Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Chronic effects of metal releases from historical mining on threatened crayfish in Madison County Missouri, USA, 2024, Ecotoxicology (33) -
- Toxicity of a management bait for grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) incorporated with Antimycin A, 2024, Ecotoxicology (33) -
- Mercury concentrations in Seaside Sparrows and Marsh Rice Rats differ across the Mississippi River Estuary, 2024, Ecotoxicology (33) -
- Global mercury concentrations in biota: Their use as a basis for a global biomonitoring framework, 2024, Ecotoxicology (33) -
- Wildfire burn severity and stream chemistry influence aquatic invertebrate and riparian avian mercury exposure in forested ecosystems, 2024, Ecotoxicology (33) -
- A case study: Temporal trends of environmental stressors and reproductive health of smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) from a site in the Potomac River Watershed, Maryland, USA, 2022, Ecotoxicology (31) -
- Mercury exposure of tidal marsh songbirds in the northeastern United States and its association with nest survival, 2022, Ecotoxicology (31) -
- Using tree swallows to assess reductions in PCB exposure as a result of dredging at Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) sites in the Upper Midwest, USA, 2021, Ecotoxicology (30) -
- A synthesis of patterns of environmental mercury inputs, exposure and effects in New York State, 2020, Ecotoxicology (29) -
- Ultraviolet-assisted oiling assessment improves detection of oiled birds experiencing clinical signs of hemolytic anemia after exposure to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, 2020, Ecotoxicology (29) -
- The impact of lime additions on mercury dynamics in stream chemistry and macroinvertebrates: A comparison of watershed and direct stream addition management strategies, 2020, Ecotoxicology (29) -
- Mercury in fish from streams and rivers in New York State: Spatial patterns, temporal changes, and environmental drivers, 2020, Ecotoxicology (29) -
- Mercury bioaccumulation in freshwater fishes of the Chesapeake Bay watershed, 2020, Ecotoxicology (29) -
- Methylmercury-Total mercury ratios in predator and primary consumer insects from Adirondack streams (New York, USA), 2020, Ecotoxicology (29) -
- Wetland water-management may influence mercury bioaccumulation in songbirds and ducks at a mercury hotspot, 2020, Ecotoxicology (29) -
- Songbird feathers as indicators of mercury exposure: High variability and low predictive power suggest limitations, 2020, Ecotoxicology (29) -
- Resolving a paradox—high mercury deposition, but low bioaccumulation in northeastern Puerto Rico, 2019, Ecotoxicology (29) -
- Distribution of contaminants in the environment and wildlife habitat use: A case study with lead and waterfowl on the Upper Texas Coast, 2019, Ecotoxicology (28) -
- Spatial variation in aquatic invertebrate and riparian songbird mercury exposure across a river-reservoir system with a legacy of mercury contamination, 2019, Ecotoxicology (29) -
- Feather mercury concentrations in North American raptors sampled at migration monitoring stations, 2019, Ecotoxicology
- Factors influencing fish mercury concentrations in Iowa rivers, 2019, Ecotoxicology (29) -
- Evidence for exposure to selenium by breeding interior snowy plovers (Charadrius nivosus) in saline systems of the Southern Great Plains, 2018, Ecotoxicology (27) - 6
- A case study and a meta-analysis of seasonal variation in fish mercury concentrations, 2018, Ecotoxicology (27) -
- Reproductive success and contaminant associations in tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) used to assess a Beneficial Use Impairment in U.S. and Binational Great Lakes’ Areas of Concern, 2018, Ecotoxicology (27) - 4
- EROD activity, chromosomal damage, and oxidative stress in response to contaminants exposure in tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) nestlings from Great Lakes Areas of Concern, 2017, Ecotoxicology (26) - 10
- Estimating the effects of 17α-ethinylestradiol on stochastic population growth rate of fathead minnows: a population synthesis of empirically derived vital rates, 2016, Ecotoxicology (25) - 7
- Effects of urban land-use on largescale stonerollers in the Mobile River Basin, Birmingham, AL, 2016, Ecotoxicology (25) - 3
- Aeshnid dragonfly larvae as bioindicators of methylmercury contamination in aquatic systems impacted by elevated sulfate loading, 2016, Ecotoxicology (25) - 3
- It’s what’s inside that counts: Egg contaminant concentrations are influenced by estimates of egg density, egg volume, and fresh egg mass, 2016, Ecotoxicology (25) - 4
- From tails to toes: developing nonlethal tissue indicators of mercury exposure in five amphibian species, 2016, Ecotoxicology (25) - 3
- Toxicity reference values for chlorophacinone and their application for assessing anticoagulant rodenticide risk to raptors, 2015, Ecotoxicology (24) - 4
- Chromosomal damage and EROD induction in tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) along the Upper Mississippi River, Minnesota, USA, 2015, Ecotoxicology (24) - 5
- In situ effects of pesticides on amphibians in the Sierra Nevada, 2015, Ecotoxicology (24) - 2
- Anticoagulant rodenticides in urban bobcats: exposure, risk factors and potential effects based on a 16-year study, 2015, Ecotoxicology (24) - 4
- Songbirds as sentinels of mercury in terrestrial habitats of eastern North America, 2015, Ecotoxicology (24) - 2
- Can mercury in fish be reduced by water level management? Evaluating the effects of water level fluctuation on mercury accumulation in yellow perch (Perca flavescens), 2014, Ecotoxicology (23) - 8
- Lead and eagles: demographic and pathological characteristics of poisoning, and exposure levels associated with other causes of mortality, 2014, Ecotoxicology (23) - 9
- Assessment of mitochondrial DNA damage in little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus) collected near a mercury-contaminated river, 2014, Ecotoxicology (23) - 8
- Changes in polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) exposure in tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) nesting along the Sheboygan River, WI, USA, 2014, Ecotoxicology (23) - 8
- Blood lead concentrations in Alaskan tundra swans: linking breeding and wintering areas with satellite telemetry, 2014, Ecotoxicology (23) - 3
- Mercury bioaccumulation in Southern Appalachian birds, assessed through feather concentrations, 2014, Ecotoxicology (23) - 2
- Health of white sucker within the St. Louis River area of concern associated with habitat usage as assessed using stable isotopes, 2014, Ecotoxicology (23) - 2
- Effects of historical lead–zinc mining on riffle-dwelling benthic fish and crayfish in the Big River of southeastern Missouri, USA, 2013, Ecotoxicology (22) - 3
- Influence of dietary carbon on mercury bioaccumulation in streams of the Adirondack Mountains of New York and the Coastal Plain of South Carolina, USA, 2013, Ecotoxicology (22) - 1
- The influence of external subsidies on diet, growth and Hg concentrations of freshwater sport fish: implications for management and fish consumption advisories, 2012, Ecotoxicology (21) - 7
- Assessment of toxicity and potential risk of the anticoagulant rodenticide diphacinone using Eastern screech-owls (Megascops asio), 2012, Ecotoxicology (21) - 3
- Histologic, immunologic and endocrine biomarkers indicate contaminant effects in fishes of the Ashtabula River, 2012, Ecotoxicology (21) - 1
- Wastewater dilution index partially explains observed polybrominated diphenyl ether flame retardant concentrations in osprey eggs from Columbia River Basin, 2008-2009, 2011, Ecotoxicology (20) - 4
- Spatial patterns of mercury in macroinvertebrates and fishes from streams of contrasting forested landscapes in the eastern United States, 2011, Ecotoxicology (20) - 7
- Effects of injected methylmercury on the hatching of common loon (Gavia immer) eggs, 2011, Ecotoxicology (20) - 7
- Bi-phasic trends in mercury concentrations in blood of Wisconsin common loons during 1992-2010, 2011, Ecotoxicology (20) - 7
- Impacts of the herbicide butachlor on the larvae of a paddy field breeding frog (Fejervarya limnocharis) in subtropical Taiwan, 2011, Ecotoxicology (20) - 2
- Assessment of lead exposure in Spanish imperial eagle (Aquila adalberti) from spent ammunition in central Spain, 2011, Ecotoxicology (20) - 4
- MercNet: A national monitoring network to assess responses to changing mercury emissions in the United States, 2011, Ecotoxicology (20) - 7
- Reproduction in mallards exposed to dietary concentrations of methylmercury, 2010, Ecotoxicology (19) - 5
- Polychlorinated biphenyls, dioxins, furans, and organochlorine pesticides in spotted sandpiper eggs from the upper Hudson River basin, New York, 2010, Ecotoxicology (19) - 2
- Wintering area DDE source to migratory white-faced ibis revealed by satellite telemetry and prey sampling, 2010, Ecotoxicology (19) - 1
- Associations between land use and Perkinsus marinus infection of eastern oysters in a high salinity, partially urbanized estuary, 2009, Ecotoxicology (18) - 2
- PCDDs, PCDFs, PCBs, OC pesticides and mercury in fish and osprey eggs from Willamette River, Oregon (1993, 2001 and 2006) with calculated biomagnification factors, 2009, Ecotoxicology (18) - 2
- Ecological risk of heavy metals in sediments of the Luan river source water, 2009, Ecotoxicology (18) - 6
- Polybrominated diphenyl ether flame retardants in eggs may reduce reproductive success of ospreys in Oregon and Washington, USA, 2009, Ecotoxicology (18) - 7
- Potential effects of environmental contaminants on P450 aromatase activity and DNA damage in swallows from the Rio Grande and Somerville, Texas, 2009, Ecotoxicology (18) - 1
- Survival of postfledging Forster's terns in relation to mercury exposure in San Francisco Bay, 2008, Ecotoxicology (17) - 8
- Mercury and drought along the lower Carson River, Nevada: II. Snowy egret and black-crowned night-heron reproduction on Lahontan Reservoir, 1997-2006, 2008, Ecotoxicology (17) - 2
- Mercury bioaccumulation in northern two-lined salamanders from streams in the northeastern United States, 2005, Ecotoxicology (14) - 1-2
- Assessing mercury exposure and effects to American dippers in headwater streams near mining sites, 2005, Ecotoxicology (14) - 7
- Estimation and mapping of wet and dry mercury deposition across northeastern North America, 2005, Ecotoxicology (14) - 1-2
- Factors influencing mercury in freshwater surface sediments of northeastern North America, 2005, Ecotoxicology (14) - 1-2
- Physical controls on total and methylmercury concentrations in streams and lakes of the northeastern USA, 2005, Ecotoxicology (14) - 1-2
- Distribution patterns of mercury in Lakes and Rivers of northeastern North America, 2005, Ecotoxicology (14) - 1-2
- Physiological changes in largemouth bass exposed to paper mill effluents under laboratory and field conditions, 2004, Ecotoxicology (13) - 4
- Use of retrospective data to assess ecotoxicological monitoring needs for terrestrial vertebrates residing in Atlantic coast estuaries, 2003, Ecotoxicology (12) - 1-4
- Trace elements in lesser scaup (Aythya affinis) from the Mississippi flyway, 2003, Ecotoxicology (12) - 1-4
- Effects of methyl mercury exposure on the growth of juvenile common loons, 2003, Ecotoxicology (12) - 1-4
- Nineteenth century mercury hazard to wading birds and cormorants of the Carson River, Nevada, 2002, Ecotoxicology (11) - 4
- Effects of sludge filtrate on the survival and reproduction of Ceriodaphnia dubia, 2002, Ecotoxicology (11) - 2
- Lead burdens and behavioral impairments of the lined shore crab Pachygrapsus crassipes, 2002, Ecotoxicology (11) -
- Cytochrome b sequences in black-crowned night-herons (Nycticorax nycticorax) from heronries exposed to genotoxic contaminants, 2001, Ecotoxicology (10) - 5
- Estimating toxic damage to soil ecosystems from soil organic matter profiles, 2001, Ecotoxicology (10) - 5
- Relation of waterfowl poisoning to sediment lead concentrations in the Coeur d'Alene River Basin, 2000, Ecotoxicology (9) - 3
- Persistence of high lead concentrations and associated effects in Tundra Swans captured near a mining and smelting complex in northern Idaho, 1999, Ecotoxicology (8) - 2
- Acute toxicity and accumulation of the piscicide 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) in freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae), 1998, Ecotoxicology (7) - 2
- Declining ring-necked pheasants in the Klamath Basin, California: I. Insecticide exposure, 1998, Ecotoxicology (7) - 5
- Flow-cytometric determination of genotoxic effects of exposure to petroleum in mink and sea otters, 1998, Ecotoxicology (7) - 4
- Uptake of arsenic and metals by tadpoles at an historically contaminated Texas site, 1998, Ecotoxicology (7) - 2
- Blood lead concentrations of spectacled eiders near the Kashunuk River, Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, 1998, Ecotoxicology (7) - 3
- Metal concentrations in oldsquaw (Clangula hyemalis) during an outbreak of avian cholera, Chesapeake Bay, 1994, 1998, Ecotoxicology (7) - 2
- The role of sediment ingestion in exposing wood ducks to lead, 1997, Ecotoxicology (6) - 3
- Secondary poisoning of kestrels by white phosphorus, 1997, Ecotoxicology (6) - 4
- Development and evaluation of sediment quality guidelines for Florida coastal waters, 1996, Ecotoxicology (5) - 4
- Sediment quality triad assessment survey of the Galveston Bay, Texas system, 1996, Ecotoxicology (5) - 6
- Organochlorine residues in bat guano from nine Mexican caves, 1991, 1995, Ecotoxicology (4) - 4
- Organochlorine residues in bat guano from nine Mexican caves, 1991, 1995, Ecotoxicology (4) - 4
- Cyanide and migratory birds at gold mines in Nevada, USA, 1994, Ecotoxicology (3) - 1
- Accumulation and effects of lead and cadmium on wood ducks near a mining and smelting complex in Idaho, 1993, Ecotoxicology (2) - 2
- Developmental stability and its applications in ecotoxicology, 1993, Ecotoxicology (2) - 3