Browse the USGS Publication Warehouse
Publications for publication type Article and publication subtype Journal Article
- Estimating the net costs of brine production and disposal to expand pressure-limited dynamic capacity for basin-scale CO2 storage in a saline formation, 2020, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control (102) -
- Methodology for estimating the prospective CO2 storage resource of residual oil zones at the national and regional scale, 2020, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control (96) -
- Improving pressure-limited CO2 storage capacity in saline formations by means of brine extraction, 2019, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control (88) -
- Estimating the pressure-limited dynamic capacity and costs of basin-scale CO2 storage in a Saline Formation, 2019, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control (88) -
- Estimating the pressure-limited CO2 injection and storage capacity of the United States saline formations: Effect of the presence of hydrocarbon reservoirs, 2018, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control (79) -
- Using mercury injection pressure analyses to estimate sealing capacity of the Tuscaloosa marine shale in Mississippi, USA: Implications for carbon dioxide sequestration, 2018, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control (78) -
- Determining CO2 storage potential during miscible CO2 enhanced oil recovery: Noble gas and stable isotope tracers, 2016, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control (51) -
- Sequestration of non-pure carbon dioxide streams in iron oxyhydroxide-containing saline repositories, 2012, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control (7) -
- Geochemical modeling of changes in shallow groundwater chemistry observed during the MSU-ZERT CO2 injection experiment, 2012, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control (7) -
- Effects of reduction in porosity and permeability with depth on storage capacity and injectivity in deep saline aquifers: A case study from the Mount Simon Sandstone aquifer, 2011, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control (5) - 1
- U.S. DOE methodology for the development of geologic storage potential for carbon dioxide at the national and regional scale, 2011, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control (5) - 4
- Assessment of basin-scale hydrologic impacts of CO2 sequestration, Illinois basin, 2010, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control (4) - 5
- CO2 storage capacity estimation: Methodology and gaps, 2007, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control (1) - 4
- CO2 storage capacity estimation: Issues and development of standards, 2007, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control (1) - 1