Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Using parentage-based tagging to estimate survival of Chinook salmon fry in a large storage reservoir, 2024, Environmental Biology of Fishes (107) -
- Smallmouth buffalo (Ictiobus bubalus Rafinesque) population trends and demographics in the Upper Mississippi River System, 2024, Environmental Biology of Fishes (107) -
- Population density and zooplankton biomass influence anadromous juvenile river herring growth in freshwater lakes, 2024, Environmental Biology of Fishes (107) -
- An experimental study of benthic habitat selection in yellow-phase American eels (Anguilla rostrata), 2024, Environmental Biology of Fishes (107) -
- Wetland geomorphology and tidal hydrodynamics drive fine-scale fish community composition and abundance, 2024, Environmental Biology of Fishes (107) -
- Scale-dependent tradeoffs between habitat and time in explaining Alligator Gar (Atractosteus spatula) movement, 2024, Environmental Biology of Fishes (107) -
- Movement beyond the mean: decoupling sources of individual variation in brook trout movement across seasons, 2023, Environmental Biology of Fishes (106) -
- A memoir very much worth the read: Reviewing: My Life in Fish: One Scientist’s Journey, by Gary D. Grossman (illustrated by Ryan Tavarez), published by Today’s Ecological Solutions (2022), 2023, Environmental Biology of Fishes (106) -
- Linked foraging and bioenergetics modeling may inform fish parasite infection dynamics, 2023, Environmental Biology of Fishes (106) -
- Can angler-assisted broodstock collection programs improve harvest rates of hatchery-produced steelhead?, 2023, Environmental Biology of Fishes
- The effects of substrate and sediment burial on survival of developing pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) and shovelnose sturgeon (S. platorynchus) embryos, 2023, Environmental Biology of Fishes (106) -
- Growth and survival rates of dispersing free embryos and settled larvae of pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) in the Missouri River, Montana and North Dakota, 2022, Environmental Biology of Fishes (105) - 8
- Quantifying the effects of tides, river flow, and barriers on movements of Chinook Salmon smolts at junctions in the Sacramento–San Joaquin River Delta using multistate models, 2022, Environmental Biology of Fishes (105) -
- Use of non-lethal endpoints to establish water quality requirements and optima of the endangered Topeka shiner (Notropis topeka), 2021, Environmental Biology of Fishes (104) -
- Submerged aquatic vegetation habitat use of age-0 Florida bass Micropterus floridanus, 2021, Environmental Biology of Fishes (104) -
- Improved methods for understanding the role of predation on dreissenid population dynamics, 2021, Environmental Biology of Fishes (104) -
- Blue sucker habitat use in a regulated Texas river: Implications for conservation and restoration, 2021, Environmental Biology of Fishes (104) - 4
- Comparative morphology of freshwater sculpin inhabiting different environmental conditions in the Chesapeake Bay headwaters, 2021, Environmental Biology of Fishes (104) -
- Impact of smallmouth bass predation on subyearling fall Chinook salmon over a broad river continuum, 2020, Environmental Biology of Fishes (103) -
- Outmigration survival of wild Chinook salmon smolts through the Sacramento River during historic drought and high water conditions, 2020, Environmental Biology of Fishes (103) -
- A conceptual framework for the identification and characterization of lacustrine spawning habitats for native lake charr Salvelinus namaycush, 2019, Environmental Biology of Fishes (102) - 12
- Energetic status and bioelectrical impedance modeling of Arctic grayling Thymallus arcticus in interior Alaska Rivers, 2019, Environmental Biology of Fishes (102) -
- Wetlands and development influence fish diversity in a species-rich small river, 2019, Environmental Biology of Fishes (102) -
- Stream characteristics associated with feeding type in silver(Ichthyomyzon unicuspis) and northern brook (I. fossor) lampreys and tests for phenotypic plasticity, 2019, Environmental Biology of Fishes (102) - 4
- Evidence of repeated long-distance movements by lake charr Salvelinus namaycush in Lake Huron, 2019, Environmental Biology of Fishes (101) - 4
- Warm water temperatures and shifts in seasonality increase trout recruitment but only moderately decrease adult size in western North American tailwaters, 2018, Environmental Biology of Fishes (101) - 8
- Partial migration of the nurse shark, Ginglymostoma cirratum (Bonnaterre), from the Dry Tortugas Islands, 2018, Environmental Biology of Fishes (101) - 4
- A mechanistic assessment of seasonal microhabitat selection by drift-feeding rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss in a southwestern headwater stream, 2018, Environmental Biology of Fishes (202) - 2
- Intraspecific differences in morphology correspond to differential spawning habitat use in two riverine catostomid species, 2018, Environmental Biology of Fishes (101) - 8
- Rearing environment influences boldness and prey acquisition behavior, and brain and lens development of bull trout, 2018, Environmental Biology of Fishes (101) - 3
- Vertical self-sorting behavior in juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha): evidence for family differences and variation in growth and morphology, 2018, Environmental Biology of Fishes (101) - 2
- Energetic requirements of green sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris) feeding on burrowing shrimp (Neotrypaea californiensis) in estuaries: importance of temperature, reproductive investment, and residence time, 2017, Environmental Biology of Fishes (100) - 12
- Piscivore diet response to a collapse in pelagic prey populations, 2017, Environmental Biology of Fishes (100) - 8
- Diel periodicity and chronology of upstream migration in yellow-phase American eels (Anguilla rostrata), 2017, Environmental Biology of Fishes (100) - 7
- An evaluation of silver-stage American Eel conspecific chemical cueing during outmigration, 2017, Environmental Biology of Fishes (100) - 7
- Continued feeding on Diporeia by deepwater sculpin in Lake Huron, 2017, Environmental Biology of Fishes (100) - 4
- Role of riparian shade on the fish assemblage of a reservoir littoral, 2016, Environmental Biology of Fishes (99) - 10
- Feeding periodicity, diet composition, and food consumption of subyearling rainbow trout in winter, 2016, Environmental Biology of Fishes (99) - 10
- Habituation of adult sea lamprey repeatedly exposed to damage-released alarm and predator cues, 2016, Environmental Biology of Fishes (99) - 8
- Nonlinear relationships can lead to bias in biomass calculations and drift-foraging models when using summaries of invertebrate drift data, 2016, Environmental Biology of Fishes (99) - 8
- Physiological comparisons of plasma and tissue metrics of selected inland and coastal steelhead kelts., 2016, Environmental Biology of Fishes (99) - 5
- Spawning and rearing behavior of bull trout in a headwater lake ecosystem, 2016, Environmental Biology of Fishes (99) - 1
- Seasonal cues of Arctic grayling movement in a small Arctic stream: the importance of surface water connectivity, 2015, Environmental Biology of Fishes (99) - 1
- Evidence from data storage tags for the presence of lunar and semilunar behavioral cycles in spawning Atlantic cod, 2015, Environmental Biology of Fishes (98) - 7
- Spatial and temporal movement dynamics of brook Salvelinus fontinalis and brown trout Salmo trutta, 2015, Environmental Biology of Fishes (98) - 10
- Assessing dorsal scute microchemistry for reconstruction of shortnose sturgeon life histories, 2015, Environmental Biology of Fishes (98) - 12
- Testing the thermal-niche oxygen-squeeze hypothesis for estuarine striped bass, 2015, Environmental Biology of Fishes (98) - 10
- Life history strategies of fish species and biodiversity in eastern USA streams, 2015, Environmental Biology of Fishes (98) - 2
- The role of depth in regulating water quality and fish assemblages in oxbow lakes, 2015, Environmental Biology of Fishes (98) - 3
- Temperature effects induced by climate change on the growth and consumption by salmonines in Lakes Michigan and Huron, 2015, Environmental Biology of Fishes (98) - 4
- Floodplains within reservoirs promote earlier spawning of white crappies Pomoxis annularis, 2015, Environmental Biology of Fishes (98) - 1
- Evaluating changes in stream fish species richness over a 50-year time-period within a landscape context, 2015, Environmental Biology of Fishes (98) - 5
- New insight into the spawning behavior of lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush, from a recovering population in the Laurentian Great Lakes, 2015, Environmental Biology of Fishes (98) - 1
- Use of glacier river-fed estuary channels by juvenile coho salmon: transitional or rearing habitats?, 2014, Environmental Biology of Fishes (97) - 7
- Feeding habits of an endemic fish, Oxygymnocypris stewartii, in the Yarlung Zangbo River in Tibet, China, 2014, Environmental Biology of Fishes (97) - 11
- Vulnerability of age-0 pallid sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus to predation; effects of predator type, turbidity, body size, and prey density, 2014, Environmental Biology of Fishes (97) - 6
- Mechanisms of drift-feeding behavior in juvenile Chinook salmon and the role of inedible debris in a clear water Alaskan stream, 2014, Environmental Biology of Fishes (97) - 5
- Book review: Environmental flows: A definitive guide, 2014, Environmental Biology of Fishes (97) - 2
- Fluvial rainbow trout contribute to the colonization of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in a small stream, 2013, Environmental Biology of Fishes (97) - 10
- Location and timing of Asian carp spawning in the Lower Missouri River, 2013, Environmental Biology of Fishes (96) - 5
- Demography and movement patterns of leopard sharks (Triakis semifasciata) aggregating near the head of a submarine canyon along the open coast of southern California, USA, 2013, Environmental Biology of Fishes (96) - 7
- Demographic patterns in the peacock grouper (Cephalopholis argus), an introduced Hawaiian reef fish, 2013, Environmental Biology of Fishes (96) - 8
- Adjusting survival estimates for premature transmitter failure: A case study from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, 2013, Environmental Biology of Fishes (96) - 2
- Adaptive strategies and life history characteristics in a warming climate: salmon in the Arctic?, 2013, Environmental Biology of Fishes (96) - 10-11
- Assessment of juvenile coho salmon movement and behavior in relation to rehabilitation efforts in the Trinity River, California, using PIT tags and radiotelemetry, 2013, Environmental Biology of Fishes (96) - 2-3
- Tradeoffs between homing and habitat quality for spawning site selection by hatchery-origin Chinook salmon, 2013, Environmental Biology of Fishes (96) - 1
- Variability in expression of anadromy by female Oncorhynchus mykiss within a river network, 2012, Environmental Biology of Fishes (93) - 4
- Individual condition and stream temperature influence early maturation of rainbow and steelhead trout, ncorhynchus mykiss, 2012, Environmental Biology of Fishes (93) - 3
- Feeding habitats of the Gulf sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi, in the Suwannee and Yellow rivers, Florida, as identified by multiple stable isotope analyses, 2012, Environmental Biology of Fishes (95) - 2
- Pre-spawning migration of adult Pacific lamprey, Entosphenus tridentatus, in the Willamette River, Oregon, U.S.A., 2012, Environmental Biology of Fishes (93) - 2
- Evidence for competition at sea between Norton Sound chum salmon and Asian hatchery chum salmon, 2012, Environmental Biology of Fishes (94) - 1
- Factors affecting fish biodiversity in floodplain lakes of the Mississippi Alluvial Valley, 2012, Environmental Biology of Fishes (93) - 3
- Migration of Sakhalin taimen (Parahucho perryi): Evidence of freshwater resident life history types, 2012, Environmental Biology of Fishes (93) - 2
- Hierarchy in factors affecting fish biodiversity in floodplain lakes of the Mississippi Alluvial Valley, 2012, Environmental Biology of Fishes (93) - 3
- An experimental test and models of drift and dispersal processes of pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) free embryos in the Missouri River, 2012, Environmental Biology of Fishes (93) - 3
- Selection and preference of benthic habitat by small and large Ammocoetes of the Least Brook Lamprey (Lampetra aepyptera), 2011, Environmental Biology of Fishes (91) - 4
- Use of cover habitat by bull trout, Salvelinus confluentus, and lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush, in a laboratory environment, 2011, Environmental Biology of Fishes (90) - 4
- Significant genetic differentiation between native and introduced silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) inferred from mtDNA analysis, 2011, Environmental Biology of Fishes (92) - 4
- Intraspecific variation in gill morphology of juvenile Nile perch, Lates niloticus, in Lake Nabugabo, Uganda, 2010, Environmental Biology of Fishes (88) - 2
- Utility of mesohabitat features for determining habitat associations of subadult sharks in Georgia’s estuaries, 2010, Environmental Biology of Fishes (88) - 4
- Using spatial, seasonal, and diel drift patterns of larval Lost River suckers Deltistes luxatus (Cypriniformes: Catostomidae) and shortnose suckers Chasmistes brevirostris (Cypriniformes: Catostomidae) to help identify a site for a water withdrawal structure on the Williamson River, Oregon, 2010, Environmental Biology of Fishes (89) - 1
- A method of mounting multiple otoliths for beam-based microchemical analyses, 2010, Environmental Biology of Fishes (89) - 3
- A physiological approach to quantifying thermal habitat quality for redband rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri) in the south Fork John Day River, Oregon, 2010, Environmental Biology of Fishes (87) - 4
- Fine sediment affects on survival to emergence of robust redhorse, 2009, Environmental Biology of Fishes (87) - 1
- Salinity tolerance of non-native Asian swamp eels (Teleostei: Synbranchidae) in Florida, USA: Comparison of three populations and implications for dispersal, 2009, Environmental Biology of Fishes (85) - 1
- Influences of wind-wave exposure on the distribution and density of recruit reef fishes at Kure and Pearl and Hermes Atolls, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, 2009, Environmental Biology of Fishes (85) - 4
- Threatened fishes of the world: Moapa coriacea Hubbs and Miller, 1948 (cyprinidae), 2009, Environmental Biology of Fishes (86) - 2
- Application of two tests of multivariate discordancy to fisheries data sets, 2008, Environmental Biology of Fishes (82) - 4
- Lake trout demographics in relation to burbot and coregonine populations in the Algonquin Highlands, Ontario, 2008, Environmental Biology of Fishes (83) - 2
- Comparison of visual survey and seining methods for estimating abundance of an endangered, benthic stream fish, 2008, Environmental Biology of Fishes (81) - 3
- Influence of dams and habitat condition on the distribution of redhorse (Moxostoma) species in the Grand River watershed, Ontario, 2008, Environmental Biology of Fishes (81) - 1
- Population status of North American green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, 2007, Environmental Biology of Fishes (79) - 3-4
- Stress does not inhibit induced vitellogenesis in juvenile rainbow trout, 2007, Environmental Biology of Fishes (80) - 4
- Migration and spawning of female surubim (Pseudoplatystoma corruscans, Pimelodidae) in the São Francisco river, Brazil, 2007, Environmental Biology of Fishes (80) - 4
- Relationships between reef fish communities and remotely sensed rugosity measurements in Biscayne National Park, Florida, USA, 2007, Environmental Biology of Fishes (78) - 1
- Lake whitefish and lake herring population structure and niche in ten south-central Ontario lakes, 2006, Environmental Biology of Fishes (75) - 3
- Energy density of lake whitefish Coregonus clupeaformis in Lakes Huron and Michigan, 2006, Environmental Biology of Fishes (76) - 2-4
- Influence of riffle characteristics, surficial geology, and natural barriers on the distribution of the channel darter, Percina copelandi, in the Lake Ontario basin, 2005, Environmental Biology of Fishes (72) - 3
- Ontogenetic behavior and dispersal of Sacramento River white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus, with a note on body color, 2005, Environmental Biology of Fishes (74) - 1
- Relation of desert pupfish abundance to selected environmental variables in natural and manmade habitats in the Salton Sea basin, 2005, Environmental Biology of Fishes (73) - 1
- Vulnerability of young white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus, to predation in the presence of alternative prey, 2005, Environmental Biology of Fishes (74) - 3-4
- Competition for food between an introduced crayfish and two fishes endemic to the Colorado River basin, 2005, Environmental Biology of Fishes (72) - 3
- Predictability of littoral-zone fish communities through ontogeny in Lake Texoma, Oklahoma-Texas, USA, 2005, Environmental Biology of Fishes (73) - 1
- Effects of biotic and abiotic factors on the distribution of trout and salmon along a longitudinal stream gradient, 2005, Environmental Biology of Fishes (72) - 4
- Identifying spawning behavior in Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) using electronic tags, 2005, Environmental Biology of Fishes (73) - 4
- Sampling issues affecting accuracy of likelihood-based classification using genetical data, 2004, Environmental Biology of Fishes (69) - 1-4
- Threatened fishes of the world: Notropis topeka Gilbert, 1884 (Cyprinidae), 2004, Environmental Biology of Fishes (70) - 3
- Major histocompatibility complex loci are associated with susceptibility of Atlantic salmon to infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus, 2004, Environmental Biology of Fishes (69) - 1
- A comparison of genetic ariation between an anadromous steelhead, Oncorhynchus mykiss, population and seven derived populations sequestered in freshwater for 70 years, 2004, Environmental Biology of Fishes (69) - 1
- Ontogenetic behavior and migration of Gulf of Mexico sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi, with notes on body color and development, 2004, Environmental Biology of Fishes (70) - 1
- Threatened fishes of the world: Noturus placidus Taylor, 1969 (Ictaluridae), 2004, Environmental Biology of Fishes (70) - 1
- Feeding ecology and energetic relationships with habitat of blue catfish, Ictalurus furcatus, and flathead catfish, Pylodictis olivaris, in the lower Mississippi River, U.S.A., 2004, Environmental Biology of Fishes (70) - 2
- The habitats exploited and the species trapped in a Caribbean island trap fishery, 2004, Environmental Biology of Fishes (71) - 3
- A comparison of visual prey detection among species of piscivorous salmonids: Effects of light and low turbidities, 2003, Environmental Biology of Fishes (67) - 4
- Variation in habitat use by juvenile Acadian redfish, Sebastes fasciatus, 2003, Environmental Biology of Fishes (68) - 4
- Flyingfish spawning (Parexocoetus brachypterus) in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico, 2003, Environmental Biology of Fishes (67) - 1
- Comparative ontogenetic behavior and migration of kaluga, Huso dauricus, and Amur sturgeon, Acipenser schrenckii, from the Amur River, 2003, Environmental Biology of Fishes (66) - 1
- Ontogenetic behavior and migration of Dabry's sturgeon, Acipenser dabryanus, from the Yangtze River, with notes on body color and development rate, 2003, Environmental Biology of Fishes (66) - 1
- Ontogenetic behavior and migration of Volga River Russian sturgeon, Acipenser gueldenstaedtii, with a note on adaptive significance of body color, 2002, Environmental Biology of Fishes (65) - 4
- Ontogenetic behavior and migration of Atlantic sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus, and shortnose sturgeon, A. brevirostrum, with notes on social behavior, 2002, Environmental Biology of Fishes (63) - 2
- Growth and abundance of Pacific Sand Lance, Ammodytes hexapterus, under differing oceanographic regimes, 2002, Environmental Biology of Fishes (64) - 4
- Fish communities of the Sacramento River Basin: Implications for conservation of native fishes in the Central Valley, California, 2002, Environmental Biology of Fishes (63) - 4
- Ontogenetic behavior, migration, and social behavior of pallid sturgeon, Scaphirhynchus albus, and shovelnose sturgeon, S. platorynchus, with notes on the adaptive significance of body color, 2002, Environmental Biology of Fishes (63) - 4
- Age, growth, and gonadal characteristics of adult bighead carp, Hypophthalmichthys nobilis, in the lower Missouri River, 2002, Environmental Biology of Fishes (64) - 4
- Ontogenetic behavior and migration of Chinese sturgeon, Acipenser sinensis, 2002, Environmental Biology of Fishes (65) - 1
- Ontogenetic behavior and migration of Atlantic sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus, and shortnose sturgeon, A; brevirostrum, with notes on social behavior, 2002, Environmental Biology of Fishes (63) - 3
- Fish species and community distributions as proxies for sea-floor habitat distributions: the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary example (northwest Atlantic, Gulf Of Maine), 2001, Environmental Biology of Fishes (60) - 4
- Threatened fishes of the world: Aspiorhynchus laticeps (Day, 1877) (Cyprinidae), 2001, Environmental Biology of Fishes (61) - 4
- Behavioral thermoregulation by juvenile spring and fall chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, during smoltification, 2001, Environmental Biology of Fishes (61) - 3
- Fish communities and their associations with environmental variables, lower San Joaquin River drainage, California, 2000, Environmental Biology of Fishes (57) - 3
- Homing and movement of yellow-phase American eels in freshwater ponds, 2000, Environmental Biology of Fishes (58) - 4
- Tidal influence on spatial dynamics of leopard sharks, Triakis semifasciata, in Tomales Bay, California, 2000, Environmental Biology of Fishes (58) - 1
- Aggressive and foraging behavioral interactions among ruffe, 2000, Environmental Biology of Fishes (57) - 3
- Growth and mortality of age-0 northern squawfish, Ptychocheilus oregonensis, rearing in shoreline habitats of the Columbia River Reservoir, 1999, Environmental Biology of Fishes (54) - 1
- Comparative microhabitat use of ecologically similar benthic fishes, 1999, Environmental Biology of Fishes (56) - 4
- Management implications of fish trap effectiveness in adjacent coral reef and gorgonian habitats, 1999, Environmental Biology of Fishes (55) - 1-2
- Spawning ecology of flannelmouth sucker, Catostomus lattipinnis (Catostomidae), in two small tributaries of the lower Colorado river, 1998, Environmental Biology of Fishes (52) - 4
- Diel and distributional abundance patterns of fish embryos and larvae in the lower Columbia and Deschutes rivers, 1998, Environmental Biology of Fishes (51) - 4
- Physiological tolerances of juvenile robust redhorse, Moxostoma robustum: Conservation implications for an imperiled species, 1998, Environmental Biology of Fishes (51) - 4
- Temporal dynamics of fish communities on an exposed shoreline in Hawaii, 1998, Environmental Biology of Fishes (53) - 1
- Life history, latitudinal patterns, and status of the shortnose sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostrum, 1997, Environmental Biology of Fishes (48) - 1-4
- Habitat use and movements of shovelnose sturgeon in Pool 13 of the upper Mississippi River during extreme low flow conditions, 1997, Environmental Biology of Fishes (50) - 2
- Invading species in the Eel River, California: Successes, failures, and relationships with resident species, 1997, Environmental Biology of Fishes (49) - 3
- Sturgeon rivers: An introduction to acipenseriform biogeography and life history, 1997, Environmental Biology of Fishes (48) - 1-4
- Threatened fishes of the world: Eucyclogobius newberryi Girard, 1857 (Gobiidae), 1996, Environmental Biology of Fishes (46) -
- Comparative ecology of prickly sculpin, Cottus asper, and coastrange sculpin, C. aleuticus, in the Eel River, California, 1995, Environmental Biology of Fishes (42) - 4
- Vulnerability to predation and physiological stress responses of experimentally descaled juvenile Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, 1994, Environmental Biology of Fishes (39) - 2
- Effects of habitat availability on dispersion of a stream cyprinid, 1993, Environmental Biology of Fishes (37) - 2
- Effect of four fluctuating temperature regimes on cui-ui Chasmistes cujus survival from egg fertilization to swim-up and size of larvae produced, 1993, Environmental Biology of Fishes (38) - 4
- A key phase in the recruitment dynamics of coral reef fishes: post-settlement transition, 1992, Environmental Biology of Fishes (34) - 2
- Feeding rate of slimy sculpin and burbot on young lake charr in laboratory reefs, 1991, Environmental Biology of Fishes (31) - 3
- The evolution of sex-change mechanisms in fishes, 1990, Environmental Biology of Fishes (29) - 2
- Feeding chronology of juvenile piranhas, Pygocentrus notatus, in the Venezuelan llanos, 1990, Environmental Biology of Fishes (29) -
- Behavior of fish predators and their prey: Habitat choice between open water and dense vegetation, 1989, Environmental Biology of Fishes (24) - 4
- Effect of differential gastric evacuation and multispecies prey items on estimates of daily energy intake in juvenile Chinook salmon, 1987, Environmental Biology of Fishes (19) - 2
- Mortalities of kelp-forest fishes associated with large oceanic waves off central California, 1982-1983, 1987, Environmental Biology of Fishes (18) - 1
- Effects of ration size on preferred temperature of lake charr Salvelinus namaycush, 1985, Environmental Biology of Fishes (14) - 2/3