Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Hiding in plain sight: Federally protected Ringed Map Turtles (Graptemys oculifera) found in a new river system, 2024, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (19) - 1
- Factors influencing the use of water-filled tree cavities by eastern ratsnakes (Pantherophis alleghaniensis), 2022, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (16) - 1
- Evaluating hydrophones for detecting underwater-calling frogs, 2021, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (16) - 3
- An updated assessment of status and trend in the distribution of the Cascades frog (Rana cascadae) in Oregon, USA, 2021, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (16) - 2
- Widespread Ranavirus and Perkinsea infections in Cuban treefrogs (Osteopilus septentrionalis) invading New Orleans, USA, 2021, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (16) - 1
- Conservation genetics of imperiled striped whipsnake in Washington, 2020, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (15) - 3
- Comparing husbandry techniques for optimal head-starting of the Mojave desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii), 2020, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (15) - 3
- Environmental contamination and unusual snake mortality in an urban national wildlife refuge, 2020, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (15) - 3
- Efficacy and biases of cover object survey design for sampling eastern red-backed salamanders (Plethodon cinereus) at forest edge and interior locations, 2020, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (15) - 2
- Effects of short-term, outdoor head-starting on growth and survival in the mojave desert tortoise (gopherus agassizii), 2019, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (14) - 1
- Status of the threatened Chiricahua Leopard Frog and conservation challenges in Sonora, Mexico, with notes on other ranid frogs and non-native predators, 2019, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (13) - 1
- Comparing growth and body condition of indoor-reared, outdoor-reared, and direct-released juvenile Mojave desert tortoises, 2018, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (13) - 3
- Long-term spotlight surveys of American alligators in Mississippi, USA, 2018, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (13) - 2
- Habitat selection, movement patterns, and hazards encountered by northern leopard frogs (Lithobates pipiens) in an agricultural landscape, 2018, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (13) - 1
- Reproductive frequency and size-dependence of fecundity in the Giant Gartersnake (Thamnophis gigas), 2018, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (13) - 1
- Mitigating road mortality of diamond-backed terrapins (Malaclemy's terrapin) with hybrid barriers at crossing hot spots, 2017, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (12) - 1
- Estimating Mudpuppy (Necturus maculosus) abundance in the Lamoille River, Vermont, USA, 2017, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (12) - 2
- Amphibians, pesticides, and the amphibian chytrid fungus in restored wetlands in agricultural landscapes, 2017, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (12) -
- Frogs on the beach: Ecology of California Red-legged Frogs (Rana draytonii) in coastal dune drainages, 2017, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (12) - 1
- Spatiotemporal ecology of Apalone spinifera in a large, Great Plains river ecosystem, 2017, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (12) - 1
- Southeast regional and state trends in anuran occupancy from calling survey data (2001-2013) from the North American Amphibian Monitoring Program, 2016, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (11) - 2
- Status of the California Red-legged Frog (Rana draytonii) in the State of Baja California, México, 2016, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (11) - 1
- Interdrainage morphological and genetic differentiation in the Escambia Map Turtle, Graptemys ernsti, 2016, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (11) - 1
- Factors affecting defensive strike behavior in Brown Treesnakes (Boiga irregularis) provoked by humans, 2015, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (10) - 2
- Fall and winter movements and habitat use of the introduced American bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeiana) in a Montana pond, 2015, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (10) - 3
- Mudpuppy (Necturus maculosus maculosus ) spatial distribution, breeding water depth, and use of artificial spawning habitat in the Detroit River, 2015, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (10) - 3
- Spatial requirements of different life-stages of the loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) from a distinct population segment in the northern Gulf of Mexico, 2015, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (10) - 1
- Terrestrial ecology of semi-aquatic giant gartersnakes (Thamnophis gigas), 2015, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (10) - 2
- A review of pipe and bamboo artificial refugia as sampling tools in anuran studies, 2014, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (9) - 3
- Northeast regional and state trends in anuran occupancy from calling survey data (2001-2011) from the North American Amphibian Monitoring Program, 2014, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (9) - 2
- Using passive integrated transponder (PIT) systems for terrestrial detection of blue-spotted salamanders (Ambystoma laterale) in situ, 2014, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (9) - 1
- Effects of prescribed fire on Coluber constrictor Mormon in coastal San Mateo County, California, 2013, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (8) - 3
- Comparative microhabitat characteristics at oviposition sites of the California red-legged frog (Rana draytonii), 2013, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (8) - 3
- Addition of sea turtle editors at Herpetological Conservation and Biology, 2013, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (8) - 1
- Efficacy of trap modifications for increasing capture rates of aquatic snakes in floating aquatic funnel traps, 2013, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (8) - 1
- Complex spatial dynamics maintain northern leopard frog (Lithobates pipiens) genetic diversity in a temporally varying landscape, 2013, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (8) - 1
- Terrestrial movement patterns of western pond turtles (Actinemys marmorata) in central California, 2013, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (8) - 1
- Pioneer of herpetology at His Century Mark: Hobart M. Smith, 2012, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (7) - 2
- Avoiding potential conflicts: editors publishing in HCB, 2012, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (7) - 3
- Changing some of the guard at Herpetological Conservation and Biology, 2012, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (7) - 1
- An experimental evaluation of potential scavenger effects on snake road mortality detections, 2012, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (7) - 2
- A history of herpetologists and herpetology in the U.S. Department of the Interior, 2012, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (7) -
- Amphibian chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis) in coastal and montane California, USA Anurans, 2011, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (6) - 3
- Using spatiotemporal models and distance sampling to map the space use and abundance of newly metamorphosed Western Toads (Anaxyrus boreas), 2011, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (6) - 2
- Herpetofauna of the cedar glades and associated habitats of the Inner Central Basin of middle Tennessee, 2011, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (6) - 1
- The effects of isolation on the demography and genetic diversity of long-lived species: Implications for conservation and management of the gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus), 2011, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (6) - 2
- Effects of wind energy production on growth, demography, and survivorship of a Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) population in Southern California with comparisons to natural populations, 2011, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (6) - 2
- Unusual subterranean aggregations of the California Giant Salamander, Dicamptodon ensatus, 2010, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (5) - 1
- Trends in anuran occupancy from northeastern states of the North American Monitoring Program, 2009, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (4) - 3
- Efficacy of automatic vocalization recognition software for anuran monitoring, 2009, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (4) - 3
- Prey preferences and prey acceptance in juvenile Brown Treesnakes (Boiga irregularis), 2009, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (4) - 3
- Wildfire effects on water temperature and selection of breeding sites by the Boreal Toad (Bufo boreas) in seasonal wetlands, 2008, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (3) - 1
- Are wildlife detector dogs or people better at finding Desert Tortoises (Gopherus agassizii)?, 2008, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (3) - 1
- Post-breeding habitat use by adult Boreal Toads (Bufo boreas) after wildfire in Glacier National Park, USA, 2008, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (3) - 1
- Turning population trend monitoring into active conservation: Can we save the cascades frog (Rang cascadae) in the Lassen Region of California?, 2008, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (3) - 1
- Presence and significance of chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis and other amphibian pathogens at warm-water fish hatcheries in southeastern North America, 2007, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (2) - 1
- Dawning of Herpetological Conservation and Biology: A special welcome to your new journal, 2006, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (1) - 1
- Natural history, field ecology, conservation biology and wildlife management: Time to connect the dots, 2006, Herpetological Conservation and Biology (1) - 1