 2022, Ecology and Evolution (12) - 9
- Genomic divergence, local adaptation, and complex demographic history may inform management of a popular sportfish species complex, 2022, Ecology and Evolution (12) - 10
- Scat as a source of DNA for population monitoring, 2022, Ecology and Evolution (12) -
- Predator movements in relation to habitat features reveal vulnerability of duck nests to predation, 2022, Ecology and Evolution (12) - 9
- Partial observability and management of ecological systems, 2022, Ecology and Evolution (12) - 9
- Open removal models with temporary emigration and population dynamics to inform invasive animal management, 2022, Ecology and Evolution (12) - 8
- Foraging habitat selection of shrubland bird community in tropical dry forest, 2022, Ecology and Evolution (12) - 8
- Co-occurrence models fail to infer underlying patterns of avoidance and aggregation when closure is violated, 2022, Ecology and Evolution (12) - 7
- Wildlife associates of nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) burrows in Arkansas, 2022, Ecology and Evolution (12) - 5
- Using a multi-model ensemble approach to determine biodiversity hotspots with limited occurrence data in understudied areas: An example using freshwater mussels in México, 2022, Ecology and Evolution (15) - 5
- Life history strategies of stream fishes linked to predictors of hydrologic stability, 2022, Ecology and Evolution (12) - 5
- Range-wide persistence of the endangered arroyo toad (Anaxyrus californicus) for 20+ years following a prolonged drought, 2022, Ecology and Evolution (12) - 4
- Fijian sea krait behavior relates to fine-scale environmental heterogeneity in old-growth coastal forest: The importance of integrated land–sea management for protecting amphibious animals, 2022, Ecology and Evolution (12) - 4
- Seed menus: An integrated decision-support framework for native plant restoration in the Mojave Desert, 2022, Ecology and Evolution (12) - 4
- Integrating growth and survival models for flexible estimation of size-dependent survival in a cryptic, endangered snake, 2022, Ecology and Evolution (12) - 4
- Greater sage-grouse respond positively to intensive post-fire restoration treatments, 2022, Ecology and Evolution (12) - 3
- Errors in aerial survey count data: Identifying pitfalls and solutions, 2022, Ecology and Evolution (12) - 3
- Assessing vegetation recovery from energy development using a dynamic reference approach, 2022, Ecology and Evolution (12) - 2
- Face-off: Novel depredation and nest defense behaviors between an invasive and a native predator in the Greater Everglades Ecosystem, Florida, USA, 2022, Ecology and Evolution (12) - 2
- Classifying behavior from short-interval biologging data: An example with GPS tracking of birds, 2022, Ecology and Evolution (12) - 2
- Effects of weather variation on waterfowl migration: Lessons from a continental-scale generalizable avian movement and energetics model, 2022, Ecology and Evolution (12) - 2
- Optimizing trilateration estimates for tracking fine-scale movement of wildlife using automated radio telemetry networks, 2022, Ecology and Evolution (12) - 2
- Geographic variation and thermal plasticity shape salamander metabolic rates under current and future climates, 2022, Ecology and Evolution (12) - 1
- Acute and lagged fitness consequences for a sagebrush obligate in a post mega-wildfire landscape, 2022, Ecology and Evolution (12) -
- Capture vulnerability of sea turtles on recreational fishing piers, 2022, Ecology and Evolution
- Life-history attributes of Arctic-breeding birds drive uneven responses to environmental variability across different phases of the reproductive cycle, 2021, Ecology and Evolution (11) - 24
- Using social values in the prioritization of research: Quantitative examples and generalizations, 2021, Ecology and Evolution (11) - 24
- Nine-banded armadillo (Dasyrus novemcinctus) activity patterns are influenced by human activity, 2021, Ecology and Evolution (11) - 22
- Diet composition of the African manatee: Spatial and temporal variation within the Sanaga River Watershed, Cameroon, 2021, Ecology and Evolution (11) - 22
- Increased growth rates of stream salamanders following forest harvesting, 2021, Ecology and Evolution (11) - 24
- Patch utilization and flower visitations by wild bees in a honey bee-dominated, grassland landscape, 2021, Ecology and Evolution (11) - 21
- Survival and abundance of polar bears in Alaska’s Beaufort Sea, 2001–2016, 2021, Ecology and Evolution (11) - 20
- Natural history of a bighorn sheep pneumonia epizootic: Source of infection, course of disease, and pathogen clearance, 2021, Ecology and Evolution (11) - 21
- Migration stopover ecology of Cinnamon Teal in western North America, 2021, Ecology and Evolution (11) - 20
- Resilience of terrestrial and aquatic fauna to historical and future wildfire regimes in western North America, 2021, Ecology and Evolution (11) - 18
- Multiple coping strategies maintain stability of a small mammal population in a resource-restricted environment, 2021, Ecology and Evolution (11) - 18
- Dynamic selection for forage quality and quantity in response to phenology and insects in an Arctic ungulate, 2021, Ecology and Evolution (11) - 17
- Establishing conservation units to promote recovery of two threatened freshwater mussel species (Bivalvia: Unionida: Potamilus), 2021, Ecology and Evolution (11) - 16
- Is the grass always greener? Land surface phenology reveals differences in peak and season-long vegetation productivity responses to climate and management, 2021, Ecology and Evolution (11) - 16
- Eagles enter rotor-swept zones of wind turbines at rates that vary per turbine, 2021, Ecology and Evolution (11) - 16
- Demographic responses to climate change in a threatened Arctic species, 2021, Ecology and Evolution (11) - 15
- Spatial Gaussian processes improve multi-species occupancy models when range boundaries are uncertain and nonoverlapping, 2021, Ecology and Evolution (11) - 13
- Diel patterns of predation and fledging at nests of four species of grassland songbirds, 2021, Ecology and Evolution (11) - 11
- Linking behavioral states to landscape features for improved conservation management, 2021, Ecology and Evolution (11) - 12
- Intact landscape promotes gene flow and low genetic structuring in the threatened Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake, 2021, Ecology and Evolution (11) - 11
- Nocturnal incubation recess and flushing behavior by duck hens, 2021, Ecology and Evolution (11) - 12
- Habitat heterogeneity, temperature, and primary productivity drive elevational gradients in avian species diversity, 2021, Ecology and Evolution (11) - 11
- Differential reliance on aquatic prey subsidies influences mercury exposure in riparian arachnids and songbirds, 2021, Ecology and Evolution (11) - 11
- Investigating the morphological and genetic divergence of arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) populations in lakes of arctic Alaska, 2021, Ecology and Evolution (11) - 7
- Transcriptome assembly and differential gene expression of the invasive avian malaria parasite Plasmodium relictum in Hawaiʻi, 2021, Ecology and Evolution (11) - 9
- Gut microbial ecology of the Critically Endangered Fijian crested iguana (Brachylophus vitiensis): Effects of captivity status and host reintroduction on endogenous microbiomes, 2021, Ecology and Evolution (11) - 9
- Coflowering invasive plants and a congener have neutral effects on fitness components of a rare endemic plant, 2021, Ecology and Evolution (11) - 9
- Behavioral patterns of bats at a wind turbine confirm seasonality of fatality risk, 2021, Ecology and Evolution (11) - 9
- Genomic association with pathogen carriage in bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis), 2021, Ecology and Evolution (11) - 6
- Risky movements? Natal dispersal does not decrease survival of a large herbivore, 2021, Ecology and Evolution (11) - 6
- Interrupted incubation: How dabbling ducks respond when flushed from the nest, 2021, Ecology and Evolution (11) - 6
- Nesting, brood rearing, and summer habitat selection by translocated greater sage‐grouse in North Dakota, USA, 2021, Ecology and Evolution (11) - 6
- Age‐ and sex‐related dietary specialization facilitate seasonal resource partitioning in a migratory shorebird, 2021, Ecology and Evolution (11) - 4
- Freezing in a warming climate: Marked declines of a subnivean hibernator after a snow drought, 2021, Ecology and Evolution (11) - 3
- Evidence of post-breeding prospecting in a long-distance migrant., 2021, Ecology and Evolution (11) -
- A multispecies approach to manage effects of land cover and weather on upland game birds, 2020, Ecology and Evolution (10) - 24
- Evaluating wildlife translocations using genomics: A bighorn sheep case study, 2020, Ecology and Evolution (10) - 24
- Harvester ant seed removal in an invaded sagebrush ecosystem: Implications for restoration, 2020, Ecology and Evolution (10) - 24
- Habitat characterization and species distribution model of the only large-lake population of the endangered Silver Chub (Macrhybopsis storeriana, Kirtland 1844), 2020, Ecology and Evolution (10) - 21
- High parasite diversity in the amphipod Gammarus lacustris in a subarctic lake, 2020, Ecology and Evolution (10) - 21
- Differences in rhizosphere microbial communities between native and non‐native Phragmites australis may depend on stand density, 2020, Ecology and Evolution (10) - 20
- Improving the accessibility and transferability of machine learning algorithms for identification of animals in camera trap images: MLWIC2, 2020, Ecology and Evolution (10) - 19
- Spatial grain of adaptation is much finer than ecoregional-scale common gardens reveal, 2020, Ecology and Evolution (10) - 18
- Applications of deep convolutional neural networks to predict length, circumference, and weight from mostly dewatered images of fish, 2020, Ecology and Evolution (10) - 17
- Tropical understory herbaceous community responds more strongly to hurricane disturbance than to experimental warming, 2020, Ecology and Evolution (10) - 16
- Avian eggshell thickness in relation to egg morphometrics, embryonic development, and mercury contamination, 2020, Ecology and Evolution (10) - 16
- Robust age estimation of southern sea otters from multiple morphometrics, 2020, Ecology and Evolution (10) - 16
- Diet of a rare herbivore based on DNA metabarcoding of feces: Selection, seasonality, and survival, 2020, Ecology and Evolution (10) - 14
- Ringed seal (Pusa hispida) seasonal movements, diving, and haul-out behavior in the Beaufort, Chukchi, and Bering Seas (2011–2017), 2020, Ecology and Evolution (10) - 12
- Assessment of spatial genetic structure to identify populations at risk for infection of an emerging epizootic disease, 2020, Ecology and Evolution (10) - 9
- Preliminary analysis to estimate the spatial distribution of benefits of P load reduction: Identifying the spatial influence of phosphorus loading from the Maumee River (USA) in western Lake Erie, 2020, Ecology and Evolution (10) - 9
- Thermal heterogeneity, migration, and consequences for spawning potential of female bull trout in a river-reservoir system, 2020, Ecology and Evolution (10) - 9
- Removal of chronic Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae carrier ewes eliminates pneumonia in a bighorn sheep population, 2020, Ecology and Evolution (10) - 7
- Paleo-metagenomics of North American fossil packrat middens: Past biodiversity revealed by ancient DNA, 2020, Ecology and Evolution (10) -
- Timing, frequency, and duration of incubation recesses in dabbling ducks, 2020, Ecology and Evolution (10) - 5
- Integrating broad‐scale data to assess demographic and climatic contributions to population change in a declining songbird, 2020, Ecology and Evolution (10) - 4
- Are migratory waterfowl vectors of seagrass pathogens?, 2020, Ecology and Evolution (10) - 4
- Fatty acid-based diet estimates suggest ringed seal remain the main prey of southern Beaufort Sea polar bears despite recent use of onshore food resources, 2020, Ecology and Evolution (10) - 4
- Response to terrestrial nest predators among endemic and introduced Hawaiian birds, 2020, Ecology and Evolution (10) - 4
- RAPTURE (RAD capture) panel facilitates analyses characterizing sea lamprey reproductive ecology and movement dynamics, 2020, Ecology and Evolution (10) - 3
- Habitat of the endangered salt marsh harvest mouse (Reithrodontomys raviventris) in San Francisco Bay, 2020, Ecology and Evolution (0) - 2
- Alternative stable states in inherently unstable systems, 2020, Ecology and Evolution (10) - 2
- Spatially explicit models of seasonal habitat for greater sage‐grouse at broad spatial scales: Informing areas for management in Nevada and northeastern California, 2020, Ecology and Evolution (10) - 1
- Black Scoter habitat use along the southeastern coast of the United States, 2019, Ecology and Evolution (11) - 16
- Using incidental mark-encounter data to improve survival estimation, 2019, Ecology and Evolution (10) - 1
- Accumulating evidence in ecology: Once is not enough, 2019, Ecology and Evolution (9) - 24
- Effects of invasive plants on fire regimes and postfire vegetation diversity in an arid ecosystem, 2019, Ecology and Evolution (9) - 22
- Evolutionary history predicts high-impact invasions by herbivorous insects, 2019, Ecology and Evolution (9) - 21
- Deer do not affect short-term rates of vegetation recovery in overwash fans on Fire Island after Hurricane Sandy, 2019, Ecology and Evolution (9) - 20
- Understanding reproductive allometry in turtles: A slippery “slope”, 2019, Ecology and Evolution (9) - 20
- Differential plague susceptibility in species and populations of prairie dogs, 2019, Ecology and Evolution (9) - 20
- Genomic pedigree reconstruction identifies predictors of mating and reproductive success in an invasive vertebrate, 2019, Ecology and Evolution (9) - 20
- Landscape genetics reveals unique and shared effects of urbanization for two sympatric pool-breeding amphibians, 2019, Ecology and Evolution (9) - 20
- Discoveries and novel insights in ecology using structural equation modeling, 2019, Ecology and Evolution (12) -
- Evidence of region‐wide bat population decline from long‐term monitoring and Bayesian occupancy models with empirically informed priors, 2019, Ecology and Evolution (9) - 19
- Influence of climate change and postdelisting management on long-term population viability of the conservation-reliant Kirtland's Warbler, 2019, Ecology and Evolution (9) - 18
- Temporally adaptive acoustic sampling to maximize detection across a suite of focal wildlife species, 2019, Ecology and Evolution (9) - 18
- Linking demographic and food-web models to understand management trade-offs, 2019, Ecology and Evolution (9) - 15
- Are polar bear habitat resource selection functions developed from 1985-1996 data still useful?, 2019, Ecology and Evolution (9) - 15
- Begging behavior as an honest signal of need and parent-offspring association during the post-fledging dependency period, 2019, Ecology and Evolution (9) - 13
- Coast to coast: High genomic connectivity in North American scoters, 2019, Ecology and Evolution (9) - 12
- Ecological effects of fear: How spatiotemporal heterogeneity in predation risk influences mule deer access to forage in a sky‐island system, 2019, Ecology and Evolution (9) - 12
- Seeking shelter from the storm: Conservation and management of imperiled species in a changing climate, 2019, Ecology and Evolution (9) - 12
- Mismatches between breeding phenology and resource abundance of resident alpine ptarmigan negatively affect chick survival, 2019, Ecology and Evolution (9) - 12
- Sitting ducklings: Timing of hatch, nest departure, and predation risk for dabbling duck broods, 2019, Ecology and Evolution (9) - 9
- North-facing slopes and elevation shape asymmetric genetic structure in the range-restricted salamander Plethodon shenandoah, 2019, Ecology and Evolution (9) - 9
- Bats in a changing landscape: Linking occupancy and traits of a diverse montane bat community to fire regime, 2019, Ecology and Evolution (9) - 9
- Changes in genetic diversity and differentiation in Red‐cockaded woodpeckers (Dryobates borealis) over the past century, 2019, Ecology and Evolution (9) - 9
- Does perspective matter? A case study comparing Eulerian and Lagrangian estimates of common murre (Uria aalge) distributions, 2019, Ecology and Evolution (9) - 8
- Estimating the energy expenditure of free‐ranging polar bears using tri‐axial accelerometers: A validation with doubly labeled water, 2019, Ecology and Evolution (9) - 7
- Flooding regimes increase avian predation on wildlife prey in tidal marsh ecosystems, 2019, Ecology and Evolution (9) - 3
- A hierarchical Bayesian approach for handling missing classification data, 2019, Ecology and Evolution (9) - 6
- Disease‐structured N‐mixture models: A practical guide to model disease dynamics using count data, 2019, Ecology and Evolution (9) - 2
- Complex immune responses and molecular reactions to pathogens and disease in a desert reptile (Gopherus agassizii), 2019, Ecology and Evolution (9) - 5
- Impact of prey occupancy and other ecological and anthropogenic factors on Tiger distribution in Thailand’s Western Forest Complex, 2019, Ecology and Evolution (9) - 5
- Water salinity and inundation control soil carbon decomposition during salt marsh restoration: An incubation experiment, 2019, Ecology and Evolution (9) - 4
- Partitioning global change: Assessing the relative importance of changes in climate and land cover for changes in avian distribution, 2019, Ecology and Evolution (9) - 4
- Landscape genetics reveal broad and fine‐scale population structure due to landscape features and climate history in the northern leopard frog (Rana pipiens) in North Dakota, 2019, Ecology and Evolution (9) - 3
- Fire legacies in eastern ponderosa pine forests, 2019, Ecology and Evolution (9) - 4
- Genetic analyses reveal cryptic introgression in secretive marsh bird populations, 2019, Ecology and Evolution (8) - 19
- Interactive effects of severe drought and grazing on the life history cycle of a bioindicator species on the edge of its range, 2019, Ecology and Evolution (8) - 18
- Development of on-shore behavior among polar bears (Ursus maritimus) in the southern Beaufort Sea: Inherited or learned?, 2019, Ecology and Evolution (8) - 16
- Non‐linear effect of sea ice: Spectacled Eider survival declines at both extremes of the ice spectrum, 2018, Ecology and Evolution (8) - 23
- Sympatry or syntopy? Investigating drivers of distribution and co‐occurrence for two imperiled sea turtle species in Gulf of Mexico neritic waters, 2018, Ecology and Evolution (8) - 24
- Observer-free experimental evaluation of habitat and distance effects on the detection of anuran and bird vocalizations, 2018, Ecology and Evolution (8) - 24
- Quantitative acoustic differentiation of cryptic species illustrated with King and Clapper rails, 2018, Ecology and Evolution (8) - 24
- Hidden cost of disease in a free‐ranging ungulate: brucellosis reduces mid‐winter pregnancy in elk, 2018, Ecology and Evolution (8) - 22
- Local factors associated with on‐host flea distributions on prairie dog colonies, 2018, Ecology and Evolution (8) - 17
- Dynamic occupancy modeling of temperate marine fish in area-based closures, 2018, Ecology and Evolution (8) - 20
- A method to detect discontinuities in census data, 2018, Ecology and Evolution (8) - 19
- A bioenergetics evaluation of temperature‐dependent selection for the spawning phenology by Snake River fall Chinook salmon, 2018, Ecology and Evolution (62) - 4
- Behavioral differences following ingestion of large meals and consequences for management of a harmful invasive snake: A field experiment, 2018, Ecology and Evolution (8) - 20
- Evidence that climate sets the lower elevation range limit in a high‐elevation endemic salamander, 2018, Ecology and Evolution (8) - 15
- Cytonuclear discordance in the Florida Everglades invasive Burmese python (Python bivittatus) population reveals possible hybridization with the Indian python (P. molurus), 2018, Ecology and Evolution (8) - 17
- Flyway structure in the circumpolar greater white‐fronted goose, 2018, Ecology and Evolution (8) - 16
- Estimating distemper virus dynamics among wolves and grizzly bears using serology and Bayesian state‐space models, 2018, Ecology and Evolution (8) - 17
- Sea‐level rise, habitat loss, and potential extirpation of a salt marsh specialist bird in urbanized landscapes, 2018, Ecology and Evolution (8) - 16
- Landscape genetics identifies streams and drainage infrastructure as dispersal corridors for an endangered wetland bird, 2018, Ecology and Evolution (8) - 16
- A new tool for studying waterfowl immune and metabolic responses: Molecular level analysis using kinome profiling, 2018, Ecology and Evolution (8) - 16
- Changing environmental gradients over forty years alter ecomorphological variation in Guadalupe Bass Micropterus treculii throughout a river basin, 2018, Ecology and Evolution (8) - 16
- Lactation and resource limitation affect stress responses, thyroid hormones, immune function, and antioxidant capacity of sea otters (Enhydra lutris), 2018, Ecology and Evolution (8) - 16
- Improving geographically extensive acoustic survey designs for modeling species occurrence with imperfect detection and misidentification, 2018, Ecology and Evolution (8) - 12
- Longevity and population age structure of the arroyo southwestern toad (Anaxyrus californicus) with drought implications, 2018, Ecology and Evolution (8) - 12
- The genetic network of greater sage-grouse: Range-wide identification of keystone hubs of connectivity, 2018, Ecology and Evolution (8) - 11
- Co‐occurrence dynamics of endangered Lower Keys marsh rabbits and free‐ranging domestic cats: Prey responses to an exotic predator removal program, 2018, Ecology and Evolution (8) - 8
- Size‐assortative choice and mate availability influences hybridization between red wolves (Canis rufus) and coyotes (Canis latrans), 2018, Ecology and Evolution (8) - 8
- Long-term persistence of horse fecal DNA in the environment makes equids particularly good candidates for non-invasive sampling, 2018, Ecology and Evolution (8) - 8
- An analytical framework for estimating aquatic species density from environmental DNA, 2018, Ecology and Evolution (8) - 6
- The effect of isolation, fragmentation, and population bottlenecks on song structure of a Hawaiian honeycreeper, 2018, Ecology and Evolution (8) - 4
- Using expert knowledge to incorporate uncertainty in cause-of-death assignments for modeling of cause-specific mortality, 2018, Ecology and Evolution (8) - 1
- Infrared heater system for warming tropical forest understory plants and soils, 2018, Ecology and Evolution (8) - 4
- Rule reversal: Ecogeographical patterns of body size variation in the common treeshrew (Mammalia, Scandentia), 2018, Ecology and Evolution (8) - 3
- Parasite spillover: Indirect effects of invasive Burmese pythons, 2018, Ecology and Evolution (8) - 2
- A general modeling framework for describing spatially structured population dynamics, 2017, Ecology and Evolution (8) - 1
- Genetic implications of bottleneck effects of differing severities on genetic diversity in naturally recovering populations: An example from Hawaiian coot and Hawaiian gallinule, 2017, Ecology and Evolution (7) - 23
- Ad hoc instrumentation methods in ecological studies produce highly biased temperature measurements, 2017, Ecology and Evolution (7) - 23
- Evidence for density dependence in foraging and migratory behavior of a subtropical nearshore seabird, 2017, Ecology and Evolution (7) - 16
- Projecting species’ vulnerability to climate change: Which uncertainty sources matter most and extrapolate best?, 2017, Ecology and Evolution (7) - 21
- Assessing the potential of translocating vulnerable forest birds by searching for novel and enduring climatic ranges, 2017, Ecology and Evolution (7) - 21
- Using multiple data types and integrated population models to improve our knowledge of apex predator population dynamics, 2017, Ecology and Evolution (7) - 22
- Temporal constraints on the potential role of fry odors as cues of past reproductive success for spawning lake trout, 2017, Ecology and Evolution (7) - 23
- Restricted gene flow between resident Oncorhynchus mykiss and an admixed population of anadromous steelhead, 2017, Ecology and Evolution (7) - 20
- Transmission routes maintaining a viral pathogen of steelhead trout within a complex multi-host assemblage, 2017, Ecology and Evolution (7) - 20
- Accounting for imperfect detection of groups and individuals when estimating abundance, 2017, Ecology and Evolution (7) - 18
- Refining the cheatgrass–fire cycle in the Great Basin: Precipitation timing and fine fuel composition predict wildfire trends, 2017, Ecology and Evolution (7) - 19
- Do you hear what I see? Vocalization relative to visual detection rates of Hawaiian hoary bats (Lasiurus cinereus semotus), 2017, Ecology and Evolution (7) - 17
- Lessons from the Tōhoku tsunami: A model for island avifauna conservation prioritization, 2017, Ecology and Evolution (7) - 13
- Simultaneous estimation of diet composition and calibration coefficients with fatty acid signature data, 2017, Ecology and Evolution (7) - 16
- Genetic differentiation and inferred dynamics of a hybrid zone between Northern Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) and California Spotted Owls (S. o. occidentalis) in northern California, 2017, Ecology and Evolution (7) - 17
- Life history constraints explain negative relationship between fish productivity and dissolved organic carbon in lakes, 2017, Ecology and Evolution (7) - 16
- The evolution of different maternal investment strategies in two closely related desert vertebrates, 2017, Ecology and Evolution (7) - 9
- Variation in species-level plant functional traits over wetland indicator status categories, 2017, Ecology and Evolution (7) - 11
- Long-term and widespread changes in agricultural practices influence ring-necked pheasant abundance in California, 2017, Ecology and Evolution (7) - 8
- Similarity of plant functional traits and aggregation pattern in a subtropical forest, 2017, Ecology and Evolution (7) - 12
- Creating multithemed ecological regions for macroscale ecology: Testing a flexible, repeatable, and accessible clustering method, 2017, Ecology and Evolution (7) - 9
- Developing approaches for linear mixed modeling in landscape genetics through landscape-directed dispersal simulations, 2017, Ecology and Evolution (7) - 11
- Genetic structure among greater white-fronted goose populations of the Pacific Flyway, 2017, Ecology and Evolution (7) - 9
- Modeling nonbreeding distributions of shorebirds and waterfowl in response to climate change, 2017, Ecology and Evolution (7) - 5
- When perception reflects reality: Non-native grass invasion alters small mammal risk landscapes and survival, 2017, Ecology and Evolution (7) - 6
- Intraspecific functional diversity of common species enhances community stability, 2017, Ecology and Evolution (7) - 5
- Legacy or colonization? Posteruption establishment of peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus) on a volcanically active subarctic island., 2017, Ecology and Evolution (7) - 1
- Evaluating within-population variability in behavior and demography for the adaptive potential of a dispersal-limited species to climate change, 2016, Ecology and Evolution (6) - 24
- Environmental variability and population dynamics: Do European and North American ducks play by the same rules?, 2016, Ecology and Evolution (6) - 19
- Filling the interspace—restoring arid land mosses: source populations, organic matter, and overwintering govern success, 2016, Ecology and Evolution (6) - 21
- Genetic variation at the MHC DRB1 locus is similar across Gunnison's prairie dog (Cynomys gunnisoni) colonies regardless of plague history, 2016, Ecology and Evolution (6) - 8
- Can you hear me now? Range-testing a submerged passive acoustic receiver array in a Caribbean coral reef habitat, 2016, Ecology and Evolution (6) - 14
- A goodness-of-fit test for occupancy models with correlated within-season revisits, 2016, Ecology and Evolution (6) - 15
- Ungulate browsers promote herbaceous layer diversity in logged temperate forests, 2016, Ecology and Evolution (6) - 13
- Genetic reconstruction of a bullfrog invasion to elucidate vectors of introduction and secondary spread, 2016, Ecology and Evolution (6) - 15
- Estimating species – area relationships by modeling abundance and frequency subject to incomplete sampling, 2016, Ecology and Evolution (6) - 14
- A Bayesian approach for temporally scaling climate for modeling ecological systems, 2016, Ecology and Evolution (6) - 9
- Tolerance to multiple climate stressors: A case study of Douglas-fir drought and cold hardiness, 2016, Ecology and Evolution (6) - 7
- Baseline glucocorticoids are drivers of body mass gain in a diving seabird, 2016, Ecology and Evolution (6) - 6
- Disentangling vegetation diversity from climate–energy and habitat heterogeneity for explaining animal geographic patterns, 2016, Ecology and Evolution (6) - 5
- Assessing models of speciation under different biogeographic scenarios; An empirical study using multi-locus and RNA-seq analyses, 2016, Ecology and Evolution (6) - 2
- Population and genetic outcomes 20 years after reintroducing bobcats (Lynx rufus) to Cumberland Island, Georgia USA, 2015, Ecology and Evolution (5) - 21
- Estimating occupancy dynamics for large-scale monitoring networks: amphibian breeding occupancy across protected areas in the northeast United States, 2015, Ecology and Evolution (5) - 21
- Determining habitat quality for species that demonstrate dynamic habitat selection, 2015, Ecology and Evolution (5) - 23
- Niche divergence builds the case for ecological speciation in skinks of the Plestiodon skiltonianus species complex, 2015, Ecology and Evolution (5) - 20
- Using sutures to attach miniature tracking tags to small bats for multimonth movement and behavioral studies, 2015, Ecology and Evolution (5) - 14
- Persistence at distributional edges: Columbia spotted frog habitat in the arid Great Basin, USA, 2015, Ecology and Evolution (5) - 17
- Effects of changing climate on aquatic habitat and connectivity for remnant populations of a wide-ranging frog species in an arid landscape, 2015, Ecology and Evolution (5) - 18
- Evaluation of habitat suitability index models by global sensitivity and uncertainty analyses: a case study for submerged aquatic vegetation, 2015, Ecology and Evolution (5) - 13
- Intersexual allometry differences and ontogenetic shifts of coloration patterns in two aquatic turtles, Graptemys oculifera and Graptemys flavimaculata, 2015, Ecology and Evolution (5) - 11
- Landscape characteristics influencing the genetic structure of greater sage-grouse within the stronghold of their range: a holistic modeling approach, 2015, Ecology and Evolution (5) - 10
- Distance measures and optimization spaces in quantitative fatty acid signature analysis, 2015, Ecology and Evolution (6) - 5
- Integrated survival analysis using an event-time approach in a Bayesian framework, 2015, Ecology and Evolution (5) - 3
- Value of information in natural resource management: technical developments and application to pink-footed geese, 2015, Ecology and Evolution (5) - 2
- Predicting fine-scale distributions of peripheral aquatic species in headwater streams, 2015, Ecology and Evolution (5) - 1
- Testing taxon tenacity of tortoises: evidence for a geographical selection gradient at a secondary contact zone, 2015, Ecology and Evolution (5) - 10
- Vegetation changes associated with a population irruption by Roosevelt elk, 2015, Ecology and Evolution (5) - 1
- Evaluating nurse plants for restoring native woody species to degraded subtropical woodlands, 2015, Ecology and Evolution (5) - 2
- Accounting for tagging-to-harvest mortality in a Brownie tag-recovery model by incorporating radio-telemetry data, 2014, Ecology and Evolution (4) - 8
- Carryover effects and climatic conditions influence the postfledging survival of greater sage-grouse, 2014, Ecology and Evolution (4) - 23
- An integrated modeling approach to estimating Gunnison Sage-Grouse population dynamics: Combining index and demographic data, 2014, Ecology and Evolution (4) - 22
- Estimating the spatial distribution of wintering little brown bat populations in the eastern United States, 2014, Ecology and Evolution (4) - 19
- Life-history traits predict perennial species response to fire in a desert ecosystem, 2014, Ecology and Evolution (4) - 15
- The effect of call libraries and acoustic filters on the identification of bat echolocation, 2014, Ecology and Evolution (4) - 17
- A quantitative life history of endangered humpback chub that spawn in the Little Colorado River: variation in movement, growth, and survival, 2014, Ecology and Evolution (4) - 7
- Physiological and ecological effects of increasing temperature on fish production in lakes of Arctic Alaska, 2014, Ecology and Evolution (4) - 10
- Estimating migratory connectivity of birds when re-encounter probabilities are heterogeneous, 2014, Ecology and Evolution (4) - 9
- Influence of whitebark pine decline on fall habitat use and movements of grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, 2014, Ecology and Evolution (4) - 10
- Guidelines for a priori grouping of species in hierarchical community models, 2014, Ecology and Evolution (4) - 7
- Validation of adipose lipid content as a body condition index for polar bears, 2014, Ecology and Evolution (4) - 4
- Inferences about population dynamics from count data using multi-state models: A comparison to capture-recapture approaches, 2014, Ecology and Evolution (4) - 4
- Climate change and fire effects on a prairie-woodland ecotone: projecting species range shifts with a dynamic global vegetation model, 2013, Ecology and Evolution (3) - 15
- A hierarchical nest survival model integrating incomplete temporally varying covariates, 2013, Ecology and Evolution (3) - 13
- Evidence for 20th century climate warming and wetland drying in the North American Prairie Pothole Region, 2013, Ecology and Evolution (3) - 10
- Foraging area fidelity for Kemp's ridleys in the Gulf of Mexico, 2013, Ecology and Evolution (3) - 7
- Eco-evolutionary responses of Bromus tectorum to climate change: implications for biological invasions, 2013, Ecology and Evolution (3) - 5
- Modeling ecological minimum requirements for distribution of greater sage-grouse leks: implications for population connectivity across their western range, U.S.A., 2013, Ecology and Evolution (3) - 6
- Strong species-environment feedback shapes plant community assembly along environmental gradients, 2013, Ecology and Evolution (3) - 12
- Hybridization among Arctic white-headed gulls (Larus spp.) obscures the genetic legacy of the Pleistocene, 2012, Ecology and Evolution (2) - 6
- Fine scale relationships between sex, life history, and dispersal of masu salmon, 2012, Ecology and Evolution (2) - 5