Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Predicting large hydrothermal systems, 2023, Geothermal Resources Council Transactions (47) -
- Cursed? Why one does not simply add new data sets to supervised geothermal machine learning models, 2023, Geothermal Resources Council Transactions (47) -
- Don’t Let Negatives Hold You Back: Accounting for Underlying Physics and Natural Distributions of Hydrothermal Systems When Selecting Negative Training Sites Leads to Better Machine Learning Predictions, 2023, Geothermal Resources Council Transactions (47) -
- Exploring declustering methodology for addressing geothermal exploration bias, 2022, Geothermal Resources Council Transactions (46) -
- A geophysical characterization of structure and geology of the Northern Granite Springs Valley Geothermal System, Northwestern Nevada, 2022, Geothermal Resources Council Transactions (46) -
- Advancing geophysical techniques to image a stratigraphic hydrothermal resource, 2022, Geothermal Resources Council Transactions (46) -
- UAS-based tools for mapping and monitoring hydrothermal systems: An example from Mammoth Lakes, California, 2022, Geothermal Resources Council Transactions (46) -
- Can geologic factors be predictive for distinguishing between productive and non-productive geothermal wells?, 2019, Geothermal Resources Council Transactions (43) -
- Which geologic factors control permeability development in geothermal systems? The geologic structure of Dixie Valley, 2018, Geothermal Resources Council Transactions (42) -
- New data yield new geologic insights at the Fallon FORGE site, Carson Sink Region, Nevada, 2018, Geothermal Resources Council Transactions (42) -
- 2D and 3D potential field mapping and modelling at the Fallon FORGE site, Nevada, USA, 2018, Geothermal Resources Council Transactions (42) -
- Discovery of a blind geothermal system in Southern Gabbs Valley, western Nevada, through application of the play fairway analysis at multiple scales, 2018, Geothermal Resources Council Transactions (42) -
- Hotspot: the Snake River Geothermal Drilling Project--initial report, 2012, Geothermal Resources Council Transactions (36) -
- The ICDP Snake River Geothermal Drilling Project: preliminary overview of borehole geophysics, 2012, Geothermal Resources Council Transactions (36) -
- Using hydrogeologic data to evaluate geothermal potential in the eastern Great Basin, 2012, Geothermal Resources Council Transactions (36) -
- Mapping temperature and radiant geothermal heat flux anomalies in the Yellowstone geothermal system using ASTER thermal infrared data, 2012, Geothermal Resources Council Transactions (36) -
- Isotopic constraints on the chemical evolution of geothermal fluids, Long Valley, CA, 2008, Geothermal Resources Council Transactions (32) -
- Establishing major permeability controls in the Mak-Ban geothermal field, Philippines, 2008, Geothermal Resources Council Transactions (32) -
- Heat flow in Railroad Valley, Nevada and implications for geothermal resources in the south-central Great Basin, 2006, Geothermal Resources Council Transactions (30) -
- Searching for an electrical-grade geothermal resource in Northern Arizona to help geopower the west, 2003, Geothermal Resources Council Transactions (27) -
- Compilation of gas geochemistry and isotopic analyses from The Geysers geothermal field: 1978-1991, 1999, Geothermal Resources Council Transactions (23) -
- Thermal regime of the Great Basin and its implications for enhanced geothermal systems and off-grid power, 1999, Geothermal Resources Council Transactions (23) -
- Geochemistry of waters from springs, wells, and snowpack on and adjacent to Medicine Lake volcano, northern California, 1999, Geothermal Resources Council Transactions (23) -
- Chemical, isotopic, and dissolved gas compositions of the hydrothermal system in Twin Falls and Jerome counties, Idaho, 1991, Geothermal Resources Council Transactions (15) -
- Monitoring the hydrologic system for potential effects of geothermal and ground-water development in the Long Valley caldera, Mono County, California, U.S.A., 1990, Geothermal Resources Council Transactions (14) -
- Monitoring the hydrothermal system in Long Valley caldera, California, 1985, Geothermal Resources Council Transactions (9) -