Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Environmental drivers and spatial patterns of antibiotic-resistant, enteric coliforms across a forest–urban riverscape, 2024, Freshwater Science (43) - 3
- Food, water quality, and the growth of a freshwater mussel: Implications for population restoration, 2024, Freshwater Science (43) - 2
- Identifying invertebrate indicators for streamflow duration assessments in forested headwater streams, 2023, Freshwater Science (42) - 3
- Winners and losers over a ½ century of change in crayfish assemblages of Wyoming, USA, 2023, Freshwater Science (42) - 2
- A perched culvert and natural obstructions limit fish dispersal in an intermittent prairie stream, 2023, Freshwater Science (42) - 1
- Urbanization and stream ecology: Moving the bar on multidisciplinary solutions to wicked urban stream problems, 2022, Freshwater Science (41) - 3
- Closing the gap on wicked urban stream restoration problems: A framework to integrate science and community values, 2022, Freshwater Science (41) - 3
- Lessons learned from 20 y of monitoring suburban development with distributed stormwater management in Clarksburg, Maryland, USA, 2022, Freshwater Science (41) - 3
- Response of nutrient limitation to invasive fish suppression: How carcasses and analog pellets alter periphyton, 2022, Freshwater Science (41) - 1
- Wildfire effects on mass and thermal tolerance of Hydropsyche oslari (Trichoptera) in southwestern USA montane grassland streams, 2022, Freshwater Science (41) - 1
- Aquatic vegetation dynamics in the Upper Mississippi River over 2 decades spanning vegetation recovery, 2022, Freshwater Science (41) - 1
- Co-occurring lotic crayfishes exhibit variable long-term responses to extreme-flow events and temperature, 2021, Freshwater Science (40) - 4
- A seasonally dynamic model of light at the stream surface, 2021, Freshwater Science (40) - 2
- Long-term monitoring reveals convergent patterns of recovery from mining contamination across 4 western US watersheds, 2021, Freshwater Science (40) - 2
- Nutrients and warming alter mountain lake benthic algal structure and function, 2021, Freshwater Science (40) - 1
- Understanding the relationship between stream metabolism and biological assemblages, 2020, Freshwater Science (39) - 4
- Using environmental DNA (eDNA) to detect the endangered Spectaclecase Mussel (Margaritifera monodonta), 2020, Freshwater Science (39) - 4
- Macroinvertebrate oviposition habitat selectivity and egg-mass desiccation tolerances: Implications for population dynamics in large regulated rivers, 2020, Freshwater Science (39) - 3
- Linkages between temperature, macroinvertebrates, and young-of-year Coho Salmon growth in surface-water and groundwater streams, 2020, Freshwater Science (39) - 3
- Use of environmental DNA to detect the invasive aquatic plants Myriophyllum spicatum and Egeria densa in lakes, 2020, Freshwater Science (39) - 3
- Spatial population structure of a widespread aquatic insect in the Colorado River Basin: Evidence for a Hydropsyche oslari species complex, 2020, Freshwater Science (39) - 2
- Diatom enumeration method influences biological assessments of southeastern USA streams, 2020, Freshwater Science (39) - 1
- Applying the ecology of aquatic–terrestrial linkages to freshwater and riparian management, 2019, Freshwater Science (38) - 4
- Contaminants in linked aquatic–terrestrial ecosystems: Predicting effects of aquatic pollution on adult aquatic insects and terrestrial insectivores, 2019, Freshwater Science (38) - 4
- Aquatic–terrestrial linkages provide novel opportunities for freshwater ecologists to engage stakeholders and inform riparian management, 2019, Freshwater Science (38) - 4
- Local scale spatial patterns of freshwater mussels in the Upper Mississippi River, 2019, Freshwater Science (38) - 4
- Phylogeny and foraging mode correspond with thiaminase activity in freshwater fishes: Potential links to environmental factors, 2019, Freshwater Science (3) - 38
- Predicting biological conditions for small headwater streams in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, 2018, Freshwater Science (4) - 37
- Cyanobacteria reduce quagga mussel (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) spawning and fertilization success, 2018, Freshwater Science (37) - 3
- Hydrologic characteristics of freshwater mussel habitat: novel insights from modeled flows, 2018, Freshwater Science (37) - 2
- Stream permanence is related to crayfish occupancy and abundance in the Ozark Highlands, USA, 2018, Freshwater Science (37) - 1
- Predictability and selection of hydrologic metrics in riverine ecohydrology, 2017, Freshwater Science (36) - 4
- Thermal tolerances of fishes occupying groundwater and surface-water dominated streams, 2017, Freshwater Science (36) - 4
- Biological relevance of streamflow metrics: Regional and national perspectives, 2017, Freshwater Science (36) - 4
- Recruitment phenology and pelagic larval duration in Caribbean amphidromous fishes, 2017, Freshwater Science (36) - 4
- Multistressor predictive models of invertebrate condition in the Corn Belt, USA, 2017, Freshwater Science (36) - 4
- A digital reference collection for aquatic macroinvertebrates of North America, 2017, Freshwater Science (36) - 4
- Characterizing the early life history of an imperiled freshwater mussel (Ptychobranchus jonesi) with host-fish determination and fecundity estimation, 2017, Freshwater Science (36) - 2
- A software tool to assess uncertainty in transient-storage model parameters using Monte Carlo simulations, 2017, Freshwater Science (36) - 1
- Top-down control of invertebrates by Ninespine Stickleback in Arctic ponds, 2017, Freshwater Science (36) - 1
- Patterns of diel variation in nitrate concentrations in the Potomac River, 2016, Freshwater Science (35) - 4
- Contrasts between channels and backwaters in a large, floodplain river: Testing our understanding of nutrient cycling, phytoplankton abundance, and suspended solids dynamics, 2016, Freshwater Science (35) - 2
- Macroinvertebrate and diatom metrics as indicators of water-quality conditions in connected depression wetlands in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain, 2016, Freshwater Science (35) - 3
- Effects of pulse and press drying disturbance on benthic stream communities, 2016, Freshwater Science (35) - 3
- Principles for urban stormwater management to protect stream ecosystems, 2016, Freshwater Science (35) - 1
- Response of ecosystem metabolism to low densities of spawning Chinook salmon, 2016, Freshwater Science (35) - 3
- Ecological resistance in urban streams: the role of natural and legacy attributes, 2016, Freshwater Science (35) - 1
- Spatial patterns of native freshwater mussels in the Upper Mississippi River, 2016, Freshwater Science (35) - 3
- Will it rise or will it fall? Managing the complex effects of urbanization on base flow, 2016, Freshwater Science (35) - 1
- Global perspectives on the urban stream syndrome, 2016, Freshwater Science (35) - 1
- Urbanization and stream ecology: Diverse mechanisms of change, 2016, Freshwater Science (35) - 1
- Using occupancy modeling and logistic regression to assess the distribution of shrimp species in lowland streams, Costa Rica: Does regional groundwater create favorable habitat?, 2016, Freshwater Science (35) - 1
- Evaluating the adequacy of a reference site pool for ecological assessments in environmentally complex regions, 2016, Freshwater Science (35) - 1
- Fire effects on aquatic ecosystems: an assessment of the current state of the science, 2015, Freshwater Science (34) - 4
- Developing a conservation strategy to maximize persistence of an endangered freshwater mussel species while considering management effectiveness and cost, 2015, Freshwater Science (34) - 4
- Predicting spatial distribution of postfire debris flows and potential consequences for native trout in headwater streams, 2015, Freshwater Science (34) - 4
- Legacy effects of wildfire on stream thermal regimes and rainbow trout ecology: an integrated analysis of observation and individual-based models, 2015, Freshwater Science (34) - 4
- Ecosystem metabolism and nutrient dynamics in the main channel and backwaters of the Upper Mississippi River, 2015, Freshwater Science (60) - 9
- Use of phosphorus to reduce blooms of the benthic diatom Didymosphenia geminata in an oligotrophic stream, 2015, Freshwater Science (34) - 4
- Reach-scale stream restoration in agricultural streams of southern Minnesota alters structural and functional responses of macroinvertebrates, 2015, Freshwater Science (34) - 2
- Buried particulate organic carbon stimulates denitrification and nitrate retention in stream sediments at the groundwater-surface water interface, 2015, Freshwater Science (34) - 1
- Behavioral responses of freshwater mussels to experimental dewatering, 2015, Freshwater Science (34) - 1
- Mechanisms of nutrient retention and its relation to flow connectivity in river-floodplain corridors, 2015, Freshwater Science (34) - 1
- A field comparison of multiple techniques to quantify groundwater - surface-water interactions, 2015, Freshwater Science (34) - 1
- Climate-induced range contraction of a rare alpine aquatic invertebrate, 2015, Freshwater Science (34) - 1
- The importance of context dependency for understanding the effects of low flow events on fish, 2014, Freshwater Science (35) - 1
- Building a better sticky trap: description of an easy-to-use trap and pole mount for quantifying the abundance of adult aquatic insects, 2014, Freshwater Science (33) - 3
- Temporal changes in taxonomic and functional diversity of fish assemblages downstream from mountaintop mining, 2014, Freshwater Science (33) - 3
- Sensor data as a measure of native freshwater mussel impact on nitrate formation and food digestion in continuous-flow mesocosms, 2014, Freshwater Science (33) - 2
- Influence of sediment presence on freshwater mussel thermal tolerance, 2014, Freshwater Science (33) - 1
- Landsat imagery reveals declining clarity of Maine’s lakes during 1995-2010, 2013, Freshwater Science (32) - 3
- Thermal tolerance of meltwater stonefly Lednia tumana nymphs from an alpine stream in Waterton–Glacier International Peace Park, Montana, USA, 2013, Freshwater Science (32) - 2
- The effects of elevated water temperature on native juvenile mussels: implications for climate change, 2013, Freshwater Science (32) - 4
- Flow variation and substrate type affect dislodgement of the freshwater polychaete, Manayunkia speciosa, 2013, Freshwater Science (32) - 3
- Environmental DNA as a new method for early detection of New Zealand mudsnails (Potamopyrgus antipodarum), 2013, Freshwater Science (32) - 3
- Macroinvertebrate diets reflect tributary inputs and turbidity-driven changes in food availability in the Colorado River downstream of Glen Canyon Dam, 2013, Freshwater Science (32) - 2
- Streams in the urban heat island: spatial and temporal variability in temperature, 2013, Freshwater Science (32) - 1
- Relating hyporheic fluxes, residence times, and redox-sensitive biogeochemical processes upstream of beaver dams, 2013, Freshwater Science (32) - 2
- Predicting thermal reference conditions for USA streams and rivers, 2013, Freshwater Science (32) - 1
- A critique of the use of indicator-species scores for identifying thresholds in species responses, 2013, Freshwater Science (32) - 2
- Variance partitioning of stream diatom, fish, and invertebrate indicators of biological condition, 2012, Freshwater Science (31) - 1
- Estimating risks to aquatic life using quantile regression, 2012, Freshwater Science (31) - 3
- Characterizing invertebrate traits in wadeable streams of the contiguous US: differences among ecoregions and land uses, 2012, Freshwater Science (31) - 4
- An algal model for predicting attainment of tiered biological criteria of Maine's streams and rivers, 2012, Freshwater Science (31) - 2
- Development and evaluation of a boat-mounted RFID antenna for monitoring freshwater mussels, 2012, Freshwater Science (31) - 1
- Response of New zealand mudsnails Potamopyrgus antipodarum to freezing and near freezing fluctuating water temperatures, 2012, Freshwater Science (31) - 4
- A generalized model for estimating the energy density of invertebrates, 2012, Freshwater Science (31) - 1
- Recent thermal history influences thermal tolerance in freshwater mussel species (Bivalvia: Unionoida), 2012, Freshwater Science (31) - 1
- The relative importance of physicochemical factors to stream biological condition in urbanizing basins: Evidence from multimodel inference, 2011, Freshwater Science (31) - 1
- Algal bioassessment metrics for wadeable streams and rivers of Maine, USA, 2011, Freshwater Science (30) - 4
- A perspective on stream-catchment connections, 1993, Freshwater Science (12) - 1
- Associations between benthic flora and diel changes in dissolved arsenic, phosphorus, and related physico-chemical parameters, 1992, Freshwater Science (11) - 2