Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- The effects of imidacloprid and polyester microfibers on the larval development of the endangered sunflower star, 2025, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
- Evaluation of the sensitivity of a federally endangered freshwater mussel (Venustaconcha trabalis) to selected chemicals, 2025, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
- Derivation and characterization of environmental hazard concentrations for chemical prioritization: A case study in the Great Lakes tributaries, 2025, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
- Fishy factors: Recognizing biological variation and its implications for fish immuno(eco)toxicology research, 2025, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
- Sensitivity of Alabama freshwater gastropod species to nickel exposure, 2024, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (43) - 12
- Inconsistent transcriptomic responses to hexabromocyclododecane in Japanese quail: A comparative analysis of results from four different study designs, 2024, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
- Effects of harmful algal blooms on amphibians and reptiles are under-reported and under-represented, 2024, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (43) - 9
- Low-level dietary clothianidin exposure preferentially causes prepupal mortality of monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus), 2024, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (43) - 9
- Bioconcentration of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances and precursors in fathead minnow tissues environmentally exposed to aqueous film-forming foam-contaminated waters, 2024, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (43) - 8
- Evaluation of short-term mussel test for estimating toxicity, 2024, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (43) - 9
- Potential hazards of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Great Lakes tributaries using water column and porewater passive samplers and sediment wquilibrium partitioning, 2024, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (43) - 7
- Egg mercury concentration and egg size varies with position in the laying sequence in two songbird species, 2024, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (43) - 8
- Methylmercury effects on birds: A review, meta-analysis, and development of toxicity reference values for injury assessment based on tissue residues and diet, 2024, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (43) - 6
- Carbon dioxide toxicity to zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) is dependent on water chemistry, 2024, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (43) - 6
- Reduced freshwater mussel juvenile production as a result of agricultural and urban contaminant mixture exposures, 2024, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (43) - 5
- The role of sediment ingestion in exposing bottom-feeding fish to chemical elements, 2024, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (43) - 5
- The effects of wastewater reuse on smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) relative abundance in the Shenandoah River Watershed, USA, 2024, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (43) - 5
- Exposure to and biomarker responses from legacy and emerging contaminants along three drainages in the Milwaukee Estuary, Wisconsin, USA, 2024, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (43) - 4
- Toxicity of wildland fire retardants to rainbow trout in short exposures, 2024, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (43) - 2
- Permethrin contamination of sawgrass marshes and potential risk for the imperiled Klot’s skipper butterfly (Euphyes pilatka klotsi), 2024, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (43) - 2
- Do pharmaceuticals in the environment pose a risk to wildlife?, 2024, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (43) - 3
- Bioavailability and toxicity models of copper to freshwater life: The state of regulatory science, 2023, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (42) - 12
- Assessing contaminants of emerging concern in the Great Lakes Ecosystem: A decade of method development and practical application, 2023, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (42) - 12
- Trace elements and consequent ecological risks in mining- influenced streams of Appalachia, 2023, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (42) - 12
- Reevaluation of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin equivalency factors for dioxin-like polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans, and polychlorinated biphenyls for fishes, 2023, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (42) - 10
- Bioaccumulation kinetics of model pharmaceuticals in the freshwater unionid pondmussel, Sagittunio subrostratus, 2023, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (42) - 6
- Review and development of best practices for toxicity tests with dreissenid mussels, 2023, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (42) - 8
- Laboratory-derived bioaccumulation kinetic parameters for four per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in freshwater mussels, 2023, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (42) - 6
- Effects of nitrate and conductivity on embryo-larval fathead minnows, 2023, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (42) - 7
- Ecological harm and economic damages of chemical contamination to linked aquatic-terrestrial food webs: A study-design tool for practitioners, 2023, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (42) - 9
- Influences of water hardness on chronic toxicity of potassium chloride to a unionid mussel (Lampsilis siliquoidea), 2023, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (42) - 5
- Ecotoxicological studies indicate that sublethal and lethal processes limit insect-mediated contaminant flux, 2023, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (42) - 9
- Riparian spiders: Sentinels of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin and dibenzofuran-contaminated sediment, 2023, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (42) - 2
- Pesticide prioritization by potential biological effects in tributaries of the Laurentian Great Lakes, 2023, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (42) - 2
- Comparison of two estrogen chemically activated luciferase expression cell bioassays to liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry for quantifying estrone in water samples, 2023, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (42) - 2
- Integrated assessment of chemical and biological recovery after diversion and treatment of acid mine drainage in a Rocky Mountain stream, 2023, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (42) - 2
- Prioritizing pesticides of potential concern and identifying potential mixture effects in Great Lakes tributaries using passive samplers, 2023, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (42) - 2
- Influence of test method variables on sensitivity of Neocloeon triangulifer to a reference toxicant in short-term, effluent style evaluations, 2022, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (41) - 11
- The capacity of freshwater ecosystems to recover from exceedances of aquatic life criteria, 2022, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (41) - 12
- Elevated mercury concentrations and isotope signatures (N, C, Hg) in yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) from the Galápagos Marine Reserve and waters off Ecuador, 2022, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (41) - 11
- Prioritizing pharmaceutical contaminants in Great Lakes tributaries using risk-based screening techniques, 2022, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (41) - 9
- Toxicity of wildland fire-fighting chemicals in pulsed exposures to rainbow trout and fathead minnows, 2022, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (41) - 7
- Increased mercury and reduced insect diversity in linked stream-riparian food webs downstream of a historical mercury mine, 2022, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (41) - 2
- Interlaboratory comparison of three sediment bioaccumulation tests, 2022, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (41) - 5
- Water chemistry, exposure routes and metal forms determine the bioaccumulation dynamics of silver (ionic and nanoparticulate) in Daphnia magna, 2022, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (41) - 3
- Comparative toxicity of aquatic per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance exposure in three species of amphibians, 2022, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (41) - 6
- Site- and individual-level contaminations affect infection prevalence of an emerging infectious disease of amphibians, 2022, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (41) - 3
- Use of riparian spiders as sentinels of persistent and bioavailable chemical contaminants in aquatic ecosystems: A review, 2022, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (41) - 3
- Risk-based prioritization of organic chemicals and locations of ecological concern in sediment from Great Lakes tributaries, 2022, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (41) - 4
- Method development for a short-term 7-day toxicity test with unionid mussels, 2021, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (40) - 12
- The sensitivity of a unionid mussel (Lampsilis siliquoidea) to a permitted effluent and elevated potassium in the effluent, 2021, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (40) - 12
- Insect-mediated contaminant flux at the land–water interface: Are ecological subsidies driving exposure or is exposure driving subsidies?, 2021, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (40) - 11
- Modeling the bioavailability of nickel and zinc to Ceriodaphnia dubia and Neocloeon triangulifer in toxicity tests with Natural Waters, 2021, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (40) - 11
- Response to Gard et al.'s (2021) Comments on the Critical Review “Polychlorinated Biphenyl Tissue-Concentration Thresholds for Survival, Growth, and Reproduction in Fish”, 2021, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (8) - 40
- Direct and delayed mortality of Ceriodaphnia dubia and rainbow trout following time-varying acute exposures to zinc, 2021, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (40) - 9
- Sex- and developmental stage-related differences in the hepatic transcriptome of Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) exposed to 17β-Trenbolone, 2021, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (40) - 9
- Identifying chemicals and mixtures of potential biological concern detected in passive samplers from Great Lakes tributaries using high-throughput data and biological pathways, 2021, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (40) - 8
- Cross-ecosystem fluxes of pesticides from prairie wetlands mediated by aquatic insect emergence: Implications for terrestrial insectivores, 2021, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (40) - 8
- Survival and contaminants in imperiled and common riverine fishes assessed with an in situ bioassay approach, 2021, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (40) - 8
- High frequency of lead exposure in the population of an endangered Australian top predator, the Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle (Aquila audax fleayi), 2021, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (40) - 1
- Assessing the ecological risks of per‐ and polyfluoroalkyl substances: Current state‐of‐the science and a proposed path forward, 2021, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (40) - 3
- Emerging and historical contaminants detected in desert rodents collected near a low‐level radioactive waste site, 2021, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (40) - 3
- Evaluation of acute and chronic toxicity of nickel and zinc to 2 sensitive freshwater benthic invertebrates using refined testing methods, 2020, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (39) - 11
- Primary sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to streambed sediment in Great Lakes tributaries using multiple lines of evidence, 2020, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (39) - 7
- Moving beyond p<0.05 in ecotoxicology: A guide for practitioners, 2020, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (39) - 9
- Legacy and contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) in tree swallows along an agricultural to industrial gradient: Maumee River, OH, 2020, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (39) - 10
- Investigation on endocrine disruption of the larval lampricide 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol: Short-term reproduction assay with fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) under flow-through conditions, 2020, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (39) - 8
- Temperature‐related responses of an invasive mussel and 2 unionid mussels to elevated carbon dioxide, 2020, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (39) - 8
- Factors affecting sampling strategies for design of an effects‐directed analysis for endocrine‐active chemicals, 2020, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (39) - 7
- Legacy and current‐use contaminants in sediments alter macroinvertebrate communities in southeastern US Streams, 2020, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (39) - 6
- Acute and chronic toxicity of sodium nitrate and sodium sulfate to several freshwater organisms in water-only exposures, 2020, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (39) - 5
- Feeding ecology drives lead exposure of facultative and obligate avian scavengers in the eastern United States, 2020, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (39) - 4
- Bioaccumulation and toxicity of cadmium, copper, nickel, and zinc and their mixtures to aquatic insect communities, 2020, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (39) - 4
- Metal bioavailability models: Current status, lessons learned, considerations for regulatory use, and the path forward, 2020, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (39) - 1
- Declining aluminum toxicity and the role of exposure duration on brook trout mortality in acidified streams of the Adirondack Mountains, New York, USA, 2020, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (39) - 3
- Brodifacoum toxicity in American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) with evidence of increased hazard upon subsequent anticoagulant rodenticide exposure, 2020, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (39) - 2
- Influence of dissolved organic carbon on the acute toxicity of copper and zinc to White Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) and a Cladoceran (Ceriodaphnia dubia), 2019, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (38) - 12
- Toward sustainable environmental quality: Priority research questions for North America, 2019, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (38) -
- Wetland management strategy to reduce mercury export in water and bioaccumulation in fish, 2019, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (38) - 10
- Toxicity of aluminum to Ceriodaphnia dubia in low-hardness waters as affected by natural dissolved organic matter, 2019, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (38) - 10
- Lead in piscivorous raptors during breeding season in the Chesapeake Bay region of Maryland and Virginia, USA, 2019, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (38) - 4
- Mercury concentrations vary within and among individual bird feathers: A critical evaluation and guidelines for feather use in mercury monitoring programs, 2019, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (38) - 6
- Patterns of mercury and selenium exposure in Minnesota common loons, 2019, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (38) - 3
- Critical review: Grand challenges in assessing the adverse effects of contaminants of emerging concern on aquatic food webs, 2019, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (38) - 1
- Behavioral effects of copper on larval white sturgeon, 2019, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (38) - 1
- Polychlorinated biphenyl tissue‐concentration thresholds for survival, growth, and reproduction in fish, 2019, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (38) - 4
- Cyanobacteria reduce motility of quagga mussel (Driessena rostriformis bugensis) sperm, 2019, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (38) - 2
- Sex‐specific responses in neuroanatomy of hatchling American kestrels in response to embryonic exposure to the flame retardants bis(2‐ethylhexyl)‐2,3,4,5‐tetrabromophthalate and 2‐ethylhexyl‐2,3,4,5‐tetrabromobenzoate, 2018, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (37) - 12
- Characterizing toxicity of metal‐contaminated sediments from the Upper Columbia River, Washington, USA, to benthic invertebrates, 2018, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (37) - 12
- Evaluation of chronic toxicity of sodium chloride or potassium chloride to a unionid mussel (Lampsilis siliquoidea) in water exposures using standard and refined toxicity testing methods, 2018, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (37) - 12
- Understanding the captivity effect on invertebrate communities transplanted into an experimental stream laboratory, 2018, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (37) - 11
- Embryonic effects of an environmentally relevant PCB mixture in the domestic chicken, 2018, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (37) - 10
- Effects of urban stormwater and iron‐enhanced sand filtration on Daphnia magna and Pimephales promelas, 2018, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (37) - 10
- A comparison of the chemical sensitivities between in vitro and in vivo propagated juvenile freshwater mussels: Implications for standard toxicity testing, 2018, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (37) - 12
- Riparian spiders indicate the magnitude and sources of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) contamination at a large contaminated sediment site, 2018, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (37) - 9
- Acute toxicity of sodium chloride and potassium chloride to a unionid mussel (Lampsilis siliquoidea) in water exposures, 2018, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (37) -
- Nanomaterials in the environment: Behavior, fate, bioavailability, and effects—An updated review, 2018, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (37) - 8
- Importance of growth rate on mercury and polychlorinated biphenyl bioaccumulation in fish, 2018, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (37) - 6
- Anomalous bioaccumulation of lead in the earthworm Eisenoides lonnbergi (Michaelsen), 2018, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (37) - 3
- Hematological indices of injury to lightly oiled birds from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, 2018, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (37) - 2
- Acute and chronic toxicity of aluminum to a unionid mussel (Lampsilis siliquoidea) and an amphipod (Hyalella azteca) in water‐only exposures, 2018, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (37) - 1
- Aluminum bioavailability and toxicity to aquatic organisms: Introduction to the special section, 2018, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (37) - 1
- Tools to minimize interlaboratory variability in vitellogenin gene expression monitoring programs, 2017, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (36) - 1
- A comparison of four porewater sampling methods for metal mixtures and dissolved organic carbon and the implications for sediment toxicity evaluations, 2017, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (36) - 11
- Resilience in ecotoxicology: Toward a multiple equilibrium concept, 2017, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (36) - 10
- Are exposure predictions, used for the prioritization of pharmaceuticals in the environment, fit for purpose?, 2017, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (36) - 10
- An examination of the effect of aerosolized permanone insecticide on zebra finch susceptibility to West Nile virus, 2017, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (36) - 12
- Predictive framework for estimating exposure of birds to pharmaceuticals, 2017, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (36) - 9
- Response to comment on “Primary sources and toxicity of PAHs in Milwaukee-area streambed sediments”—The authors' reply, 2017, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (36) - 8
- Acute toxicity of polyacrylamide flocculants to early life stages of freshwater mussels, 2017, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (36) - 10
- RNA sequencing analysis of transcriptional change in the freshwater mussel Elliptio complanata after environmentally relevant sodium chloride exposure, 2017, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (36) - 9
- Widespread occurrence and potential for biodegradation of bioactive contaminants in Congaree National Park, USA, 2017, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (36) - 11
- A long-term copper exposure in a freshwater ecosystem using lotic mesocosms: Invertebrate community responses, 2017, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (36) - 10
- Sensitivity of lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) early life stages to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-P-dioxin and 3,3′,4,4′,5-pentachlorobiphenyl, 2017, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (36) - 4
- In some places, in some cases, and at some times, harmful algal blooms are the greatest threat to inland water quality, 2017, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (36) - 5
- Cessation of oil exposure in harlequin ducks after the Exxon Valdez oil spill: Cytochrome P4501A biomarker evidence, 2017, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (36) - 5
- Acute sensitivity of the vernal pool fairy shrimp, Branchinecta lynchi (Anostraca; Branchinectidae), and surrogate species to 10 chemicals, 2017, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (36) - 3
- Acute sensitivity of a broad range of freshwater mussels to chemicals with different modes of toxic action, 2017, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (36) - 3
- A critical evaluation of the utility of eggshells for estimating mercury concentrations in avian eggs, 2017, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (36) - 9
- Chronic toxicity of azoxystrobin to freshwater amphipods, midges, cladocerans, and mussels in water-only exposures, 2017, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (36) - 9
- Effects of carbon dioxide on juveniles of the freshwater mussel (Lampsilis siliquoidea [Unionidae]), 2017, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (36) - 3
- Mercury exposure may influence fluctuating asymmetry in waterbirds, 2017, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (36) - 6
- Nonlethal laparoscopic detection of intersex (testicular oocytes) in largemouthbass (Micropterus salmoides) and smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu), 2017, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (36) - 7
- Riparian spiders as sentinels of polychlorinated biphenyl contamination across heterogeneous aquatic ecosystems, 2017, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (36) - 5
- Organic contamination in tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) nestlings at United States and binational great Lakes Areas of Concern, 2017, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (36) - 3
- Primary sources and toxicity of PAHs in Milwaukee-area streambed sediment, 2017, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (36) - 6
- Endocrine active contaminants in aquatic systems and intersex in common sport fishes, 2017, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (36) - 4
- Larval aquatic insect responses to cadmium and zinc in experimental streams, 2017, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (36) - 3
- Effects of 2 fungicide formulations on microbial and macroinvertebrate leaf decomposition under laboratory conditions, 2016, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (35) - 11
- Alternative approaches to vertebrate ecotoxicity tests in the 21st century: A review of developments over the last 2 decades and current status, 2016, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (35) - 11
- Using an interlaboratory study to revise methods for conducting 10-d to 42-d water or sediment toxicity tests with Hyalella azteca, 2016, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (35) - 10
- Influence of bromide on the performance of the amphipod Hyalella azteca in reconstituted waters, 2016, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (35) - 10
- Linking field-based metabolomics and chemical analyses to prioritize contaminants of emerging concern in the Great Lakes basin, 2016, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (35) - 10
- Evaluation of potential mechanisms of atrazine-induced reproductive impairment in fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) and Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes), 2016, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (35) - 9
- Chesapeake Bay fish–osprey (Pandion haliaetus) food chain: Evaluation of contaminant exposure and genetic damage, 2016, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (35) - 6
- Pathway-based approaches for assessment of real-time exposure to an estrogenic wastewater treatment plant effluent on fathead minnow reproduction, 2016, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (35) - 3
- Environmental toxicology without chemistry and publications without discourse: Linked impediments to better science, 2016, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (35) - 6
- Concentrations and spatial patterns of organic contaminants in tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) eggs at United States and binational Great Lakes Areas of Concern, 2010–2015, 2016, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (35) - 12
- An automated approach to Litchfield and Wilcoxon's evaluation of dose–effect experiments using the R package LW1949, 2016, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (35) - 12
- Pacific lamprey (Entosphenus tridentatus) ammocoetes exposed to contaminated Portland Harbor sediments: Method development and effects on survival, growth, and behavior, 2016, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (35) - 8
- Effect of diet quality on chronic toxicity of aqueous lead to the amphipod Hyalella azteca, 2016, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (35) -
- Assessing atmospheric concentration of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) by evergreen Rhododendron maximum next to a contaminated stream, 2016, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (35) - 9
- Integrated assessment of wastewater treatment plant effluent estrogenicity in the Upper Murray River, Australia, using the native Murray rainbowfish (Melanotaenia fluviatilis), 2016, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (34) - 5
- Mercury correlations among blood, muscle, and hair of northern elephant seals during the breeding and molting fasts, 2016, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (35) - 8
- Bioaccessibility tests accurately estimate bioavailability of lead to quail, 2016, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (35) - 9
- Spatial and temporal variation in microcystins occurrence in wadeable streams in the southeastern USA, 2016, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (35) - 9
- Acute and chronic toxicity of sodium sulfate to four freshwater organisms in water-only exposures, 2016, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (35) - 1
- Complex mixtures, complex responses: Assessing pharmaceutical mixtures using field and laboratory approaches, 2016, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (35) - 4
- Egg laying sequence influences egg mercury concentrations and egg size in three bird species: Implications for contaminant monitoring programs, 2016, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (35) - 6
- Assessing variability in chemical acute toxicity of unionid mussels: Influence of intra- and inter-laboratory testing, life stage, and species, 2016, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (35) - 3
- Disparity between state fish consumption advisory systems for methylmercury and US Environmental Protection Agency recommendations: A case study of the South Central United States, 2015, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (35) - 1
- Potential estrogenic effects of wastewaters on gene expression in Pimephales promelas and fish assemblages in streams of southeastern New York, 2015, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (34) - 12
- In Response: Biological arguments for selecting effect sizes in ecotoxicological testing—A governmental perspective, 2015, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (34) - 11
- Landfill leachate as a mirror of today's disposable society: Pharmaceuticals and other contaminants of emerging concern in final leachate from landfills in the conterminous United States, 2015, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (35) - 4
- Mercury and selenium accumulation in the Colorado River food web, Grand Canyon, USA, 2015, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (34) - 10
- Influence of in ovo mercury exposure, lake acidity, and other factors on common loon egg and chick quality in Wisconsin, 2015, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (34) - 8
- Influence of a chlor-alkali superfund site on mercury bioaccumulation in periphyton and low-trophic level fauna, 2015, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (34) - 7
- An evaluation of the residual toxicity and chemistry of a sodium hydroxide-based ballast water treatment system for freshwater ships, 2015, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (34) - 6
- Evaluation of the short term 12 hour toxicity of 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) to multiple life stages of Venustaconcha ellipsiformis and Epioblasma triquetra and its host fish (Percina caprodes), 2015, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (34) - 7
- Relative sensitivity of an amphipod Hyalella azteca, a midge Chironomus dilutus, and a unionid mussel Lampsilis siliquoidea to a toxic sediment, 2015, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (34) - 5
- Expanding metal mixture toxicity models to natural stream and lake invertebrate communities, 2015, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (34) - 4
- Toxicity of sediments from lead-zinc mining areas to juvenile freshwater mussels (Lampsilis siliquoidea) compared to standard test organisms, 2015, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (34) - 3
- Metal Mixture Modeling Evaluation project: 2. Comparison of four modeling approaches, 2015, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (34) - 4
- Sources of endocrine-disrupting compounds in North Carolina waterways: a geographic information systems approach, 2015, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (34) - 2
- Environmental contaminants and chromosomal damage associated with beak deformities in a resident North American passerine, 2015, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (34) - 2
- Sensitivity of shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus) and pallid sturgeon (S. albus) early life stages to 3,30,4,40,5-pentachlorobiphenyl and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin exposure, 2015, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (34) - 6
- Invasive crayfish as vectors of mercury in freshwater food webs of the Pacific Northwest, 2014, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (33) - 11
- Acute sensitivity of white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) to copper, cadmium, or zinc in water-only laboratory exposures, 2014, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (33) - 10
- Chronic sensitivity of white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) to cadmium, copper, lead, or zinc in laboratory water-only exposures, 2014, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (33) - 10
- Inorganic elements in green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas): relationships among external and internal tissues, 2014, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (33) - 9
- In situ and laboratory toxicity of coalbed natural gas produced waters with elevated sodium bicarbonate, 2014, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (33) - 9
- Polychlorinated biphenyl congener distributions in burbot: evidence for a latitude effect, 2014, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (33) - 11
- Integrated assessment of runoff from livestock farming operations: analytical chemistry, in vitro bioassays, and in vivo fish exposures, 2014, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (33) - 8
- Contaminant exposure of birds nesting in Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA, 2014, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (33) - 8
- Pesticides in Mississippi air and rain: A comparison between 1995 and 2007, 2014, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (33) - 6
- The chronic toxicity of sodium bicarbonate, a major component of coal bed natural gas produced waters, 2014, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (33) - 3
- Acute toxicity of sodium bicarbonate, a major component of coal bed natural gas produced waters, to 13 aquatic species as defined in the laboratory, 2014, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (33) - 3
- Toxicokinetics and coagulopathy threshold of the rodenticide diphacinone in eastern screech-owls (Megascops asio), 2014, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (33) - 1
- Preparation and characterization of nickel-spiked freshwater sediments for toxicity tests: toward more environmentally realistic nickel partitioning, 2013, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (32) - 11
- Use of reconstituted waters to evaluate effects of elevated major ions associated with mountaintop coal mining on freshwater invertebrates, 2013, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (32) - 12
- Chronic toxicity of nickel-spiked freshwater sediments: variation in toxicity among eight invertebrate taxa and eight sediments, 2013, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (32) - 11
- The effects of salinity exposure on multiple life stages of a common freshwater mussel, Elliptio complanata, 2013, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (32) - 12
- Climate change and watershed mercury export: a multiple projection and model analysis, 2013, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (32) - 9
- Improving sediment-quality guidelines for nickel: development and application of predictive bioavailability models to assess chronic toxicity of nickel in freshwater sediments, 2013, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (32) - 11
- Effects of a chronic lower range of triclosan exposure to a stream mesocosm community, 2013, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (32) - 12
- Development of semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) and polar organic chemical integrative samplers (POCIS) for environmental monitoring, 2013, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (32) - 10
- Accumulation of pesticides in pacific chorus frogs (Pseudacris regilla) from California's Sierra Nevada Mountains, USA, 2013, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (32) - 9
- Ecotoxicology of organochlorine chemicals in birds of the Great Lakes, 2013, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (32) - 3
- Perfluorinated compound concentrations in great blue heron eggs near St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, in 1993 and 2010-2011, 2013, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (32) - 5
- Immunological and reproductive health assessment in herring gulls and black-crowned night herons in the Hudson–Raritan Estuary, 2013, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (32) - 3
- Effects of the herbicide imazapyr on juvenile Oregon spotted frogs, 2013, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (32) - 1
- Assessing ongoing sources of dissolved-phase polychlorinated biphenyls in a contaminated stream, 2013, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (32) - 3
- Interactions between chemical and climate stressors: A role for mechanistic toxicology in assessing climate change risks, 2013, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (32) - 1
- The influence of global climate change on the scientific foundations and applications of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: Introduction to a SETAC international workshop, 2013, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (32) - 1
- Toxicity of sediments potentially contaminated by coal mining and natural gas extraction to unionid mussels and commonly tested benthic invertebrates, 2013, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (32) - 1
- Chronic hydrocarbon exposure of harlequin ducks in areas affected by the Selendang Ayu oil spill at Unalaska Island, Alaska, 2012, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (31) - 12
- Interactions between methylmercury and selenomethionine injected into mallard eggs, 2012, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (31) - 3
- Gene expression, glutathione status and indicators of hepatic oxidative stress in laughing gull (Larus atricilla) hatchlings exposed to methylmercury, 2012, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (31) - 11
- Chlorophacinone residues in mammalian prey at a black-tailed prairie dog colony, 2012, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (31) - 11
- Species-specific and transgenerational responses to increasing salinity in sympatric freshwater gastropods, 2012, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (31) - 11
- The relationship between total cholinesterase activity and mortality in four butterfly species, 2012, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (31) - 9
- Dissolved organic matter reduces algal accumulation of methylmercury, 2012, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (31) - 8
- Toxicity of carbon nanotubes to freshwater aquatic invertebrates, 2012, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (31) - 8
- Adult tree swallow survival on the polychlorinated biphenyl-contaminated Hudson River, New York, USA, between 2006 and 2010, 2012, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (31) - 8
- Toxicity of elevated partial pressures of carbon dioxide to invasive New Zealand mudsnails, 2012, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (31) - 8
- Acute toxicity of cadmium, lead, zinc, and their mixtures to stream-resident fish and invertebrates, 2012, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (31) - 6
- Deposition and accumulation of airborne organic contaminants in Yosemite National Park, Calfornia, 2012, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (31) - 3
- Risk assessment for adult butterflies exposed to the mosquito control pesticide naled, 2012, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (31) - 4
- Net trophic transfer efficiencies of polychlorinated biphenyl congeners to lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) from its prey, 2012, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (31) - 12
- Evaluation of influence of sediment on the sensitivity of a unionid mussel (Lamsilis silquoidea) to ammonia in 28-day water exposures, 2011, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (30) - 10
- Interlaboratory comparison of measurements of acid-volatile sulfide and simultaneously extracted nickel in spiked sediments, 2011, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (30) - 6
- Influence of dissolved organic carbon on toxicity of copper to a unionid mussel (Villosa iris) and a cladoceran (Ceriodaphnia dubia) in acute and chronic water exposures, 2011, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (30) - 9
- Toxicity of silicon carbide nanowires to sediment-dwelling invertebrates in water or sediment exposures, 2011, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (30) - 4
- Toxic effects of dietary methylmercury on immune system development in nestling American kestrels (Falco sparverius), 2011, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (30) - 6
- Toxic effects of dietary methylmercury on immune function and hematology in American kestrels (Falco sparverius), 2011, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (30) - 6
- Teratogenic efects of injected methylmercury on avian embryos, 2011, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (30) - 7
- Selenium concentrations and enzyme activities of glutathione metabolism in wild long-tailed ducks and common eiders, 2011, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (30) - 6
- Perfluorinated chemicals in surface waters and sediments from northwest Georgia, USA, and their bioaccumulation in Lumbriculus variegatus, 2011, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (30) - 10
- Bioaccumulation dynamics and exposure routes of Cd and Cu among species of aquatic mayflies, 2011, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (30) - 11
- Oxidative stress response of Forster's terns (Sterna forsteri) and Caspian terns (Hydroprogne caspia) to mercury and selenium bioaccumulation in liver, kidney, and brain, 2011, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (30) - 4
- PCB-induced changes of a benthic community and expected ecosystem recovery following in situ sorbent amendment, 2011, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (30) - 8
- Simulation of branched serial first-order decay of atrazine and metabolites in adapted and nonadapted soils, 2011, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (30) - 9
- Gene expression changes in female zebrafish (Danio rerio) brain in response to acute exposure to methylmercury, 2011, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (30) - 2
- Acute toxicity, histopathology, and coagulopathy in American kestrels (Falco sparverius) following administration of the rodenticie diphacinone, 2011, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (30) - 5
- Simulation of branched serial first-order decay of atrazine and metabolites in adapted and nonadapted soils, 2011, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (30) - 9
- Assessment of field-related influences on polychlorinated biphenyl exposures and sorbent amendment using polychaete bioassays and passive sampler measurements, 2011, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (30) - 1
- Evaluation of influence of sediment on the sensitivity of a unionid mussel (Lampsilis siliquoidea) to ammonia in 28-day water exposures, 2011, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (30) - 10
- Toxicity of methylmercury injected into eggs when dissolved in water versus corn oil, 2011, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (30) - 9
- Occurrence and fate of the herbicide glyphosate and its degradate aminomethylphosphonic acid in the atmosphere, 2011, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (30) - 3
- Relating the ability of mallards to ingest high levels of sediment to potential contaminant exposure in waterfowl, 2010, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (29) - 7
- Patterns of organic contaminants in eggs of an insectivorous, an omnivorous, and a piscivorous bird nesting on the Hudson River, New York, USA, 2010, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (29) - 10
- Observed and predicted reproduction of Ceriodaphnia dubia exposed to chloride, sulfate, and bicarbonate, 2010, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (29) - 2
- Intraperitoneal injections as a possible means of generating varied levels of methylmercury in the eggs of birds in field studies, 2010, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (29) - 5
- Accumulation of current-use and organochlorine pesticides in crab embyros from northern California, USA, 2010, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (29) - 11
- Productivity, embryo and eggshell characteristics, and contaminants in bald eagles from the Great Lakes, USA, 1986 to 2000, 2010, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (29) - 7
- Enhanced reproduction in mallards fed a low level of methylmercury: An apparent case of hormesis, 2010, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (29) - 3
- Embryo malposition as a potential mechanism for mercury-induced hatching failure in bird eggs, 2010, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (29) - 8
- Steroid determination in fish plasma using capillary electrophoresis, 2010, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (29) - 9
- Mercury in the blood and eggs of American kestrels fed methylmercury chloride, 2010, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (29) - 10
- An evaluation of the influence of substrate on the response of juvenile freshwater mussels (fatmucket, Lampsilis siliquoidea) in acute water exposures to ammonia, 2010, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (29) - 9
- Development of a new toxic-unit model for the bioassessment of metals in streams, 2010, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (29) - 11
- A physiologically based toxicokinetic model for methylmercury in female American kestrels, 2010, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (29) - 8
- Fate of trace organic compounds during vadose zone soil treatment in an onsite wastewater system, 2010, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (29) - 2
- Sensitivity of early life stages of freshwater mussels (Unionidae) to acute and chronic toxicity of lead, cadmium, and zinc in water, 2010, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (29) - 9
- Predicting mercury concentrations in mallard eggs from mercury in the diet or blood of adult females and from duckling down feathers, 2010, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (29) - 2
- Effects of egg order on organic and inorganic element concentrations and egg characteristics in tree swallows, tachycineta bicolor, 2010, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (29) - 4
- Pyrethroid insecticide concentrations and toxicity in streambed sediments and loads in surface waters of the San Joaquin Valley, California, USA, 2010, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (29) - 4
- Cytochrome P4501A biomarker indication of oil exposure in harlequin ducks up to 20 years after the Exxon Valdez oil spill, 2010, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (29) - 5
- Polychlorinated biphenyls, dioxins, furans, and organochlorine pesticides in belted kingfisher eggs from the upper Hudson River basin, New York, USA, 2010, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (29) - 1
- Rapid increases in mercury concentrations in the eggs of mallards fed methylmercury, 2009, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (28) - 9
- A simplified method for correcting contaminant concentrations in eggs for moisture loss., 2009, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (28) - 7
- Toxicity of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (de-71) in chicken (Gallus gallus), mallard (Anas platyrhynchos), and American kestrel (Falco sparverius) embryos and hatchlings, 2009, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (28) - 5
- A nonlethal microsampling technique to monitor the effects of mercury on wild bird eggs, 2009, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (28) - 3
- Author's response to "If poultry's to blame, Where's the proof?", 2009, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (28) - 5
- Antidepressants at environmentally relevant concentrations affect predator avoidance behavior of larval fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas)., 2009, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (28) - 12
- Selenium bioaccumulation and body condition in shorebirds and terns breeding in San Francisco Bay, California, USA, 2009, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (28) - 10
- Organochlorine contaminants in fishes from coastal waters west of Amukta Pass, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, USA, 2009, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (28) - 8
- Using propensity scores to estimate the effects of insecticides on stream invertebrates from observational data, 2009, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (28) - 7
- Toxicity of two insecticides to California, USA, anurans and its relevance to declining amphibian populations, 2009, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (28) - 8
- The Asian clam Corbicula fluminea as a biomonitor of trace element contamination: Accounting for different sources of variation using an hierarchical linear model, 2009, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (28) - 10
- Mercury concentrations and loads in a large river system tributary to San Francisco Bay, California, USA, 2009, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (28) - 10
- An enriched stable-isotope approach to determine the gill-zinc binding properties of juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) during acute zinc exposures in hard and soft waters, 2009, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (28) - 6
- Trout density and health in a stream with variable water temperatures and trace element concentrations: does a cold-water source attract trout to increased metal exposure?, 2009, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (28) - 4
- Reproductive health of bass in the potomac, USA, drainage: Part 2. Seasonal occurrence of persistent and emerging organic contaminants, 2009, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (28) - 5
- Reproductive health of bass in the potomac, USA, drainage: Part 1. exploring the effects of proximity to wastewater treatment plant discharge, 2009, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (28) - 5
- Regression models for explaining and predicting concentrations of organochlorine pesticides in fish from streams in the United States, 2009, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (28) - 6
- Evaluation of acute copper toxicity to juvenile freshwater mussels (fatmucket, lampsilis siliquoidea) in natural and reconstituted waters, 2009, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (28) - 11
- Mercury demethylation in waterbird livers: Dose-response thresholds and differences among species, 2009, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (28) - 3
- Benthic nutrient sources to hypereutrophic Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, USA, 2009, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (28) - 3
- Utilization of protein expression profiles as indicators of environmental impairment of smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) from the Shenandoah River, Virginia, USA, 2008, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (27) - 8
- Apparent tolerance of turkey vultures (Cathartes aura) to the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac, 2008, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (27) - 11
- Assessment of exposure risk of polychlorinated biphenyls to interior least terns (Sterna antillarum), 2008, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (27) - 3
- Concentrations and patterns of perfluoroalkyl acids in Georgia, USA surface waters near and distant to a major use source, 2008, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (27) - 10
- Influence of pH on the acute toxicity of ammonia to juvenile freshwater mussels (fatmucket, Lampsills siliquoidea), 2008, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (27) - 5
- Corticosterone stress response in tree swallows nesting near polychlorinated biphenyl- and dioxin-contaminated rivers, 2008, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (27) - 11
- Mercury concentrations in blood and feathers of prebreeding Forster's terns in relation to space use of San Francisco Bay, California, USA, habitats, 2008, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (27) - 4
- Using accelerated life testing procedures to compare the relative sensitivity of rainbow trout and the federally listed threatened bull trout to three commonly used rangeland herbicides (picloram, 2,4-D, and clopyralid), 2008, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (27) - 3
- Comparison of pesticide concentrations in streams at low flow in six metropolitan areas of the United States, 2008, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (27) - 2
- Mercury correlations among six tissues for four waterbird species breeding in San Francisco Bay, California, USA, 2008, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (27) - 10
- Potential for 4-n-nonylphenol biodegradation in stream sediments, 2008, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (27) - 2
- Net trophic transfer efficiencies of polychlorinated biphenyl congeners to lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) from their food, 2008, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (27) - 3
- Release of elements to natural water from sediments of Lake Roosevelt, Washington, USA, 2007, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (26) - 12
- Effects of methylmercury on reproduction in American kestrels, 2007, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (26) - 9
- Egg incubation position affects toxicity of air cell administered polychlorinated biphenyl 126 (3,3′,4,4′,5-pentachlorobiphenyl) in chicken (Gallus gallus) embryos, 2007, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (26) - 12
- Bayesian multimodel inference for dose-response studies, 2007, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (26) - 9
- Adult tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) survival on the polychlorinated biphenyl-contaminated Housatonic River, Massachusetts, USA, 2007, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (26) - 5
- Deer exposed to exceptionally high concentrations of lead near the Continental Mine in Idaho, USA, 2007, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (26) - 5
- Advances and opportunities in assessing contaminant sensitivity of freshwater mussel (unionidae) early life stages, 2007, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (26) - 10
- Sensitivity of mottled sculpins (Cottus bairdi) and rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss) to acute and chronic toxicity of cadmium, copper, and zinc, 2007, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (26) - 8
- Bioenergetic and pharmacokinetic model for exposure of common loon (Gavia immer) chicks to methylmercury, 2007, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (26) - 4
- Aqueous exposure to 4-nonylphenol and 17β-estradiol increases stress sensitivity and disrupts ion regulatory ability of juvenile atlantic salmon, 2007, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (26) - 7
- Effects of methylmercury exposure on the immune function of juvenile common loons (Gavia immer), 2007, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (26) - 7
- Application of a source apportionment model in consideration of volatile organic compounds in an urban stream, 2007, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (26) - 8
- Comparison of the uptake of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and organochlorine pesticides by semipermeable membrane devices and caged fish (Carassius carassius) in Taihu Lake, China, 2007, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (26) - 6
- Prediction of lethal/effective concentration/dose in the presence of multiple auxiliary covariates and components of variance, 2007, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (26) - 9
- Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposure in Steller's eiders (Polysticta stelleri) and harlequin ducks (Histronicus histronicus) in the Eastern Aleutian Islands, Alaska, USA, 2007, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (26) - 12
- Lethal and sublethal effects of ammonia to juvenile Lampsilis mussels (Unionidae) in sediment and water-only exposures, 2007, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (26) - 10
- Influence of in-stream diel concentration cycles of dissolved trace metals on acute toxicity to one-year-old cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi), 2007, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (26) - 12
- Development of a mercury speciation, fate, and biotic uptake (BIOTRANSPEC) model: Application to Lahontan Reservoir (Nevada, USA), 2007, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (26) - 11
- Chronic toxicity of copper and ammonia to juvenile freshwater mussels (Unionidae), 2007, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (26) - 10
- Environmental contaminants in bald eagle eggs from the Aleutian archipelago, 2007, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (26) - 9
- Acute toxicity of copper, ammonia, and chlorine to glochidia and juveniles of freshwater mussels (Unionidae), 2007, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (26) - 10
- Risk assessment of water quality in three North Carolina, USA, streams supporting federally endangered freshwater mussels (Unionidae), 2007, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (26) - 10
- Intra- and interlaboratory variability in acute toxicity tests with glochidia and juveniles of freshwater mussels (Unionidae), 2007, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (26) - 10
- Evasion of added isotopic mercury from a northern temperate lake, 2007, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (26) - 1
- Effects of acid-volatile sulfide on metal bioavailability and toxicity to midge (Chironomus tentans) larvae in black shale sediments, 2007, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (26) - 2
- Relationships of cadmium, mercury, and selenium with nutrient reserves of female lesser scaup (Aythya affinis) during winter and spring migration, 2007, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (26) - 3
- Biological uptake of polychlorinated biphenyls by Macoma balthica from sediment amended with activated carbon, 2007, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (26) - 5
- Distribution and accumulation of mercury in tissues of captive-reared common loon (Gavia immer) chicks, 2007, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (26) - 5
- Biotransformation of caffeine, cotinine, and nicotine in stream sediments: Implications for use as wastewater indicators, 2007, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (26) - 6
- An evaluation of freshwater mussel toxicity data in the derivation of water quality guidance and standards for copper, 2007, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (26) - 10
- Coupling contaminants with demography: Effects of lead and selenium in Pacific common eiders, 2007, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (26) - 7
- Chlorfenapyr and mallard ducks: Overview, study design, macroscopic effects, and analytical chemistry, 2006, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (25) - 2
- Evaluating cytochrome p450 in lesser scaup (Aythya affinis) and tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) by monooxygenase activity and immunohistochemistry: Possible nonlethal assessment by skin immunohistochemistry, 2006, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (25) - 10
- Field evaluation of an avian risk assessment model, 2006, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (25) - 7
- Effects of hardness and alkalinity in culture and test waters on reproduction of Ceriodaphnia dubia, 2006, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (25) - 10
- Dietary exposure of mink (Mustela vison) to fish from the Housatonic River, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, USA: Effects on organ weights and histology and hepatic concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin toxic equivalence, 2006, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (25) - 6
- Source apportionment modeling of volatile organic compounds in streams, 2006, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (25) - 4
- Interlaboratory evaluation of Hyalella azteca and Chironomus tentans short-term and long-term sediment toxicity tests, 2006, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (25) - 10
- Comparison of selenium bioaccumulation in the clams Corbicula fluminea and Potamocorbula amurensis: A bioenergetic modeling approach, 2006, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (25) - 7
- Biomarkers of exposure and effects of environmental contaminants on swallows nesting along the Rio Grande, Texas, USA, 2006, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (25) - 6
- Dietary exposure of mink (Mustela vison) to fish from the Housatonic River, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, USA: Effects on reproduction, kit growth, and survival, 2006, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (25) - 6
- Trends in metals in urban and reference lake sediments across the United States, 1970 to 2001, 2006, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (25) - 7
- Examining multiple sublethal contaminants on the gray treefrog (Hyla versicolor): effects of an insecticide, herbicide, and fertilizer, 2006, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (25) - 12
- Use of the oligochaete, Lumbriculus variegatus, as a prey organism for toxicant exposure of fish through the diet, 2006, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (25) - 10
- DNA damage and external lesions in brown bullheads (Ameiurus nebulosus) from contaminated habitats, 2006, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (25) - 11
- Impacts of aircraft deicer and anti-icer runoff on receiving waters from Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, Texas, USA, 2006, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (25) - 11
- Influence of metal exposure history on the bioaccumulation and subcellular distribution of aqueous cadmium in the insect Hydropsyche californica, 2006, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (25) - 4
- Presence and distribution of wastewater-derived pharmaceuticals in soil irrigated with reclaimed water, 2006, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (25) - 2
- Subchronic effects of methylmercury on plasma and organ biochemistries in great egret nestlings, 2005, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (24) - 12
- Effects of contaminant exposure on reproductive success of ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) nesting in Delaware River and Bay, USA, 2005, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (24) - 3
- Exposure and effects of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin in tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) nesting along the Woonasquatucket River, Rhode Island, USA, 2005, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (24) - 1
- Inhibition of microbial metabolism in anaerobic lagoons by selected sulfonamides, tetracyclines, lincomycin, and tylosin tartrate, 2005, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (24) - 4
- Aroclor 1254 exposure reduces disease resistance and innate immune responses in fasted arctic charr, 2005, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (24) - 1
- Absorption of p,p'-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene and dieldrin in largemouth bass from a 60-D slow-release pellet and detection using a novel enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method for blood plasma, 2005, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (24) - 8
- Novel biomarkers of perchlorate exposure in zebrafish, 2005, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (24) - 5
- Effects of selected polybrominated diphenyl ether flame retardants on lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) thymocyte viability, apoptosis, and necrosis, 2005, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (24) - 6
- Acute and chronic toxicity of lead in water and diet to the amphipod Hyalella azteca, 2005, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (24) - 7
- Widespread detection of N, N-diethyl-m-toluamide in U.S. streams: Comparison with concentrations of pesticides, personal care products, and other organic wastewater compounds, 2005, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (24) - 5
- Influence of water temperature on acetylcholinesterase activity in the pacific tree frog (Hyla regilla), 2005, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (24) - 8
- Biochemical effects of lead, zinc, and cadmium from mining on fish in the Tri-States district of northeastern Oklahoma, USA, 2005, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (24) - 6
- Time trends (1983-1999) for organochlorines and polybrominated diphenyl ethers in rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) from Lakes Michigan, Huron and Superior, USA, 2005, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (24) - 7
- Metamorphosis of two amphibian species after chronic cadmium exposure in outdoor aquatic mesocosms, 2005, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (24) - 8
- Changes in productivity and contaminants in bald eagles nesting along the lower Columbia River, USA, 2005, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (24) - 7
- Delineating copper accumulation pathways for the freshwater bivalve Corbicula using stable copper isotopes, 2005, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (24) - 11
- A field assessment of long-term laboratory sediment toxicity tests with the amphipod Hyalella azteca, 2005, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (24) - 11
- Blarina brevicauda as a biological monitor of polychlorinated biphenyls: Evaluation of hepatic cytochrome p450 induction, 2004, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (23) - 8
- Mercury accumulation and loss in mallard eggs, 2004, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (23) - 1
- Susceptibility of the leaf-eating beetle, Galerucella calmariensis, a biological control agent for purple loosestrife (Lythrum salcaria), to three mosquito control larvicides, 2004, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (23) - 7
- Linking metal bioaccumulation of aquatic insects to their distribution patterns in a mining-impacted river, 2004, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (23) - 6
- Modeling selenium bioaccumulation through arthropod food webs in San Francisco Bay, California, USA, 2004, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (23) - 12
- Profiles of polychlorinated biphenyl congeners, organochlorine pesticides and butlyns in southern sea otters and their prey, 2004, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (23) - 1
- Time-dependent lethal body residues for the toxicity of pentachlorobenzene to Hyalella azteca, 2004, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (23) - 5
- Behavioral response of young rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) to forest fire-retardant chemicals in the laboratory, 2004, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (23) - 3
- Importance of equilibration time in the partitioning and toxicity of zinc in spiked sediment bioassays, 2004, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (23) - 1
- Concentrations of metals and trace elements in blood of spectacled and king eiders in northern Alaska, USA, 2004, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (23) - 2
- Development of a passive, in situ, integrative sampler for hydrophilic organic contaminants in aquatic environments, 2004, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (23) - 7
- Overview and comparison of lipid-containing semipermeable membrane devices and oysters (Crassostrea gigas) for assessing organic chemical exposure, 2004, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (23) - 7
- Effects of trichloroethylene and perchloroethylene on wild rodents at Edwards Air Force Base, California, USA, 2004, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (23) - 9
- Pesticides in mountain yellow-legged frogs (Rana muscosa) from the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California, USA, 2004, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (23) - 9
- Genotoxicity in native fish associated with agricultural runoff events, 2004, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (23) - 12
- Predicting maternal body burdens of organochlorine pesticides from eggs and evidence of maternal transfer in Alligator mississippiensis, 2004, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (23) - 12
- Influence of multiple water-quality characteristics on copper toxicity to fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas), 2004, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (23) - 12
- Lead accumulation in feathers of nestling black-crowned night-herons (Nycticorax nycticorax) experimentally treated in the field, 2003, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (22) - 7
- Exposure and effects of chemical contaminants on tree swallows nesting along the Housatonic River, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, USA, 1998-2000, 2003, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (22) - 7
- The effects of ultraviolet-B radiation on the toxicity of fire-fighting chemicals, 2003, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (22) - 7
- Effects of pore‐water ammonia on in situ survival and growth of juvenile mussels (;Lampsilis cardium); in the St. Croix Riverway, Wisconsin, USA, 2003, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (22) - 11
- Studies of the environmental fate and effect of aircraft deicing fluids: Detection of 5-methyl-1H-benzotriazole in the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas), 2003, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (22) - 1
- Temperature influences on water permeability and chlorpyrifos uptake in aquatic insects with differing respiratory strategies, 2003, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (22) - 11
- Effects of carbaryl on green frog (Rana clamitans) tadpoles: Timing of exposure versus multiple exposures, 2003, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (22) - 11
- The effects of ammonia on freshwater unionid mussels, 2003, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (22) - 11
- Uptake and depuration of nonionic organic contaminants from sediment by the oligochaete, Lumbriculus variegatus, 2003, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (22) - 4
- Effects of ammonia on juvenile unionid mussels (Lampsilis cardium) in laboratory sediment toxicity tests, 2003, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (22) - 11
- Plasma cholinesterase levels of mountain plovers (Charadrius montanus) wintering in central California, USA, 2003, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (22) - 1
- Selected resin acids in effluent and receiving waters derived from a bleached and unbleached kraft pulp and paper mill, 2003, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (22) - 1
- Mercury effects on predator avoidance behavior of a forage fish, golden shiner (Notemigonus crysoleucas), 2003, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (22) - 7
- Sublethal effects in avocet and stilt hatchlings from selenium-contaminated sites, 2002, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (21) - 3
- Blood selenium concentrations and enzyme activities related to glutathione metabolism in wild emperor geese, 2002, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (21) - 10
- The effects of polychlorinated biphenyls (Aroclor 1242) on thyroxine, estradiol, molt, and plumage characteristics in the American kestrel (Falco sparverius), 2002, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (21) - 7
- Wading birds as bioindicators of mercury contamination in Florida, USA: Annual and geographic variation, 2002, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (21) - 1
- Turtle sex determination assay: Mass balance and responses to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin and 3,3',4,4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl, 2002, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (21) - 11
- Concentrations of trace elements in eggs and blood of spectacled and common eiders on Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska, USA, 2002, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (21) - 8
- Polychlorinated biphenyls and toxaphene in Pacific tree frog tadpoles (Hyla regilla) from the California Sierra Nevada, USA, 2002, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (21) - 10
- Effects of depleted uranium on the health and survival of Ceriodaphnia dubia and Hyalella azteca, 2002, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (21) - 10
- Do polychlorinated biphenyls contribute to reproduction effects in fish-eating birds?, 2001, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (20) - 6
- Dicofol residues in eggs and carcasses of captive American kestrels, 2001, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (20) - 12
- Impact of vinclozolin on reproductive behavior and endocrinology in Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica), 2001, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (20) - 11
- Effects of pre- and postnatal polychlorinated biphenyl exposure on metabolic rate and thyroid hormones of white-footed mice, 2001, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (20) - 8
- Tumor prevalence and biomarkers of exposure in brown bullheads (Ameiurus nebulosus) from the tidal Potomac River, USA, watershed, 2001, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (20) - 6
- Pesticides and amphibian population declines in California, USA, 2001, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (20) - 7
- Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, aliphatic hydrocarbons, trace elements and monooxygenase activity in birds nesting on the North Platte River, Casper, Wyoming, USA, 2001, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (20) - 3
- Lead poisoning in the globally threatened marbled teal and white‐headed duck in Spain, 2001, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (20) - 12
- Aircraft and runway deicers at General Mitchell International Airport, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. 2. Toxicity of aircraft and runway deicers, 2001, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (20) - 7
- Frequently co‐occurring pesticides and volatile organic compounds in public supply and monitoring wells, southern New Jersey, USA, 2001, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (20) - 4
- Occurrence and potential adverse effects of semivolatile organic compounds in streambed sediment, United States, 1992-1995, 2001, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (20) - 4
- Assessment of biological effects of chlorinated hydrocarbons in osprey chicks, 2001, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (20) - 4
- Naturalized salmonid populations occur in the presence of elevated trace element concentrations and temperatures in the firehole river, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA, 2001, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (20) - 10
- Aircraft and runway deicers at General Mitchell International Airport, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. 1. Biochemical oxygen demand and dissolved oxygen in receiving streams, 2001, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (20) - 7
- Gill lesions and death of bluegill in an acid mine drainage mixing zone, 2001, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (20) - 6
- Persistent organochlorine pollutants in eggs of colonial waterbirds from Galveston Bay and East Texas, USA, 2001, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (20) - 3
- Contaminant sensitivity of threatened and endangered fishes compared to standard surrogate species, 2001, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (20) - 12
- Mercury contamination and growth rate two piscivore populations, 2001, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (20) - 9
- Pesticides and amphibian declines in California, USA, 2001, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (20) - 7
- Integration of genotoxicity and population genetic analyses in kangaroo rats (Dipodomys merriami) exposed to radionuclide contamination at the Nevada Test Site, USA, 2001, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (20) - 2
- A probabilistic model for silver bioaccumulation in aquatic systems and assessment of human health risks, 2001, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (20) - 2
- Accumulation of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin by rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss) at environmentally relevant dietary concentrations, 2001, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (20) - 2
- Implications of regulating environmental contaminants on the basis of wildlife populations and communities, 2000, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (19) - 7
- Effects of dietary polychlorinated biphenyl exposure on energetics of white-footed mouse, Peromyscus leucopus, 2000, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (19) - 11
- Effects of white phosphorus on mallard reproduction, 2000, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (19) - 10
- Effects of the mosquito larvicides temephos and methoprene on insect populations in experimental ponds, 2000, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (19) - 3
- Impact of storm-water outfalls on sediment quallity in corpus Christi Bay, Texas, USA, 2000, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (19) - 3
- Organochlorine and trace element contamination in wintering and migrating diving ducks in the southern Great Lakes, USA, since the zebra mussel invasion, 2000, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (19) - 11
- Toxicity of Anacostia River, Washington, D.C., USA, sediment fed to mute swans (Cygnus olor), 2000, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (19) - 3
- Toxic responses of medaka, D-rR strain, to polychlorinatednaphthalene mixtures after embryonic exposure by in ovo nanoinjection: A partial life-cycle assessment, 2000, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (19) - 2
- Quantifying solar spectral irradiance in aquatic habitats for the assessment of photoenhanced toxicity, 2000, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (19) - 4 I
- Environmental contaminants in Texas, USA, wetland reptiles: Evaluation using blood samples, 2000, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (19) - 9
- Assessment of the photoenhanced toxicity of a weathered oil to the tidewater silverside, 2000, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (19) - 4
- Evaluation of planar halogenated and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in estuarine sediments using ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase induction of H4IIE cells, 2000, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (19) - 5
- Comparison of pesticides in eight U.S. urban streams, 2000, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (19) - 9
- Whole-lake burdens and spatial distribution of cadmium in sediments of Wisconsin seepage lakes, USA, 2000, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (19) - 6
- Development and evaluation of consensus-based sediment effect concentrations for polychlorinated biphenyls, 2000, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (19) - 5
- Evaluation of toxicity: Whole-sediment versus overlying-water exposures with amphipod Hyalella azteca, 2000, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (19) - 12
- Seasonal concentrations of organic contaminants at the fall line of the Susquehanna River basin and estimated fluxes to northern Chesapeake Bay, USA, 2000, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (19) - 4 I
- Predicting the probability of detecting organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in stream systems on the basis of land use in the Pacific Northwest, USA, 2000, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (19) - 4 I
- Physiological measures of neurotoxicity of diazinon and malathion to larval rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and their correlation with behavioral measures, 2000, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (19) - 7
- Selected trace elements and organochlorines: some findings in blood and eggs of nesting common eiders (Somateria mollissima) from Finland, 2000, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (19) - 5
- Biomarker response and health of polychlorinated biphenyl- and chlordane-contaminated paddlefish from the Ohio River Basin, USA, 2000, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (19) - 9
- Organochlorine contaminants and reproductive success of double-crested cormorants from Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA, 1999, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (18) - 6
- Lead exposure in passerines inhabiting lead-contaminated floodplains in the Coeur d'Alene River Basin, Idaho, USA, 1999, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (18) - 6
- Hydrolysis of tert-butyl formate: Kinetics, products, and implications for the environmental impact of methyl tert-butyl ether, 1999, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (18) - 12
- Polychlorinated biphenyls and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin equivalents in tree swallows from the upper Hudson River, New York State, USA, 1999, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (18) - 11
- Exposure of great egret (Ardea albus) nestlings to mercury through diet in the Everglades ecosystem, 1999, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (18) - 9
- Summertime transport of current-use pesticides from California's Central Valley to the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range, USA, 1999, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (18) - 12
- Comparison of organochlorine contaminants among sea otter (Enhydra lutris) populations in California and Alaska, 1999, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (18) -
- Cytochrome P4501A induction, benzo[a]pyrene metabolism, and nucleotide adduct formation in fish hepatoma cells: Effect of preexposure to 3,3',4,4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl, 1999, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (18) - 3
- Concentrations of selenium, mercury, and lead in blood of emperor geese in western Alaska, 1999, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (18) - 5
- Productivity, diets, and environmental contaminants in nesting bald eagles from the Aleutian Archipelago, 1999, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (18) - 9
- Effect of high aluminum consumption on mechanics and composition of furculae of free-ranging coots, 1999, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (18) - 5
- Effects of humic substances on the bioconcentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: Correlations with spectroscopic and chemical properties of humic substances, 1999, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (18) - 12
- Evaluating sediment chemistry and toxicity data using logistic regression modeling, 1999, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (18) - 6
- Evaluation of ability of reference toxicity tests to identify stress in laboratory populations of the amphipod Hyalella azteca, 1999, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (18) - 3
- Behavioral avoidance: Possible mechanism for explaining abundanc and distribution of trout species in a metal-impacted river, 1999, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (18) - 2
- Tolerance of freshwater test organisms to formulated sediments for use as control materials in whole-sediment toxicity tests, 1999, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (18) - 2
- Health status and relative exposure of mule deer and white-tailed deer to soil contaminants at the rocky mountain arsenal, 1999, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (18) - 2
- Hydroxyatrazine in soils and sediments, 1999, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (18) - 10
- Validity of using semipermeable membrane devices for determining aqueous concentrations of freely dissolved PAHs, 1998, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (17) - 4
- Effects of 3,3′,4,4′,5-pentachlorobiphenyl and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin injected into the yolks of double-crested cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus) eggs prior to incubation, 1998, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (17) - 10
- Blood changes in mallards exposed to white phosphorus, 1998, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (17) - 12
- Induction of cytochrome P450-associated monooxygenases in northern leopard frogs, Rana pipiens, by 3,3′,4,4′,5-Pentachlorobiphenyl, 1998, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (17) - 8
- Effects of mercury and selenium on glutathione metabolism and oxidative stress in mallard ducks, 1998, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (17) - 2
- Methylmercury chloride and selenomethionine interactions on health and reproduction in mallards, 1998, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (17) - 2
- Association of mercury and selenium with altered glutathione metabolism and oxidative stress in diving ducks from the San Francisco Bay region, 1998, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (17) - 2
- Comparative developmental toxicity of planar polychlorinated biphenyl congeners in chickens, American kestrels, and common terns, 1998, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (17) - 4
- Reproduction and environmental contamination in tree swallows nesting in the Fox River drainage and Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA, 1998, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (17) - 9
- Relation of lead exposure to sediment ingestion in mute swans on the Chesapeake Bay, USA, 1998, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (17) - 11
- Overview of a workshop on screening methods for detecting potential (anti-) estrogenic/androgenic chemicals in wildlife, 1998, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (17) - 1
- Geographic trend in mercury measured in common loon feathers and blood, 1998, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (17) - 2
- Use of sublethal endpoints in sediment toxicity tests with the amphipod Hyalella azteca, 1998, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (17) - 8
- Photoenhanced toxicity of a carbamate insecticide to early life stage anuran amphibians, 1998, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (17) - 12
- Comparative sensitivity of five species of macrophytes and six species of algae to atrazine, metribuzin, alachlor, and metolachlor, 1998, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (17) - 9
- An epizootic of common loons in coastal waters of North Carolina: Concentrations of elemental contaminants and results of necropsies, 1998, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (17) - 2
- Sex-steroid and thyroid hormone concentrations in juvenile alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) from contaminated and reference lakes in Florida, USA, 1998, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (17) - 3
- Effect of zeolite on toxicity of ammonia in freshwater sediments: Implications for toxicity identification evaluation procedures, 1998, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (17) - 11
- Acute toxicity of fire-retardant and foam-suppressant chemicals to early life stages of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), 1998, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (17) - 8
- Development and application of a marine sediment pore-water toxicity test using Ulva fasciata zoospores, 1998, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (17) - 5
- Predicting the toxicity of sediment-associated trace metals with simultaneously extracted trace metal: Acid-volatile sulfide concentrations and dry weight-normalized concentrations: A critical comparison, 1998, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (17) - 5
- Rapid toxicity assessment of sediments from estuarine ecosystems: A new tandem in vitro testing approach, 1998, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (17) - 6
- Transboundary pollution: Persistent organochlorine pesticides in migrant birds of the Southwestern United States and Mexico, 1997, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (16) - 1
- Cytochrome P450 and organochlorine contaminants in black-crowned night-herons from the Chesapeake Bay region, USA, 1997, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (16) - 11
- Effects of 3,3′,4,4′,5-pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB 126), 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), or an extract derived from field-collected cormorant eggs injected into double-crested cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus) eggs, 1997, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (16) - 7
- Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans, biphenyls and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin equivalents in fishes from Saginaw Bay, Michigan, 1997, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (16) - 4
- Distribution of organochlorine contaminants in double-crested cormorant eggs and sibling embryos, 1997, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (16) - 8
- Phytotoxicity of floodplain soils contaminated with trace metals along the clark fork river, Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site, Deer Lodge, Montana, United States, 1997, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (16) - 7
- Tadpole swimming performance and activity affected by acute exposure to sublethal levels of carbaryl, 1997, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (16) - 9
- An automated HPLC method for the fractionation of polychlorinated biphenyls, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, and polychlorinated dibenzofurans in fish tissue on a porous graphitic carbon column, 1997, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (16) - 8
- Acute toxicity of fire-retardant and foam-suppressant chemicals to yalella azteca (Saussure), 1997, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (16) - 7
- The relationship between land use and organochlorine compounds in streambed sediment and fish in the Central Columbia Plateau, Washington and Idaho, USA, 1997, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (16) - 9
- Trace-element accumulation by Hygrohypnum ochraceum in the upper Rio Grande Basin, Colorado and New Mexico, USA, 1997, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (16) - 12
- Efficacy of candidate chemicals for preventing attachment of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha), 1997, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (16) - 9
- Contaminant concentrations and biomarker response in great blue heron eggs from 10 colonies on the upper Mississippi River, USA, 1997, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (16) - 2
- Reproductive success, developmental anomalies and environmental contaminants in double-crested cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus), 1996, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (15) - 4
- Effects of boron and selenium on mallard reproduction and duckling growth and survival, 1996, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (15) - 7
- Cytochrome P450 and contaminant concentrations in nestling black-crowned night-herons and their interrelation with sibling embryos, 1996, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (15) - 5
- A resource conservative procedure for comparison of dose-response relationships, 1996, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (15) - 9
- Small mammal populations in Maryland meadows during four years of herbicide (brominal®) applications, 1996, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (15) - 9
- Interlaboratory study of precision: Hyalella azteca and Chironomus tentans freshwater sediment toxicity assays, 1996, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (15) - 8
- Purification and immunochemical detection of β-naphthoflavone-and phenobarbital-induced avian cytochrome P450 enzymes, 1996, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (15) - 12
- Effects of spatial and temporal variation of acid-volatile sulfide on the bioavailability of copper and zinc in freshwater sediments, 1996, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (15) - 3
- Quality control considerations for the determination of acid-volatile sulfide and simultaneously extracted metals in sediments, 1996, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (15) - 3
- Sediment quality assessment studies of Tampa bay, Florida, 1996, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (15) - 7
- Congener-specific polychlorinated biphenyl patterns in eggs of aquatic birds from the lower Laguna Madre, Texas, 1996, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (15) - 6
- Occurrence and accumulation of pesticides and organic contaminants in river sediment, water and clam tissues from the San Joaquin River and tributaries, California, 1996, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (15) - 2
- Temporal and vertical distribution of total ammonia nitrogen and un-ionized ammonia nitrogen in sediment pore water from the upper Mississippi River, 1996, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (15) - 2
- Acute toxicity of three fire-retardant and two fire-suppressant foam formulations to the early life stages of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), 1996, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (15) - 8
- Ecological restructuring in experimental aquatic mesocosms due to the application of diflubenzuron, 1996, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (15) - 10
- The role of water ventilation and sediment ingestion in the uptake of benzo[A]pyrene in gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum), 1996, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (15) - 10
- A two-step experimental design for a sediment bioassay using growth of the amphipod Hyalella azteca for the test end point, 1996, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (15) - 10
- A comparison of β-adrenoceptors and muscarinic cholinergic receptors in tissues of brown bullhead catfish (Ameiurus nebulosus) from the black river and old woman creek, Ohio, 1996, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (15) - 9
- Acephate affects migratory orientation of the white-throated sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis), 1995, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (14) - 11
- Accumulation and loss of arsenic and boron, alone and in combination, in mallard ducks, 1995, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (14) - 8
- Toxicity and bioaccumulation of sediment-associated contaminants using freshwater invertebrates: A review of methods and applications, 1995, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (14) - 11
- Evaluation of lipid-containing semipermeable membrane devices for monitoring organochlorine contaminants in the Upper Mississippi river, 1995, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (14) - 11
- Monitoring exposure of nestling songbirds to agricultural application of an organophosphorus insecticide using cholinesterase activity, 1995, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (15) - 4
- Development of toxic equivalency factors for PCB congeners and the assessment of TCDD and PCB mixtures in rainbow trout, 1995, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (14) - 5
- Spatial and temporal trends of contaminants in eggs of wading birds from San Francisco Bay, California, 1995, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (14) - 8
- Transfer and accumulation of organochlorines from black-crowned night-heron eggs to chicks, 1995, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (14) - 3
- Concentrations, transport and biological effects of dormant spray pesticides in the San Francisco Estuary, California, 1995, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (14) - 7
- Toxicity of metal-contaminated sediments from the upper Clark Fork River, Montana, to aquatic invertebrates and fish in laboratory exposures, 1994, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (13) - 12
- Use of benthic invertebrate community structure and the sediment quality triad to evaluate metal-contaminated sediment in the upper Clark Fork River, Montana, 1994, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (13) - 12
- Acute toxicity of 4-nitrophenol, 2,4-dinitrophenol, terbufos and trichlorfon to grass shrimp (Palaemonetes spp.) and sheepshead minnows (Cyprinodon variegatus) as affected by salinity and temperature, 1994, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (13) - 1
- Hepatic cadmium, metal-binding proteins and bioaccumulation in bluegills exposed to aqueous cadmium, 1994, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (13) - 4
- Relation among cytochrome P450, AH-active PCB congeners and dioxin equivalents in pipping black-crowned night-heron embryos, 1994, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (13) - 11
- Avian nesting success and diversity in conventionally and organically managed apple orchards, 1994, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (13) - 10
- Physiological changes and tissue metal accumulation in rainbow trout exposed to foodborne and waterborne metals, 1994, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (13) - 12
- Chemical characterization of sediments and pore water from the upper Clark Fork River and Milltown Reservoir, Montana, 1994, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (13) - 12
- Characterization of ecological risks at the Milltown Reservoir-Clark Fork River Sediments Superfund Site, Montana, 1994, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (13) - 12
- Anaerobic biodegradation of halogenated and nonhalogenated N-, s-, and o-heterocyclic compounds in aquifer slurries, 1994, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (13) - 10
- Community‐level field method for testing the toxicity of contaminated sediments in estuaries, 1994, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (13) - 7
- Ecological risk assessment: Application of new approaches and uncertainty analysis, 1994, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (13) - 12
- Salinity and temperature effects on chronic toxicity of 2,4-dinitrophenol and 4-nitrophenol to sheepshead minnows (Cyprinodon variegatus), 1994, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (13) - 1
- Evaluation of peroxidase as a biochemical indicator of toxic chemical exposure in the aquatic plant Hydrilla verticillata, Royle, 1994, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (13) - 3
- Effects of water temperature and pH on toxicity of terbufos, trichlorfon, 4-nitrophenol and 2,4-dinitrophenol to the amphipod Gammarus pseudolimnaeus and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), 1994, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (13) - 1
- A water-renewal system that accurately delivers small volumes of water to exposure chambers, 1994, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (13) - 8
- Bioaccumulation of metals by Hyalella azteca exposed to contaminated sediments from the upper Clark Fork River, Montana, 1994, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (13) - 12
- Effects of water temperature on the toxicity of 4-nitrophenol and 2,4-dinitrophenol to developing rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), 1994, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (13) - 1
- Re-exposure of mallards to selenium after chronic exposure, 1993, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (12) - 9
- Selenium accumulation and loss in mallard eggs, 1993, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (12) - 4
- Biomarkers of contaminant exposure in common terns and black-crowned night herons in the Great Lakes, 1993, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (12) - 6
- Effects of acidification on metal accumulation by aquatic plants and invertebrates. 2. Wetlands, ponds and small lakes, 1993, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (12) - 6
- Effects of acidification on metal accumulation by aquatic plants and invertebrates. 1. Constructed wetlands, 1993, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (12) - 6
- Bioaccumulation of organic and inorganic selenium in a laboratory food chain, 1993, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (12) - 1
- The effects of low pH and elevated aluminum on yellowstone cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki bouvieri), 1993, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (12) - 4
- Biomonitoring environmental contamination with pipping black-crowned night heron embryos: Induction of cytochrome P450, 1993, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (12) - 9
- Sensitivity of early-life stage golden trout to low pH and elevated aluminum, 1993, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (12) - 7
- Understanding the toxicity of contaminants in sediments: beyond the bioassay-based paradigm, 1993, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (12) - 5
- Acute toxicity of the herbicide bromoxynil to Daphnia magna, 1993, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (12) - 8
- Toxicity of trace element and salinity mixtures to striped bass (Morone saxatilis) and Daphnia magna, 1992, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (11) - 4
- The use of freshwater and saltwater animals to distinguish between the toxic effects of salinity and contaminants in irrigation drain water, 1992, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (11) - 4
- An evaluation of a genotoxicity assay with liver s9 for activation and luminescent bacteria for detection, 1992, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (11) - 4
- Sublethal effects of cadmium on physiological responses in the pocketbook mussel, Lampsilis ventricosa, 1992, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (11) - 7
- Polychlorinated biphenyl residues and egg mortality in double-crested cormorants from the Great Lakes, 1992, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (11) - 9
- Toxicity of trimethyltin and triethyltin to mallard ducklings, 1991, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (10) - 2
- Effects of dietary boron and arsenic on the behavior of mallard ducklings, 1991, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (10) - 7
- Acute toxicity of four anticholinesterase insecticides to American kestrels, eastern screech-owls and northern bobwhites, 1991, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (10) - 9
- Effects of pesticides on songbird productivity in conjunction with pecan cultivation in southern Georgia: A multiple-exposure experimental design, 1991, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (10) - 11
- Decreased survival of rainbow trout exposed to no. 2 fuel oil caused by sublethal preexposure, 1991, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (10) - 3
- Toxicity of inorganic and organic selenium to Daphnia magna (cladocera) and Chironomus riparius (diptera), 1990, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (9) - 9
- Toxicity of organic selenium in the diet to chinook salmon, 1990, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (9) - 3
- Partitioning and bioavailability of mercury in an experimentally acidified Wisconsin lake, 1990, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (9) - 7
- Conditioned aversion of aluminum sulfate in black ducks, 1990, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (9) - 4
- Toxicity of parathion to captive european starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) — Absence of seasonal effects, 1990, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (9) - 8
- Avoidance of selenium-treated food by mallards, 1990, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (9) - 9
- Effects of boron on growth and physiology in mallard ducklings, 1990, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (9) - 3
- Comparison of breaking strength and shell thickness as evaluators of white-faced ibis eggshell quality, 1990, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (9) - 6
- Effects of arsenate on growth and physiology in mallard ducklings, 1990, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (9) - 6
- Dicofol (Kelthane®)-induced eggshell thinning in captive american kestrels, 1990, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (9) - 8
- Enhanced bioaccumulation of mercury, cadmium and lead in low-alkalinity waters: An emerging regional environmental problem, 1990, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (9) - 7
- Mercury accumulation in yellow perch in Wisconsin seepage lakes: Relation to lake characteristics, 1990, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (9) - 7
- Behavioral toxicology: Stimulating challenges for a growing discipline, 1990, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (9) - 1
- Benthic invertebrate bioassays with toxic sediment and pore water, 1990, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (9) - 2
- Toxicokinetics of PAHs in Hexagenia, 1990, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (9) - 2
- A bioaccumulation bioassay for freshwater sediments, 1990, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (9) - 11
- Terrestrial population models for ecological risk assessment: A state-of-the-art review, 1989, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (8) - 9
- How lethal are sublethal effects?, 1989, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (8) - 6
- Effects of Kelthane® on reproduction of captive eastern screech-owls, 1989, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (8) - 10
- Lead poisoning and other mortality factors in trumpeter swans, 1989, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (8) - 3
- Analysis of trifluralin, methyl paraoxon, methyl parathion, fenvalerate and 2,4-D dimethylamine in pond water using solid-phase extraction, 1989, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (8) - 6
- Toxic effects of boron on mallard reproduction, 1989, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (8) - 10
- Use of mixed-function oxygenases to monitor contaminant exposure in wildlife, 1989, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (8) - 12
- Comparison of on-site and laboratory toxicity tests: derivation of site-specific criteria for un-ionized ammonia in a Colorado transitional stream, 1989, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (8) - 12
- Aqueous chlorination of resorcinol, 1989, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (8) - 12
- Influence of the method of fluoride administration on toxicity and fluoride concentrations in Japanese quail, 1988, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (7) - 10
- Effects of krenite® brush control agent (fosamine ammonium) on embryonic development in mallards and bobwhite, 1988, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (7) - 1
- Simple, specific analysis of organophosphorus and carbamate pesticides in sediments using column extraction and gas chromatography, 1988, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (7) - 9
- Effects of monocrotophos and fenthion on discrimination acquisition and reversal in northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus), 1988, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (7) - 3
- Air pollution and wildlife toxicology: An overlooked problem, 1988, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (7) - 5
- Chemical characterization and mutagenic properties of polycyclic aromatic compounds in sediment from tributaries of the Great Lakes, 1988, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (7) - 7
- Concurrent mobile on-site and in situ striped bass contaminant and water quality studies in the Choptank River and upper Chesapeake Bay, 1988, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (7) -
- Behavior of mallard ducklings from adults exposed to selenium, 1987, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (6) - 11
- Reproduction in mallards fed selenium, 1987, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (6) - 6
- Orthene® toxicity to little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus): Acetylcholinesterase inhibition, coordination loss, and mortality, 1987, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (6) - 9
- Industrial halide wastes cause acute mortality of snow geese in Oklahoma, 1987, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (6) - 4
- Acute bioassays and hazard evaluation of representative contaminants detected in Great Lakes fish, 1987, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (6) - 11
- Products of hexachlorocyclopentadiene (C-56) in aqueous solution, 1987, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (6) - 5
- Fate and movement of azaarenes and their anaerobic biotransformation products in an aquifer contaminated by wood-treatment chemicals, 1987, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (6) - 3
- Differences in mortality among bobwhite fed methylmercury chloride dissolved in various carriers, 1986, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (5) - 8
- Reproduction and health of mallards fed endrin, 1986, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (5) - 8
- A re-examination of biomagnification of metals in terrestrial food chains, 1986, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (5) - 10
- Cholinesterase inhibition in meadow voles (Microtus Pennsylvanicus) following field applications of orthene®, 1986, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (5) - 3
- Organochlorine contaminants in passeriformes and other avian prey of the peregrine falcon in the western United States, 1986, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (5) - 7
- Analysis of cyanide in whole blood of dosed cathartids, 1986, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (5) - 9
- Discrimination learning in adult bobwhite quail fed paraquat, 1986, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (5) - 3
- Toxicity of methyl parathion to bats: Mortality and coordination loss, 1986, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (5) - 2
- Adaptation of Selenastrum capricornutum (Chlorophyceae) to copper, 1986, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (5) - 2
- Toxicity of abate® 4E (temephos) in mallard ducklings and the influence of cold, 1985, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (4) - 2
- Geochemical investigations of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins in the subsurface environment at an abandoned wood-treatment facility, 1985, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (4) - 5
- Effects of freshwater exposure to arsenic trioxide on the parr-smolt transformation of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), 1984, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (3) - 1
- Field and laboratory evaluation of the influence of copper-diquat on apple snails in southern Florida, 1984, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (3) - 3
- Organochlorine residues in eggs of black-crowned night herons from Colorado and Wyoming, 1984, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (3) - 3
- Acute toxicity of diazinon is similar for eight stocks of bobwhite, 1984, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (3) - 1
- Subchronic mercury exposure in coturnix and a method of hazard evaluation, 1984, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (3) - 3
- Evaluation of the potential hazard to barn owls of talon (brodifacoum bait) used to control rats and house mice, 1984, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (3) - 1
- Year and age effects on residues of dieldrin and heptachlor in dead gray bats, Franklin County, Missouri— 1976, 1977, and 1978, 1983, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (2) - 4
- Altered avoidance behavior of young black ducks fed cadmium, 1983, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (2) - 4
- Ground-water contamination by organic bases derived from coal-tar wastes, 1983, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (2) - 3
- Ultrastructural changes in the hepatocytes of juvenile rainbow trout and mature brown trout exposed to copper or zinc, 1983, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (2) - 3
- Groundwater contamination by organic bases derived from coal-tar wastes, 1983, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (2) - 3
- Diagnosis of anticholinesterase poisoning in birds: Effects of environmental temperature and underfeeding on cholinesterase activity, 1982, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (1) - 4
- Anticholinesterase poisoning of birds: Field monitoring and diagnosis of acute poisoning, 1982, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (1) - 1