Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Predicted occurrence of Eastern Newts (Notophthalmus viridescens viridescens) across the northeastern United States, 2024, Herpetologica (80) - 4
- Variation in dietary ecology of two invasive American Bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) populations in Southern California, 2024, Herpetologica (80) - 3
- Evaluating growth rates of captive, wild, and reintroduced populations of the imperiled Eastern Indigo Snake (Drymarchon couperi), 2023, Herpetologica (79) - 4
- Water temperature and availability shape the spatial ecology of a hot springs endemic toad, 2021, Herpetologica (77) - 1
- Feral burros and other influences on desert tortoise presence in the western Sonoran Desert, 2020, Herpetologica (76) - 4
- Giant Gartersnakes (Thamnophis gigas) exploit abundant non-native prey while maintaining their appetite for native anurans, 2020, Herpetologica (76) - 3
- Informing amphibian conservation efforts with abundance-based metapopulation models, 2020, Herpetologica (76) - 2
- Effects of snowpack, temperature, and disease on the demography of a wild population of amphibians, 2020, Herpetologica (76) - 2
- Amphibian population declines: 30 Years of progress in confronting a complex problem, 2020, Herpetologica (76) - 2
- A synthesis of evidence of drivers of amphibian declines, 2020, Herpetologica (76) - 2
- An uncertain future for a population of desert tortoises experiencing human impacts, 2020, Herpetologica (76) - 1
- Optimizing walking pace to maximize snake detection rate: A visual encounter survey experiment, 2019, Herpetologica (75) - 3
- Where has turtle ecology been, and where is it going?, 2019, Herpetologica (75) - 1
- Factors influencing anuran wetland occupancy in an agricultural landscape, 2019, Herpetologica (75) - 1
- Variation in annual clutch phenology of desert tortoises (Gopherus morafkai) in the Sonoran Desert of Arizona, 2017, Herpetologica (73) - 4
- Occupancy and abundance of Eleutherodactylus frogs in coffee plantations in Puerto Rico, 2017, Herpetologica (73) - 4
- Historical habitat barriers prevent ring-like genetic continuity throughout the distribution of threatened Alameda Striped Racers (Coluber lateralis euryxanthus), 2016, Herpetologica (72) - 3
- Ecology and control of an introduced population of Southern Watersnakes (Nerodia fasciata) in southern California, 2016, Herpetologica (72) - 2
- Spatial capture-recapture: a promising method for analyzing data collected using artificial cover objects, 2016, Herpetologica (72) - 1
- Sexual dimorphism and feeding ecology of Diamond-backed Terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin), 2013, Herpetologica (69) - 4
- Population size, survival, growth, and movements of Rana sierrae, 2013, Herpetologica (69) - 2
- A comparison of artificial incubation and natural incubation hatching success of gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) eggs in southern Mississippi, 2012, Herpetologica (68) - 3
- Effects of hydroperiod duration on survival, developmental rate, and size at metamorphosis in boreal chorus frog tadpoles (Pseudacris maculata), 2012, Herpetologica (68) - 4
- Overwintering tadpoles and loss of fitness correlates in Polypedates braueri tadpoles that use artificial pools in a lowland agroecosystem, 2012, Herpetologica (68) - 2
- Mortality of American alligators attributed to cannibalism, 2011, Herpetologica (67) - 2
- Portrait of a small population of boreal toads (Anaxyrus boreas), 2011, Herpetologica (67) - 4
- Portrait of a small population of boreal toads (anaxyrus boreas), 2011, Herpetologica (67) - 4
- Recovery of native treefrogs after removal of nonindigenous Cuban Treefrogs, Osteopilus septentrionalis, 2011, Herpetologica (67) - 2
- Response to the Point of View of Gregory B. Pauly, David M. Hillis, and David C. Cannatella, by the Anuran Subcommittee of the SSAR/HL/ASIH Scientific and Standard English Names List, 2009, Herpetologica (65) - 2
- Masticophis flagellum selects florida scrub habitat at multiple spatial scales, 2009, Herpetologica (65) - 3
- Survival of radio-implanted drymarchon couperi (Eastern Indigo Snake) in relation to body size and sex, 2009, Herpetologica (65) - 2
- Estimating superpopulation size and annual probability of breeding for pond-breeding salamanders, 2007, Herpetologica (63) - 2
- Phylogeography and genetic identification of the newly-discovered populations of torrent salamanders (Rhyacotriton cascade and R. variegatus) in the central Cascades (USA), 2006, Herpetologica (62) - 1
- Behavior of amphibians on the road in response to car traffic, 2005, Herpetologica (61) - 4
- Potential causes for amphibian declines in Puerto Rico, 2004, Herpetologica (60) - 2
- Divergence among barking frogs (Eleutherodactylus augusti) in the southwestern United States, 2004, Herpetologica (60) - 3
- Sexual differences in the post-breeding movements and habitats selected by Western toads (Bufo boreas) in southeastern Idaho, 2004, Herpetologica (60) - 4
- Using counts to simultaneously estimate abundance and detection probabilities in a salamander community, 2004, Herpetologica (60) - 4
- Interspecific differences in susceptibility to competition and predation in a species-pair of larval amphibians, 2002, Herpetologica (58) - 1
- Phylogeography of the night lizard, Xantusia henshawi, in southern California: Evolution across fault zones, 2001, Herpetologica (57) -
- A new species of Hyla (Anura: Hylidae) from the Sierra Mixes, Oaxaca, Mexico, with comments on ontogenetic variation in the tadpoles, 2000, Herpetologica (56) - 2
- Variation in age at metamorphosis across a latitudinal gradient for the tailed frog, Ascaphus truei, 1999, Herpetologica (55) - 2
- A new species of Bachia (Squamata: Gymnophthalmidae) with pleisomorphic limb morphology, 1998, Herpetologica (54) - 2
- A new Lepidodactylus (Squamata:Gekkonidae) from Vanuatu, 1998, Herpetologica (54) -
- Estimates of abundance of box turtles (Terrapene carolina bauri) on a Florida island, 1996, Herpetologica (52) - 4
- Protein and mitochondrial DNA variation in the salamander Phaeognathus hubrichti, 1991, Herpetologica (47) -
- Relocation, repatriation, and translocation of amphibians and reptiles: Are they conservation strategies that work?, 1991, Herpetologica (47) -
- Two new species of South American Centrorlenella (Anura: Centrolenidae) related to C. Mariae, 1989, Herpetologica (45) - 4
- Two new species of South American Centrolenella (Anura: Centrolenidae) related to C. mariae, 1989, Herpetologica (45) - 4
- Duration of immobility in salamanders, genus Plethodon (Caudata: Plethodontidae), 1989, Herpetologica (45) - 4
- Morphological variation and zoogeography of racers (Coluber constrictor) in the central Rocky Mountains, 1986, Herpetologica (42) - 2
- The application of habitat modeling to the desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii), 1986, Herpetologica (42) - 1
- Desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) research in California, 1976-1985, 1986, Herpetologica (42) -
- Desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) relocation: implications of social behavior and movements, 1986, Herpetologica (42) -
- Physiological ecology of desert tortoises in southern Nevada, 1986, Herpetologica (42) - 1
- Pre-1900 overharvest of California red-legged frogs (Rana aurora draytonii), the inducement for bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) introduction, 1985, Herpetologica (41) - 1
- Estimating prey size and number in crayfish-eating snakes, genus Regina, 1984, Herpetologica (40) - 1
- Sea turtle distribution along the boundary of the Gulf Stream current off eastern Florida, 1982, Herpetologica (38) - 3
- Study of aggregative behavior of Rhinophrynus dorsalis tadpoles: design and analysis, 1982, Herpetologica (38) - 3
- Drinking and construction of water catchments by the desert tortoise, Gopherus agassizii, in the Mojave Desert, 1980, Herpetologica (36) - 4
- A population analysis of two species of streamside salamanders, genus Desmognathus, 1977, Herpetologica (33) - 1
- Density and composition of fenced populations of leopard lizards (Crotaphytus wislizenii) in southern Nevada, 1969, Herpetologica (25) -
- Identity of Helicops wettsteini (Serpentes: Colubridae), 1968, Herpetologica (24) - 3
- Noteworthy records of reptiles from New Mexico, 1965, Herpetologica (21) -
- Altitude record for Gerrhonotus kingi, 1965, Herpetologica (21) -
- The Texas lyre snake, Trimorphodon vilkinsoni, in New Mexico, 1962, Herpetologica (18) -
- Distinctions between the snake genera Contia and Eirenis, 1951, Herpetologica (7) - 3