Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Mountain sentinels in a changing world: Review and conservation implications of weather and climate effects on mountain goats (Oreamnos americanus), 2024, Global Ecology and Conservation
- A unified approach to long-term population monitoring of grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, 2024, Global Ecology and Conservation (54) -
- Recovery of working grasslands following a megafire in the southern mixed-grass prairie, 2024, Global Ecology and Conservation (36) -
- Effects of landcover on mesocarnivore density and detection rate along an urban to rural gradient, 2023, Global Ecology and Conservation (48) -
- Movement dynamics influence population monitoring and adaptive harvest management strategies in migratory birds, 2023, Global Ecology and Conservation (48) -
- Climate-induced shifts in grassland bird nesting phenology have implications for grassland management, 2023, Global Ecology and Conservation (48) -
- The sands of time: Predicting sea level rise impacts to barrier island habitats, 2023, Global Ecology and Conservation (47) -
- Interactions among rainfall, fire, forbs and non-native grasses predict occupancy dynamics for the endangered Pacific pocket mouse (Perognathus longimembris pacificus) in a Mediterranean-type ecosystem, 2023, Global Ecology and Conservation (47) -
- Social and biological perspectives to investigate and address illegal shooting of raptors, 2023, Global Ecology and Conservation (46) -
- Converting CRP grasslands to cropland, grazing land, or hayland: Effects on breeding bird abundances in the northern Great Plains of the United States, 2023, Global Ecology and Conservation (46) -
- Secondary forest within a timber plantation concession in Borneo contributes to a diverse mammal assemblage, 2023, Global Ecology and Conservation (43) -
- Nocturnal basking in freshwater turtles: A global assessment, 2023, Global Ecology and Conservation (43) -
- Does post-fire recovery of native grasses across abiotic-stress and invasive-grass gradients match theoretical predictions, in sagebrush steppe?, 2023, Global Ecology and Conservation (42) -
- Green turtle movements in the Gulf of Mexico: Tracking reveals new migration corridor and habitat use suggestive of MPA expansion, 2023, Global Ecology and Conservation (42) -
- Body mass dynamics in wintering mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley, 2023, Global Ecology and Conservation (41) -
- Differential shortstopping behaviour in Whooping Cranes: Habitat or social learning?, 2023, Global Ecology and Conservation (41) -
- A regionally varying habitat model to inform management for greater sage-grouse persistence across their range, 2023, Global Ecology and Conservation (41) -
- Observed and forecasted changes in land use by polar bears in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas, 1985–2040, 2022, Global Ecology and Conservation (40) -
- Role of landscape features in resource selection by female Greater Prairie-chickens within a constrained environment, 2022, Global Ecology and Conservation (38) -
- Plague circulation in small mammals elevates extinction risk for the endangered Peñasco least chipmunk, 2022, Global Ecology and Conservation (38) -
- Large-scale distribution models for optimal prediction of Eastern black rail habitat within tidal ecosystems, 2022, Global Ecology and Conservation (38) -
- Prioritizing habitats based on abundance and distribution of molting waterfowl in the Teshekpuk Lake Special Area of the National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska, 2022, Global Ecology and Conservation (38) -
- Using predictions from multiple anthropogenic threats to estimate future population persistence of an imperiled species, 2022, Global Ecology and Conservation (36) -
- Invasion of annual grasses following wildfire corresponds to maladaptive habitat selection by a sagebrush ecosystem indicator species, 2022, Global Ecology and Conservation (37) -
- Population viability analysis for a pond-breeding amphibian under future drought scenarios in the southeastern United States, 2022, Global Ecology and Conservation (36) -
- Balancing model generality and specificity in management-focused habitat selection models for Gunnison sage-grouse, 2022, Global Ecology and Conservation (35) -
- Evaluation of MPA designs that protect highly mobile megafauna now and under climate change scenarios, 2022, Global Ecology and Conservation (35) -
- Identifying factors linked with persistence of reintroduced populations: Lessons learned from 25 years of amphibian translocations, 2022, Global Ecology and Conservation (35) -
- Complex demographic responses to contrasting climate drivers lead to divergent population trends across the range of a threatened alpine plant, 2022, Global Ecology and Conservation (33) -
- Projecting the remaining habitat for the western spadefoot (Spea hammondii) in heavily urbanized southern California, 2022, Global Ecology and Conservation (33) -
- Bat activity patterns relative to temporal and weather effects in a temperate coastal environment, 2021, Global Ecology and Conservation (30) -
- Long-term variation in polar bear body condition and maternal investment relative to a changing environment, 2021, Global Ecology and Conservation (32) -
- Responses of migratory amphibians to barrier fencing inform the spacing of road underpasses: A case study with California tiger salamanders (Ambystoma californiense) in Stanford, CA, USA, 2021, Global Ecology and Conservation (31) -
- Female persistence during toxicant treatment predicts survival probability of offspring in invasive brown treesnakes (Boiga irregularis), 2021, Global Ecology and Conservation (31) -
- Linking demographic rates to local environmental conditions: Empirical data to support climate adaptation strategies for Eleutherodactylus frogs, 2021, Global Ecology and Conservation (28) -
- Assessing the ecological functionality and integrity of natural ponds, excavated ponds and stormwater basins for conserving amphibian diversity, 2021, Global Ecology and Conservation (30) -
- Resilience to fire and resistance to annual grass invasion in sagebrush ecosystems of US National Parks, 2021, Global Ecology and Conservation (28) -
- Coffee plantations, hurricanes and avian resiliency: Insights from occupancy, and local colonization and extinction rates in Puerto Rico, 2021, Global Ecology and Conservation (27) -
- Refining the coarse filter approach: Using habitat-based species models to identify rarity and vulnerabilities in the protection of U.S. biodiversity, 2021, Global Ecology and Conservation (28) -
- Demography and loss of genetic diversity in two insular populations of the bobcat (Lynx rufus), 2021, Global Ecology and Conservation (26) -
- Automated telemetry reveals post-reintroduction exploratory behavior and movement patterns of an endangered corvid, ʻAlalā (Corvus hawaiiensis) in Hawaiʻi, USA, 2021, Global Ecology and Conservation (26) -
- Effects of experimental flea removal and plague vaccine treatments on survival of northern Idaho ground squirrels and two coexisting sciurids, 2021, Global Ecology and Conservation (26) -
- Freezing temperatures restrict woody plant recruitment and restoration efforts in abandoned montane pastures, 2021, Global Ecology and Conservation (26) -
- Shifts in the wintering distribution and abundance of Emperor Geese in Alaska, 2021, Global Ecology and Conservation (25) -
- Bioaccumulation of the pesticide imidacloprid in stream organisms and sublethal effects on salamanders, 2020, Global Ecology and Conservation (24) -
- Water balance as an indicator of natural resource condition: Case studies from Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve, 2020, Global Ecology and Conservation (24) -
- Climate’s cascading effects on disease, predation, and hatching success in Anaxyrus canorus, the threatened Yosemite toad, 2020, Global Ecology and Conservation (23) -
- Genetic identification of African pangolins and their origin in illegal trade, 2020, Global Ecology and Conservation (23) -
- Ineffectiveness of light emitting diodes as underwater deterrents for Long-tailed Ducks Clangula hyemalis, 2020, Global Ecology and Conservation (23) -
- Fostering real-time climate adaptation: Analyzing past, current, and forecast temperature to understand the dynamic risk to Hawaiian honeycreepers from avian malaria, 2020, Global Ecology and Conservation (23) -
- The incubation environment of nests deposited by a genetically distinct group of loggerhead sea turtles in Northwest Florida, 2020, Global Ecology and Conservation (23) -
- Landscape dominance of introduced herpetofauna on an oceanic island, 2020, Global Ecology and Conservation (22) -
- Movements and habitat use of loons for assessment of conservation buffer zones in the Arctic Coastal Plain of northern Alaska, 2020, Global Ecology and Conservation (22) -
- An assessment of the representation of ecosystems in global protected areas using new maps of World Climate Regions and World Ecosystems, 2020, Global Ecology and Conservation (21) -
- Predicting wildlife distribution patterns in New England USA with expert elicitation techniques, 2020, Global Ecology and Conservation (21) -
- Social attraction used to establish Caspian tern nesting colonies in San Francisco Bay, 2020, Global Ecology and Conservation (20) -
- Conservation reliance of a threatened snake on rice agriculture, 2020, Global Ecology and Conservation (19) -
- Captive-rearing duration may be more important than environmental enrichment for enhancing turtle head-starting success, 2019, Global Ecology and Conservation (20) -
- Factors promoting the recolonization of Oahu, Hawaii, by Bristle-thighed Curlews, 2019, Global Ecology and Conservation (21) -
- Effects of climate change on habitat and connectivity for populations of a vulnerable, endemic salamander in Iran, 2019, Global Ecology and Conservation (19) -
- Patterns of acoustical activity of bats prior to and 10 years after WNS on Fort Drum Army Installation, New York, 2019, Global Ecology and Conservation (18) -
- Field-level characteristics influence wild bee functional guilds on public lands managed for conservation, 2019, Global Ecology and Conservation (17) -
- Identifying management-relevant research priorities for responding to disease-associated amphibian declines, 2018, Global Ecology and Conservation (16) -
- Effects of urbanization, and habitat composition on site occupancy of two snake species using regional monitoring data from southern California, 2018, Global Ecology and Conservation (15) -
- Inferring presence of the western toad (Anaxyrus boreas) species complex using environmental DNA, 2018, Global Ecology and Conservation (15) -
- Incorporating population viability models into species status assessment and listing decisions under the U.S. Endangered Species Act, 2017, Global Ecology and Conservation (12) -
- At a global scale, do climate change threatened species also face a greater number of non-climatic threats?, 2017, Global Ecology and Conservation (11) -
- Species distribution models for a migratory bird based on citizen science and satellite tracking data, 2017, Global Ecology and Conservation (11) -
- An evaluation and comparison of conservation guidelines for an at-risk migratory songbird, 2017, Global Ecology and Conservation (9) -
- Conservation Reserve Program mitigates grassland loss in the lesser prairie-chicken range of Kansas, 2017, Global Ecology and Conservation (9) -
- Quantifying the relative contribution of an ecological reserve to conservation objectives, 2017, Global Ecology and Conservation (9) -
- Landscape composition creates a threshold influencing Lesser Prairie-Chicken population resilience to extreme drought, 2016, Global Ecology and Conservation (6) -
- Molecular tracing of confiscated pangolin scales for conservation and illegal trade monitoring in Southeast Asia, 2015, Global Ecology and Conservation (4) -
- Human harvest, climate change and their synergistic effects drove the Chinese Crested Tern to the brink of extinction, 2015, Global Ecology and Conservation (4) -
- Implications of scale-independent habitat specialization on persistence of a rare small mammal, 2015, Global Ecology and Conservation (3) -
- Day-roost tree selection by northern long-eared bats—What do non-roost tree comparisons and one year of data really tell us?, 2015, Global Ecology and Conservation (3) -
- Day-roost tree selection by northern long-eared bats - What do non-roost tree comparisons and one year of data really tell us?, 2015, Global Ecology and Conservation (3) -