Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Overturning stereotypes: The fuzzy boundary between recreational and subsistence inland fisheries, 2022, Fish and Fisheries (23) - 6
- Integrating seabird dietary and groundfish stock assessment data: Can puffins predict pollock spawning stock biomass in the North Pacific?, 2022, Fish and Fisheries (23) - 18
- Seabird‐induced natural mortality of forage fish varies with fish abundance: Evidence from five ecosystems, 2021, Fish and Fisheries (22) - 2
- A bird's-eye view of reservoirs in the Mississippi Basin tips a need for large-scale coordination, 2021, Fish and Fisheries (22) - 1
- The role of sand lances (Ammodytes sp.) in the Northwest Atlantic Ecosystem: A synthesis of current knowledge with implications for conservation and management, 2020, Fish and Fisheries (21) - 3
- Examining progress toward achieving the Ten Steps of the Rome Declaration on Responsible Inland Fisheries, 2020, Fish and Fisheries (21) - 1
- A general model of temporary aquatic habitat use: Water phenology as a life history filter, 2019, Fish and Fisheries (20) - 4
- Biogeographic freshwater fish pattern legacy revealed despite rapid socio-economic changes in China, 2019, Fish and Fisheries (20) - 5
- The future of fish passage science, engineering, and practice, 2018, Fish and Fisheries (19) - 2
- Defining a Safe Operating Space for inland recreational fisheries, 2017, Fish and Fisheries (18) - 6
- The nexus of fun and nutrition: Recreational fishing is also about food, 2017, Fish and Fisheries (19) - 2
- Islands in the ice stream: were spawning habitats for native salmonids in the Great Lakes created by paleo-ice streams?, 2016, Fish and Fisheries (18) - 2
- If Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus is “the most diverse vertebrate,” what is the lake charr Salvelinus namaycush?, 2016, Fish and Fisheries (17) - 4
- Unintended consequences and trade-offs of fish passage, 2012, Fish and Fisheries (14) - 4
- Sex effect on polychlorinated biphenyl concentrations in fish: a synthesis, 2011, Fish and Fisheries (12) - 4
- Worldwide status of burbot and conservation measures, 2010, Fish and Fisheries (11) - 1
- Effects of cryptic mortality and the hidden costs of using length limits in fishery management, 2007, Fish and Fisheries (8) - 3