Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Breeding at higher latitude is associated with higher photoperiodic threshold and delayed reproductive development in a songbird, 2021, Hormones and Behavior (128) -
- Individual variation in baseline and stress-induced corticosterone and prolactin levels predicts parental effort by nesting mourning doves, 2009, Hormones and Behavior (56) - 4
- The adrenocortical response of tufted puffin chicks to nutritional deficits, 2005, Hormones and Behavior (47) - 5
- Benefits and costs of increased levels of corticosterone in seabird chicks, 2003, Hormones and Behavior (43) - 1
- Are corticosterone levels a good indicator of food availability and reproductive performance in a kittiwake colony?, 2003, Hormones and Behavior (43) - 4
- Neuroendocrine and behavioral implications of endocrine disrupting chemicals in quail, 2001, Hormones and Behavior (40) - 2
- The influence of social and endocrine factors on urine-marking by captive wolves (Canis lupus), 1990, Hormones and Behavior (24) - 4
- Endocrine events associated with spawning behavior in the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus), 1987, Hormones and Behavior (21) - 1