Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Jupyter notebooks for parameter estimation, uncertainty analysis, and optimization with the PEST++, 2024, Groundwater (62) - 6
- Utility of an instantaneous salt dilution method for measuring streamflow in headwater streams, 2024, Groundwater
- Parameter ESTimation with the Gauss–Levenberg–Marquardt Algorithm: An intuitive guide, 2024, Groundwater
- Timing and source of recharge to the Columbia River Basalt groundwater system in northeastern Oregon, 2024, Groundwater (62) - 5
- Evaluation of an impulse-response emulator for groundwater contaminant transport modeling, 2024, Groundwater (62) - 6
- Effects of auto-adaptive localization on a model calibration using ensemble methods, 2024, Groundwater (2) - 1
- An agricultural package for MODFLOW 6 using the Application Programming Interface, 2024, Groundwater (62) - 1
- MODFLOW as a configurable multi-model hydrologic simulator, 2024, Groundwater (61) - 1
- Benefits and cautions in data assimilation strategies: An example of modeling groundwater recharge, 2024, Groundwater (62) - 3
- FloPy workflows for creating structured and unstructured MODFLOW models, 2024, Groundwater (62) - 1
- Community cloud computing infrastructure to support equitable water research and education, 2023, Groundwater (61) - 5
- New capabilities in MT3D-USGS for simulating unsaturated-zone heat transport, 2023, Groundwater (61) - 3
- Estimation of the water table position in unconfined aquifers with MODFLOW 6, 2023, Groundwater (61) - 5
- Improved method for simulating groundwater inundation using the MODFLOW 6 Lake Transport Package, 2023, Groundwater (61) - 3
- Book review: Analytical groundwater modeling: Theory and applications using Python, 2023, Groundwater (61) - 1
- Flopy: The Python interface for MODFLOW, 2022, Groundwater (60) - 6
- The Water Recycling Revolution: Tapping into the future, 2022, Groundwater (60) - 5
- Incorporating snowmelt into daily estimates of recharge using a state-space model of infiltration, 2022, Groundwater (60) - 6
- Global groundwater solute composition and concentrations, 2022, Groundwater (60) - 6
- Reframing groundwater hydrology as a data-driven science, 2022, Groundwater (60) - 4
- GW/SW-MST: A groundwater/surface-water method selection tool, 2022, Groundwater (60) - 6
- Pervasive, preferential flow through mega-thick unsaturated zones in the Southern Great Basin, 2022, Groundwater (60) - 4
- Contributing areas to domestic wells in dipping sedimentary rocks under extreme recharge events, 2022, Groundwater (60) - 4
- Review of “Lake hydrology: An introduction to lake mass balance”, 2022, Groundwater (60) - 1
- Mapped predictions of manganese and arsenic in an alluvial aquifer using boosted regression trees, 2022, Groundwater (60) - 3
- Improving groundwater model calibration with repeat microgravity measurements, 2022, Groundwater (60) - 3
- Geostatistical mapping of salinity conditioned on borehole logs, Montebello Oil Field, California, 2022, Groundwater (60) - 2
- Risk-based wellhead protection decision support: A repeatable workflow approach, 2022, Groundwater (60) - 1
- Post audit of simulated groundwater flow to a short-lived (2019-2020) crater lake at Kīlauea Volcano, 2021, Groundwater (60) - 1
- Use of the MODFLOW 6 water mover package to represent natural and managed hydrologic connections, 2021, Groundwater (59) - 6
- Risk-based decision-support groundwater modeling for the lower San Antonio River Basin, Texas, USA, 2021, Groundwater (59) - 4
- Evaluating lower computational burden approaches for calibration of large environmental models, 2021, Groundwater (59) - 6
- SFRmaker and Linesink-Maker: Rapid construction of streamflow routing networks from hydrography data, 2021, Groundwater (59) - 5
- Re‐purposing groundwater flow models for age assessments: Important characteristics, 2021, Groundwater (59) - 5
- Multi‐constrained catchment scale optimization of groundwater abstraction using linear programming, 2021, Groundwater (59) - 4
- Beware of spatial autocorrelation when applying machine learning algorithms to borehole geophysical logs, 2021, Groundwater (59) - 3
- Extending the capture map concept to estimate discrete and risk-based streamflow depletion potential, 2021, Groundwater (59) - 4
- Migration of injected wastewater with high levels of ammonia in a saline aquifer in south Florida, 2021, Groundwater (59) - 4
- Machine learning predictions of pH in the Glacial Aquifer System, Northern USA, 2021, Groundwater (37) - 4
- Modeling groundwater inflow to the new crater lake at Kīlauea Volcano, Hawaiʻi, 2021, Groundwater (59) - 1
- Assessment of NMR logging for estimating hydraulic conductivity in glacial aquifers, 2021, Groundwater (59) - 1
- Groundwater model simulations of stakeholder-identified scenarios in a high-conflict irrigated area, 2020, Groundwater (58) - 6
- Hydraulic tomography: 3D hydraulic conductivity, fracture network, and connectivity in mudstone, 2020, Groundwater (58) - 2
- Revisiting “An Exercise in Groundwater Model Calibration and Prediction” after 30 years: Insights and New Directions, 2020, Groundwater (58) - 2
- DTSGUI: A python program to process and visualize fiber‐optic distributed temperature sensing data, 2019, Groundwater (58) - 5
- Wetland-scale mapping of preferential fresh groundwater discharge to the Colorado River, 2019, Groundwater (57) - 5
- The dual‐domain porosity apparatus: Characterizing dual porosity at the sediment/water interface, 2019, Groundwater (57) - 4
- Automated time-series measurement of microbial concentrations in groundwater-derived water supplies, 2019, Groundwater (2) - 57
- Book review: Analytical groundwater mechanics, 2018, Groundwater (57) - 1
- How or when samples are collected affects measured arsenic concentration in new drinking water wells, 2018, Groundwater (56) - 6
- Performance assessments of a novel well design for reducing exposure to bedrock‐derived arsenic, 2018, Groundwater (56) - 5
- Weathering of oil in a surficial aquifer, 2018, Groundwater (56) - 5
- Secondary hydrogeologic regions of the conterminous United States, 2018, Groundwater (57) - 3
- MoisturEC: a new R program for moisture content estimation from electrical conductivity data, 2018, Groundwater (56) - 5
- Bioremediation in fractured rock: 1. Modeling to inform design, monitoring, and expectations, 2018, Groundwater (56) - 2
- Capture versus capture zones: Clarifying terminology related to sources of water to wells, 2018, Groundwater (56) - 5
- Bioremediation in fractured rock: 2. Mobilization of chloroethene compounds from the rock matrix, 2018, Groundwater (56) - 2
- VS2DRTI: Simulating heat and reactive solute transport in variably saturated porous media, 2018, Groundwater (56) - 5
- Groundwater development stress: Global-scale indices compared to regional modeling, 2018, Groundwater (56) - 2
- Evaluation of bias associated with capture maps derived from nonlinear groundwater flow models, 2018, Groundwater (56) - 3
- Depletion mapping and constrained optimization to support managing groundwater extraction, 2018, Groundwater (56) - 1
- Forecast first: An argument for groundwater modeling in reverse, 2017, Groundwater (55) - 5
- Using models to identify the best data: An example from northern Wisconsin, 2017, Groundwater (55) - 5
- Changes in projected spatial and seasonal groundwater recharge in the upper Colorado River Basin, 2017, Groundwater (55) - 4
- Knowing requires data, 2017, Groundwater (55) - 5
- Scenario Evaluator for Electrical Resistivity survey pre-modeling tool, 2017, Groundwater (55) - 6
- Density-driven free-convection model for isotopically fractionated geogenic nitrate in sabkha brine, 2017, Groundwater (55) - 2
- Using diurnal temperature signals to infer vertical groundwater-surface water exchange, 2017, Groundwater (55) - 1
- Book review: Karst without boundaries, 2017, Groundwater (54) - 6
- Improved vertical streambed flux estimation using multiple diurnal temperature methods in series, 2017, Groundwater (55) - 1
- Custom map projections for regional groundwater models, 2017, Groundwater (55) - 2
- Assessing groundwater depletion and dynamics using GRACE and InSAR: Potential and limitations, 2016, Groundwater (54) - 6
- Scripting MODFLOW model development using Python and FloPy, 2016, Groundwater (54) - 5
- Crude oil metabolites in groundwater at two spill sites, 2016, Groundwater (54) - 5
- A fractured rock geophysical toolbox method selection tool, 2016, Groundwater (54) - 3
- A tube seepage meter for in situ measurement of seepage rate and groundwater sampling, 2016, Groundwater (54) - 4
- Chemical considerations for an updated National assessment of brackish groundwater resources, 2016, Groundwater (54) - 4
- Imaging pathways in fractured rock using three-dimensional electrical resistivity tomography, 2016, Groundwater (54) - 2
- Geostatistical borehole image-based mapping of karst-carbonate aquifer pores, 2016, Groundwater (54) - 2
- Bringing GRACE down to Earth, 2015, Groundwater (53) - 6
- Metamodels to bridge the gap between modeling and decision support, 2015, Groundwater (53) - 4
- The Effect of modeled recharge distribution on simulated groundwater availability and capture, 2015, Groundwater (53) - 3
- Parameter estimation for groundwater models under uncertain irrigation data, 2015, Groundwater (53) - 4
- High-throughput computing vs. high-performance computing for groundwater applications, 2015, Groundwater (53) - 2
- Long-term groundwater depletion in the United States, 2015, Groundwater (53) - 1
- Discrete-storm water-table fluctuation method to estimate episodic recharge., 2015, Groundwater (53) - 2
- Quality and age of shallow groundwater in the Bakken Formation production area, Williston Basin, Montana and North Dakota, 2015, Groundwater (53) - S1
- MODFLOW-based coupled surface water routing and groundwater-flow simulation, 2015, Groundwater (53) - 3
- Fate of nutrients in shallow groundwater receiving treated septage, Malibu, CA, 2014, Groundwater (52) - Supplement S1
- Book review: Terrestrial biosphere-atmosphere fluxes and transport in the atmosphere-vegetation-soil continuum, 2014, Groundwater (52) - 6
- Uncertainty analysis of a groundwater flow model in east-central Florida, 2014, Groundwater
- A geochemical approach to determine sources and movement of saline groundwater in a coastal aquifer, 2014, Groundwater (52) - 5
- Depletion and capture: revisiting “The source of water derived from wells", 2014, Groundwater (52) - S1
- Pesticides in groundwater of the United States: decadal-scale changes, 1993-2011, 2014, Groundwater (52) - S1
- Effects of seasonal operation on the quality of water produced by public-supply wells, 2014, Groundwater (52) - S1
- A ternary age-mixing model to explain contaminant occurrence in a deep supply well, 2014, Groundwater (52) - S1
- If groundwater is contaminated, will water from the well be contaminated?, 2014, Groundwater (52) - S1
- Educational webtool illustrating groundwater age effects on contaminant trends in wells, 2014, Groundwater (52) - S1
- Geophysical and hydrologic studies of lake seepage variability, 2014, Groundwater (53) - 6
- Hydraulically controlled discrete sampling from open boreholes, 2013, Groundwater (51) - 6
- A small-diameter NMR logging tool for groundwater investigations, 2013, Groundwater (51) - 6
- Evaluation of near-critical overdamping effects in slug-test response, 2013, Groundwater (51) - 5
- Phast4Windows: A 3D graphical user interface for the reactive-transport simulator PHAST, 2013, Groundwater (51) - 4
- A comparison of data-driven groundwater vulnerability assessment methods, 2013, Groundwater (51) - 6
- MODFLOW-style parameters in underdetermined parameter estimation, 2012, Groundwater (50) - 1
- Hydrogeophysical methods for analyzing aquifer storage and recovery systems, 2011, Groundwater (49) - 2
- News and views, 2010, Groundwater (48) - 6
- A hybrid finite-difference and analytic element groundwater model, 2010, Groundwater (48) - 4
- Multiple well-shutdown tests and site-scale flow simulation in fractured rocks, 2010, Groundwater (48) - 3
- What does "water quality" mean?, 2009, Groundwater (47) - 6
- MIKE SHE: Software for integrated surface water/ground water modeling, 2008, Groundwater (46) - 6
- Biodegradation in contaminated aquifers: Incorporating microbial/molecular methods, 2008, Groundwater (46) - 2
- Implications of rate-limited mass transfer for aquifer storage and recovery, 2008, Groundwater (46) - 4
- Artificial recharge through a thick, heterogeneous unsaturated zone, 2008, Groundwater
- Nanobots: A new paradigm for hydrogeologic characterization?, 2005, Groundwater (43) - 4
- Ground water recharge and discharge in the central Everglades, 2004, Groundwater (42) - 7
- Ground water beneath coastal bays of the Delmarva Peninsula: Ages and nutrients, 2004, Groundwater (42) - 7
- Effects of aquifer travel time on nitrogen transport to a coastal embayment, 2004, Groundwater (42) - 7
- SVFlux and ChemFlux: Software for two-dimensional/three-dimensional finite element variably saturated flow and transport modeling, 2004, Groundwater (42) - 6
- Evaluation of volatilization as a natural attenuation pathway for MTBE, 2004, Groundwater (42) - 2
- Degradates provide insight to spatial and temporal trends of herbicides in ground water, 2004, Groundwater (42) - 4
- "Implications of Observed and Simulated Ambient Flow in Monitoring Wells,” by Alper Elci, Fred J. Molz III, and W. R. Waldrop, November-December 2001 issue, v. 39, no. 6: 853–862, 2004, Groundwater (42) - 1
- SWICA-2 M3: Second conference on salt water intrusion in coastal aquifers: Monitoring, modeling, and management, 2004, Groundwater (42) - 3
- Shallow water table fluctuations in relation to soil penetration resistance, 2003, Groundwater (41) - 7
- The geochemical evolution of riparian ground water in a forested piedmont catchment, 2003, Groundwater (41) - 7
- Improving a regional model using reduced complexity and parameter estimation, 2002, Groundwater (40) - 2
- Using high hydraulic conductivity nodes to simulate seepage lakes, 2002, Groundwater (40) - 2
- Comparison of formation and fluid-column logs in a heterogeneous basalt aquifer, 2002, Groundwater (40) - 6
- Role of ground water in geomorphology, geology, and paleoclimate of the southern High Plains, USA, 2002, Groundwater (40) - 4
- Ground water is alive and well—It just keeps shifting, 2001, Groundwater (39) - 4
- Water sustainability -- Science or management?, 2001, Groundwater (39) - 5
- Natural attenuation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the leachate plume of a municipal landfill: Using alkylbenzenes as process probes, 2001, Groundwater (39) - 2
- Is a probabilistic performance assessment enough?, 1999, Groundwater (37) - 4
- Estimating Transmissivity from the Water Level Fluctuations of a Sinusoidally Forced Well, 1999, Groundwater (37) - 6
- Numerical modeling of perched water under Yucca Mountain, Nevada, 1999, Groundwater (37) - 4
- Caffeine and pharmaceuticals as indicators of waste water contamination in wells, 1999, Groundwater (37) - 3
- Development of a comprehensive watershed model applied to study stream yield under drought conditions, 1999, Groundwater (37) - 3
- Reef and nonreef aquifers - A comparison of hydrogeology and geochemistry, northwestern Indiana, 1999, Groundwater (37) - 2
- Post audit of a numerical prediction of wellfield drawdown in a semiconfined aquifer system, 1999, Groundwater (37) - 2
- Effects of steady-state assumption on hydraulic conductivity and recharge estimates in a surficial aquifer system, 1999, Groundwater (37) - 1
- Use and misuse of the chloride-mas balance method in estimating ground water recharge, 1999, Groundwater (37) - 1
- Characterizing a ground water basin in a New England mountain and valley terrain, 1998, Groundwater (36) - 4
- A decision support model to assess vulnerability to salt water intrusion in the great bend prairie aquifer of Kansas, 1998, Groundwater (36) - 3
- Effect of sewage sludge on formation of acidic ground water at a reclaimed coal mine, 1998, Groundwater (36) - 1
- Ground water age and nitrate distribution within a glacial aquifer beneath a thick unsaturated zone, 1998, Groundwater (36) - 1
- Uses of chloride/bromide ratios in studies of potable water, 1998, Groundwater (36) - 2
- Solute changes during aquifer storage recovery testing in a limestone/clastic aquifer, 1998, Groundwater (36) - 3
- A controlled experiment in ground water flow model calibration, 1998, Groundwater (36) - 3
- Suitability of parametric models to describe the hydraulic properties of an unsaturated coarse sand and gravel, 1998, Groundwater (36) - 3
- Relationship between pumping-test and slug-test parameters: Scale effect or artifact?, 1998, Groundwater (36) - 2
- Improving a complex finite-difference ground water flow model through the use of an analytic element screening model, 1998, Groundwater (36) - 6
- Lanthanide-labeled clay: A new method for tracing sediment transport in Karst, 1998, Groundwater (36) - 5
- Assignment of boundary conditions in embedded ground water flow models, 1998, Groundwater (36) - 4
- Arsenic hydrogeochemistry in an irrigated river valley - A reevaluation, 1998, Groundwater (36) - 5
- Estimating ground-water recharge from streamflow hydrographs for a small mountain watershed in a temperate humid climate, New Hampshire, USA, 1997, Groundwater (35) - 2
- Estimating ground-water recharge from streamflow hydrographs for a small mountain watershed in a temperate humid climate, New Hampshire, United States, 1997, Groundwater (35) - 2
- Correcting for diffusion in carbon-14 dating of ground water, 1997, Groundwater (35) - 2
- Patterns and age distribution of ground-water flow to streams, 1997, Groundwater (35) - 3
- Inverse models: A necessary next step in ground-water modeling, 1997, Groundwater (35) - 2
- Composite recovery type curves in normalized time from Theis' exact solution, 1997, Groundwater (35) - 4
- Tritium/3He dating of river infiltration: An example from the Danube in the Szigetköz area, Hungary, 1997, Groundwater (35) - 5
- Effects of unsaturated zone on aquifer test analysis in a shallow-aquifer system, 1997, Groundwater (35) - 3
- Simulating reservoir leakage in ground-water models, 1997, Groundwater (35) - 5
- Tracing Recharge from Sinking Streams over Spatial Dimensions of Kilometers in a Karst Aquifer, 1997, Groundwater (35) - 5
- Estimation of αL, velocity, Kd and confidence limits from tracer injection test data, 1997, Groundwater (35) - 6
- Controls on 222Rn variations in a fractured crystalline rock aquifer evaluated using aquifer tests and geophysical logging, 1996, Groundwater (34) - 2
- Locating VOC contamination in a fractured-rock aquifer at the ground-water/surface-water interface using passive vapor collectors, 1996, Groundwater (34) - 2
- Improving the quality of parameter estimates obtained from slug tests, 1996, Groundwater (34) - 3
- Aquifer Response to Record Low Barometric Pressures in the Southeastern United States, 1996, Groundwater (34) - 5
- Bias in ground-water data caused by well-bore flow in long-screen wells, 1996, Groundwater (34) - 2
- Sources of Water to Wells for Transient Cyclic Systems, 1996, Groundwater (34) - 6
- Environmental Isotope Characteristics of Landfill Leachates and Gases, 1996, Groundwater (34) - 5
- Measuring rates of biodegradation in a contaminated aquifer using field and laboratory methods, 1996, Groundwater (34) - 4
- Using thermal-infrared imagery to delineate ground-water discharge, 1996, Groundwater (34) - 3
- Virus and bacteria transport in a sandy aquifer, Cape Cod, MA, 1995, Groundwater (33) - 4
- Bottled water, spas, and early years of water chemistry, 1995, Groundwater (33) - 4
- Use of a square-array direct-current resistivity method to detect fractures in crystalline bedrock in New Hampshire, 1995, Groundwater (33) - 3
- Combining the Neuman and Boulton models for flow to a well in an unconfined aquifer, 1995, Groundwater (33) - 3
- Chemical and isotopic methods for quantifying ground-water recharge in a regional, semiarid environment, 1995, Groundwater (33) - 3
- Measurements of aquifer-storage change and specific yield using gravity surveys, 1995, Groundwater (33) - 3
- Preparation of specific-yield logs for clastic bedrock aquifers, 1995, Groundwater (33) - 1
- Slug tests in unconfined formations: An assessment of the bouwer and rice technique, 1995, Groundwater (33) - 1
- Evaluation of simplified stream-aquifer depletion models for water rights administration, 1995, Groundwater (33) - 4
- Use of electric logs to estimate water quality of pre-tertiary aquifers, 1995, Groundwater (33) - 4
- Comparison of drilling reports and detailed geophysical analysis of ground-water production in bedrock wells, 1994, Groundwater (32) - 2
- Two- and three-dimensional pathline analysis of contributing areas to public-supply wells of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 1994, Groundwater (32) - 3
- Implementation and use of direct-flow connections in a coupled ground-water and surface-water model, 1994, Groundwater (32) - 1
- Hydrochemistry of the Mahomet Bedrock Valley Aquifer, East-Central Illinois: Indicators of recharge and ground-water flow, 1994, Groundwater (32) - 4
- Testing an automated method to estimate ground-water recharge from streamflow records, 1994, Groundwater (32) - 2
- Rewetting approximation for a simulator of flow in a surficial aquifer overlain by seasonally inundated wetlands, 1994, Groundwater (32) - 2
- Leachate geochemistry at a municipal landfill, Memphis, Tennessee, 1994, Groundwater (32) - 3
- Effects of physical and chemical heterogeneity on water-quality samples obtained from wells, 1993, Groundwater (31) - 5
- Multivariate geostatistical analysis of ground-water contamination: A case history, 1993, Groundwater (31) - 1
- Sampling colloids and colloid-associated contaminants in ground water, 1993, Groundwater (31) - 3
- Chlorine-36 in the Snake River Plain Aquifer at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory; origin and implications, 1993, Groundwater (31) - 2
- Monte Carlo simulations of multiphase flow incorporating spatial variability of hydraulic properties, 1993, Groundwater (31) - 1
- Simulation of cylindrical flow to a well using the U.S. Geological Survey Modular Finite-Difference Ground-Water Flow Model, 1993, Groundwater (31) - 3
- Regional flow in the Baltic Shield during Holocene coastal regression, 1993, Groundwater (31) - 6
- Discussion of "The modeling process and model validation" by Chin-Fu Tsang, 1992, Groundwater (30) - 4
- Effects of nutrient management on nitrate levels in ground water near Ephrata Pennsylvania, 1992, Groundwater (30) - 5
- Influence of environmental factors on denitrification in sediment contaminated with JP-4 jet fuel, 1992, Groundwater (30) - 6
- Patterns and rates of ground-water flow on Long Island, New York, 1992, Groundwater (30) - 6
- Effects of urban storm-runoff control on ground-water recharge in Nassau County, New York, 1992, Groundwater (30) - 4
- Code to generate random identifiers and select QA/QC samples, 1992, Groundwater (30) - 3
- Evaluation of hydraulic conductivities calculated from multi-port permeameter measurements, 1991, Groundwater (29) - 4
- Numerical assessment of a landfill compliance limit, 1991, Groundwater (29) - 2
- Prospecting for zones of contaminated ground-water discharge to streams using bottom-sediment gas bubbles, 1991, Groundwater (29) - 3
- Tritium as an indicator of ground-water age in Central Wisconsin, 1991, Groundwater (29) - 3
- Field-scale investigation of infiltration into a compacted soil liner, 1991, Groundwater (29) - 6
- Geochemical transformations and modeling of two deep-well injected hazardous wastes, 1991, Groundwater (29) - 5
- Use of tree-ring chemistry to document historical ground-water contamination events, 1990, Groundwater (28) - 5
- REPLY TO the preceding Discussion by George Alford of Guest Editorial “Early Concepts of the Role of Microorganisms in Hydrogeology”, 1990, Groundwater (28) - 2
- Measurement and interpretation of low levels of dissolved oxygen in ground water, 1990, Groundwater (28) - 4
- Estimating water‐table altitudes for regional ground‐water flow modeling, U.S. Gulf Coast, 1989, Groundwater (27) - 3
- The hydrologic reponses to development in regional sedimentary aquifers, 1989, Groundwater (27) - 3
- Geochemical variations in a core of hydrogeologic units near Freehold, New Jersey, 1989, Groundwater (27) - 6
- Geochemical comparison of ground water in areas of New England, New York, and Pennsylvania, 1989, Groundwater (27) - 5
- Arsenic in ground water of the Western United States, 1988, Groundwater (26) - 3
- Assessment of ground-water contamination near Lantana landfill, Southeast Florida, 1988, Groundwater (26) - 2
- Leachate generated by an oil-and-gas brine pond site in North Dakota, 1988, Groundwater (26) - 1
- Diffusivity of a glacial-outwash aquifer by the floodwave- response technique, 1987, Groundwater (25) - 3
- A new approach to the disposal of solid waste on land, 1987, Groundwater (25) - 3
- Applications of universal kriging to an aquifer study in New Jersey, 1987, Groundwater (25) - 6
- Analysis of steady-state salt-water upconing with application at Truro well field, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 1987, Groundwater (25) - 2
- Examples of transient sounding from groundwater exploration in sedimentary aquifers, 1987, Groundwater (25) - 6
- The use of marine electromagnetic conductivity as a tool in hydrogeologic investigations, 1987, Groundwater (25) - 2
- Hydraulic/Chemical Changes During Ground-Water Recharge by Injection, 1987, Groundwater (25) - 3
- Discussion of "Aquifer test analysis in fractured rocks with linear flow pattern", 1986, Groundwater (24) - 4
- Predictive accuracy of a ground-water model--Lessons from a postaudit, 1986, Groundwater (24) - 2
- Discussion of "Aquifer test analysis in fractured rocks with linear flow pattern" by Z. Sen, 1986, Groundwater (24) - 4
- Application of continuous seismic reflection methods to hydrologic studies, 1986, Groundwater (24) - 1
- Ground-water recharge and its effects on nitrate concentration beneath a manured field site in Pennsylvania, 1986, Groundwater (24) - 4
- Design and cost analysis of rapid aquifer restoration systems using flow simulation and quadratic programming, 1986, Groundwater (24) - 6
- Comparison of aquifer characteristics derived from local and regional aquifer tests, 1985, Groundwater (23) - 3
- Distribution of volatile organic compounds in a New Jersey coastal plain aquifer system, 1985, Groundwater (23) - 3
- Ground-water flow in the Coastal Plain aquifers of South Carolina, 1985, Groundwater (23) - 6
- Movement of volatile organics through a fractured rock aquifer, 1985, Groundwater (23) - 4
- Estimating Groundwater Pumping for Irrigation: A Method Comparison, 1985, Groundwater (23) - 2
- Simulation of ground-water flow in southeastern Oahu, Hawaii, 1985, Groundwater (23) - 3
- Subdivision of thick sedimentary units into layers for simulation of groundwater flow, 1985, Groundwater (23) - 6
- Nitrogen-isotope ratios of nitrate in ground water under fertilized fields, Long Island, New York, 1985, Groundwater (23) - 1
- Remote sensing and geophysical investigations of glacial buried valleys in northeastern Kansas, 1984, Groundwater (22) - 1
- Simulation of ground-water flow in a mined watershed in eastern Ohio, 1984, Groundwater (22) - 5
- Field and laboratory analyses of water from the Columbia aquifer in Eastern Maryland, 1984, Groundwater (22) - 4
- Sources of nitrate in ground water in a sewered housing development, Central Long Island, New York, 1984, Groundwater (22) - 4
- Land subsidence near oil and gas fields, Houston, Texas, 1984, Groundwater (22) - 4
- A Model of Regional Ground-Water Flow in Secondary-Permeability Terrane, 1984, Groundwater (22) - 2
- Geophysical Logging in Carbonate Aquifers, 1983, Groundwater (21) - 3
- Representation of multiaquifer well effects in three-dimensional ground-water flow simulation, 1982, Groundwater (20) - 3
- Hydrologic testing of tight zones in southeastern New Mexico, 1981, Groundwater (19) - 5
- Chemical changes in an industrial waste liquid during post-injection movement in a limestone aquifer, Pensacola, Florida, 1979, Groundwater (17) - 6
- Monitoring of subsurface injection of wastes, Florida, 1979, Groundwater (17) - 3
- Aquifer coefficients determined from multiple well effects, Fernandina Beach, Florida, 1979, Groundwater (17) - 6
- Model aids planners in predicting rising ground-water levels in San Bernardino, California, 1978, Groundwater (16) - 6
- Storage of treated sewage effluent and stormwater in a saline aquifer, Pinellas Peninsula, Florida, 1977, Groundwater (15) - 4
- Disposal of saltwater during well construction--Problems and solutions, 1977, Groundwater (15) - 4
- Monitoring regional effects of high pressure injection of wastewater in a limestone aquifer, 1975, Groundwater (13) - 2
- C. L. McGuinness — Hydrogeologist, writer, teacher, 1974, Groundwater (12) - 6
- Leachate plumes in a highly permeable aquifer, 1974, Groundwater (12) - 6
- Dissolved organic carbon (DOC), an index of organic contamination in ground water near Barstow, California, 1974, Groundwater (12) - 5
- Artificial Recharge — State of the Art, 1974, Groundwater (12) - 3
- Water-management studies of a stream-aquifer system, Arkansas River Valley, Colorado, 1974, Groundwater (12) - 1
- What about ground water?, 1973, Groundwater (11) - 6
- Hydraulics of sheetlike solution cavities, 1973, Groundwater (11) - 4
- Protective pumping to reduce aquifer pollution, Glynn County, Georgia, 1971, Groundwater (9) - 5
- Water levels in carbonate rock terranes, 1971, Groundwater (9) - 3
- A shortcut for computing stream depletion by wells using analog or digital models, 1971, Groundwater (9) - 2
- Recharge characteristics of a watercourse aquifer system at Springfield, Ohio, 1971, Groundwater (9) - 1
- Hydrogeochemical effects of injecting wastes into a limestone aquifer near Pensacola, Florida, 1971, Groundwater (9) - 1
- About communication...!, 1970, Groundwater (8) - 3
- Casing detector and self-potential logger, 1969, Groundwater (7) - 6
- A system for planning and scheduling water resources studies and construction projects, 1969, Groundwater (7) - 5
- The ground-water situation in Ohio, 1969, Groundwater (7) - 5
- Measuring underground-explosion effects on water levels in surrounding aquifers, 1969, Groundwater (7) - 4
- Field use of orifice meters, 1969, Groundwater (7) - 4
- New thrusts in ground water, 1969, Groundwater (7) - 2
- Electric‐analog and digital‐computer model analysis of stream depletion by wells, 1968, Groundwater (6) - 6
- An aquifer test used to investigate a quality of water anomaly, 1968, Groundwater (6) - 6
- An evaluation of some geophysical methods for water exploration in the Piedmont Area by T. J. Joiner, J. C. Warman, and W. L. Scarbrough January‐February, 1968, 1968, Groundwater (6) - 4
- The relationship between specific capacity and aquifer transmissibility in the Houston Area, Texas, 1968, Groundwater (6) - 4
- Estimating cost of ground‐water withdrawal for river basin planning, 1968, Groundwater (6) - 4
- Monitoring of changes in quality of ground water, 1968, Groundwater (6) - 3
- Well logging in ground‐water hydrology, 1968, Groundwater (6) - 1
- Design and construction of a dual recharge system at Minot, North Dakota, 1968, Groundwater (6) - 4
- Test hold in aquifer with many water-bearing zones at Jacksonville, Florida, 1967, Groundwater (5) - 4
- New approaches to water‐resources investigations in upstate New York, 1967, Groundwater (5) - 4
- Exploration for artesian water in the Sokoto Basin, Nigeria, 1967, Groundwater (5) - 3
- Effects on ground‐water quality and induced infiltration of wastes disposed into the Hocking River at Lancaster, Ohio, 1967, Groundwater (5) - 3
- Plans of the U.S.Geological Survey, water resources division for research, investigations, and data collection in ground water, 1967, Groundwater (5) - 2
- Plans of the U.S.Geological Survey, water resources division for research, investigations, and data collection in ground water, 1967, Groundwater (5) - 2
- The cone of depression and its use in solving water problems, 1967, Groundwater (5) - 2
- Artificial Recharge at Valley City, North Dakota, 1932 to 1965, 1967, Groundwater (5) - 2
- Determining transmissibility from cyclic discharge by N. Thomas Sheahan —July, 1966, 1967, Groundwater (5) - 1
- An electrical analog study of the geometry of limestone solution, 1967, Groundwater (59) - 12
- Geochemistry and ground-water movement in northwestern Minnesota, 1967, Groundwater (5) - 1
- Use of analog model to predict streamflow depletion, big and little Blue River basin, Nebraska, 1966, Groundwater (4) - 4
- Ground-water levels and trends May-July 1966 (Abstracted from U. S. Geological Survey “Water Resources Review”), 1966, Groundwater (4) - 4
- Frequency distribution of dissolved solids in ground water, 1966, Groundwater (4) - 4
- Hydrogeology-definition and application, 1966, Groundwater (4) - 4
- An analysis of ground‐water fluctuations caused by ocean tides in Glynn County, Georgia, 1966, Groundwater (4) - 3
- Digital computer methods for water‐quality data, 1966, Groundwater (4) - 3
- Use of type curves developed from electric analog studies of unconfined flow to determine the vertical permeability of an aquifer at Piketon, Ohio, 1966, Groundwater (4) - 3
- Packer testing in water wells near Sarasota, Florida, 1966, Groundwater (4) - 2
- The design and use of hydrogeologic maps, 1966, Groundwater (4) - 1
- “Iron Water” from wells: Causes and prevention, 1966, Groundwater (4) - 1
- Waste injection into a deep limestone in northwestern Florida, 1966, Groundwater (4) - 1
- Relations of fresh and salty ground water along the southeastern U. S. Atlantic Coast, 1965, Groundwater (3) - 4
- Tracing the continuity of pleistocene aquifers in northern New Jersey by seismic methods, 1965, Groundwater (3) - 4
- The drill‐stem test: The petroleum industry's deep‐well pumping test, 1965, Groundwater (3) - 3
- Natural controls involved in shallow aquifer contamination, 1965, Groundwater (3) - 3
- Environmental framework of ground‐water contamination, 1965, Groundwater (3) - 2
- Water levels: Water levels and trends November 1964-January 1965 (Abstracted from U. 5. Geological Survey “Water Resources Review”), 1965, Groundwater (3) - 2
- Earthquake magnitudes from hydroseismic data, 1965, Groundwater (3) - 1
- The father of modern ground water hydrology, 1964, Groundwater (2) - 2
- Hydrologic factors pertinent to ground‐water contamination, 1964, Groundwater (2) - 1
- Hydrologic factors pertinent to ground‐water contamination, 1964, Groundwater (2) - 1
- Water-level trends in key observation well May-July 1963 (Abstracted from U. S. Geological Survey “Water Resources Review”), 1963, Groundwater (1) - 4
- Television — A new tool for the ground‐water geologist, 1963, Groundwater (1) - 4
- Recharge rates of principal aquifers in Lake County, Indiana, 1963, Groundwater (1) - 4
- Hydrologic bench marks to distinguish the effects of climate vs. man, 1963, Groundwater (1) - 3
- Saline ground water — A little used and unmapped resource, 1963, Groundwater (1) - 3
- Some aspects of chemical equilibrium in ground water, 1963, Groundwater (1) - 3
- Some aspects of sampling salty ground water in coastal aquifers, 1963, Groundwater (1) - 1